Showing posts with label Israel Haters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel Haters. Show all posts

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Irrational and Incoherent Hatred for Israel

Bruce Thornton of FrontPage Magazine discusses the incoherent excuses of Israel haters, over at Victor Davis Hanson's site.  He writes:
Israel’s military operation to degrade Hamas’ ability to rain rockets down on Israeli cities has stirred up the usual noisy and nasty protests in Europe. We need not dwell on demonstrations by Muslim immigrants, whose genocidal Jew-hatred has been an Islamic tradition for 14 centuries. More revealing is the hatred of Israel by so many Europeans, ranging from leftover leftists and idealizers of the dark-skinned “other,” to far-right xenophobes and morally addled Christians. Whatever its origins, one thing their bitter hatred of Israel does not have is any foundation in coherent principle.
Read it all here.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

I Stand With The Jews

I stand with the Jews.  Screw the Muslims and their enablers, the political left and the paleoconservatives.

The world has become suffused in evil, but I will never give in to evil, no matter how popular it becomes with the sheeple.

Yesterday I got into a fight with Thomas E. Woods Jr. (in an online forum), and I told him off for his paleoconservative B.S.  He was angry because a website called The Washington Free Beacon (who represents the omnipresent "neo-cons") ran an article about Rand Paul deleting from his website a list of paleo anti-Israel propaganda posing as a "student reading list."  Woods was incensed that anyone could doubt that Israel secretly runs America's foreign policy.  (No doubt this is explained in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.")

Imagine those sneaky Jews, trying to influence America just so those Jews can continue to draw breath. The nerve!  Just because they are surrounded by the world's most violent and hateful religious fanatics.  How selfish!  If the Israelis would just allow themselves to be murdered by Muslims, peace would descend on the world like manna from heaven, all of our disputes with the Islamic world would fade away, and anti-semites like the paleoconservatives could join their fellow Jew-haters in celebration, ululating and passing out sweet treats in the streets of "Palestine."

There is much value in the writings of various paleo authors, like Thomas E Woods, Jr (and I have previously included one of his sites in my link list, quoted him, and recommended some of his books), Lew Rockwell, Pat Buchanan and others.  However, what truths they purvey are rendered less credible by their antisemitism and apologia for Muslim violence.  Come to think of it, their support for the "911 was an Inside Job" kooks also reveals the paleos to be a fringe group unlikely to ever attain a serious position in American politics.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Israel is the Charles Bronson of the Middle East! Come and Get It, Arab Punks! (a Steven Crowder Video)

I am definitely a big fan of Steven Crowder.  He's funny as heck while making great points.  Here is another of his hilarious videos.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Palestinian Wall of Lies

Someone sent me the link to this website, which refutes popular propaganda on college campuses today, in support of the "Palestinians" against the Israelis.  The website was created by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and here I am once again supporting Horowitz while one of his employees insults me and bans me from his site.

The points made are reprinted below.



Jews have lived continuously in the land of Israel for over 3000 years; the Arabs arrived through multiple invasions, beginning in the 7th Century AD. In the year 70 AD, when the Jewish civilization was already over 1000 years old, the Romans forced most of the Jews of Judea and Samaria (now the West Bank) into exile. By the end of the 19th Century, the majority population of Jerusalem was Jewish.


The Koran does not mention Jerusalem because Mohammed never set foot in the city. Jerusalem was conquered by Muslim armies in 636 after the death of Mohammed. Muslim jihadists claim that the Koran mentions “The Furthest Mosque” — Al-Aqsa in Arabic – and that this is a Koranic reference to Jerusalem. This is a lie. The Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem had not been built when the Koran was written, so the reference is to some other (or any other) “furthest mosque.” In contrast, Jerusalem is and has always been a holy city to Jews. The daily prayers of the Jews are focused on Jerusalem. The Hebrew Bible mentions Zion and Jerusalem a total of 809 times.


This lie is one of many designed to steal the history of the Jews in order to justify erasing them from the Middle East. When the Palestinian Authority was established in 1994, it immediately began a campaign to delegitimize Israel by rewriting history with the intention of denying Israel’s right to exist. Among its false claims is that the remains of the Temple of Solomon – the Western Wall – are in fact the remnants of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Al-Aqsa Mosque was deliberately built on top of the Temple after the Muslim conquest to humiliate the conquered. This is the same imperialistic tradition that prompts jihadists today to build a mosque at Ground Zero, the site of the 9/11 attack.


This is a genocidal claim made by the Muslim Students Association and other pro-Arab groups. It is genocidal because it obliterates the Jewish state. If Israel is actually “Occupied Palestine” then there is no legitimate Jewish state in the Middle East.

In fact, there never was an Arab state called “Palestine” and no one even claimed there was until well after the United Nations created Israel in 1948. The land on which Israel was created by the U.N. was also used by the colonial powers to create Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan. It was land that had belonged to Turkey for 400 years. The Turks are not “Palestinians” and are not even Arabs.

There never was an Arab country called “Palestine” or inhabited by “Palestinians.” Before the creation of the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1964, which was sixteen years after the birth of Israel, no Arab political entity was called by that name.


“Apartheid” refers to the system created by South Africans in which “non-white” residents of that nation were denied citizenship and basic civil rights, and were forced to live in separate residential areas with segregated and inferior educational and medical services. Those wishing to demonize and destroy Israel now falsely call it “an Apartheid state.” But the only true Apartheid states in the Middle East are Islamic states in which Jews are not allowed to live and where Christians, Baha’is and other religious minorities are objects of discrimination and persecution.

