Showing posts with label English Defence League. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Defence League. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Effemination of Tommy Robinson Continues: He Publicly Apologizes to U.K. Muslims for Telling the Truth #EDL, #TommyRobinson, #Islam

Tommy Robinson Embraces Dhimmitude
Tommy Robinson continues his sell-out of the anti-jihad movement.  This week he left the anti-Islamization organization that he started, the English Defence League, to totally capitulate to the far-left government of Great Britain.  He is now publicly apologizing to Muslims for hurting their feelings and creating an "us vs them" environment.  According to the U.K. Mail Online:
Tommy Robinson, who dramatically quit the English Defence League this week, has vowed to help police tackle racism within the organsation and has apologised for causing fear among British Muslims.

Mr Robinson, 30, said he would work with police to help them investigate racism in the organisation - known for its thuggish street protests and extremist followers.

Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also said he was sorry for creating a 'us and them' culture and for causing fear among British Muslims.
An "us vs them" environment?  You mean the environment where Muslims segregate themselves and refuse to assimilate?  Where they create "no-go" zones for police?  Hold rallies promising new holocausts and 911 style attacks?  Carry picket signs advocating the beheading of opponents of Islam?  Continue to practice polygamy, female genital mutilation and honor killings of wives and daughters? Blow up buses and trains and murder innocents?

There is no greater "us vs them" environment than that created by the world's most violent and intolerant religion, Islam itself. Tommy Robinson has been brainwashed by Britain's new thought police.  Big Brother has arrived and speaks with an English accent.

Great Britain is committing national suicide and has been doing so for some time.

See Related Post at American Power.  Apparently, Tommy Turncoat Robinson's new pro-jihadi activities have even shocked Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, who have written articles denouncing Robinson's sell-out.  Good.  Maybe there's hope for Geller and Spencer yet.

Update:  An excellent article on the Tommy Robinson sell-out  appears at PJ Media.  It is by Janice Fiamengo, a professor of English at the University of Ottawa, whose views closely match my own.  Read it here.

Update:  This article was linked by BadBlue.  I appreciate the link.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Tommy Robinson Wimps Out, Embraces Dhimmitude - #EDL #RobertSpencer #PamelaGeller #TommyRobinson

The leader of the English Defence League, one Tommy Robinson, has left the organization that he has headed for several years, claiming it is "far right" and "extremist" and racist and neo-Nazi, blah blah blah.  Robinson has wimped out, bailed, surrendered, assumed a state of dhimmitude.  Why?  I suspect that leftist social ostracism finally got to him.  Tommy Robinson has been routinely denounced as an extremist, a hater, a racist and every other leftwing slur in the book.  He has been arrested on more than one occasion and has spent some time behind bars for his anti-Islam activities.  He is currently facing another trial later this month, in what appears to be a politically motivated prosecution by the U.K. government.

Leftist ostracism can be severe and can seriously compromise the quality of a person's life.  Robinson, I suspect, couldn't take the heat anymore (see example here where a reporter opined that Robinson was headed for a nervous breakdown).  Robinson has now bowed to the Seat of Power.  Now he claims to be aligning himself with some "moderate" Islamic organization that allegedly opposes jihad and Islamic violence.
Infidel Blogger's Alliance quotes Robinson:
"I acknowledge the dangers of far-right extremism and the ongoing need to counter Islamist ideology not with violence but with better, democratic ideas.”
“And whilst I want to lead a revolution against Islamist ideology, I don't want to lead a revolution against Muslims.
“I believe that the revolution needs to come from within the Islamic community and they need to stand up. And I believe this is a step forward not a step back.”
What a bunch of happy horseshit.  As if mass-murdering jihadis can be persuaded by "better, democratic ideas."  These people who slice off heads, bomb schools and churches and trains, commit mass murder against innocents.  No, Tommy boy, this is definitely a step back.  You have denied the reality of the world's most violent and extremist ideology, that of Islam.  I suspect that you, Tommy, have been compromised by leftist pressure and demonization.

