Showing posts with label Dhimmitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dhimmitude. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Effemination of Tommy Robinson Continues: He Publicly Apologizes to U.K. Muslims for Telling the Truth #EDL, #TommyRobinson, #Islam

Tommy Robinson Embraces Dhimmitude
Tommy Robinson continues his sell-out of the anti-jihad movement.  This week he left the anti-Islamization organization that he started, the English Defence League, to totally capitulate to the far-left government of Great Britain.  He is now publicly apologizing to Muslims for hurting their feelings and creating an "us vs them" environment.  According to the U.K. Mail Online:
Tommy Robinson, who dramatically quit the English Defence League this week, has vowed to help police tackle racism within the organsation and has apologised for causing fear among British Muslims.

Mr Robinson, 30, said he would work with police to help them investigate racism in the organisation - known for its thuggish street protests and extremist followers.

Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also said he was sorry for creating a 'us and them' culture and for causing fear among British Muslims.
An "us vs them" environment?  You mean the environment where Muslims segregate themselves and refuse to assimilate?  Where they create "no-go" zones for police?  Hold rallies promising new holocausts and 911 style attacks?  Carry picket signs advocating the beheading of opponents of Islam?  Continue to practice polygamy, female genital mutilation and honor killings of wives and daughters? Blow up buses and trains and murder innocents?

There is no greater "us vs them" environment than that created by the world's most violent and intolerant religion, Islam itself. Tommy Robinson has been brainwashed by Britain's new thought police.  Big Brother has arrived and speaks with an English accent.

Great Britain is committing national suicide and has been doing so for some time.

See Related Post at American Power.  Apparently, Tommy Turncoat Robinson's new pro-jihadi activities have even shocked Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, who have written articles denouncing Robinson's sell-out.  Good.  Maybe there's hope for Geller and Spencer yet.

Update:  An excellent article on the Tommy Robinson sell-out  appears at PJ Media.  It is by Janice Fiamengo, a professor of English at the University of Ottawa, whose views closely match my own.  Read it here.

Update:  This article was linked by BadBlue.  I appreciate the link.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"I Am a Racist" -- Paul Weston, Head of the British Liberty Party #Diversity #Islam #Britain

Paul Weston makes a lot of sense in his "I am a racist" speech.  Great Britain is well on the way to becoming a third-world, Islamic backwater, because of the traitorous left's obsession with "diversity."  SCREW DIVERSITY.   It is poison to western civilization.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Are Banned From Britain

Muslim Protest in London, 2006.  Britain Protects 
and Welcomes Hateful Muslims But Bans Those 
Who Are Critical of Muslim Intolerance and Violence

Via American Power: Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been officially banned from entering [formerly] Great Britain due to their opposition to Islamization of the West. This makes no sense -- if you oppose hatred, mass murder, violence and intolerance -- all of which is Islam on steroids -- you are banned from Britain. If you are a hateful, Jew-hating, terrorist supporting radical Imam, you are welcome.

See photos below of folks who live in Britain and have NOT been banned.  In fact, British police surrounded these protesters to protect them from regular Brits who were outraged at the signs advocating violence and murder.  One Brit was threatened with arrest for attempting to counter demonstrate.

If you speak the truth about Islam, you will be banned.  Freedom of speech is not allowed in Great Britain anymore.  Truth is not a defense.  What kind of insanity is the British government pushing, and why?

If you want to visit Great Britain, you cannot voice opposition to Islam.  Why?  Because Great Britain, home of the West's biggest fools and cowards, is busily Islamisizing itself, in an attempt to de-westernize itself into yet another barbaric backwater.  Long live dhimmitude!

My feeling for the leaders and government of Great Britain is one of abject contempt and disgust.

Muslim Threatens Mass Murder

Muslim Threatens Mass Murder While
Enjoying Protection of London Police

The True Nature of Islam

Friday, September 17, 2010

Peter Beinhart Makes a Fool of Himself: Calls Anti-Islam Sentiment "Bigotry"

Peter Beinhart is a liberal who writes for the Daily Beast.  His latest screed is that anti-Islam sentiment is "the new McCarthyism."

"McCarthyism" refers to Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin, who in the 1950's sought to discover and oust Communists from the State Department and other agencies of government.  Then, as now, the Democrats supported and protected the seditious among us.  Then, as now, Democrats sought to protect their anti-American allies by sliming those concerned with a very real danger.