There are 1.4 million Arabs living in Israel with civil rights that are the envy of the Arab world. Israeli Arabs vote in Israel’s elections, have representatives in the Israeli Parliament, sit on Israeli courts and on the Israeli Supreme Court, and serve as tenured professors teaching in Israeli colleges and universities. The Arab citizens of Israel have more rights, and enjoy more freedom, education, and economic opportunity than the inhabitants of any Arab or Muslim state.


The Arabs rejected peace and a state on the West Bank first in 1948 when it was offered to them by the U.N. and then in 2000 when it was offered by Presidents Clinton and Barak. In 1949, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which the U.N. had designated as a homeland for the Arabs, were annexed respectively by Jordan and Egypt. When the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed in 1964 its covenant made no mention of liberating the West Bank or Gaza from Jordan and Egypt. The PLO leadership stated that its goal was to “push the Jews into the sea.” Today the “liberation” of Palestine “from the river to the sea” is still the goal of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA). The war in the Middle East is about the desire of the Arabs and Muslims to destroy Israel; it is not about the desire for a Palestinian state.


The Arabs generally and the “Palestinians” specifically were supporters of Hitler in the 1930s. The father of Palestinian nationalism, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, was a devoted Nazi who spent the war in Berlin and worked with members of the Third Reich to plan death camps for the Jews of the Middle East. Today he is revered by the Palestinians as the George Washington of their cause. The Muslim Brotherhood translated Mein Kampf into Arabic in the 1930s and called for the destruction of the Jewish state at its birth. Today Arab leaders call for the destruction of the Jewish state and routinely deny that the Holocaust with which their forbears collaborated actually took place.


This is two lies in one. The West Bank fence is a fence, not a wall. About 97% of the fence is made of chain-link material. The remaining 3% is concrete, designed to repel sniper fire in particular areas. The fence was built in 2003 in response to thousands of suicide bombings and rocket attacks on Israeli citizens by Palestinian terrorists, sponsored and armed by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. The fence was built to keep out terrorists, not Arabs.

In the years since the construction of the fence, terrorist attacks have declined by more than 90%. The fence is Israel’s legitimate defense against a ruthless and amoral terrorist aggressor.


The Palestinians claim there are 5 million Palestinian refugees who fled Israel during the 1948 war. This is false. There were only 500,000 Arab refugees from the 1948 war – an unprovoked war that Egypt and four other Arab states had launched against the newly created state of Israel. In the aftermath of the war, 500,000 Jewish refugees were driven out of the Arab states in the Middle East. There are no Jewish refugees today, sixty years later, because Israel resettled them. Why are there still Arab refugees? The Arabs have been given billions of dollars by Israel and the United States to relocate their refugees. But the Arabs are still in refugee camps. While Israel resettled Jewish refugees, no Arab country would take in the “Palestinians” who were forced into camps and were kept there by the Arab regimes to stir up hatred against the Jews. The refugee “issue” has been created by the Arab regimes as a weapon in their war against the Jews. It should be resolved by resettling the inhabitants of the refugee camps in the West Bank and Gaza where almost all of them have lived all their lives.


This is the Big Lie, coming as it does from Palestinians who have made terrorist attacks on civilians a weapon of choice, and who make martyrs and national heroes out of suicide bombers.

The Gaza strip was a base for 7,000 rocket attacks against schoolyards and townships in Israel before the Israelis responded in 2007. During Israel’s airstrikes on Gaza rocket sites there was one civilian death for every 30 terrorists. By contrast, a 2001 study by the International Committee of the Red Cross found that the civilian-to-military death ratio in wars fought since the middle of the 20th Century has been 10:1 – ten civilian deaths for every soldier death. In other words, the Israelis protect civilians at a rate 300 times greater than any other national army. As Harvard Law School Professor Alan Dershowitz observes, “No army in history has ever had a better ratio of combatants to civilians killed in a comparable setting.”

Monday, June 07, 2010

Helen Thomas's Fast Exit

Helen Thomas of the White House Press Corps has pulled her foot out of her mouth and used it to quickly exit stage left.  She announced her retirement, "effective immediately."

Thomas received widespread criticism for her recent remark that the Jews "ought to get the hell out of Palestine."

I was surprised to learn that Thomas is almost 90 years old.  Seems it's way past time she retired.

It's too bad her retirement is a result of her public disgrace, but she is the sole author of that.  Goodbye Helen, I for one won't miss you one bit.

Read about it at Politico here.

Related Article:  Jonah Goldberg says Helen Thomas has "always been slimy" during her long career.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Helen Thomas's Secret Crush (Graphic of the Day)

I found this over at No Sheeples Here. It explains why Helen Thomas supports Muslim terrorism.

Note the little kid's expression in the insert, below, right.  Yes, the image of these two bumping uglies is definitely horrific to imagine.  Of course, lucky Arafat, he's dead so it isn't going to happen, but perhaps Helen will be one of his 72 virgins in the after life.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Pat Buchanan: an Embarrassment to America, the South and the Human Race

I have now lost all respect for Pat Buchanan.  The old anti-semite has written a piece comparing Israel's blockade of Gaza with the Russian blockade of Berlin in the late 1940's.  The comparison is ludicrous, and Lawrence Auster of View From the Right gives Buchanan a needed spanking and sends him to bed without his strudel.

Read it here.