Showing posts with label Britain's Muslim Problem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britain's Muslim Problem. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2009

British Police Suppress Anti-Islam Demonstrations

Atlas Shrugs has some disturbing photos today. They show British citizens being put down hard by British police for protesting the Islamic invasion of their nation and the Islamization of their culture.

The U.K. is liberalism on steroids and is where we will be in 10 years or less if present trends continue. Great Britain is in the full act of committing national suicide and it is a disgusting spectacle to witness.  Read it all here.

Apparently, British citizens have organized to resist Islamization of their country in the "English Defence League."  Donald Douglas has more at American Power, "English Defence League: 'It's Not Racist to Oppose Muslim Extremists.'"

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl Sunday - Yawn

The Super Bowl today was slightly interesting, if just for the rain in Miami. Man, it poured. I don't identify with either team, but was leaning slightly towards Chicago, only because I have a brother in law from there and he's a die-hard Bears fan.

Lots of depressing stuff going on. The Dhimmicrats had a Muslim Imam give the opening prayer at their party retreat. Retreat. Yes, that's a good name for their gathering. The Imam was certainly appropriate too, representing as he does, the only religion the Dhimmicrats approve of (as Ann Coulter has pointed out).

So now the Dhimmicrats are going to push a non-binding vote of "no confidence" for President Bush, doing all they can to sabotage the war in favor of the enemy. More than fifty years ago, Senator Joe McCarthy described them accurately as "the Party of Treason." They are joined this time around, however, by fake Republicans like Chuck Hagel, the bloviating ass from Nebraska, where they grow corn and fools, apparently.

The pompous and arrogant empty suit known as Nancy Pelosi now wants her own version of the Presidential Jet, "Air Force One." If she gets it, let's hope they give it an appropriate name, maybe "Air Force None" or perhaps "Air Flatulance One."

Finally, there is news that Britain foils a new Muslim bomb plot at least once every six months. That's great guys. The Brits have been pounding themselves on the head for years and wondering how to stop the pain. Of course, I am but a simplistic right winger who fails to see the subtle nuances, the delicate shades of gray, the complexities of the situation. I'm so simple that if it were me, I'd just stop smacking myself in the head with a frying pan and, illogical as I usually am, would conclude that this might stop the pain in my head.

I am so simple, I think that 2 and 2 equals four, but our nuanced and complex liberals will quickly point out, it is really the logarithm of pi R square divided by the square root of Chuck Hagel's IQ divided by Dennis Kucinich's address and multiplied by Hillary's phone number. Shucks, I didn't learn higher math like that in school. I'm just a simple country boy.

Hey Brits, let me spell it out for you. Why don't try expelling a few million of the damn Muslims and see how that lessens the terrorism problem? Or is that too obvious?

Right now some Brit is cursing and saying, "no you fool, the solution is to finance the building of more mosques and getting rid of piggy banks and taking the Christian cross out of the Union Jack!" Oh no, smacked down again by the righteous brain of liberal wisdom!

I'm off to bed. Oh yes, I do hope my relatives aren't arguing about religion any more on this blog (I'm afraid to look). People will think we are a bunch of hicks from the sticks. C'mon boys, let's get back to practicing "Dueling Banjos" and making corn liquor.