The only antidote to Islamic violence, terror and barbarism is to separate them from us.  The U.K. needs to halt and reverse Islamic immigration.  Sweet talk won't do anything.  The slow Islamization of a country will continue, until dogs, music, crosses and pork are outlawed, and Sharia courts replace western ones, where women must all wear the veil or face rape.  Where bombs will continue going off in crowded, public places.

Robert Spencer has published an article explaining his view of the departure, titled Tommy Robinson, Kevin Carroll, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer breaking with EDL.  Back in 2011, Pamela Geller announced to the world that the EDL was "fascist," citing no proof whatsoever, nor giving a single example of the organization's alleged racism.  Some of us signed a letter to her asking her to apologize to the EDL and reverse her stance.  She refused.

Now Spencer, a strong supporter of Geller, writes:
This has been a long time coming. Back on June 30, 2011, Pamela Geller wrote: that because of the "neo-fascists that had infiltrated the administration of the group," she was withdrawing her support from the EDL." In looking at the same evidence, I wrote, "I agree wholeheartedly." Tommy Robinson immediately issued a statement to SIOA, saying: "We repudiate any individual, group or writing that favors anti-Semitism, neofascism, and any race-based ideology. Any rogue elements within the EDL who go against our mission statement and our beliefs will be removed from the organization; we are determined to remain true to our mission. Anti-Semitism will not ever be tolerated within the EDL."
Then Spencer dishonestly mischaracterizes our position by stating:
These statements drew the ire of some counter-jihad bloggers who apparently didn't mind the racists and anti-Semites within the EDL, and who addressed an Open Letter to Pamela Geller denouncing her and me for drawing back from the EDL. But a huge group of counter-jihad bloggers declared their support of our stand.
Spencer lies.  None of those who signed the Open Letter to Geller ever stated or indicated that we "didn't mind the racists and anti-semites within the EDL." We didn't know of any. We opposed Geller's uncalled for slander of the EDL because she offered no proof and no examples of the alleged fascism, racism or antisemitism within the EDL.  She based her sweeping conclusions on one of her friends who had an ax to grind, and not on facts or evidence.  At the time I concluded that Geller was merely trying to replace the EDL with her own organization, whom she saw more as a competitor than an ally.  At no time did Spencer or Geller provide any evidence of the EDL's alleged radicalism, and they still have not.  I lost a lot of respect for both Spencer and Geller because of this.  In spite of their good works to counter Islamic violence (and they are impressive), for me these two will always bear a taint of dishonesty, dubious ethics and the self-serving sellout of allies and friends.

Every effective right wing organization will be slandered mercilessly by the leftist establishment, and the EDL is no different.  The Tea Party is regularly slandered as "extremist" or "racist," with zero proof of the charges.  Slander of opponents is the chief stratagem employed by leftists, as any conservative activist well knows.  Both Spencer and Geller have themselves been slandered and slimed to the greatest degree possible and they ought to know better.  They too have been dhimmitized, to a certain extent.  They now seek to "get along by going along."

Some weak conservatives will always attempt to remove themselves as targets by agreeing with the leftist slander -- it applies to all other conservatives, but not to them.  They are the "responsible" and "honorable" exceptions.  They give great vocal support to leftist memes, themes and orthodoxies, in a misguided attempt to be "acceptable" to the entrenched liberal culture.  This only undermines the movement they are supposed to represent.  John McCain is one of these weak sisters.  And apparently, so are Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Tommy Robinson.

Tommy Robinson, however, has a fairly good excuse.  He is apparently suffering from a form of post-traumatic stress syndrome from years of extreme leftist persecution in Great Britain.  Spencer and Geller, however, are merely opportunists looking to expand their empire.

Related Post:  Gates of Vienna goes into greater detail as to the government pressure and blackmail of Tommy Robinson.  Apparently, Robinson agreed to "go along" in order to get out of jail early and have the opportunity of watching his children grow up.  Read it here.

