Showing posts with label Paleoconservatism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paleoconservatism. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rand Paul Is An ASS

This week Rand Paul, loony son of even loonier father Ron Paul, stated that his party, the Republicans, have been wrong on foreign policy for the past fifty years.  He also stated that the USA created ISIS with our policies.  Paul, whom I shall now refer to as "Wrong Rand," is a paleolibertarian, a strange blend of far right and far left politics.  I have always viewed paleos as political schizophrenics.  On foreign policy they agree with the far left Democrats, who believe our only foreign policy is to never intervene, and when we are attacked, to blame ourselves for "blowback," i.e., some ancient wrong we committed against our innocent enemies that caused simmering hostility toward us, finally exploding into violence.  We should humbly admit our sins, and apologize to our attackers for forcing them to attack us in the first place.

Screw you Rand Paul.  It'll be a cold day in Hell before I ever vote for you, in the primaries or even the general election should you make it that far.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why Paleo-Libertarians Prefer Hamas To Israel

A couple of posts back I ranted about the paleoconservatives and their hatred of Israel.  Their position is strange and illogical, and I could only see antisemitism as the irrational reason for it.  Now Powerline Blog has a related article, Hamas and the Libertarians, seeking answers about this strange political anomaly.  Yaron Brooks of the Ayn Rand Institute has this to say about it:
I think that the libertarians who tend to be anti-Israel tend to be in the [Murray Rothbard wing] of the libertarian movement. They tend to be anarchists. They tend to have a deep rooted hatred of government. And it’s interesting [because] they tend to hate free governments more than they hate totalitarian governments. They tend to focus their hatred much more on the American government [and] on the Israeli government than they do on Hamas.
Read it all here.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

I Stand With The Jews

I stand with the Jews.  Screw the Muslims and their enablers, the political left and the paleoconservatives.

The world has become suffused in evil, but I will never give in to evil, no matter how popular it becomes with the sheeple.

Yesterday I got into a fight with Thomas E. Woods Jr. (in an online forum), and I told him off for his paleoconservative B.S.  He was angry because a website called The Washington Free Beacon (who represents the omnipresent "neo-cons") ran an article about Rand Paul deleting from his website a list of paleo anti-Israel propaganda posing as a "student reading list."  Woods was incensed that anyone could doubt that Israel secretly runs America's foreign policy.  (No doubt this is explained in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.")

Imagine those sneaky Jews, trying to influence America just so those Jews can continue to draw breath. The nerve!  Just because they are surrounded by the world's most violent and hateful religious fanatics.  How selfish!  If the Israelis would just allow themselves to be murdered by Muslims, peace would descend on the world like manna from heaven, all of our disputes with the Islamic world would fade away, and anti-semites like the paleoconservatives could join their fellow Jew-haters in celebration, ululating and passing out sweet treats in the streets of "Palestine."

There is much value in the writings of various paleo authors, like Thomas E Woods, Jr (and I have previously included one of his sites in my link list, quoted him, and recommended some of his books), Lew Rockwell, Pat Buchanan and others.  However, what truths they purvey are rendered less credible by their antisemitism and apologia for Muslim violence.  Come to think of it, their support for the "911 was an Inside Job" kooks also reveals the paleos to be a fringe group unlikely to ever attain a serious position in American politics.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Ron Paul is a Vicious Anti-Semite" -- David Horowitz

I have never liked Ron Paul, due mainly to his anti-American rhetoric.  Like the far left, Paul blames America first, for every war and conflagration.  I thought Ron Paul was nuts before I ever heard the term "neo-con," a term used for every conservative who doesn't hate his own country.

Ron Paul blames the United States for the Muslim attack of 9/11 and states that he does not blame Islam for it. Paul believes America is an imperialist empire.  On foreign policy, Paul is probably closer to Code Pink than to Ronald Reagan.  This is unfortunate, because on economic matters Paul is generally spot-on, i.e., he believes in laissez-fair capitalism.  This is the strange dichotomy of the paleconservatives, who seem to be political schizophrenics:  far left on some issues, far right on others.

Now David Horowitz has an article about Ron Paul at News Real blog.  It appears that Ron Paul wants to end all aid to Israel.  Paulites are loudly arguing that this is not evidence of Paul's anti-semitism, but I just don't buy it.

Read it all here.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lew Rockwell Slimes Veterans

There's something about that turns my stomach.  Maybe it's the fact that far-left hate-America types are pretending to be conservatives.  In keeping with their usual stomach-churning activity, one paleo-kook named Laurence Vance wrote a hate piece against American veterans.  It's called "Thank a Vet?"  Read it if you have a strong stomach.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pat Buchanan Embarrasses Himself....Again

Pat Buchanan apparently has a website called "Right From the Beginning."  The site only emphasizes that Buchanan is a weird duck who should be avoided.  His site is a paleocon site and I have always considered paleocons to be fairly nuts.

