Showing posts with label The Demise of Great Britain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Demise of Great Britain. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"I Am a Racist" -- Paul Weston, Head of the British Liberty Party #Diversity #Islam #Britain

Paul Weston makes a lot of sense in his "I am a racist" speech.  Great Britain is well on the way to becoming a third-world, Islamic backwater, because of the traitorous left's obsession with "diversity."  SCREW DIVERSITY.   It is poison to western civilization.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Truth is Now Hate Speech in David Cameron’s Britain - Must Read Article by Paul Weston

Paul Weston, a British subject and Chairman of the British Freedom Party.  He is opposed to the Islamization of Britain and the growing loss of freedom and safety of British citizens there.   Today he has a righteous rant against the far left British government and its incredible sell-out to radical Islam.  Read it here:
Truth is Now Hate Speech in David Cameron’s Britain.

Rick Darby at Reflecting Light has an essay on Weston's article at this link.  As Rick points out, being anti-Islamization in Great Britain today involves two very real dangers:  (1) the Muslim immigrants there may murder you for criticizing their religion of barbarity and (2) that the far-left British government may imprison you for criticizing their religion of multiculturalism.

Western civilization rests on shaky ground these days.  Where will it end?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Are Banned From Britain

Muslim Protest in London, 2006.  Britain Protects 
and Welcomes Hateful Muslims But Bans Those 
Who Are Critical of Muslim Intolerance and Violence

Via American Power: Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been officially banned from entering [formerly] Great Britain due to their opposition to Islamization of the West. This makes no sense -- if you oppose hatred, mass murder, violence and intolerance -- all of which is Islam on steroids -- you are banned from Britain. If you are a hateful, Jew-hating, terrorist supporting radical Imam, you are welcome.

See photos below of folks who live in Britain and have NOT been banned.  In fact, British police surrounded these protesters to protect them from regular Brits who were outraged at the signs advocating violence and murder.  One Brit was threatened with arrest for attempting to counter demonstrate.

If you speak the truth about Islam, you will be banned.  Freedom of speech is not allowed in Great Britain anymore.  Truth is not a defense.  What kind of insanity is the British government pushing, and why?

If you want to visit Great Britain, you cannot voice opposition to Islam.  Why?  Because Great Britain, home of the West's biggest fools and cowards, is busily Islamisizing itself, in an attempt to de-westernize itself into yet another barbaric backwater.  Long live dhimmitude!

My feeling for the leaders and government of Great Britain is one of abject contempt and disgust.

Muslim Threatens Mass Murder

Muslim Threatens Mass Murder While
Enjoying Protection of London Police

The True Nature of Islam

Sunday, July 22, 2007

British Telecom Browses Saber Point

Someone from British Telecom in London logged on today and read 29 pages of this blog. They seemed to be particularly interested in my take on England's new dhimmitude and my support of Israel.

Hey, welcome Brits! I just hope you're on the right side of the issues.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Britain and Her 15 Hostages

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

--John Stuart Mill

I love the above quote by John Stuart Mill because it speaks truth to me. Britain has recovered her hostages, but many in the West are saying the behavior of the Royal Marines was despicable, even cowardly. Perhaps it reflects the current state of mind of Britain, who is now downsizing her Navy and fading as a world power.

Socialism does that. Socialism is a form of government that robs men of their will to survive. The greater the degree of Socialism, the weaker the nation who practices it. Citizens become increasingly dependent, increasingly bereft of self-esteem and self-confidence. In Britain, we are witnessing the slow death of a once great nation.

Or so it seems to me.