Beinhart writes:
With each new attack on a mosque, each new anti-Muslim slur by a prominent politician or pundit, each new poll showing that large swaths of Americans think President Obama is lying about his faith, it becomes clearer that we are in the midst of a national psychosis: the worst spasm of paranoia and bigotry of the post-Cold War age. The interesting question is: Why now?
The "why now" is simple:  more and more people are becoming informed about the nature, practices and history of Islam, and they don't like what they see.

The "why now"  is that more and more people have recognized that "Islam is a religion of peace that has been hijacked by fanatics" is nothing more than a polite fiction.  Islam is not now, nor has it ever been, a religion of peace.  It has always been a religion of perpetual war on all of mankind.

The reason "why now" is because of the extreme violence, treason and sedition that the Islamic faith imparts to its host countries.  It is because Muslims, by and large, want to replace our democratic system with a barbaric form of governance known as "Sharia" law, a legal system invented by a violent, illiterate Bedouin in the 7th century.  I won't go into the details of it, but believe me, you don't want it.

The "why now" is because the "religion" of Islam isn't just a religion (and this is so basic that I must refer to Beinhart as a gross ignoramus); it is a barbaric, totalitarian political system.

As such, Islam puts both our freedoms and our safety at risk.  9/11 was a dramatic introduction to the aggressive violence of Islam, where 3,000 Americans were murdered for Islamic religious reasons.   Essentially, those victims were human sacrifices to this murderous "religion." That atrocity, and others that have followed, make it clear that Islam is a dangerous and lethal ideology.  Indeed, if Islam were a man instead of a religion, that man would be a homicidal maniac.  Since 9/11 Muslims have carried out crimes against humanity in London, Madrid, Beslan and Mumbai, as well as various other places across the globe.

In the United States we have seen numerous honor killings, "sudden jihad syndrome" where some disgruntled Muslim decides to start killing "infidels."  A Muslim murdered a complete stranger at Los Angeles Airport, who was waiting at the ticket counter for Israeli Airlines.  Muslims murdered an army recruiter in Oregon and a Jewish woman in Seattle. A Muslim U.S. Army Major shot and killed 13 people at Fort Hood, most of them soldiers. A Muslim college student rented a car and tried run over non-Muslim students on his college campus. A Muslim soldier fragged and killed his lieutenant while his unit was preparing to deploy to Iraq.  Even the Beltway Sniper, who killed 10 complete strangers, was a Muslim convert who claimed he killed for Allah.

Then there were the various plots to launch terrorist attacks that were broken up by the FBI.  It is clear that Islam is not our friend.  Mass murder has been a longtime Islamic tradition and its documented history backs me up.

Other barbaric Islamic practices include the veil for women, second class status for women and non-Muslims, beating of wives, child brides and polygamy.  I don't want this hateful ideology to take root in America.  I want it gone.  Islam is incompatible with democracy, pluralism, tolerance and modernity.

Beinhart is the typical dense liberal, unable to differentiate between that which is good and that which is evil.  So for Beinhart, Islam is just another religion, like Mormonism, Buddhism or Catholicism.  Communism is just another political party like Republicans and Democrats.  No doubt, for Beinhart and his ilk, cannibalism is just another dietary choice, like vegetarianism.

It isn't Islamophobia, Peter, when they really are trying to kill you.  Get a clue.

Update:  London Police break up a Muslim plot to assassinate the Pope.  Yep, must be some more of that "spasm of paranoia and bigotry" hey, Peter?

Update:  Raymond Ibrahim of Pajamas Media describes how Muslims in America are Muslims first and Americans second.  See his essay, "The Specter of Muslim Disloyalty in America."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ground Zero Koran Burner is Fired from His Job

Via Powerline
The man who burned pages from a Koran at Ground Zero has been fired from his job at New Jersey Transit.

The Dhimmi Enforcers of Sharia have spoken:  No one shall show disrespect for the ideology that killed 3,000 people nine years ago.  C'mon, that's just so 2001!

The burner was one Derek Fenton, who had worked at New Jersey Transit for eleven years, is now unemployed.  I posted about Fenton before I knew his identity here.  In my post I admired his courage, considering the hostile PC environment that is New York.

Thanks Derek, for what you did.  A curse on the bosses at New Jersey Transit, for their dhimmitude and cowardice.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Woman Charged With "Hate Speech" Against Islam -- for Reading From the Koran!

