Israel’s military operation to degrade Hamas’ ability to rain rockets down on Israeli cities has stirred up the usual noisy and nasty protests in Europe. We need not dwell on demonstrations by Muslim immigrants, whose genocidal Jew-hatred has been an Islamic tradition for 14 centuries. More revealing is the hatred of Israel by so many Europeans, ranging from leftover leftists and idealizers of the dark-skinned “other,” to far-right xenophobes and morally addled Christians. Whatever its origins, one thing their bitter hatred of Israel does not have is any foundation in coherent principle.Read it all here.
Showing posts with label Anti-Semitism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti-Semitism. Show all posts
Saturday, July 26, 2014
The Irrational and Incoherent Hatred for Israel
Bruce Thornton of FrontPage Magazine discusses the incoherent excuses of Israel haters, over at Victor Davis Hanson's site. He writes:
Sunday, July 20, 2014
I Stand With The Jews
I stand with the Jews. Screw the Muslims and their enablers, the political left and the paleoconservatives.
The world has become suffused in evil, but I will never give in to evil, no matter how popular it becomes with the sheeple.
Yesterday I got into a fight with Thomas E. Woods Jr. (in an online forum), and I told him off for his paleoconservative B.S. He was angry because a website called The Washington Free Beacon (who represents the omnipresent "neo-cons") ran an article about Rand Paul deleting from his website a list of paleo anti-Israel propaganda posing as a "student reading list." Woods was incensed that anyone could doubt that Israel secretly runs America's foreign policy. (No doubt this is explained in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.")
Imagine those sneaky Jews, trying to influence America just so those Jews can continue to draw breath. The nerve! Just because they are surrounded by the world's most violent and hateful religious fanatics. How selfish! If the Israelis would just allow themselves to be murdered by Muslims, peace would descend on the world like manna from heaven, all of our disputes with the Islamic world would fade away, and anti-semites like the paleoconservatives could join their fellow Jew-haters in celebration, ululating and passing out sweet treats in the streets of "Palestine."
There is much value in the writings of various paleo authors, like Thomas E Woods, Jr (and I have previously included one of his sites in my link list, quoted him, and recommended some of his books), Lew Rockwell, Pat Buchanan and others. However, what truths they purvey are rendered less credible by their antisemitism and apologia for Muslim violence. Come to think of it, their support for the "911 was an Inside Job" kooks also reveals the paleos to be a fringe group unlikely to ever attain a serious position in American politics.
The world has become suffused in evil, but I will never give in to evil, no matter how popular it becomes with the sheeple.
Yesterday I got into a fight with Thomas E. Woods Jr. (in an online forum), and I told him off for his paleoconservative B.S. He was angry because a website called The Washington Free Beacon (who represents the omnipresent "neo-cons") ran an article about Rand Paul deleting from his website a list of paleo anti-Israel propaganda posing as a "student reading list." Woods was incensed that anyone could doubt that Israel secretly runs America's foreign policy. (No doubt this is explained in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.")
Imagine those sneaky Jews, trying to influence America just so those Jews can continue to draw breath. The nerve! Just because they are surrounded by the world's most violent and hateful religious fanatics. How selfish! If the Israelis would just allow themselves to be murdered by Muslims, peace would descend on the world like manna from heaven, all of our disputes with the Islamic world would fade away, and anti-semites like the paleoconservatives could join their fellow Jew-haters in celebration, ululating and passing out sweet treats in the streets of "Palestine."
There is much value in the writings of various paleo authors, like Thomas E Woods, Jr (and I have previously included one of his sites in my link list, quoted him, and recommended some of his books), Lew Rockwell, Pat Buchanan and others. However, what truths they purvey are rendered less credible by their antisemitism and apologia for Muslim violence. Come to think of it, their support for the "911 was an Inside Job" kooks also reveals the paleos to be a fringe group unlikely to ever attain a serious position in American politics.
Sunday, March 02, 2014
Dixon Diaz: Funny Man of FaceBook is a Conservative!
