Showing posts with label Islamic Evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Evil. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

A Blog About Muhammad and the Evil He Created

I became aware of a blog about Muhammad that is worth linking to.  It is called "It's All About Muhammad."  I recommend it.  Here's an example of the content:

Was Muhammad Insane?

The fundamental problem of Islam is the belief that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the contents of the Koran to him. Muslims are indoctrinated into believing this is so, and they act on the numerous incitements to violence that they find in it.
FOR INSIGHT INTO THIS, CONSIDER CHAPTER 33 of his Koran, entitled “The Confederates.” This is one of the chapters Muhammad composed in Yathrib (later called Medina) where he fled after his Meccan compatriots determined they needed to kill him to preserve their way of life.
The chapter is like a wild theme park ride that races in and out of numerous topics. In the 73 verses that make up the chapter, Muhammad covers the following in the God-voice he used for the Koran: He recaps a recent battle with the Meccans and excoriates people who were afraid to fight and die for him; he gloats about his extermination of the men and boys of one of the Jewish tribes of Yathrib, the confiscation of their property, and the enslavement of their women and children; he authorizes himself to take as many wives as he likes, permits himself to marry the wife of his adopted son, forbids himself from taking any more wives after he has taken as many as he likes, but allows himself sex slaves.
Read more here.

Hat tip:

Sunday, June 08, 2014

1,382 Years Without Muhammad (Thank God He's Dead)

Iranian apostates are hanged and die by slow asphyxiation to maximize
suffering.  It is a very painful death.

Muhammad died in Medina on June 8, 632 -- 1,382 years ago today. This is a day all infidels should celebrate -- the death of the most evil "prophet" who ever lived.

Millions of people have been killed in the name of this false prophet, and human misery increased to absurd levels.  Thank God Muhammad is dead; may he receive eternal punishment that is commensurate with his crimes against humanity.

Celebrate the death of Muhammad tonight!  One suggestion is below, left (found on FaceBook).

Friday, August 17, 2012

Islam is an Insult to All Humanity

An Insult to All Humanity
Iranian followers of the false prophet, Murderous Mo and his hand puppet, Awful Allah, are promising (again) to destroy Israel.  This vicious, disgusting, inhuman, backward and rotten nation of Iran dares to insult a culture much greater, more advanced and infinitely more valuable than itself.  Ahmadinejad, the swarthy and short President of Iran, has promised the near-term destruction of Israel, calling it "an insult to all humanity."

Israel is not "an insult to all humanity," it is ISLAM that is an insult to all humanity.  The fact that Mohammed was a lust-filled thief, pedophile, sex fiend, rapist and mass murdering fraud is bad enough -- it is an insult to all humanity to revere such an odious man or to assign him the status of "prophet of God."  However, since Mo's followers want to emulate this ancient criminal, their religion becomes the business of the rest of the world.  We don't give a damn how much reverence or holiness or sanctity you Muslims give to your evil religion, its prophet, or its violent and intolerant traditions -- you are simply not going to commit mass murder in their name, or conquer peaceful nations that do you no harm, or force more developed cultures to replace modernity and enlightenment with ignorance, darkness and backwardness.

You attack Israel, you attack the rest of us.  You wipe out Israel, we wipe out Mecca and Medina in response.  We reduce every great mosque and Islamic shrine to rubble, no matter where they are located anywhere in the world.  We desecrate the bodies of the mujaheddin, dress them in women's lingerie, paint a Star of David on their forehead, bury them face down and facing away from Mecca, hugging the carcass of a pig.  We will send the great martyrs of Allah back to him in surprising new ways.

We are sick of your perverted hatred, your unrelenting war on the non-Muslim world, your glorification of violence and evil.   Fourteen centuries of Islamic evil is quite enough -- no more will be tolerated.  You are going to learn to behave yourselves, and soon, because what you are going to pay for your continued barbarism will quickly prove much too steep a price.

