Showing posts with label Tea Parties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tea Parties. Show all posts

Friday, October 14, 2011

Tea Party Crowds vs Occupy Wall Street Crowds; Photo & Facts

Let's face it, the "Occupy Wall Street" protestors are scum-sucking socialist slugs who want a free ride through life, free goodies that were stolen from their rightful owners, and a complete absence of any personal accountability for their failed lives.

Hat tip: Wes Parker

How to Know Your Protesters (Cartoon, Political Satire)

Let's compare an occupy-Wall Street protester to a Tea Party protester, as seen through the eyes of the mainstream media (NY Times, Washington Post, SF Chronicle, LA Times, etc):


Hat tip to

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Maxine Waters Says "The Tea Party Can Go Straight to Hell"

Maxine Waters, a Democrat from Los Angeles, says the Tea Party "can go straight to hell."  Yeah, that'll cure our economic woes and put people back to work.  The Los Angeles Times reports:
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) came out swinging against Republicans in Congress on Saturday as she addressed the unemployed during a forum in Inglewood.

The event occurred a day after new statistics were released showing that California's jobless rate last month went up to 12%, from 11.8%. California now has the second-highest rate of unemployment in the nation, trailing only Nevada at 12.9%, and its jobless rate is well above the U.S. average of 9.1%.

Waters vowed to push Congress to focus on creating more jobs. "I'm not afraid of anybody," said Waters. "This is a tough game. You can't be intimidated. You can't be frightened. And as far as I'm concerned, the 'tea party' can go straight to hell."
Since the Tea Party is in fact a grass-roots movement of the people, Maxine Waters is actually telling the people to go to hell.  Thanks Maxine; after almost three years of Obama, most of us have been living in hell quite long enough.  Telling people with the right solutions to "go to hell" will make the problem worse, not better.

What airhead Waters overlooks is that California's rotten economy is the result of years of rule by Democrats.  California is probably the state most hostile to business, resulting in massive outward immigration of businesses, jobs and tax revenues to friendlier states.  Congress does not and cannot create jobs, only the private sector can do that.  What we need is a government that is friendly to business and greases the skids to job creation by the private sector, through low government spending, low taxes, cheap energy and a lot less red tape.

An absence of uncertainty is also critical.  Since starting a business involves risk, entrepreneurs will refrain from new ventures with major uncertainties pending about taxes, governmental regulation, the cost of energy, a failing financial sector (resulting from governmental intervention like the subprime mortgage fiasco), massive governmental deficits, inflation and the onset of Obamacare.

The economy is like a garden; you can only encourage growth, you cannot command it.  You can provide the right environment in which vegetables can grow and prosper, e.g. by giving the seedlings adequate water, fertile soil and sunshine.  If you reduce any of the critical elements to growth, growth will slow and the plants may even die.  You cannot make the plants bloom through clever rhetoric, talking points and bumper-sticker slogans.  The right environmental factors must be there or the garden will not produce, period.

I suspect that once Obama is turned out of office, new growth will erupt like trees blossoming in spring.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Chris Matthews Joins the Tea Party?

Gates of Vienna ran the video of a "Hardball" segment in which Chris Matthews seems to support the Tea Party movement.  It is a surprising video clip, to say the least.  For once in my life, I have to say it:  Chris Matthews was spot on!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Party of Hate: Angry & Profane Voices - Listen and Learn

The Left likes to portray the Tea Parties as hateful and extremist, but there is no proof of their assertions.  Recently, Freedomworks spliced together some voicemails received from liberals.  Those liberal comments are included in the YouTube video below.  Clearly, it is the Left and the Democrats who are the practitioners of hate.

Pass this on, post it on your blog or link to it.

WARNING: Foul language and profanity

Saturday, April 17, 2010

God Bless Black Conservatives: Refuting the "Racist" Tea Party Meme

I love black conservatives. It takes real guts to stand up to the race-baiting "progressive" Democrats and to speak the truth.   Falsely accusing the Tea Parties of "racism" and "extremism" is totally false, so much so that it is laughable.  But lying like hell is all the Dems have got, as they face a historic ass-drubbing in November.

