Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Wendy Davis for Governor of Texas! (Photoshop) #abortion

Wendy Davis is a Democrat Texas state senator.  She's famous for filibustering a new Texas law that would prohibit late term abortions in Texas.  (The law was later passed anyway.)

Now she's running for governor of Texas.  She vows to break up the good ole boys club of Texas politics - and allow angry feminists to abort unwanted brats no matter how far along they are.

We suggest that, instead of using a broom to signify "a new broom sweeps clean," she use a vacuum cleaner as her symbol:  "a new vacuum cleaner aborts the little bastards efficiently!"

Photoshop by Stogie, from images off the web.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Texas Sluts For Infanticide Reveal Their True Allegiance

Texas Republicans have passed a bill barring abortions after 20 weeks.  The bill is to prevent late term abortions, where viable fetuses are removed from the womb and killed with a scissor stab to the brain.  Many people believe that late term abortions are infanticide, the killing of infants.

Democrats, always in support of whatever is anti-human and thoroughly evil, have a passionate desire to preserve a mother's right to end the life of their unborn infants.  It is almost a holy cause with them.  Or maybe a Satanic cause, as pro-abortion protesters chanted "Hail Satan" last month when they disrupted the legislature in order to stymie the vote.  It was refreshingly honest of them to finally identify their god, their inspiration, their motivation.  Life News reports:
This week saw a death threat issued to the Texas Lt. Governor and abortion activists screaming “F— the Church.”
And Hot Air further reports:
Whether it’s the attempt to hijack the legislature while attempting to pass a popular bill, chanting “Hail Satan” at pro-life demonstrators, or bringing urine, feces, and tampons (and bricks) to throw at elected officials, the opposition to this bill has managed to make themselves look like absolute nutcases at every turn, but their extremism is worse than it looks. They’re clearly uninterested in democracy; they want to intimidate the majority with violence and disgusting tactics from the minority. They’re proto-dictators with bad taste, at the least.
Before the vote this week, a bevy of ugly, fat and old women, along with some brainwashed children (see pic herein), picketed the state house carrying signs with disgusting messages (the one herein, now Photoshopped to make the meaning clearer) read "Jesus isn't a dick, keep him out of my vagina!"  Indeed, Jesus probably doesn't have a quarter to pay for it anyway.

Fortunately for all those unborn babies, Texans support the new bill by 64% to 30%, with the rest undecided.  Texas sluts will have to find a new form of birth control.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Vox Popoli Hates Californians -- Even Conservatives

Too Liberal for Texas?
Lately I have been fighting with conservatives in other red states, particularly Texas, about the desirability of Californians migrating there.  Vox Popoli, a site that is included in my blog list, holds that Californians are undesirable red state transplants, because we are all really stupid liberals.  Vox Popoli even has a post titled "Don't Move," saying that Californians shouldn't be allowed to move anywhere but to another blue state.

Now I come from a long line of Texans, dating back to the Civil War, and I have family there.  However, there is a redneck attitude that I hate, and which I now see at Vox Popoli and in several of its commenters.  That redneck attitude says that vast swatches of humanity must all be the same, there is no variability within groups, and therefore it is not only okay to hate whole groups, but the natural and wise thing to do.

There are exceptions, like prohibiting Nazis or Communists from immigrating to your country or state.  That would be wise discrimination.  Not-so-wise discrimination would be assuming that all Germans are Nazis and all Russians are Communists...or all Californians are liberal moonbats.

The fact is, there are millions of conservatives in California.  Living in a blue state does not make one a blue voter.  Having the kind of prejudice exhibited at Vox Popoli is not indicative of anything resembling actual thought.  If all the conservatives in California moved to Texas, that state's hold on conservatism would be immensely strengthened, not weakened.  Liberal Californians wouldn't move -- what, trade cous-cous for grits?  Bean sprouts for polk salad?  Sushi for barbecue?  Doc Martins for cowboy boots?  I don't think so.

California conservatives are still conservatives.  John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and Chuck Norris were all California Republicans.  Brian Sussman, Melanie Morgan, Tom McClintock and Michael Savage still are.  Likewise, black conservatives, Hispanic conservatives, university student conservatives, Asian conservatives, even gay conservatives....are still conservatives.   These folks are my allies and I won't condemn these conservatives because they belong to a larger group that is not conservative.  Everyone is an individual and should be treated as such (except when their larger group is a voluntary association that is based on a violent ideology, like Communism, Fascism or Islam).

If the bigots at Vox Popoli can't figure that out, then maybe I should remove them from my blog list.  And that will be ironic, since I was first referred to that website by another California conservative, a San Francisco Attorney who blogs at Free Will.

Update:  I have removed Vox Popoli from my blog roll.  Suggest you do the same.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gov Rick Perry Refuses to Set Up Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange in Texas!

Another red state governor, Rick Perry of Texas, has refused to set up a heath insurance exchange required by Obamacare.  Technically, the [misnamed] Affordable Care Act allows the Federal Government to do it if the states will not.  So it is not clear how this refusal will affect the implementation of this execrable act.

I am hoping that these red states will block ALL implementation of Obamacare, essentially nullifying the law and preventing its taking effect.

Read about it here.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Obama's Global-Warming Power Grab Riles Texas

Many have long warned that the Global Warming hoax is a major federal power grab in disguise.  Obama is now using the EPA to create new law without the bother of a Congressional vote.  Texas in particular is affected.  Peggy Venable in the Washington Times says that Texas will fight:
The state's slogan is "Don't mess with Texas." But the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is doing just that, and at stake is whether the Obama administration can impose its global-warming agenda without a vote of Congress.

President Obama's EPA is already well down the path to regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, something the act was not designed to do. It has a problem, however, because shoehorning greenhouse gases into that 40-year-old law would force churches, schools, warehouses, commercial kitchens and other sources to obtain costly and time-consuming permits. It would grind the economy to a halt, and the likely backlash would doom the whole scheme.
Read it all here.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sea Lions, Like Many Other Californians, Are Leaving the State

Pier 39 in San Francisco has attracted large throngs of sea lions in the past few years (see top photo).

Sea lions are a species of seal, but unlike regular seals, sea lions have ear flaps and longer front flippers.  See bottom photo of a typical California sea lion.

I was up there at Pier 39 (which is now an upscale shopping mall) a few years ago and noticed the sea lions sunning themselves on the pier.  They really stank.  Think of several tons of dead and rotting fish.  That's what they smelled like.

But they were fun to watch.  One of them will bark ever few minutes:  "Arf, Arf, Arf, Arf, Arf!"  It's almost always five "arfs."  Must be a union rule.

Now the sea lions have moved out of Pier 39.  A week or so back, there were 1,500 of them there, and now there is only about a dozen.  Scientists are saying they are probably just following their food supply, which consists largely of sardines and anchovies.

However, I see from a post at Left Coast Rebel that California is the leading state for outbound immigration.  Californians are leaving the state like rats from a sinking ship.  California is not the only liberal state seeing a net decrease in population.  New York and Michigan are other examples.  The state with the greatest net gain in new residents is the state of Texas.  I'd move there too if I could.

Sounds like sea lions aren't the only ones following the food supply.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Gov Rick Perry Says Texas May Refuse Obamacare

I have been posting for some time that the individual states should refuse to go along with Obama's socialist agenda. They can pass laws until they're blue in the face, but red states should simply tell the Feds to shove it.
Governor Rick Perry of Texas seems to agree. He strongly implied that if Obamacare passes, Texas will resist its implementation in the state of Texas, citing states' rights as a defense.

This is exactly the kind of REBELLION I had in mind. I may move to Texas yet.