Think about it.  And while you're at it, change to a civilized religion.

Friday, January 20, 2012

A River in Egypt: Denial Among the Apologists for Islam

I have been having a debate with a dogmatic apologist for Islam, one D. Charles, who insists that Islam is no more violent than any other religion, and that Islamic terrorism is not supported by Islamic holy texts like the Koran or the Haddith.  Charles has more excuses for Islam than Islam has severed heads...and that's a lot.

If you want to follow the arguments, see the comments section for this blog post.

Meanwhile, Lawrence Auster of View From the Right supports my position in his blog post here.  Larry points out an even more extreme case of denial in one Karen Armstrong.  He writes:
Inspired by the reflexive anti-American fallacies of Ron Paul and his intellectual mentor Robert Pape, the blogger Stogie has coined a term that I will need to add to my catalogue of non-Islam theories of Islamic extremism: the Blowback Theory of Islamic Extremism.

I see that some of Stogie's commenters [i.e. D. Charles] are still in Standard Denial Mode. Thus one argues that the Barbary pirates had nothing to do with Islam--they were merely pirates who happened to be Moslem, along with lots of non-Moslems in their ranks. Evidently the statement by Tripoli's ambassador in Britain to Adams and Jefferson in 1786, in which he justified the piracy on purely Islamic grounds of divinely mandated aggressive jihad against all non-Moslems, made no impression on this commenter.

Karen Armstrong has of course similarly argued that the vast Moslem conquests of the seventh century had nothing to do with Islam; the armies that swept across Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, and northern Africa and subjected them to Islamic rule were merely conquerors who happened to be Moslem. And then consider the fact that probably the majority of America's "intellectual" class follow Armstrong's ideas.

Such is the continuing power (I'm almost tempted to call it a supernatural power, though of the dark kind) of the modern West's suicidal denial of the truth about Islam.
 But why the denial in the face of overwhelming evidence that Islam is a violent, aggressive form of tyranny, that it is so by its very nature?  We have 14 centuries of Islamic history and aggression to draw from, the statements and bloody example of the "prophet" himself, the ongoing wars and terrorism in the world today, the statements of the terrorists, Imams and Islamic leaders, and of course, the Islamic holy texts themselves.  Amidst the mounting death toll, it would seem sheer folly to disbelieve that Islam is inherently violent, intolerant, hateful and evil.  In spite of this, D. Charles and other apologists continue to insist that Islam is benign.  Who are we to believe, D. Charles and Karen Armstrong, or our own lying eyes?

I think there are some, mostly those on the left, who are unable to face the unpleasant reality of "the clash of civilizations," that our future is likely to be one of war for survival against a determined foe, or one of dhimmitude and darkness.  So they go into denial.  The worst of these deniers is the 9/11 "Truthers," who insist that the 9/11 attack on America was "an inside job," and not perpetrated by Muslims at all.

However, denial and wishful thinking will not alter basic reality, no matter how fervently the Islamic apologists wish it would.

Monday, December 26, 2011

There is Absolutely Nothing Good About Islam. Nothing.

Bare Naked Islam reports that the new radicals governing Egypt want to destroy the pyramids.  That's because the pyramids represent an ancient religion and is not Islamic.

The New York Daily News reports that Muslim terrorists in Nigeria bombed a number of Christian churches on Christmas day, killing several dozen Christians:
For the second Christmas in a row, Islamic group Boko Haram, which aims to install Sharia law in Africa’s most populous nation, orchestrated fatal attacks.
Bare Naked Islam has more on the story here.