From the Blog Prof:
Why was she charged with hate-speech? Because she quoted the Koran. I kid you not!:

The Vienna prosecutor charged her with hate speech against Islam. She told CBN News she merely quoted directly from the Koran.

"I quoted the Koran. I told them even in the lecture, which Koran I used, which quote. Some of them even had their little Korans with them and they were flipping the pages, you know, checking on me," she said.

The Islamization of Europe is almost complete. Partly because of idiot leftists wimps that are sealing their own death sentence, and partly because of leftist Euro ideology that has their culture committing suicide vis-à-vis low birth rates while Muslims are reproducing like rabbits.
Read it all here and watch the video.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Pastor Terry Jones's Website Removed by the ISP; His Reasons For Burning the Koran Reprinted Here

Galloping Dhimmitude, the ISP that hosted Dove World (the site of Pastor Terry Jones's church) has removed the website.  Now no one can read Pastor Jones's reasons for burning a Koran.  However, Lawrence Auster has found a copy somewhere and reprinted Jones's list of reasons.  They are reprinted below.
Ten Reasons to Burn a Koran - by Pastor Terry Jones

On 9/11/10 we are burning Korans to raise awareness and warn. In a sense it is neither an act of love nor of hate. We see, as we state in the Ten Reasons below, that Islam is a danger. We are using this act to warn about the teaching and ideology of Islam, which we do hate as it is hateful. We do not hate any people, however. We love, as God loves, all the people in the world and we want them to come to a knowledge of the truth. To warn of danger and harm is a loving act. God is love and truth. If you know the truth it can set you free. The world is in bondage to the massive grip of the lies of Islam. These are:

The Koran teaches that Jesus Christ, the Crucified, Risen Son of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords was NOT the Son of God, nor was he crucified (a well documented historical fact that ONLY Islam denies). This teaching removes the possibility of salvation and eternal life in heaven for all Islam's believers. They face eternal damnation in hell if they do not repent.

The Koran does not have an eternal origin. It is not recorded in heaven. The Almighty God, Creator of the World, is NOT it's source. It is not holy. It's writings are human in origin, a concoction of old and new teachings. This has been stated and restated for centuries by scholars since Islam's beginnings, both Moslem and non-Moslem.

The Koran's teaching includes Arabian idolatry, paganism, rites and rituals. These are demonic, an ongoing satanic stronghold under which Moslems and the world suffer.

The earliest writings that are known to exist about the Prophet Mohammad were recorded 120 years after his death. All of the Islamic writings (the Koran and the Hadith, the biographies, the traditions and histories) are confused, contradictory and inconsistent. Maybe Mohammad never existed. We have no conclusive account about what he said or did. Yet Moslems follow the destructive teachings of Islam without question.

Mohammad's life and message cannot be respected. The first Meccan period of his leadership seems to have been religiously motivated and a search for the truth. But in the second Medina period he was "corrupted by power and worldly ambitions." (Ibn Warraq) These are characteristics that God hates. They also led to political assassinations and massacres which continue to be carried out on a regular basis by his followers today.

Islamic Law is totalitarian in nature. There is no separation of church and state. It is irrational. It is supposedly immutable and cannot be changed. It must be accepted without criticism. It has many similarities to Nazism, Communism and Fascism. It is not compatible with Western Civilization.

Islam is not compatible with democracy and human rights. The notion of a moral individual capable of making decisions and taking responsibility for them does not exist in Islam. The attitude towards women in Islam as inferior possessions of men has led to countless cases of mistreatment and abuse for which Moslem men receive little or no punishment, and in many cases are encouraged to commit such acts, and are even praised for them. This is a direct fruit of the teachings of the Koran.

A Muslim does not have the right to change his religion. Apostasy is punishable by death.

Deep in the Islamic teaching and culture is the irrational fear and loathing of the West.

Islam is a weapon of Arab imperialism and Islamic colonialism. Wherever Islam has or gains political power, Christians, Jews and all non-Moslems receive persecution, discrimination, are forced to convert. There are massacres and churches, synagogues, temples and other places of worship are destroyed.
Here are some additional thoughts and addendums from Jones's website:
From Acts 19 (Amplified)

**** 18Many also of those who were now believers came making*full confession and thoroughly exposing their [former deceptive and evil] practices.