Dixon Diaz is a conservative Hispanic with a great skill for satire, humor and outraging liberals. I think he is an undiscovered talent, because Dixon is truly FUNNY, all while making salient points about the hypocrisy and stupidity of liberalism. He expresses his biting satire on FaceBook, most often as a short article, but sometimes as a cartoon. One of his best cartoons is below. It describes the Massive Jewish Conspiracy, which every leftist knows penetrates into every crack and crevice of American life.
You can see more of Dixon's work at this link, and do "Like" him on FaceBook to get his latest creations. The Conservative Blogosphere would do well to disseminate Dixon's work far and wide.
Republished with permission.
You can see more of Dixon's work at this link, and do "Like" him on FaceBook to get his latest creations. The Conservative Blogosphere would do well to disseminate Dixon's work far and wide.
Republished with permission.
Dixon Diaz,
Political Satire,
Saturday, December 07, 2013
Was Nelson Mandela an Anti-Semite?
Mandela and Arafat |
However, more facts are coming to light about Mandela that cannot be ignored. One of those is that he was an anti-Semite who hated Israel and supported the so-called Palestinians, who want Israel and its Jews to disappear. Since Mandela's reign, South Africa has boycotted trade with Israel. According to an op-ed in Israel National News, Mandela was an enemy of Israel:
Mandela always made it clear that those who are the enemies of the Jews are not necessarily his enemies.Mandela may be a hero to many, but not to me. His having a funeral that is the "biggest since Churchill" only shows how screwed up this world had become.
In 2000, the American Jewish Committee canceled a Washington luncheon scheduled to honor Mandela after he said that 13 Jews tried for “espionage” in Iran were receiving a “fair trial”.
Mandela laid a wreath on the grave of Ayatollah Khomeini, the father of the Iranian revolution, warmly greeting his successor, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. “We are indebted to the Islamic Revolution”, Mandela proclaimed. It is the same Mandela who claimed that Communist Cuba had achieved the “systematic eradication of racism”.
In 1990, Mandela likened Israel to a “terrorist state” and declared that “we do not regard the PLO as a terrorist organization. If one has to refer to any parties as a terrorist state, one might refer to the Israeli government because they are the people who are slaughtering defenseless and innocent Arabs in the occupied territories”.
Fake Heroes,
Nelson Mandela,
Yasser Arafat
Friday, August 17, 2012
Islam is an Insult to All Humanity
An Insult to All Humanity |
Israel is not "an insult to all humanity," it is ISLAM that is an insult to all humanity. The fact that Mohammed was a lust-filled thief, pedophile, sex fiend, rapist and mass murdering fraud is bad enough -- it is an insult to all humanity to revere such an odious man or to assign him the status of "prophet of God." However, since Mo's followers want to emulate this ancient criminal, their religion becomes the business of the rest of the world. We don't give a damn how much reverence or holiness or sanctity you Muslims give to your evil religion, its prophet, or its violent and intolerant traditions -- you are simply not going to commit mass murder in their name, or conquer peaceful nations that do you no harm, or force more developed cultures to replace modernity and enlightenment with ignorance, darkness and backwardness.
You attack Israel, you attack the rest of us. You wipe out Israel, we wipe out Mecca and Medina in response. We reduce every great mosque and Islamic shrine to rubble, no matter where they are located anywhere in the world. We desecrate the bodies of the mujaheddin, dress them in women's lingerie, paint a Star of David on their forehead, bury them face down and facing away from Mecca, hugging the carcass of a pig. We will send the great martyrs of Allah back to him in surprising new ways.
We are sick of your perverted hatred, your unrelenting war on the non-Muslim world, your glorification of violence and evil. Fourteen centuries of Islamic evil is quite enough -- no more will be tolerated. You are going to learn to behave yourselves, and soon, because what you are going to pay for your continued barbarism will quickly prove much too steep a price.
Think about it. And while you're at it, change to a civilized religion.
Fighting Back at Islam,
Islamic Evil,
Islamic Violence,
Monday, February 20, 2012
Why I'm Reading "Mein Kampf"
I am reading "Mein Kampf," Adolph Hitler's autobiography and statement of purpose. Why, is it because I'm a budding Nazi? Are my secret, repressed proclivities finally surfacing? Am I practicing goose-stepping around the house with a pot on my head?