Meanwhile, a hateful and crazy female Muslim was shot dead by police in Marietta, Georgia.  Jihad Watch has the story of Jameela Barnette, who regularly sent hate mail to various bloggers, like this (from Jihad Watch):
ALLAH is the greatest, ALLAH is ALIVE, but the christian's god is only a partially eaten, jew corpse. ALLAHU AKBAR you rabid, jew-eating, racist, christian MOTHA F U C K A S of extremely low intelligence. I will be sure to tell your hostile jinn aka jew masters what loyal and obedient slaves you christians are. Enjoy your brief and evil life of fairy tales and hokum your evil jew masters have created for you, because the Hell-fire is your final destination. Muslims should kill you corpse-eating, blood-drinking, christian savages and send you to your partially-eaten, jew corpse you call god.
Apparently, Jameela summoned the police herself by activating a "panic alarm" in her apartment complex.  When the police arrived, however, she answered the door with a knife in one hand and a pistol in the other, and began slashing one of the officers with the knife.  He promptly shot her dead.  I volunteered over at Blazing Cat Fur to play taps for Jameela...on a kazoo.

I hate Islam.  It is completely evil, anti-human, savage and insane.  Just like the bearded faker who invented the "religion."

I ordered Robert Spencer's book "The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran."  I know what's in the Koran, but it will be interesting and entertaining to see what Spencer has to say about it.  The Koran itself is rather mundane and boring.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years Later: September 11, 2011

Ten years have passed.  The horror, anger and hatred I felt on that terrible day -- September 11, 2001 -- have become muted with the passing of time, but those emotions have not disappeared.

The horror -- that in the modern world, any "religion" as Islam could be so violent, hateful, treacherous, anti-human and insane.  After ten years I have accepted the fact that this poisonous ideology does exist.  I am still amazed, however, that so many westerners apologize for it, rationalize its barbarity, and seek to appease it.

My anger has been kept at almost the same level, by continuing Muslim atrocities in Beslan, Russia, Madrid, Spain, London England, and Mumbai, name some of the most prominent.  Islam is evil and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.  It is a complete negative to mankind, a false religion of a false prophet, a horny, bearded barbarian who wanted to rule the world and to possess all of its riches.  His strategy was simple:  declare himself a prophet with the right to rule all mankind, then promise paradise to his throng of cut-throats if they died in the act of robbing others for his benefit.  The animosity of Mohammed's invented religion had a purpose:  to enrich the "prophet" through plunder, robbery and theft.  After he did the world a favor and died, however, his commandments for evil lived on.  Since no one cancelled them, Muslims continue to attack non-Muslims in an eternal war with all mankind.  9/11 was but one atrocity in 14 centuries of continuous atrocities.

My hatred for Islam will continue until my last day on earth.  Hatred is not a bad thing, when one hates evil, falsity, ignorance, cruelty and tyranny -- all the horrors that Islam represents.

On this day of remembrance, take care how you refer to the horror of 9/11.  The events of that day were not a "tragedy," a "catastrophe," or a "disaster."  All of those words are a cop-out, as they imply an accident or some kind of unavoidable natural calamity, like an earthquake, tsunami or tornado.  The attack on New York ten years ago today was a deliberate act of human evil:  it was aggression, treachery, infamy, mass murder.  And deliberate acts of evil have human perpetrators who can be held to account.

The key commander of that evil day, Osama Bin Laden, is now a grinning skeleton at the bottom of the ocean, his bones picked clean by fish and sea worms.  But Osama was only one of many who follow this evil ideology.  There will be others to follow in his bloody footsteps, and there will be more mass murder, devastation and human suffering -- Mohammed's bequest to all the generations that follow his miserable, worthless life.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Jonah Goldberg's Epiphany on the True Nature of Islam (Irredeemably Violent)

Earlier this week, a Pakistani governor was murdered by one of his own bodyguards for supporting a Christian woman who had been sentenced to death for "blasphemy."  Jonah Goldberg explains:
For years we've been hearing about how the peaceful religion of Islam has been hijacked by extremists.

What if it's the other way around? Worse, what if the peaceful hijackers are losing their bid to take over the religion?

That certainly seems to be the case in Pakistan.

Salman Taseer, a popular Pakistani governor, was assassinated this week because he was critical of Pakistan's blasphemy law.