*** 19And many of those who had practiced curious, magical arts collected their books and [throwing them, book after book, on the pile] burned them in the sight of everybody. When they counted the value of them, they found it amounted to 50,000 pieces of silver (about $9,300).
*** 20Thus the Word of the Lord [concerning the*attainment through Christ of eternal salvation in the kingdom of God] grew and spread and intensified, prevailing mightily.

Like the Christians in Acts 19, we are publicly burning a book that is demonic. Many of our greatest supporters are ex-Moslems. They know these evils first hand. We are not, like the Nazis, stealing books, destroying properties or harming any people. We are not Nazis nor are we like Nazis. The Christians in Acts 19 did not go on from their scroll burning to harm anyone. They used the public burning as an opportunity, a demonstration to preach the truth. Only to preach and leave the decision of whether to follow the truth or not.*

Do not forget POINT SIX. Islam (not us) is totalitarian in nature, like Nazism, Communism, and Fascism. This evil nature of Islam needs to be seen. Moslems around the world burn and kill on a regular basis, every week, properties and people. All you have to do is follow the news. The many death threats we are receiving, the warnings about terror attacks also prove our point.*Do Christians make these threats when Bibles or churches are burned? No.
We have fallen asleep since 9/11/01 and have been hoodwinked by the growth of a (for now) non violent Islam. Shall we give in to threats, then, and allow Islam to grow in America unopposed? We at Dove World Outreach Center will not, even if it costs us our lives. For those who support us, we say thank you for standing with us in courage. For those who oppose us, we say wake up and do not give in to the fear and lies!

International Burn a Koran Day on Facebook

For more on Islam and the Burn a Koran Day, see our blog and leave comments here:***

Some more thoughts:

Are there other dangers and evils in the world? Of course. There are many we could and do address, but at this time we have a vision and a call to confront this great danger. Are there a lot of reasons NOT to do what we are doing? Yes, people have written and called with many reasons. I am sure the great men and women of faith in Hebrews 11 heard and thought of many reasons not to follow God’s word. But they followed God’s word.*

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

We are sure that the world needs to see this warning about the teachings of Islam at this time, in this way. We are certain of God’s plan for us here and now.*

For those that argue that we are not qualified to make the assertions about Islam that we do, this is ridiculous. We know what the Bible says about evil and the devil’s work and plans. Islam and the Koran clearly discredits itself. What we say about Islam has been said by many others. We may be the only organization burning Korans, but we are not alone in stating the Ten Reasons why the Koran is dangerous.*

We follow the work of many men and women of courage who are also putting their lives at risk to expose the evils of Islam. Islam simply hates public criticism, whether your burn Korans or not. Some are ex-Moslems, now Christian: Walid Shoebat, Nonie Darwish, Mosab Hassan Yousef, Nabil Quereshi, Simon Deng. Other ex-Moslems are: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, Ibn Warraq, Brigitte Gabriel. Then there are many Christians, Jews and atheists writing, speaking and publishing on websites: Geert Wilders, Mark Steyn, Norman Podhoretz, Chris Logan, David Wood, Robert Spencer, Pamella Geller, Bill Warner, David Horowitz, Daniel Greenfield,, Creeping Sharia, Answering Islam, Acts 17 Apologetics, and many more.
Unfortunately for Pastor Jones, several of the people he lists above have denounced his decision to burn the nasty little book., Creeping Sharia, Answering Islam, Acts 17 Apologetics, and many more.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

British Police Suppress Anti-Islam Demonstrations

Atlas Shrugs has some disturbing photos today. They show British citizens being put down hard by British police for protesting the Islamic invasion of their nation and the Islamization of their culture.

The U.K. is liberalism on steroids and is where we will be in 10 years or less if present trends continue. Great Britain is in the full act of committing national suicide and it is a disgusting spectacle to witness.  Read it all here.

Apparently, British citizens have organized to resist Islamization of their country in the "English Defence League."  Donald Douglas has more at American Power, "English Defence League: 'It's Not Racist to Oppose Muslim Extremists.'"

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Lockerbie Atrocity, Part II

On December 21, 1988 Pam Am Flight 103 was torn asunder by a bomb planted in its hold by a Muslim terrorist. The plane was over Lockerbie, Scotland when the bomb went off, ripping off the crew cabin and sending the plane crashing into a neigborhood below. 270 people were killed, all of the passengers and crew as well as eleven people on the ground. Their crime: they weren't Muslims.
A Libyan terrorist, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, was convicted of the deed and sentenced to a minimum of 27 years of imprisonment by a special Netherlands court in 2001. This week a Scottish court released the terrorist on "humanitarian" grounds, as the mass murderer is said to be suffering from terminal prostrate cancer.