Update:  Check out the "antisemitic" EDL on the Facebook EDL Jewish Division site at this link.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Robert Stacy McCain Sells Out for Hits: Claims Pamela Geller Was "Vindicated" in Smearing the EDL

Robert Stacy McCain stuck his foot in it this morning, with his post:  "Pamela Geller Vindicated Again..."  He writes:
And let me just remind you that, three weeks before the Oslo massacre, Pamela Geller was being criticized for going public with her concerns about neo-Nazi elements in the English Defence League. My defense of her at that time was simple: If Pamela Geller says you’ve got an anti-Semitism problem, you probably have an anti-Semitism problem.
Fast-forward to the aftermath of Oslo, and Breivik’s claims of “connections” with members of the EDL.

If this is true, don’t you kind of wonder if the EDL members who were buddies with the Norwegian terrorist were some of the same neo-Nazi types Geller was warning about?
This is my response to McCain, posted at his website in the comments section:
When you get it wrong, Stacy, you really get it wrong. Pamela Geller has not been vindicated, though I am sure your misinformed post will get you want, namely, a link and some more hits. "Hits before truth" appears to be the new watchword of "The Other McCain." Kissing ass for link favors is so unseemly, Stacy. You denigrate your reputation in so doing, and so does Donald Douglas. Both of you have lost credibility in my eyes.

Some of us are not so easily taken in, and I proved that Geller's buddy Roberta Moore slandered the EDL with the "neo-Nazi" smear as revenge for being kicked out of the EDL for her ties to a violent Jewish terrorist. Geller simply took Moore's word for it. Do read it here:

Geller then refused to provide any details of the alleged "neo-Nazi" ties of the EDL, because she couldn't. None exist. Further, Anders Breivik disdained the English Defence League because the EDL eschewed violence and terrorism and was dedicated to working through the democratic system. I have a complete post on Breivik's disdain for the EDL that was posted just last night and is based on my actual reading of Breivik's manifesto. Read it here and learn why you should actually research such an article before reaching dubious conclusions:

Post script:  I suspect that Pamela Geller was quick to throw the EDL under the bus so she could start yet another Geller/Spencer organization, this time in Europe.  She saw an opportunity to expand her empire and acted recklessly, without doing the required research beforehand as to the truth.  She has not been vindicated in her smear of the English Defence League.  Indeed, as more information comes to light, the EDL is the one who is vindicated, not Geller. 

Meanwhile, it's hard to believe that R.S.  McCain was once a professional reporter -- that he is willing to trash a large group of European conservatives on the unproved say-so of one of his buddies [really great research skills there, Stacy].  I have long been utterly turned off by McCain's buddy-blogging and blog-whoring for links but today he reached a new low.  Having been slandered far and wide by leftists himself, you would think McCain would be a bit more careful before doing the same thing to other conservatives.

Update:  McCain got what he wanted for his unprincipled whitewash of Geller, a link from her here, and no doubt, lots of new hits.  Stacy, you sell your honor cheap.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anders Breivik Denounced English Defence League For Eschewing Violence

I watched a video of EDL chief Tommy Robinson destroying a BBC propagandist at the following link.  In the interview, the BBC blowhard tried very hard to implicate the EDL as somehow having links to the Norway shooter.  In that attempt, the blowhard failed miserably and his glaring bias and agenda are obvious.  However, the film disclosed more comments by Breivik about the English Defence League that I missed in an earlier word search. [Read my earlier efforts here.] That's because I had searched for "English Defence League" and not "the EDL."  A word search for the latter reveals solid gold evidence that the EDL is a respectable organization.  Anders Breivik, the Norway shooter, denounced the EDL for its refusal to consider violence or terror in furtherance of its political goals.

Here are Breivik's opinions about the EDL, that is, the English Defence League (emphasis added by me):
Norwegian Intelligence Agency (PST) annual estimates - 2011

Feb 28th: The Norwegian Intelligence Agency (PST) just released its annual report on terror estimates in Norway. I have been waiting for this report for several weeks now. Apparently, it’s the same expectations as usual when it comes to Islamic terror; imminent danger.

However, they then specify that the largest right wing threat in Norway is that a subsidiary of English Defense League (EDL); Norwegian Defense League (NDL) is in the process of gaining strength. They also state, between the lines, that both EDL and the NDL are dangerous and violent right wing extremists that adhere to racism, fascism and Nazism.

They conclude that they will ensure that any attempt to further develop NDL in Norway will be harshly suppressed.