Those who love freedom are not limited to the white race.  See video below for proof (Hat tip Jawa Report).

Thursday, April 15, 2010

TAX DAY TEA PARTY! Attend One Near You!!

A Tea Party is being held today in downtown San Jose, at the Cesar Chavez Plaza, from 4 PM to 7 PM.  I may go. 

Here's a list of Tea Parties nationwide; consult it to find one near you.

Since a gaggle of leftist goons are planning to "crash" the Tea Parties with inflammatory signs and literature (posing as conservatives who are "racists"), it should be interesting.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

The False Analogy of the New York Times: Tea Party Members vs Weather Underground

American Power has a post regarding a recent article by the New York Times.  The article compares the violent, anti-American, pro-Communist Weather Underground of the 1960's with the Tea Party goers of 2010.

There is no comparison and the Times knows it, but this is not news reporting, it is leftwing propaganda.  It is part of the ongoing effort of the so-called mainstream news to discredit and defame the Tea Party movement.

The Tea Parties are trying to save America, not destroy it or subvert it to some foreign, totalitarian ideology, as did the Weather Underground.  Further, the Tea Parties have shown ZERO tendencies towards violence in their numerous assemblies and protests.  They have threatened no one.  They have slandered no one -- not minorities or gays.  Their only threat, if it can be called one, is to vote the Democrats out in mass, come November.

The Times story is disgusting and dishonest.  That's probably one of the reasons they are skating on the thin edge of bankruptcy.  May it come soon.

Lying on the Left: the Bogus "N-Word" Episode

Right after Obama got his socialist health bill passed, the Dems sought to divert public attention and outrage away from themselves.  They would put the Right on the defensive with one of their famous smear campaigns, fake news stories and pretended outrage.

Here's how they did it: after the bill was signed, they had the Black Caucus Democrats walk through the Tea Party protestors on Capitol Hill, hoping to draw (and record) some racist comments from the crowd.  None were forthcoming.  As Andrew Breitbart put it:
The first sign that a plan was in place was the ham-fisted, high-camp posturing of the most controversial members of the Democratic caucus walking through the peaceful but animated “Tea Party” demonstrators on Capitol Hill. There is no reason for these elected officials to walk above ground through the media circus amid their ideological foes. The natural route is the tunnels between the House office buildings and the Capitol. By crafting a highly symbolic walk of the Congressional Black Caucus through the majority white crowd, the Democratic Party was looking to provoke a negative reaction. They didn’t get it. So they made it up.
One member of the Black Caucus claimed that the Tea Party had hurled the N Word 15 times.  The truth is that it wasn't hurled even once.  It was all a big fat lie.  Lying, of course, is what the Left does.  They have a real problem dealing with reality.

There were plenty of cameras on the marching BC Democrats that day, and not a single recorded occurrence of the famous "N Word."  Those darned Tea Partiers just wouldn't cooperate in their own destruction.

Andrew Breitbart at first offered $10,000 for proof that black legislators were slurred.  Then the offered payment was increased to $20,000, then to $100,000.  Still no proof of the event was forthcoming.  Breitbart says:
That crowd was a sea of new-media equipment. Not only were tens of thousands people armed with handicams, BlackBerrys and iPods, so also was the mainstream media there, covering every inch of the event. Why did not one mainstream media outlet raise the specter that perhaps a video would exist to prove the events occurred?
Democrats -- they lie like hell while stealing your liberty, your prosperity and your children's future.  Again, to quote Breitbart:
The Democrats need to kill the Tea Party movement. They need to marginalize and demonize those who would stand up to their hardball, toxic and anti-democratic tactics. Their strategy is to bait and incite the Tea Party and to use whatever they can get to silence the awakening giant. 
Read all of Andrew Breitbart's article at Big Journalism, here.

Evil, Hate-Mongering Tea Parties Revealed!