Al Meghahi was given a hero's welcome upon his return to Libya, a hellhole where they rejoice in such atrocities and crimes against humanity. I personally hope Al Meghali's last few weeks of life are acutely painful and that those who released him will pay for their "humanitarianism" in shame, social ostracism and shortened careers.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ann Coulter's Most Famous Quote

You frequently see the image at the left on leftist blogs and websites. Apparently, they think this very reasonable suggestion by Ann Coulter is a bad thing. Go figure.

Coulter rightly believes that killing leaders of Muslim countries and converting their minions to a (truly) peaceful religion would bring peace to the world. She's right. A major tenet at the heart of Islam is that Muslims are at war with all mankind and must remain so until we are all Islamic converts. As a survival strategy, converting them to our religion instead doesn't seem a bad bet.

Of course, I'd rather not invade their countries (though killing their leaders is certainly appealing -- thank God for flying drones); we could develop our own energy supplies and leave these barbarians to die on the vine. Who knows, they might invent some great new recipes for sand. Then again, they might have to. Maybe mix it with crude oil and sell it as brownies.

Leftists have a counter plan. Instead of invading Muslim countries, we should organize an invasion of ours through massive immigration of unassimilable, hostile Muslims so they can create huge enclaves in the West, then lobby for institution of Sharia law and censorship of all who object.

Eventually, they will become the major culture in our societies, reducing westerners to a state of dhimmitude. Leftists and libtards are already practicing for this happy state by wearing Muslim scarves, banning truth telling as "hate speech," prosecuting those who speak out at this rapidly developing dhimmitude dilemma, requiring halal food to be served in school cafeterias, and generally making complete asses of themselves. Well, liberals have always made complete asses of themselves; the ascent of Islam as the new tyranny merely gives them new ways of expressing themselves.

In other words, Leftists want us to become Europe.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Must Read Article: "Moderate" Muslim Beheads Wife in New York

Atlas Shrugs has the story. A so-called moderate Muslim in New York, who started a television station to improve the image of Muslims in America, murdered his estranged wife yesterday. He didn't just murder her, he beheaded her. The Dhimmi Press is reporting this as a domestic violence issue and leaving out the beheading part. To read their version you might get the impression the lady expired of natural causes in her husband's presence.

And get this: the husband was only charged with second degree murder for the deed. Second degree murder for decapitating someone! Good thing he didn't use a hand gun.

The cowardly news reporting is predictable, however. That's because, no matter how barbaric, backward, violent, cruel and savage Islam is, we simply cannot print facts that put Islam in a bad light. After all, what's really important? Merely protecting lives and property or avoiding offense to Muslims?

This is yet another installment in the continuing story of Islam in the West. It is why I have said, and will continue to say, "I HATE ISLAM." I want ISLAM BANNED FROM ALL WESTERN NATIONS. I want all devout Muslims DEPORTED, all mosques torn down, every Qur'an burned in a massive bonfire. Am I intolerant? You bet your ass I am: Intolerant of EVIL. Intolerant of MURDER. Intolerant of VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. And most of all, INTOLERANT of Western cowardice and denial in the face of it.


There, I said it and I'm glad.

RELATED: See what Mark Steyn has to say about this.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Embracing Dhimmitude

This sect of Orthodox Jews always shows up at rallies of the extreme Left. You will also see them at any public protest in favor of Islam, Muslims, Palestinians and against Israel.

The picture at the left of these Dhimmi Jews was taken at a recent Leftist/Muslim demonstration in London. I have edited the signs so their intended meaning is clearer. In the words of Dan Rather you could say the signs are "fake but accurate."  Unfortunately, the originals are no longer posted online.  However, I have added some other pictures of this same sect below, to show them for what they are:  cowards and enablers of tyranny and traitors to the cause of Israel.

Several writers have described how dhimmis, in order to secure favor from their Muslim oppressors, have often sought "common ground" with the Muslims so as to be seen as non-threatening and more deserving of mercy. I think this sect of Jews is a good example of that.

According to Robert Spencer in his book Onward Muslim Soldiers, Christians in Muslim lands often tried to curry favor with their Muslim oppressors. Spencer writes the Christians "tried to integrate themselves into Islamic society by being anti-Zionist." The orthodox Jews in the photograph are applying the same strategy. If they are sufficiently anti-Zionist, maybe the ferocious Muslims won't kill them.