Specifically, Taseer was supportive of a Christian woman, Asia Bibi, who has been sentenced to death for "insulting Muhammad."

Bibi had offered some fellow farm laborers some water. They refused to drink it because Christian hands apparently make water unclean. An argument followed. She defended her faith, which they took as synonymous with attacking theirs. Later, she says, a mob of her accusers raped her.

Naturally, a Pakistani judge sentenced her to hang for blasphemy.

I've explained in prior posts how non-Muslims living in Islamic countries are constantly under the threat of death by false accusations of "blashpheming" the blasphemy that is Islam.  Bibi is just one of the most recent victims.  Taseer was murdered because he put justice before Islam, to the applause of the Pakistani public at large.  Taseer was a moderate in a religion that is anything but.

I hate Islam.  It is 100% evil, irredeemably violent, intolerant, backwards, inhuman, ignorant and totally worthless.  It's good to see that Jonah Goldberg is finally speaking the truth about this odious ideology:  it is not a religion of peace and never was.  It is a religion of continuous warfare on all mankind.

Read all of Jonah Goldberg's article at this link.
Hat tip to View From the Right

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Jihadi Traitors in the US Military

There are several articles out today that try to explain the motiviations of Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the killer of 13 people at Fort Hood on Thursday.  The liberals are spinning it as not religion-related, not Islam related, blah blah blah.  They are fools -- always have been, always will be.

The most accurate analysis, in my not-so-humble, well-read and informed opinion, comes from
War On Terror: The Fort Hood terrorist is being portrayed as an "anomaly," an "aberration," a "lone wolf." Sadly, he's just one of many examples of jihadist traitors in the ranks of the military.
Together they form a dangerous Fifth Column, and the Pentagon — thanks to institutionalized political correctness — is doing next to nothing to root them out .
Read it all here

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How Many People Has Islam Murdered?

Infidel Bloggers Alliance has a post today about a new book on Islam.  That's it on the right -- Islam: Evil in the Name of God.
The author of the book points out that Islam is actually a declaration of war on all kafirs -- those of us who do not believe in Islam, Allah or Muhammad.  He is only partially correct in this.  Islam is a declaration of war on all humanity.

Over the centuries since Muhammad the Megalomaniac invented his nasty little religion, his followers have murdered millions in the name of God and continue to add to the tally to the present day.

I find it interesting that the author of this book states that 270 million people have been murdered by Islam.  I have always wondered how high the number goes.  I have read that as many as 100 million Hindus alone have been murdered by Islam, so the figure is believable.  That's almost the current population of the United States!

If so, then I would agree with the author that Islamic murder constitutes the greatest holocaust in history.

Book photo:  a woman hanged in Iran for having sex outside of marriage.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Why I Despise Islam: UK 9/11 Style Plotters Convicted

The world's most vile religion was dealt another blow this week. A group of Muslims in the U.K. were found guilty of plotting mass murder by blowing up planes.
What a sick, worthless and evil ideology.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

The Unnatural, Abnormal and Pathological Aspects of Islam

I swiped this photo off of Atlas Shrugs. It shows Muslim women in traditional Muslim garb. It's a disgusting picture.

The most extreme Muslim cultures insist on hiding women's faces, hands, eyes and everything else. So the women have to wear these oppressive, ugly body sacks, as if they were highly contagious lepers. If a man didn't know better, he might mistake them for an overstuffed sofa and sit on them. He would then be stoned to death for illegal contact with a female.

Is this normal behavior? Without the influence of a fanatical religion, would women normally cocoon themselves in body bags? What other religions or cultures in the world practice similar oppression of females? This behavior is extreme by any standard.

And what does it say about Muslim men? That they are so bestial and barbaric that they can't view the face of a fellow human being (who happens to be female) without going apeshit and raping them? What a bunch of juveniles, who lack the self-control and civilizational skills to behave appropriately around unveiled women. Are they men or jackrabbits?