I am not surprised that PST makes statements like this as the report has been designed by the Norwegian Labour Party, and does not reflect the views of actual PST operatives. The head of PST, Janne Kristiansen has never even worked as an intelligence officer, and is nothing more than a planted Labour Party agent, placed to lead the PST, against the will of most PST employees.

I know that the above description is nothing more than vile lies, a part of their psychological propaganda warfare against all cultural conservatives. I know this for a fact as I used to have more than 600 EDL members as Facebook friends and have spoken with tens of EDL members and leaders. In fact; I was one of the individuals who supplied them with processed ideological material (including rhetorical strategies) in the very beginning. The EDL are in fact anti-racist, anti-fascist and anti-Nazi. They even have many members and leaders with non- European background (African and Asian). They have worked so hard, and continue to work hard, to keep National Socialists out of the organization, but yet they are strategically labeled as racist-fascist-Nazi-monsters by the multiculturalist authorities. The EDL, although having noble intentions are in fact dangerously naïve. EDL and KT principles can never be reconciled as we are miles apart ideologically AND organizationally. The EDL even rejects taking a stand against multiculturalism which proves that they are even more naïve than Sarkozy, Merkel and Cameron who have all admitted that multiculturalism has been a failure and a disaster for Europe.

KT [Breivik's organization] was formed back in 2002 as a revolutionary conservative movement because we had lost hope that the democratic framework can solve Europe’s current problems. The EDL, on the other hand, IS a democratic movement. They STILL believe that the democratic system can solve Britain’s problems… This is why the EDL harshly condemns any and all revolutionary conservative movements that employ terror as a tool, such as the KT. And this is why, we, the KT view the EDL as naïve fools, wasting all their energy monkey-screaming to deaf ears while they should instead have focused on means and methods that are meaningful in regards to achieving true political change, in regards to tearing down the multiculturalist regime known as Britain. Unfortunately, the only meaningful resistance at this point in time is to use military force. So instead of monkey-screaming, they should instead focus on strategically demolishing one of the many British nuclear power plants, which effectively would completely cripple the British economy, contributing to creating an optimal climate for significant political change.
These words have been available for several days now, yet the mainstream media ignores them and continues to try and draw links between the EDL and Breivik.  These ruthless and dirty tactics are what convinced Breivik that democracy and dialogue were hopeless.  It should be obvious that it is the mainstream media and liberal politicians who pushed Breivik over the edge.   They should be investigating themselves.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Norway Shooter and the English Defence League

Now the U.K. Telegraph joins the riot of "guilt by association," claiming that Anders Breivik had "extensive ties" to the English Defence League (the EDL).  It is thus implied that the EDL and Breivik must have agreed on the need for violence.  Nonsense.

Last month, the EDL kicked out its Jewish section leader, one Roberta Moore, for her support of a violent terrorist, a Jew who was convicted of plotting to bomb Russian targets in the US.  This proves conclusively that the EDL disavows violence and distances itself from it.  In fact, the EDL was subsequently slandered by Moore in an effort to justify her departure and to get revenge, but the truth remains:  the EDL rejected any alliance with violent people.

Breivik hated multiculturalism and Islamic extremism and read from many sources on the subject.  However, none of these sources advocated violence against Muslims or anyone else.

So what does Breivik say about the English Defence League in his "manifesto"?  He describes it:
Organisations like EDL, doesn't [sic] have an official extreme political doctrine.
 And also:
Instead of condemning and rejecting organisations like EDL it is essential that conservative intellectuals contribute to help them on the right ideological path. And to ensure that they continue to reject criminal, racist and totalitarian doctrines.

Sure, they will always be labelled as racists by the MSM, but who aren’t labelled? Everyone who criticises Islamisation or multiculturalism and supports Israel are labelled as racists, fascists and Nazis anyway. Europeans are getting increasingly immune against the multiculturalist labelling techniques. More and more people understand that Islam is not a race, but a hateful political ideology. When they continue with the labelling techniques despite of this, it is actually the individuals labelling other groups who are perceived as intolerant bigots. People aren't stupid.
It is obvious that Breivik believed the the EDL to be non-racist, non-criminal and non-totalitarian.  So he endorsed it for that reason.  Of course, this position is very much at odds with Breivik's decision to mass murder innocents in Norway.  There is no logical connection.  But then again, Breivik is insane.  Logic or consistency in thought and action are not the hallmarks of a deranged mind.

