Ten years have passed. The
horror, anger and hatred I felt on that terrible day -- September 11, 2001 -- have become muted with the passing of time, but those emotions have not disappeared.
The horror -- that in the modern world, any "religion" as Islam could be so violent, hateful, treacherous, anti-human and insane. After ten years I have accepted the fact that this poisonous ideology does exist. I am still amazed, however, that so many westerners apologize for it, rationalize its barbarity, and seek to appease it.
anger has been kept at almost the same level, by continuing Muslim atrocities in Beslan, Russia, Madrid, Spain, London England, and Mumbai, India...to name some of the most prominent. Islam is evil and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. It is a complete negative to mankind, a false religion of a false prophet, a horny, bearded barbarian who wanted to rule the world and to possess all of its riches. His strategy was simple: declare himself a prophet with the right to rule all mankind, then promise paradise to his throng of cut-throats if they died in the act of robbing others for his benefit. The animosity of Mohammed's invented religion had a purpose: to enrich the "prophet" through plunder, robbery and theft. After he did the world a favor and died, however, his commandments for evil lived on. Since no one cancelled them, Muslims continue to attack non-Muslims in an eternal war with all mankind. 9/11 was but one atrocity in 14 centuries of continuous atrocities.
hatred for Islam will continue until my last day on earth. Hatred is not a bad thing, when one hates evil, falsity, ignorance, cruelty and tyranny -- all the horrors that Islam represents.
On this day of remembrance, take care how you refer to the horror of 9/11. The events of that day were not a "tragedy," a "catastrophe," or a "disaster." All of those words are a cop-out, as they imply an accident or some kind of unavoidable natural calamity, like an earthquake, tsunami or tornado. The attack on New York ten years ago today was a deliberate act of human evil: it was aggression, treachery, infamy, mass murder. And deliberate acts of evil have human perpetrators who can be held to account.
The key commander of that evil day, Osama Bin Laden, is now a grinning skeleton at the bottom of the ocean, his bones picked clean by fish and sea worms. But Osama was only one of many who follow this evil ideology. There will be others to follow in his bloody footsteps, and there will be more mass murder, devastation and human suffering -- Mohammed's bequest to all the generations that follow his miserable, worthless life.