Well no.
I just want to know what this man thought and why. I found a free pdf copy of the book by searching the web, but I bought a Kindle copy of it from Amazon. The Kindle copy automatically takes you to the last page you were reading when you quit, and that alone was worth the price.
Today antisemitism seems to making a comeback in a big way. Perhaps this has something to do with the left's embrace of Islam, their fellow hate-America ideologues, the only religion to make Jew hatred and murder official and integral parts of its doctrine.
I became interested in reading Hitler's point of view when I started reading "Berlin Diary" by William L. Shirer. Shirer's book is quite compelling -- through his eyes one can see the Nazi movement in its early days, see Hitler as if he were still alive and making speeches. It is scary being in Berlin in the late 1930's, seeing the rising peril, the elevation of a madman to the pinnacle of power in Germany. Everywhere is the tramp of marching, boot-clad feet, Hitler's angry rants echoing over loud-speakers, men and boys in gray and brown uniforms, crowds of people with their arms raised in unison and shouting "Sieg Heil!"
The Nazis were Group-Think in its most extreme and dangerous form. Now let's see what else I can learn from Mr. Hitler.
Update: D. Charles, one of the most extreme Islamic apologists I have yet encountered, is ticked because I wouldn't post his last comment in which he calls me a bigot and says I have "lost the argument" (over the innate evil of Islam itself as opposed to extremists misinterpreting Islam). He says I lost the argument because I have never visited an Islamic country. This is a total non-sequitur.
Well DC, I have never visited Germany or Japan, but I still hold informed opinions as to the evil of the fascism that once dwelled there; I have never visited North Korea but hold an informed opinion that its government is genocidal and tyrannical. I can read news reports, see films and videos, read published histories, and listen to eye-witness accounts -- and also read Islam's holy texts and written histories of Muhammad and his deeds. I do not have to contract cancer to know that it is a horrible and often fatal disease. Likewise, I do not need direct experience of Islamic evil to know the religion is evil and worthless to humanity. Your argument and the premise it is built on are extremely weak.
Jew hatred is an intricate, innate part of the religion of Islam. Quoting a reader at View From the Right:
While looking at the website of the Jewish Virtual Library, I came across the following chilling quote from Ibn Saud, the first king of Saudi Arabia, in 1937.Oh, and one more thing, D.Charles: I kicked your butt like a soccer ball and we both know it.
While speaking to a British colonel, H.R.P. Dickson, he said, "Our hatred for the Jews dates from God's condemnation of them for their persecution and rejection of Isa (Jesus) and their subsequent rejection of His chosen Prophet." He added, "that for a Muslim to kill a Jew, or for him to be killed by a Jew, ensures him an immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty."
[Auster responds]: This statement by Ibn Saud shows that it is not "radicals" alone who hate us "infidels" and want to conquer us. It is mainstream Muslims. And it did not start with the establishment of Israel in 1948, or Khomeini taking over Iran in 1979, or the U.S. keeping troops in Saudi Arabia in the 1990s to ward off a possible invasion by Saddam Hussein, or the invasion of Iraq in 2003. It started with Muhammad, and it is mainstream and universal among Muslims.
Adolf Hitler,
Mein Kampf,
Third Reich,
William L. Shirer,
World War II
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Rabbi Who Taped Helen Thomas Is Inundated With Hate Mail and Death Threats
Rabbi David Nesenoff of New York (left) is the cinematographer who taped Helen Thomas's anti-Israel rant this week. The YouTube video of Thomas went viral and she was denounced far and wide, leading to her abrupt retirement from the White House Press Corps.
Now Rabbi Nesenoff is the recipient of torrents of hateful bile from anti-semites and Islam-Firsters who are outraged that Jews should be allowed to exist.
Fox News has the story here.
Meanwhile, Rabbi Nesenoff is busily posting all of the hate mail to his site at
I really don't understand Jew hatred. It seems to be an irrational mental condition, a form of insanity, like being a Democrat.