The conclusions here are obvious.  Breivik was not influenced in his mad scheme by the EDL, and any attempt to connect the dots is doomed to failure.

Update:  Later I discovered that Breivik subsequently denounced the EDL for its refusal to use violence and terror in pursuit of political goals.  Read about it here.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Pamela Geller In Denial Over Flap She Caused

Pamela Geller is in deep denial of her mishandling of the English Defence League (EDL) controversy -- a controversy that she largely created.

Instead of retracting her statements about the alleged fascism within the EDL, she is now attacking the bloggers (that includes me) who signed the Gates of Vienna "Open Letter to Pamela Geller."  She is saying that we signers are ignoring the racism within the EDL (no racism has been proved or documented) and thereby sanctioning it.  Further, we are "Machiavellian" for asking her to recant.  Geller's intellectual dishonesty in the matter is over the top.

Lawrence Auster dissects Geller's arguments, e.g.:
[Geller said]Instead of working to purge the EDL of these vile elements, the signers of this Open Letter are trying to destroy those of us who seek to maintain the proper focus of our mission and the EDL's mission, which is fighting for freedom. 

[LA replies: No, the signers of the open letter were not seeking to destroy anyone. They were calling on Pamela to withdraw her irresponsible, outrageous, fact-free denuncation of the EDL, which now, in a very dishonest and indirect way,-- denying that she is doing what she is actually doing--she has done.] 
Geller also slimes Gates of Vienna with more unproven accusations.  She writes:
At the same time, and probably not coincidentally, Gates of Vienna has become a home for many anti-Semitic rants that are deeply disturbing; not only are these sanctioned by the proprietors, but they’ve added to the chorus.
I have been reading "Gates of Vienna" for years and I have never seen an "anti-semitic rant" posted there.  Geller seems to be self-destructing in an orgy of falsehood, slander and hyberbole -- and again, with no specifics or examples to support her accusation.

In fairness, Geller has been under extreme pressure, being sued by a Muslim attorney allegedly for slander, for millions of dollars, and for having her name dragged through the mud for years by Muslims and leftists like the despicable Southern Poverty Law Center.  Perhaps the pressure has finally gotten to her and she hopes to gain a modicum of peace by sacrificing the EDL to the gods of liberalism, as if to say, "see, I'm not a racist hater, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!"

I think Geller has developed a form of shell-shock, or post traumatic stress syndrome, which Webster describes as "mentally confused, upset, or exhausted as a result of excessive stress."  Few of us have to undergo this kind of stress, but Pamela, this is no reason to go kapo on us.  Many of the leaders of the EDL have faced the same extreme pressure, or worse.  As the Open Letter states:
For the past two years the English Defence League has been on the front lines of the resistance to sharia and militant Islam in England. Its leaders have put their own lives in danger by doing so. They live under constant threat, not just from murderous Muslim zealots, but from their own government, which has harassed and arrested them repeatedly. Tommy Robinson, the leader of the EDL, has been arrested multiple times, and is currently facing trumped-up charges designed to put him and the EDL out of action.
Pamela is not the only one under extreme pressure from the left, and betraying allies is not a solution.

The EDL: Speaking of Reputations...False Charges Do Not Reflect Well on Those Who Make Them

And who has made false charges?  Apparently, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, whose statements this week about the English Defence League heavily damaged the latter's reputation.

A group of anti-jihad bloggers have written an open letter to Pamela Geller asking her to apologize and retract her statements about the English Defence League.  A copy of that letter (I am one of the signers) is included in the prior post below.

The question is, will the very proud Pamela Geller admit she made a mistake and retract?  If not, there may be a permanent split between Geller & Spencer and the rest of the anti-jihadi blogosphere.

