Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Wendy Davis for Governor of Texas! (Photoshop) #abortion
Now she's running for governor of Texas. She vows to break up the good ole boys club of Texas politics - and allow angry feminists to abort unwanted brats no matter how far along they are.
We suggest that, instead of using a broom to signify "a new broom sweeps clean," she use a vacuum cleaner as her symbol: "a new vacuum cleaner aborts the little bastards efficiently!"
Photoshop by Stogie, from images off the web.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Melissa Harris-Perry's Bloody Tampon Earrings #abortion
Melissa Harris-Perry, a host for the leftist cable network MSNBC, recently wore tampon earrings on the air to protest Texas's new laws restricting abortion to fetuses under 20 weeks. Ms. Harris-Perry thought wearing Tampon earrings on the air would illustrate this protest. However, I think she should have worn recently used Tampons with a lot of blood, to illustrate the bloody policy that she endorses: unrestricted abortion.
Of course, the real blood on Harris-Perry's hands isn't menstrual blood, it's baby blood.
Of course, the real blood on Harris-Perry's hands isn't menstrual blood, it's baby blood.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Texas Sluts For Infanticide Reveal Their True Allegiance
Democrats, always in support of whatever is anti-human and thoroughly evil, have a passionate desire to preserve a mother's right to end the life of their unborn infants. It is almost a holy cause with them. Or maybe a Satanic cause, as pro-abortion protesters chanted "Hail Satan" last month when they disrupted the legislature in order to stymie the vote. It was refreshingly honest of them to finally identify their god, their inspiration, their motivation. Life News reports:
This week saw a death threat issued to the Texas Lt. Governor and abortion activists screaming “F— the Church.”And Hot Air further reports:
Whether it’s the attempt to hijack the legislature while attempting to pass a popular bill, chanting “Hail Satan” at pro-life demonstrators, or bringing urine, feces, and tampons (and bricks) to throw at elected officials, the opposition to this bill has managed to make themselves look like absolute nutcases at every turn, but their extremism is worse than it looks. They’re clearly uninterested in democracy; they want to intimidate the majority with violence and disgusting tactics from the minority. They’re proto-dictators with bad taste, at the least.Before the vote this week, a bevy of ugly, fat and old women, along with some brainwashed children (see pic herein), picketed the state house carrying signs with disgusting messages (the one herein, now Photoshopped to make the meaning clearer) read "Jesus isn't a dick, keep him out of my vagina!" Indeed, Jesus probably doesn't have a quarter to pay for it anyway.
Fortunately for all those unborn babies, Texans support the new bill by 64% to 30%, with the rest undecided. Texas sluts will have to find a new form of birth control.
Late Term Abortion,
Satanic Democrats,
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Why I Support Todd Akin
Todd Akin is a U.S. Congressman running for a senate seat in Missouri. The seat is currently held by a liberal moonbat, one Claire McCaskill, Democrat.
Akin stuck his foot in his mouth during an interview this week. Asked if he could support abortion for pregnancy due to rape, he stated that maybe, if it were a "legitimate rape." Of course, no rape is "legitimate," being a serious and violent crime. What he meant to say was if it were a "legitimate CASE of rape," as opposed to a woman faking a rape in order to abort an unwanted child.
Of course, the liberals swarmed over this guy like maggots on an overripe corpse, and the Right chimed in. Akin apologized for his choice of words and clarified his meaning, but no matter. The majority of Republicans and conservatives called for him to step down and allow another Republican to seek the senate seat.
Akin refused to step down and will continue his senate campaign. However, this hasn't stopped all of those Republicans who have been well trained by the Left to react to controversy like hysterical women confronting a mouse. "Look at me, I'm so morally pure and upright! I oppose a member of my own party because his choice of words offended radical feminists, wherever they may be." In other words, a lot of the Republican outcry seems to me to be simply moral posturing. Why are we giving ammunition to the enemy? You can bet that McCaskill will quote a lot of Republican criticism in her political ads. Yep, that'll save the seat for the GOP for sure.
Yes, Akin stuck his size 14's down his throat, but who among us have never misspoken and embarrassed ourselves in the process? Should a man have his life and career permanently marred by a verbal mistake? Does the incident change who he really is and what he really believes? More importantly, does his gaffe make Claire McCaskill any more desirable as a senator? Shall Missourians vote for Obamacare, huge budget deficits, high unemployment, high taxes and reduced individual liberty, in order to punish Akin for being human?
If the Republicans' actual positions are so fragile, and the voters so sensitive and so easily manipulated, perhaps Missouri can't be saved. In any case, now that Akin has made it clear that he is staying in the race, shouldn't we be supporting him? If not, maybe the Republican Establishment can borrow the vagina costumes from Code Pink and go to the Convention as pussies.
Related article from Powerline: Is Todd Akin Unfit to Serve in the U.S. Senate?
Akin stuck his foot in his mouth during an interview this week. Asked if he could support abortion for pregnancy due to rape, he stated that maybe, if it were a "legitimate rape." Of course, no rape is "legitimate," being a serious and violent crime. What he meant to say was if it were a "legitimate CASE of rape," as opposed to a woman faking a rape in order to abort an unwanted child.
Of course, the liberals swarmed over this guy like maggots on an overripe corpse, and the Right chimed in. Akin apologized for his choice of words and clarified his meaning, but no matter. The majority of Republicans and conservatives called for him to step down and allow another Republican to seek the senate seat.