This video of sign-carrying, protesting Tea Parties is truly a cause for concern.  Oh wait a minute...those aren't Tea Parties!  One of the Left's most prominent features, other than the complete vacuity of its beliefs, is its searing hypocrisy -- as the video below attests.

(Hat tip to Jack Dallas)

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Leftists to Infiltrate, Disrupt and Defame Tea Parties on April 15

On the way to work this morning, I heard Brian Sussman of KSFO radio discuss a leftwing email that is being passed around.  In it, the lefty commentator urged his fellow radicals to infiltrate the Tea Parties that are scheduled nationwide on April 15.

The email said that leftwingers should pose as Tea Party members and carry signs with offensive slogans, so they can be photographed by the mainstream media and used to slander the real Tea Partiers.  One suggestion was a sign with the slogan, "God Hates Fags."  There were a number of other suggestions, but Sussman didn't want to read them on the air.

Left Coast Rebel has a related post today on the same topic.  The Rebel says that violent anarchists are planning on infilitrating and sabotaging the Tea Party Protests on April 15th.  They want to actively oppose the Tea Parties with counter protests.  Violence from the left is a real possibility.  Indeed, readers at "Anarchist News" website are talking about "busting heads" and other strong-arm tactics.  They can't win a debate so they must resort to threats and intimidation.

The Tea Party leaders are now studying ways to counter the threat.  However, one might well pose the question:  if the Left's programs and policies are so wonderful, why do they have to resort to fraud and deceit to advance their cause?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

CNN: Tea Party Conservatives Prepare for 2010

CNN has an interesting tidbit here about the Tea Party movement's growth and power.

Don't be fooled by their rhetorical biases, however.  They describe the TPM as being "anti-government."  We aren't "anti-government," we are anti-Obama, anti-Democrats, anti-socialism, anti-huge budget deficits, anti-high taxes, etc.  We are all for government, as long as we control it.  And we intend to.

So there.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Democrat Senator Has Constituents Arrested for Showing Up at His Office

From Yid With Lid:

One Senator, Michael Bennet (D) of Colorado was not to happy to see his constituents. They showed up at his Hart Office building office asking to meet with the Senator in his Hart Senate Office building. Instead of a meeting with the Senator, they got a meeting with the Capitol Police The protesters were arrested about 10 a.m. were charged with unlawful entry, a Capitol Police spokeswoman said.

Read it all here.

Speeches and Prayers at Tea Party Rally in Washington, DC

Screen captures from Michele Bachmann's rally in DC today:

Top: The lovely Michele Bachmann gives closing remarks.

Bottom: A minister gives the closing prayer

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thoughts on the Great DC Tea Party of 9/12 2009

The tea party protest in DC yesterday was a smashing success.  It's interesting to see the Left's usual Machiavellian strategies to counter the bad publicity this generated for the Democrats.

Here's the way I see it:
1.  Although the UK Daily Mail Online reported that the attendance was in the neighborhood of 2 million people, the Democrat media is today spinning much lower numbers, e.g. 70,000 people.  The lefttards are claiming that the video cam webshots showing a much larger crowd were somehow faked.  Michelle Malkin refutes this B.S. here.

2.  Leftwing blogs like Matthew Ygelsias and Think Progress are trying to spin the protests as "racist" and/or "extremist."  They have published a photo of one woman carrying a cheap, silk Confederate flag, like the kind you can buy in novelty shops.  The Confederate flag means many things to many people.  For bikers and many others it is a symbol of rebellion; for Sons of Confederate Veterans, a cherished symbol of home, family and heritage; for liberals, a symbol of racism.

Whoever took the photo apparently did not ask the woman what the flag meant to her and the Left just assumes it was meant to be symbolic of race hatred.  (There's always the very real possibility that the woman was a leftist posing for a propaganda photo -- remember the union thugs showing up at previous protests with signs depicting Obama as a Nazi?).

In any case, let's assume that the lady really was a racist.  So one out of 2 million protesters proves the whole crowd was "racist"?  Drawing a general conclusion from a specific example is a logical fallacy; but no one has ever accused the Left of being logical -- or ethical for that matter.