Geller seems to sometimes be careless, if not irresponsible, with the reputations of others fighting the same cause.  A few months ago she denounced an anti-mosque rally in New York, after liberals claimed it was "racist."  Several speakers at that rally have also spoken at Geller's rallies, and the racism charge was shown (once again) to be bunk.

I am surprised that Geller accepted so readily the claims of the loose cannon Roberta Moore, that the EDL had become infiltrated by neo-fascists.  A small amount of internet research would have quickly revealed to her (as it did to me) that Moore had been disclosed as a radical by the EDL, and that Moore's claims were highly suspect.

From here on in, I will take Geller with a grain of salt.  I am disappointed in her.  She could redeem herself with a public apology to the EDL, but I don't expect her to make one.  Humility is not her style.

An Open Letter to Pamela Geller

From Gates of Vienna:

An Open Letter to Pamela Geller (Updated)

EDL header

I’ve bumped this post to the top and will keep it there for a while because so many additional signatories, including several Americans, have asked that their names be added to the list. Scroll to the bottom to see who’s there — some may surprise you.

As most readers already know, earlier today Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs posted a prominent repudiation of the English Defence League, including references to their alleged infiltration by “neo-fascists”.

A group of Counterjihad bloggers and writers has joined together to publish this open letter to Ms. Geller. Most of us are Europeans, but not all — we also have signatories from the United States, Canada, and Australia.

If you are a blogger or a writer and want to add your signature to this letter, please send your name and URL to me (unspiek [at] chromatism [dot] net), or to the proprietors of other sites where it has been posted.

Dear Ms. Geller,

We the undersigned are writing to register our astonishment and dismay at your public denunciation of the English Defence League, and in particular your reference to the “neo-fascists that had infiltrated the administration of the group”.

This is a grossly inaccurate and unfair slander against the leaders and membership of the EDL, who have never wavered in their refusal to include neo-Nazis, fascists, or adherents of any other ideology that seeks to divide people based on their ethnicity. The core mission of the EDL has always been, and remains, to stop the encroachment of sharia and Islamic fascism.

For the past two years the English Defence League has been on the front lines of the resistance to sharia and militant Islam in England. Its leaders have put their own lives in danger by doing so. They live under constant threat, not just from murderous Muslim zealots, but from their own government, which has harassed and arrested them repeatedly. Tommy Robinson, the leader of the EDL, has been arrested multiple times, and is currently facing trumped-up charges designed to put him and the EDL out of action.

To paraphrase Geert Wilders: “I was dragged to court by leftist and Islamic organizations that were bent not only on silencing me but on stifling public debate.” The EDL is being dragged into a kangaroo court of uninformed public opinion. The more people’s fears can be raised, the more quickly debate can be smothered.

In the final analysis, as Geert Wilders points out, the strength of our community depends on the freedom we feel to “enter our convictions in the open lists to win or lose”.

All communities inevitably experience conflicts based on differences of opinion. It is crucial that we approach one another’s efforts in good faith, presume the other’s efforts to be well-meaning until conclusively proven otherwise, support initiatives made by others that further our common cause, and refuse to be dragged into parsing ever more finely our differences.

Our ideal of the “perfect” can kill any merely “good enough” effort.

Your unfortunate statements were picked up and repeated by other websites and blogs, some of them quite prominent and well-respected. This has done harm to our common cause, and has driven a completely needless wedge between the American and European wings of the international Counterjihad.

To help heal the damage that has been done, we insist that you apologize in a public forum to the English Defence League.

Its leaders and members are heroes, and their organization is widely considered a beacon of hope in Europe. All Europeans who resist the Islamization of their countries look to the EDL for inspiration, and all of them stand in solidarity with it in its struggle.
We strongly request that you reconsider your deplorable words and withdraw them.

Sincerely yours,

Signer list is updated as of July 3rd, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Roberta Moore and the Sliming of the English Defence League: The True Facts Here

A pro-Jewish activist named Roberta Moore appears to be the reason for the Geller/Spencer split with the English Defence League (EDL).  As noted in a prior post, the EDL is an English organization opposed to the Islamization of Great Britain; Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are also opposed to Islamization but split with the EDL over its alleged ties to "Neo-Nazis."  Geller runs the blog "Atlas Shrugs" and Spencer runs the website "Jihad Watch."