Akin refused to step down and will continue his senate campaign. However, this hasn't stopped all of those Republicans who have been well trained by the Left to react to controversy like hysterical women confronting a mouse. "Look at me, I'm so morally pure and upright! I oppose a member of my own party because his choice of words offended radical feminists, wherever they may be." In other words, a lot of the Republican outcry seems to me to be simply moral posturing. Why are we giving ammunition to the enemy? You can bet that McCaskill will quote a lot of Republican criticism in her political ads. Yep, that'll save the seat for the GOP for sure.
Yes, Akin stuck his size 14's down his throat, but who among us have never misspoken and embarrassed ourselves in the process? Should a man have his life and career permanently marred by a verbal mistake? Does the incident change who he really is and what he really believes? More importantly, does his gaffe make Claire McCaskill any more desirable as a senator? Shall Missourians vote for Obamacare, huge budget deficits, high unemployment, high taxes and reduced individual liberty, in order to punish Akin for being human?
If the Republicans' actual positions are so fragile, and the voters so sensitive and so easily manipulated, perhaps Missouri can't be saved. In any case, now that Akin has made it clear that he is staying in the race, shouldn't we be supporting him? If not, maybe the Republican Establishment can borrow the vagina costumes from Code Pink and go to the Convention as pussies.
Related article from Powerline: Is Todd Akin Unfit to Serve in the U.S. Senate?
Political Controversies,
Todd Akin
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Tim Tebow's Super Bowl Ad: Watered Down to Almost Nothing
Tim Tebow's Super Bowl ad, paid for by Focus on the Family, was watered down to almost nothing. Abortion isn't even mentioned, which was the original message: Tebow's mom was advised to abort Tim, but she didn't and he grew up to be an extraordinary person. How many such people have been terminated by abortion? It is amazing to me that being pro-life is so controversial that the ad had to be heavily censored. What a sick society we have become.
Looking through the YouTube leftwing "responses" to the Tebow ad, I am reminded just how sick and perverted the left really is. They display foaming hatred for anyone who does not adhere to their anti-life, anti-capitalist, anti-everything-good philosophy.
Tebow's brief Super Bow ad is embedded below, in case you blinked and missed it. You can view a longer video of Tim Tebow's life at Focus on the Family.
Looking through the YouTube leftwing "responses" to the Tebow ad, I am reminded just how sick and perverted the left really is. They display foaming hatred for anyone who does not adhere to their anti-life, anti-capitalist, anti-everything-good philosophy.
Tebow's brief Super Bow ad is embedded below, in case you blinked and missed it. You can view a longer video of Tim Tebow's life at Focus on the Family.
Focus on the Family,
Super Bowl Ad,
Tim Tebow
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Florida QB Tim Tebow in New Abortion Controversy
Tim Tebow (left), star quarterback of the University of Florida Gators, will star in a Super Bowl ad supporting life for the unborn. The ad time was purchased by "Focus on the Family," a conservative, Christian organization. According to ABC News:
The Associated Press reported this week that the ad’s theme will be “Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life,” with Pam Tebow sharing the story of her difficult 1987 pregnancy -- instead of getting an abortion she decided to give birth to Tebow, the now-famous quarterback who went on to become a Heisman Trophy winner, leading the Gators to two BCS wins.
Doug Hagin of the Daley Gator has a post on this today. He writes:
Not aborting children in the womb is "terribly offensive"? Abortion is what is terribly offensive, as are radical feminist groups like NOW, in my opinion.
Read all of the Daley Gator post here.
See a related article here.
The Associated Press reported this week that the ad’s theme will be “Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life,” with Pam Tebow sharing the story of her difficult 1987 pregnancy -- instead of getting an abortion she decided to give birth to Tebow, the now-famous quarterback who went on to become a Heisman Trophy winner, leading the Gators to two BCS wins.
Gary Schneeberger, Focus on the Family spokesman, told ABC News he couldn’t comment on the content of the ad. However, he said his organization has always viewed the Tebows as “strong, committed Christians” who have inspirational family stories to tell.Read it all here.
Doug Hagin of the Daley Gator has a post on this today. He writes:
I must say, however, that recently, I have found another reason to say that it is, as we Gators say, Great to be a Gator! Tim Tebow, who during his four years as Florida QB, delivered two national championships, and a Heisman, and an South Eastern Conference record 48 wins, has always shared his faith openly, and in a manner that shows the very best of the Christian faith. His play on the field, and his mission work off of it has been a blessing to many, not just us Gator fans. Standing on your principles and beliefs can do that. And Tebows’ latest stand makes me as proud of him as any other deed he has done.Now enter the controversial aspects of the Tebow's sharing. According to the Daley Gator, a coalition of women's groups have called on CBS to scrap the ad. The Gator quotes Terry O'Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, as saying the ad is "terribly offensive."
Not aborting children in the womb is "terribly offensive"? Abortion is what is terribly offensive, as are radical feminist groups like NOW, in my opinion.
Read all of the Daley Gator post here.
See a related article here.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Planned Parenthood Director Watches An Abortion, Becomes Pro-Life
From Fox News:
Read it all here.
Abby Johnson, 29, used to escort women from their cars to the clinic in the eight years she volunteered and worked for Planned Parenthood in Bryan, Texas. But she says she knew it was time to leave after she watched [on an ultrasound monitor] a fetus "crumple" as it was vacuumed out of a patient's uterus in September.Abby goes on to say that the abortion business is "a very lucrative business" and organizations like Planned Parenthood push abortion for that reason: more money.
Read it all here.
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