Showing posts with label Black Conservatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Conservatives. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Black Conservative Makes Sense on the Confederate Flag

Mychal Massie writes:

The homosexual flag flies wherever it is wanted without a thought pursuant to how people who oppose homosexuality may feel or what they may think about it. Muslims are now flying their flags in America but it is the Confederate Flag that is worthy of condemnation.

Mychal has other thoughts on the controversy.  Read it all here.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Two Black Men: One an Inspiration, the Other a Monster

Dr. Benjamin Carson, Saves Human Lives
This past week we have been introduced to two black men:  one is an inspiration and role model, the other an evil bastard who murdered innocents.

The inspiration was Dr. Benjamin Carson, a brilliant and highly skilled neurosurgeon, who criticized Obama's policies at a national prayer breakfast.  His criticism was gentle but accurate, resulting in praise from conservatives and criticism from the left.

Dr. Carson's life and career are truly amazing, and he is an inspiration not only to young blacks, but to any and all Americans desiring to maximize their human potential.  He has provided great value to the human race with his surgical innovations and his ability to teach medical students.  This is in addition to the many lives he has saved.  Because he has lived, the world is a better place.  Because he has lived, many who would be dead are alive.  You can read more about Dr. Carson at the Blaze, and see his speech at the national prayer breakfast and answer his critics on Hannity at this link.

The monster was Christopher Dorner, an ex-Los Angeles policeman inspired by leftist ideology and resentments, who murdered four people, two civilians in cold blood, one police officer in an ambush, and a sheriff deputy during a shoot-out in Big Bear Lake, California.

Dorner was motivated by revenge against the Los Angeles Police, who fired him five years ago for filing a false report.  Once he launched his killing spree, many lowlife blacks and leftist whites openly supported him on Twitter, urging him on and celebrating his survival and his killing of police officers.

Christopher Dorner, Murdering Scumbag
Christopher Dorner was a loser, a low-life, a murderer.  The world would be a better place had he never been born.  It is a better place now that he is dead.  Had he never lived, four worthy, valuable people who would now be alive are dead.

Dorner and his supporters on Twitter underscore the fact that prejudice against the black race is largely deserved.  (A high rate of violence, racist hostility to whites, all accompanied by a really bad attitude -- what's not to like?) However, everyone is an individual, and there is an enlightened remnant of the black race who are truly exceptional human beings.  Ben Carson is one of those, while Dorner is merely another segment in the continuing saga of black criminals = dead cops.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Conservative Black Blogger: "Why Romney Is Going To Romp Over Obama In November"

Perry Drake, aka "The Drive-By Pundit," has written a great article at the American Thinker.  He believes that Obama will lose big in November simply because two million blacks, who voted for Obama in 2008, won't go to the polls this time.   Blacks have lost their enthusiasm for Obama.  Perry writes:
Book it: Romney's going to win this election in a romp come November. I'm certain of this because there is a key factor that's being overlooked this time around -- blacks have lost their passion for Obama.
And this:
But most of all, I see blacks' loss of passion for Obama in their eyes. Before, when blacks spoke of Obama, they looked you square in the eye with confident, euphoric gazes, much like a cat eying a cornered mouse. But the reality of double-digit unemployment, diminishing household incomes, and soaring gas and grocery bills sank in long ago in the black community. Now when blacks talk about Obama, their eyes are listless and dull, almost despondent.
And the polls?  Forget them.  Perry says:
Which brings me back to polls, and why Romney will be our next president. Polls are largely not picking up on blacks' massive loss of passion for Obama. All of their turnout models assume that in November, blacks will vote for Obama in the same numbers as they did in 2008 -- 13 percent of the national vote versus 11 percent in 2004, which is more traditional. No longer motivated by passion, you can expect 2 million fewer blacks to pull the lever for Obama this time around, spelling doom for his re-election prospects.
I like this guy. Read his article in its entirety here.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

God Bless Black Conservatives: Refuting the "Racist" Tea Party Meme

I love black conservatives. It takes real guts to stand up to the race-baiting "progressive" Democrats and to speak the truth.   Falsely accusing the Tea Parties of "racism" and "extremism" is totally false, so much so that it is laughable.  But lying like hell is all the Dems have got, as they face a historic ass-drubbing in November.

Those who love freedom are not limited to the white race.  See video below for proof (Hat tip Jawa Report).

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Three for Glenn Beck: Adrienne, Clifton and Maria

I swiped this photo from Another Black Conservative. It shows three blogger friends who were on the Glenn Beck show last Friday. They are from left to right, Adrienne Ross (a fervent Sarah Palin supporter) of Motivation Truth, Clifton of Another Black Conservative, and Maria (also known as Namaste) from My Voice on the Wings of Change.

Adrienne, Clifton and Maria:  we are very proud of you all!