Did God really screw up when he made women? Why did he give them a face anyway, if it is never to be seen? Shouldn't he have covered their faces with long fur so they are not seen? Take a look at the miserable creatures in the photo. Is this what mother nature intended for the female gender?

In most cultures, sexual activity is considered normal. In Islam, it is considered a capital offense outside of marriage. Those who yield to human needs and indulge before marriage may be stoned to death, beheaded or hanged. The Muhammed-endorsed method, however, is stoning. Girls who fall in love with the wrong man can be murdered by their family in a so-called "honor killing." Muslims have developed cruelty and inhumanity to a high form of art.

The genders do not mix socially in Muslim societies and are kept completely segregated, as if being in proximity to one another would somehow detonate an atomic bomb. These practices are sick, perverted, abnormal and inhuman.

Islam is a disgusting "religion" if that's what it is. However, I think it qualifies as a pathology even more so than a religion. They should give it a special section in the medical literature.

Update: A Muslim woman burns her hijab in public to protest this oppression of women.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Must Read Article: "Moderate" Muslim Beheads Wife in New York

Atlas Shrugs has the story. A so-called moderate Muslim in New York, who started a television station to improve the image of Muslims in America, murdered his estranged wife yesterday. He didn't just murder her, he beheaded her. The Dhimmi Press is reporting this as a domestic violence issue and leaving out the beheading part. To read their version you might get the impression the lady expired of natural causes in her husband's presence.

And get this: the husband was only charged with second degree murder for the deed. Second degree murder for decapitating someone! Good thing he didn't use a hand gun.

The cowardly news reporting is predictable, however. That's because, no matter how barbaric, backward, violent, cruel and savage Islam is, we simply cannot print facts that put Islam in a bad light. After all, what's really important? Merely protecting lives and property or avoiding offense to Muslims?

This is yet another installment in the continuing story of Islam in the West. It is why I have said, and will continue to say, "I HATE ISLAM." I want ISLAM BANNED FROM ALL WESTERN NATIONS. I want all devout Muslims DEPORTED, all mosques torn down, every Qur'an burned in a massive bonfire. Am I intolerant? You bet your ass I am: Intolerant of EVIL. Intolerant of MURDER. Intolerant of VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. And most of all, INTOLERANT of Western cowardice and denial in the face of it.


There, I said it and I'm glad.

RELATED: See what Mark Steyn has to say about this.

Monday, December 01, 2008

2 Year Old Moshe at Funeral of Parents Killed by Mumbai Muslims

I borrowed this from Atlas Shrugs. It's a photo of two year old Moshe Holtzberg at his parents' funeral today. They were murdered at the Jewish Center in Mumbai, India by the Muslim terrorists this past week.

The U.K. Daily Mail has the story:

What horrors has this two-year-old child seen? And how much does he understand?

His face wracked with sobs as he cries for his mother, tiny Moshe Holtzberg has had a miraculous escape: He was inside the Jewish centre stormed by Islamic militants during last week's Mumbai attacks.

His rabbi father and mother were both murdered by the militants. Moshe was rushed to safety - drenched in blood - after his nanny found him crying by their bodies.

Read it all here.

For those of you who think my suggestions for dealing with Islamic terrorists (see prior post) are too harsh -- what do you think now?

Let the whole world gaze upon the ugly face of Islam and be repulsed.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

How to Punish the Jihadis

Whenever Muslims go on one of their killing rampages, the Civilized World removes the bodies, cleans up the blood, sweeps away the rubble and replaces the broken glass. The Islamic criminals who carried out the murder spree are generally all dead or captured by this time and there is no way to punish them or make examples of them. Or is there?

General John J. Pershing is said to have executed Islamic fanatics in the Philippines by first dipping the bullets in pig's blood, thus denying them entrance into Heaven. One fanatic was let go to carry the story back to the others. I don't know how true the story is but it sounds like a good idea. We could improve upon it, though.