Now Rabbi Nesenoff is the recipient of torrents of hateful bile from anti-semites and Islam-Firsters who are outraged that Jews should be allowed to exist.
Fox News has the story here.
Meanwhile, Rabbi Nesenoff is busily posting all of the hate mail to his site at
I really don't understand Jew hatred. It seems to be an irrational mental condition, a form of insanity, like being a Democrat.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Pat Buchanan: an Embarrassment to America, the South and the Human Race
I have now lost all respect for Pat Buchanan. The old anti-semite has written a piece comparing Israel's blockade of Gaza with the Russian blockade of Berlin in the late 1940's. The comparison is ludicrous, and Lawrence Auster of View From the Right gives Buchanan a needed spanking and sends him to bed without his strudel.
Read it here.
Read it here.
Helen Thomas: Old, Grouchy, Homely and NOW ANTISEMITIC
Helen Thomas can't help being an old bat; it happens to all of us given enough time. We age. Some of us learn something and become both old and wise. Some of learn little and become old and a wise-ass. Helen Thomas is of the latter category.
Apparently, Helen was pissed off that the Israelis won't agree to mass suicide so her heroes, the Palestinians, won't be bothered with having to murder them. Imagine those damn Jews, shooting terrorists instead of allowing themselves to be beaten, knifed and shot. I've said it before and I'll say it again: leftists are a perfect reverse barometer of everything good, right, true and just. Helen is living proof.
In a video taken yesterday by, Thomas was asked what the Jews should do. Thomas parked her broom, hung up her long black, pointed hat, and cackled, "Get the Hell out of Palestine!" Thomas was obviously a hag of the left, one who believes enlightened pluralistic democracies should be replaced by barbaric tyrannies who saw off heads for sport.
Helen Hag has since been taken to task for her anti-semitism all over the net, with former Bush White House Secretary Ari Fleischer calling for her dismissal from the White House Press Corps.
If God has a sense of humor, let's hope that all of the dead terrorists will get their 72 virgins in the afterlife, and all of them will look just like Helen Thomas. She will give the dead terrorists a blast of sour denture breath just before she slips them some tongue.
Apparently, Helen was pissed off that the Israelis won't agree to mass suicide so her heroes, the Palestinians, won't be bothered with having to murder them. Imagine those damn Jews, shooting terrorists instead of allowing themselves to be beaten, knifed and shot. I've said it before and I'll say it again: leftists are a perfect reverse barometer of everything good, right, true and just. Helen is living proof.
In a video taken yesterday by, Thomas was asked what the Jews should do. Thomas parked her broom, hung up her long black, pointed hat, and cackled, "Get the Hell out of Palestine!" Thomas was obviously a hag of the left, one who believes enlightened pluralistic democracies should be replaced by barbaric tyrannies who saw off heads for sport.
Helen Hag has since been taken to task for her anti-semitism all over the net, with former Bush White House Secretary Ari Fleischer calling for her dismissal from the White House Press Corps.
If God has a sense of humor, let's hope that all of the dead terrorists will get their 72 virgins in the afterlife, and all of them will look just like Helen Thomas. She will give the dead terrorists a blast of sour denture breath just before she slips them some tongue.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Pro Terrorist Propaganda from Cartoonist Pat Oliphant
Pat Oliphant, a mindless shill for the Far Left, has published a truly disgusting, pro-Jihadi piece of propaganda in the form of a cartoon.
This piece of propaganda is discussed at the Corner here.
Yes, the Islamic terrorists will no doubt dessiminate this anti-semitic propaganda throughout the Muslim world and it will encourage them to keep killing Jews. Are you really that stupid Pat? Are you really that blinded by your Far Left ideology?
I have marked up Oliphant's cartoon and labeled it for what it is, Propaganda. If you want to run this cartoon on your blog or website, use this marked-up version so it can't be copied and used to further terrorism in other parts of the world.
FUCK YOU, Pat Oliphant. And whatever syndicate publishes your trash.
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