Currently the site has an article by Paul Craig Roberts (of in support of the 911 Truther Movement, the nutcases who assert that we were not attacked at all on 9/11, that the twin towers were blown up by the Bush Administration to get us into a war for oil.  In his article "Propaganda Trumps Truth," Roberts writes:
The staying power of the Big Lie is the barrier through which the 9/11 Truth Movement is finding it difficult to break. The assertion that the 9/11 Truth Movement consists of conspiracy theorists and crackpots is obviously untrue. The leaders of the movement are highly qualified professionals, such as demolition experts, physicists, structural architects, engineers, pilots, and former high officials in the government. Unlike their critics parroting the government’s line, they know what they are talking about.
If that's what they believe over at, remind me to never visit.

Buchanan's site has all the usual suspects. Justin Raimondo, a very strange individual, is prominent at Buchanan's site.  He runs, a pacifist site often linked to by Michael Moore.  Raimondo once stated that, in the war between America and Japan, the wrong side won.  He has espoused 911 trutherism from the beginning.  He defends Van Jones and refers to Glenn Beck as a "Fox News Nut Job."  Google this guy and all sorts of strange stuff comes up.  This is conservatism?  I don't think so.

You would be hard pressed to discern between Antiwar's dogma and that of the far left.  Buchanan's site also has articles and writers from, a site I stopped visiting years ago because of their strange views and leftist ties (a couple of year's back Lew Rockwell even had an affair with Cindy Sheehan, the far left mother who lost a son in Iraq.  Search my blog for details.)

Paleocons of the Buchanan/Lew Rockwell stripe have long impressed me with their similarities to the far left. They think that "the American empire" is a tyranny and that we were the aggressors in every war.  They are extreme pacifists in the face of aggression, apologize for those who attacked us, delude themselves with conspiracy theories and may be holocaust deniers.  I suspect that they are also anti-semitic.  Buchanan has long opposed any support for Israel.

These folks are neither our allies nor our friends.  Give them a wide berth.

Friday, May 18, 2007

A Paleocon's Assault on Truth and Reason

Mike Tuggle, a notorious palecon and member of the so-called "League of the South" has engaged me in debate in the post below entitled "GOP Debate: Ron Paul, The Ignominious Wimp." To avoid an endless debate with Mike always returning to the same refuted factoids, over and over again ad nauseum, I have given him the last word. Since his argument never changes, he can copy and paste it over and over and over again. I just don't have the time. However, feel free to put in your two cents at the page linked above.

Following 9/11, Mike opposed any war from the very start and is now constructing a rationale for his preconceived position. Honest seekers of truth first assemble facts and then draw a conclusion; Mike does it backwards. First he comes to a conclusion, then seeks selective facts to support it. A raging intellectual he's not.

Like most paleocons, Tuggle has adopted the arguments and worldview of the Far Left in arguing against the war in Iraq, e.g., "it's all our fault" because the CIA allegedly helped overthrow a Communist leader of Iran back in 1953, Mohammed Mossadegh. (Actually, to say that Mossadegh was "overthrown" is a stretch. The Shah asked for his resignation as Prime Minister and when Mossadegh refused, he was fired.)

Then there was the fact that Saddam Hussein spent money allowed him for medicines on war materials instead, which caused a lot of Iraqi children to die from want of the former. That was our fault too, because we should have allowed Saddam to do whatever he wanted following his invasion of Kuwait, his gassing of the Kurds, his attempt to assassinate former President Bush, etc. Really, what choice did Al Qaeda have but to fly planes into the Word Trade Center and the Pentagon? It most certainly wasn't because there is anything intrinsically aggressive or violent about Islam, they think. They must still be pissed off by that Mossadegh thing. Yeah, right.

Of course, Paleocons are profoundly ignorant of Islam, its history, beliefs, goals and methods. Knowledge might stir them from their comfortable lethargy in the face of Muslm aggression and violence.

I detest the Paleocon worldview. Paleconservatism is an ugly blend of the worse sides of conservatism and liberalism: antisemitism and racism combined with Marxist apologia for failed Communist leaders (all the fault of the CIA), heaped with rationalizations for Islamic mass murderers and topped off with appeasement and pacifism and scented with a strong whiff of marijuana. When you think of paleoconservatism, think of bald and bespectacled Lew Rockwell bumping uglies with Cindy Sheehan. It's an apt metaphor for Paleoconservatism: an extreme libertarian coupled with a rabid America hating leftist.

It's enough to gag a maggot.