Showing posts with label cabinet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cabinet. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Finished cabinet

Finally. Our cabinet is finished. I talked about our cabinet in my previous post, and finally I can post our finished cabinet. Last week we bought the remaining interior of our cabinet, it is only the matter of putting it in the proper place. Our cabinet has been finished the few days but haven´t able to post about it, but finally today I have the energy to talk about it. I have been lazy these days, maybe because of my pregnancy or maybe because of the cold weather. Husband and I love our new cabinet, it is easy for us now to get our clothes in proper specially me who is messy. My clothes could be everywhere in the apartment which I felt ashame about it, but I´m trying to do my best to put my things in a proper place likes my husband. But anyway here are shot of our cabinet.

Saturday 20 November 2010

Almost finished

We went to Ikea with my mom-in-law since we need her car to carry some of the furnitures that we need to finished our cabinet. It was fun to shop with my mom-in-law and it was also the first time that she was with us buying stuffs for our apartment. This time not much furniture to buy which means no much to carry until to the car and we got help from my mom-in-law and I am happy because she was with us, actually my mom-in-law is a very nice and sweet person.

After we have delivered all the furniture we need to finished our cabinet, we we´re invited for a dinner at my in-law house and it was also a father´s day so we thought it would be great to be there for a while to celebrate the father´s day with my dad-in-law. My mom-in-law cook very delicious food which I adore, and also I learned a lot from her when it comes to food and other stuffs. We had a great dinner and conversation and before eight we said goodbye to them since we need to work on our cabinet.

When we we´re home, husband started to put some interior to the cabinet, I was a bit useless since I can´t carry heavy things and husband don´t allow me to do anything. Husband is really caring with me these days, he was also caring before when I was not pregnant but he became more caring now than before which I love. Anyway guy I need to finish talking now and get some sleep, and I will post soon our finish cabinet. Ciao!!!

Sunday 14 November 2010

Went to Ikea..

A few months ago hubby and I discussed having a cabinet in our bedroom, we have a small room which we called our small room cabinet but I am not really fun of it since it is in the hall way. My hubby and I decided to have a three meters cabinet in the bedroom which will be divided by two ( for hubby and for me ), last week hubby said that we will visited Ikea to look around and plan how our cabinet will look likes and for the expenses that we will spend in Ikea ( Ikea is a big store for any kind of furniture for the house ). After that week, everything is fixed and planned, how our cabinet will look likes and so on. The only lacking was to buy it and deliver at home.

Yesterday we we´re in Ikea and bought all we need to assemble our cabinet, small table for the kitchen, chair. We also bought baby´s bed and other stuff for our upcoming baby but we decided not to assemble, instead we will make sure that it is ready for our baby which will sees the world this coming March with the help of God. Our home right now is messy and not allow to accept any visitors haha, we need time to clean it, specially me. Our cabinet will be soon finished and I am already happy for the result even though it is not complete yet.


- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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