Spencer writes that the dhimmi mindset continues for Christians in many parts of the Middle East. He writes "Christian communities native to the Middle East today exhibit the scars of centuries of inferiorization and marginalization. They constitute living relics of the ravages of a system that, although technically abolished in many modern Arab states, continues on the level of official as well as well as popular attitudes and practices."

This same principle also would apply to Jews living in the Middle East, as Christians and Jews are no different to Islamic governments. They are both "people of the book," subject to the same marginlization under Sharia law.

Dhimmis on Display
Neo-dhimmis or not, the Jewish sect in the picture are morally reprehensible. They are giving moral support to the Islamic fanatics who have killed thousands of Jews in Israel and are continuing to kill them. They may think they are saving their own sorry butts from jihad, but they do so at the expense of innocent Jewish life in Israel. Disgusting!

Note: I tried to find a good definition of dhimmitude on the web, but they seem to be generalities with no specifics or examples.

Dhimmitude is a condition of subservience granted to "people of the book" (POB) (Christians and Jews) who are conquered by Muslim armies. The POB are required to sign a contract by which they may continue to draw breath in their own conquered homeland. If they fail to live up to the contract, jihad may resume and the dhimmis (people living under dhimmitude) may be put to death or sold into slavery.

The dhimmi contract generally included the following:
1. Dhimmis live in a second class condition within the society they inhabit.
2. Dhimmis are not allowed to vote or hold public office.
We Demand Slavery Now!
3. Dhimmis must pay a steep tax, called the Jihza, and do so under humiliating conditions: they must pay the tax in person where they are either spit on or slapped. The tax is a heavy financial burden, but if you can't pay it, you're dead. Some dhimmis who couldn't pay were forced to turn over their children as payment. The children were then raised as Muslims.
4. Dhimmis must dress differently than Muslims, e.g. with broad cloth belts, shoes of different color on opposite feet, or no shoes at all, and must shear their forelocks (the front part of their hair) so their dhimmi status is obvious.
5. Dhimmis must give way to Muslims on the sidewalk or street.
6. Dhimmis must give up their seat in any public place if a Muslim wishes to sit.
7. Dhimmis cannot build a house that is higher than Muslim houses in his neighborhood.
8. Dhimmis can only work in menial jobs like street sweeping or manual labor.
9. Dhimmis cannot renovate their churches or synagogues, so when they fall into disrepair they continue to deteriorate.
10. Dhimmis cannot display any symbol of their religion in public, like a cross, nor ring church bells or sing too loudly in their churches or synagogues lest they offend Muslims.
11. Dhimmis must house and feed any Muslim who passes their door for three days.
12. Dhimmis cannot prevent any of their family members from converting to Islam.
13. Dhimmis cannot attempt to convert any Muslim to their religion.
14. Dhimmi men cannot marry Muslim women, but Muslim men can marry Dhimmi women.
15. Dhimmis cannot be witnesses in court against Muslims.
16. Dhimmis cannot own or carry any weapons.
17. Dhimmis cannot fight with or injure any Muslim, even in self defense, under penalty of death.
18. Dhimmis are subject to execution for apostasy against the Prophet or the Qur'an. (This provision was often abused. When a Muslim wanted a dhimmi's land or house, he simply had to state the dhimmi had insulted the Prophet. Since a Muslim's word was always accepted over that of a dhimmi, the dhimmi's unjust execution or imprisonment was assured.)
19. In many cases, dhimmi children are not allowed to attend state schools or universities.

Once the dhimmi community fails to abide by these rules, they are subject to death, banishment or enslavement. The Armenian genocide in the early 20th century began after Armenians appealed to England to help ease their dhimmi status. The Turkish government considered this a breach of their dhimmi contract and proceeded to slaughter them (about 1.5 million Armenian dhimmis died.)

Through the ages dhimmis have often been murdered in mass by Muslim riots, or had their homes burned. Their existence has been fraught with high anxiety due to their status as social outcasts and their subjection to sudden violence or other oppression.

Is a condition of dhimmitude in your future? Yes, if Iran's leaders have anything to say about it. Muslims can give you three choices, and only three choices, under Islamic law: (1) convert to Islam and become a Muslim, (2) be killed or (3) accept dhimmi status.

We can adopt a fourth choice: determined resistance against this evil. Which will you choose?