Powerline discusses CNN's shameful race propaganda here and convincingly refutes it.

3.  Other lefties, like Alan Colmes, are trying to spin the rally as being a creation of big corporations and not really a "grass roots" uprising.  The idea is to taint the rally's success as being somehow illegitimate.

4.  The left continues to use faked "evidence" that the protesters were hate-filled extremists.  Alan Colmes and one other website ran a dubious photo of a "protester sign" that read "Bury Obamacare with Kennedy."  Allegedly the poster was being handed out to the masses at the intersection of 14th Street and E Street NW.  However, the photo of the alleged poster appeared to be a photograph of a computer screen; there were no photos of the alleged poster being handed out or used by anyone at the rally.  Conclusions:  another fake by the mendacious Left.

5.  The Tea Party protesters are hypocritical because they didn't organize mass protests against Bush when he was running up the deficit.  However, one commenter at the Kansas City Star noted that there is a difference between 63 and 173 miles per hour.  Obama has quadrupled the deficit in only eight months in office with greater deficits planned.  Further, the GOP's base did protest the Bush deficits by staying home on election day, 2006 -- thus returning control of Congress to the Democrats.

In summary, the left is trying to spin the DC Tea Party as this:
1.  The crowd was much smaller than reported
2.  The crowd was "racist," "hateful" or "extremist"
3.  The tea party protesters are hypocritical and follow a different standard for Obama than they did for Bush
3.  The crowd was organized by corporations or other nefarious groups, not a true "grassroots" movement, and not representative of the majority of Americans (in other words, illegitimate).

Today all leftwing blog commenters, mainstream media and Democrat talking heads are attempting to spin the DC rally using the above talking points.  They fight an uphill battle, for one good reason:  the DC rally really is a grassroots movement and reflects a genuine rejection of Obama's socialist policies.  It is hard to see how that will translate into more Democrat votes when it counts.

Image Credit:  Left Coast Rebel via KOOK's Manifesto
Via:  Michelle Malkin
Via:  Memeorandum

Saturday, September 12, 2009

On Hoisting the Black Flag

For me, it's been a nasty couple of days blogging.  The left is so foul, so vile, so mendacious (oh hell, strike the pussy language. They're a bunch of damn liars).

In any case, my anger has been rising to a very ugly level so I need to take a breath and step back.  I stopped in at a blog by someone with the improbable name of Matthew Yglesias (sounds like a terrorist) where the liberal pussies were trashing the Confederate flag and I let them have it, both barrels.  They are cowardly, unmanly ignoramuses who dream of having a big government tit to suck on so they won't have to do any actual work or be responsible for themselves.  They call themselves "the Reality Based Community."  What a monstrous falsehood!  These fools haven't a clue as to how the world works or why.  "Reality-based" my foot.

Well anyway, you can see by my inelegant language that I am really in a foul mood.  I am reminded of two quotes from that lovable iconoclast, H.L. Mencken:
1.  The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.
2.  Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
Number 2 is probably ascendant in my thoughts just now.  It's probably illegal, so instead of doing that, I think I will just go to bed.   Maybe things will look better in the morning.

Image credit:  Pajamas Media

America Flips Obama the Bird: Mass Tea Party Convincingly Rejects Obamunism

Donald Douglas has extensive coverage of the nation flipping Obama the bird in D.C. today.  The crowd estimate is now around 2 million.  After only six months in office Obama has managed to piss off more Americans than at any time previous in our history.

The truth is:
  • He's incompetent
  • He's anti-American
  • He's a communist
  • He is doing extensive damage to the nation, economically, militarily and every way else
Barack Obama should resign and step down.  Unfortunately, I don't think our Founding Fathers foresaw a situation where the people would elect a flaming incompetent.  Impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors but, as far as I know, there is no provision for impeachment for incompetence, no matter how brazen.

Are you beginning to understand why I and Walter Williams believe in the right of secession?