Let's take the bodies of the dead terrorists and dress them in sexy women's lingerie, put lipstick on them and dangling earrings and take pictures of them in drag for dessimination throughout the Muslim world. Then we bury their dead bodies hugging the carcass of a pig, perhaps in a coffin emblazoned with the Star of David. In other words, deny them the last sacraments of their evil faith, and put them in a very embarrassing position for when the Islamic angels come to interview them in the grave (as Muslims believe).

In addition to that, the victimized country (like India) could select a sacred Islamic shrine for utter destruction, e.g. an ancient Mosque. Announce its destruction as reparation for the terrorist attack. Then take a wrecking ball to the structure, reducing it to rubble. Or, if the Mosque is behind enemy lines (the enemy being the Islamic world), use a smart bomb or guided missile to destroy the structure. In other words, target the symbols and hateful institutions of Islam. This tactic recognizes the fact that it is Islam itself that is responsible for terrorism, as it is a terrorist ideology as is well documented in its holy texts and traditions. We must rid ourselves of the short-sighted view that terrorist-jihadis are individual criminals; they are in fact agents of Islam and it is Islam itself that must be punished for the deeds of its believers.

If the world's Muslims don't like being held accountable in this way, then perhaps they should consider revising the Qur'an, reforming Islam or joining other faiths. In any case, we must hold Islam itself responsible for jihadi crimes until Islamic leaders worldwide take effective steps to stop Islamic violence.

Finally, a massive bonfire of Qur'ans could be held in the public square where the terrorist attacks occurred, with citizens encouraged to add one of the nasty little books to the flames.

Showing respect or tolerance to Islam has not diminished their murderous practices one whit; merely killing them is not a deterrence to their evil, because they believe their deaths in jihad will propel them straight to Heaven. So we must devise deterrents other than death to discourage them from their vile habits. The desecration of the bodies of their jihadis would be one way and the destruction of the holy sites where the murderers are taught and encouraged would be, in my opinion, worthy of consideration.

Finally, we need some simple slogans to support a new, energetic and effective counterforce to Islamic Jihad. I was thinking something like, "Islam is Unacceptable" or perhaps "ISLAM: the Root Cause of Terrorism."

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Murder in India: The Ugly Face of Islam

The Religion of Death, Islam, has been showing its grotesque face in India for the past couple of days. Once again we have radical Muslims murdering strangers who have done them no harm. Over a hundred people have been killed. Truly, Islam is the Religion of Death, Murder and Mayhem. If this violent ideology has any worth to the human race, it isn't at all obvious. Indeed, I have long concluded that its only effect on the human race is destructive and negative; it has no worth whatsoever.

The Muslim pirates who are now hijacking ships on the high seas are only following the example of their glorious prophet. Muhammad robbed trade caravans, stole the goods they carried and held members for ransom. If Muhammad was a man of God, then so was Blackbeard the Pirate, Al Capone and Gengis Khan. Then again, Blackbeard, Capone and Khan never attempted to justify their villainy by pretending to be prophets. Compared to Muhammad, they were refreshingly honest.

Sooner or later Islam must be wiped from the face of the earth. This barbarism has no place in a civilized world. We should not allow any more immigration of Muslims into the United States, any more than we should allow practicing head hunters, cannibals, slave owners or polygamists.

I would like to see every mosque converted to a cigar store (or liquor store or market specializing in pork products) and every Qur'an reduced to ash. What a glorious bonfire we could make. Of course, the world would have to get along without this priceless literature on head-lopping, finger chopping, mass murder, rape, stoning people to death and treating women as livestock. It would be a struggle, but call me a cockeyed optimist: I think we would find ways to adapt.

If that seems harsh, consider this: Islam is the only major religion whose primary tenets command unceasing violence against non-believers. Islam is the only major religion that commands and predicts the genocide of Jews. Islam is the only major religion that teaches the only sure way to heaven is to die in battle against the "infidels," infidels being people too civilized to become Muslims.

Islam is evil and no amount of rationalization or denial will change that fact.