No evidence has been presented to document these alleged Neo-Nazi ties, and Geller and Spencer seem to have relied solely on the expressed opinion of one Roberta Moore.

Roberta Moore was the head of the EDL's Jewish Division, but departed the organization, complaining ambiguously of Nazis in the group.  She offered no specifics whatsoever, and EDL supporters say that she has no facts to offer.  However, a little internet research reveals Ms. Moore has an ax to grind with the EDL and her accusations highly suspect.

According to the Jewish Chronicle Online, Moore was criticized within the EDL of being "a divisive figure," ostensibly because she tried to link the EDL's Jewish Division with a radical Jewish group in America, the Jewish Task Force. Jewish Chronicle Online reports:
Ms Moore had attempted to co-ordinate her efforts with those of the far-right American Jewish Task Force, whose leader Victor Vancier has been imprisoned for terrorism offences. The move, in February, was heavily criticised by the EDL leadership.
In a prior article, the Jewish Online Chronicle described the rift between the EDL and Roberta Moore:
"A member of the Jewish Division this week decided to link herself with terrorist organisation JTF. This was the decision and wishes of one single individual within the EDL, and does not mean that the EDL is linked with this movement.

"If they [the Jewish EDL] continue with their plans to forge links with the terrorist JTF, the EDL will have no option but to sever its links with the Jewish division as we cannot support terrorist sympathisers."

But Ms Moore said she was determined to continue the affiliation. She said the EDL leadership who had released the statement were "complete idiots," adding: "I have put my foot down; I am the one in contact with the JTF. If some people don't like it, then screw them. There are lots of Jewish people very upset that the EDL put out that statement - and I haven't received any personal messages telling me to cut off contact with Victor."

However, the EDL made it clear that they and Ms Moore were at odds on the matter. A spokesman said: "The EDL never has and never will have any affiliations with the Jewish Task Force. Unfortunately Ms Moore has caused a great deal of trouble and unrest within the EDL because of her gung-ho attitude."
So it appears that the EDL criticized Moore for supporting violent extremists and moved to expel her from the EDL based on this fact.  Moore's claim that "Nazis" have infiltrated the EDL appears to be nothing more than personal pique and a desire for revenge.  That, and to construct a plausible (but false) reason for her departure (under pressure) from the EDL.

Pamela Geller denounced the EDL simply on the basis of Moore's unproven charges, and Robert Spencer followed along because he seems to uncritically do whatever Geller wants.

Meanwhile, check out the reader comments at Spencer's site, Jihad Watch.  They raise some excellent points and their criticisms of Pamela Geller appear both fair and accurate.

Geller and Spencer Denounce English Defence League

Per View From the Right, it appears that Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are distancing themselves from the English Defence League, alleging that the organization has been infiltrated by "neo-Fascists."  However, neither Geller nor Spencer cites any evidence to back up their claim.

The English Defence League is an organization that opposes the Islamization of Great Britain.

Lawrence Auster has the story here.

I support the English Defence League and will continue to do so unless strong evidence comes to light that the organization has become "neo-fascist," a term leftists use to describe anyone opposed to their destructive and suicidal policies.

Update:  EDL President Tommy Robinson has issued a public statement saying that no one expressing anti-semitic sentiments will be allowed to remain in the EDL.  Geller posts his statement here.  Robinson refers to the EDL Mission Statement.  Here is the Mission Statement from the EDL website (below the fold).  Does anyone see anything "fascistic" in it?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Charles Johnson is Certifiably Insane

Pamela Geller says Charles Johnson accused her of posting photos yesterday of Brits giving the Nazi salute.  Johnson, of Little Green Footballs blog, was referring to Geller's coverage of the English Defence League's protest of creeping Sharia and the Islamization of the U.K.

I went back through the pictures she posted and there were no Nazi salutes to be found.  Johnson is increasingly paranoid, mendacious and libelous.  He is the sort that author Laird Wilcox described as a "bullying, moralizing fanatic."  Does Charley want to finish off his shrinking credibility in the blog world?  If so, he couldn't do better than behaving like the raving lunatic he has become.