Mike Tuggle, a notorious palecon and member of the so-called "League of the South" has engaged me in debate in the post below entitled "
GOP Debate: Ron Paul, The Ignominious Wimp." To avoid an endless debate with Mike always returning to the same refuted factoids, over and over again ad nauseum, I have given him the last word. Since his argument never changes, he can copy and paste it over and over and over again. I just don't have the time. However, feel free to put in your two cents at the page linked above.
Following 9/11, Mike opposed any war from the very start and is now constructing a rationale for his preconceived position. Honest seekers of truth first assemble facts and then draw a conclusion; Mike does it backwards. First he comes to a conclusion, then seeks selective facts to support it. A raging intellectual he's not.
Like most paleocons, Tuggle has adopted the arguments and worldview of the Far Left in arguing against the war in Iraq, e.g., "it's all our fault" because the CIA allegedly helped overthrow a Communist leader of Iran back in 1953, Mohammed Mossadegh. (Actually, to say that Mossadegh was "overthrown" is a stretch. The Shah asked for his resignation as Prime Minister and when Mossadegh refused, he was fired.)
Then there was the fact that Saddam Hussein spent money allowed him for medicines on war materials instead, which caused a lot of Iraqi children to die from want of the former. That was our fault too, because we should have allowed Saddam to do whatever he wanted following his invasion of Kuwait, his gassing of the Kurds, his attempt to assassinate former President Bush, etc. Really, what choice did Al Qaeda have but to fly planes into the Word Trade Center and the Pentagon? It most certainly wasn't because there is anything intrinsically aggressive or violent about Islam, they think. They must still be pissed off by that Mossadegh thing. Yeah, right.
Of course, Paleocons are profoundly ignorant of Islam, its history, beliefs, goals and methods. Knowledge might stir them from their comfortable lethargy in the face of Muslm aggression and violence.
I detest the Paleocon worldview. Paleconservatism is an ugly blend of the worse sides of conservatism and liberalism: antisemitism and racism combined with Marxist apologia for failed Communist leaders (all the fault of the CIA), heaped with rationalizations for Islamic mass murderers and topped off with appeasement and pacifism and scented with a strong whiff of marijuana. When you think of paleoconservatism, think of bald and bespectacled Lew Rockwell bumping uglies with Cindy Sheehan. It's an apt metaphor for Paleoconservatism: an extreme libertarian coupled with a rabid America hating leftist.
It's enough to gag a maggot.