Read Maria's latest post:  "A Conservative Kick-Ass Chick Like Me."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Black Conservatives on Glenn Beck: Holding High Freedom's Torch!

Yesterday Glenn Beck devoted his Fox television show to black conservatives.  Some of our friends were there, notably Clifton and Maria.  Beck had surgery just a week before and was still in a lot of pain, so he changed the format for this one show.  Beck normally divides the audience on either side of him and then walks among the members of the audience, talking to many at random.  For this show, he remained seated in front of the audience to deal with the pain.  For that reason, our friends did not get any chance to comment or speak.  Beck, however, told the audience he wanted them all to come back for a future show.

The show was nevertheless inspirational.  There was a mayor of a town who said he didn't want to be thought of as "a black mayor," but merely a mayor.  A young man, perhaps of college age, talked about American Exceptionalism and opportunity and less government (he sounded just like me!).  I never thought I would see the day -- but I am so glad I did.

Several others spoke on similar themes.  These Americans were sincere about a post-racial society, of wanting to get beyond race as either a crutch or a weapon.  One young woman complained about all of the forms (for employment, for school admissions, etc) that ask applicants to describe their race.  She thought that question should be removed.

It was very comforting to see a whole room full of black conservatives, some of them sounding like fire-breathers (like me).  Perhaps the growing black conservative movement will someday reach critical mass and have a significant part in propelling this nation back towards its founding principles.  God bless them all!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Black Conservative Bloggers to Appear on Glenn Beck Next Week

Three bloggers that I link to (and have exchanged email with) will appear on the Glenn Beck show next week.  They are black conservatives and include Clifton (of Another Black Conservative), Mary Baker, and Maria (Namaste) of  My Voice on the Wings of Change.

I will publish the exact date and time of the show when the information is available.

Hat tip to Left Coast Rebel for this info.

Update:  These brave bloggers will appear on the Beck Show of Friday, November 13 (bad luck..for liberals!)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mary Baker tells what it was like to meet Glenn Beck

Mary Baker has an inspirational post up today.  She tells what it was like to be contacted by the Glenn Beck show, then flying to New York for the first time and meeting Glenn Beck.  She tells what Glenn Beck is really like in person.   It's a fascinating read and is called "Glenn Beck: Not a Mad Man, But an American Man."

Check it out.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Babs Boxer Gets Some Needed Come-Uppance

Harry C. Alford, CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, recently did to Barbara Boxer what she loves to do to military officers and Republican nominees: he gave her a much needed dressing-down, a long overdue come-uppance. To Mr. Alford I just want to say, "You da man!"

Barbara Boxer is a hot hair balloon of liberal arrogance and Alford a sharp pin. It's obvious that Harry Alford is a helluva man. He's not only got balls, he's got BUCKETS!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Zonation: Cool Black Guy Disses Obama

Any day now the SPLC will claim that this guy is a "racist extremist."

He looks like a brother to me.

Via: Protein Wisdom

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Alan Keyes Opens a Blog: "Loyal to Liberty"

Alan Keyes, a great warrior for conservatism, liberty and common sense, has opened his own blog. It's called "Loyal to Liberty" and you can read it by clicking this link.

An example of Alan's thoughts:
Everyone's fussing over whether the Alleged Usurper's stimulus plan will help or
hurt the economy. Are they missing the point? Massive taxpayer resources are
being pumped into Obama's powerbase. His cohorts grow stronger, while the larger
economic impact of the plan makes everyone else weaker. Not much of a recovery
plan, but a great strategy for securing power.Then there are all those Hamas
loving Palestinians he's using taxpayer money to bring to the U.S. After 9/11
the Palestinians danced in their streets. This time they won't have far to go to
dance on our graves.

Alan, we wish you well. I have added your link to my "Must Reads" section.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Young Black Republicans Fight the Good Fight

I found this at Atlas Shrugs. Some young black Republicans have a blog where they fight for the same causes we do. The blog is called "Hip Hop Republican." We dig it. Give them a look and leave some encouraging comments. We need to support our friends.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Black Conservative Heroes

Click on picture to see larger version. Distribute freely.

There has been a lot of anger generated over racist pastor Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama's rationalizations for their association. However, we must never forget that there are many black people who are not angry, white-hating, America-despising neurotics. In fact, some of the most intelligent and accomplished among conservatives are black scholars. Take a look at the honors and degrees and accomplishments of these men in the picture above -- they are truly impressive.

These conservative icons are the epitome of personal courage and conviction, often suffering social ostracism and character assassination by liberal blacks, the mainstream media, the Democratic Party and various liberals in academia and other pulpits. The easy thing is just to "go along" with the left, take the path of least resistance, be feted and celebrated by the majority of one's peers and the liberal establishment. These men, however, chose a more difficult path, based on their own personal principles and notions of right and wrong.

At this time I believe it is important that we remember these great men and to express our admiration and support.