Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts

Saturday 18 December 2010


We went out today to buy some gifts for my sister in laws kids. First we dropped by in the City Library and returned some books that we borrowed. And went to Electronic store to buy a new strengthening hair kit since my old one was broken. And after that we hunted for the kids present. We finished early than I thought, maybe because it was not much people in the City and it was early. I asked my husband what he wanted and he said a " cake " so in the evening I baked a cake as our dessert and as usual husband likes it. I always fell great when my husband appreciates my husband appreciates what I do.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

It was husband´s day

Yesterday was hubby´s birthday, and it should be a big birthday party but hubby wanted to celebrate his birthday in private, just me and his family. I asked him one month ago if he wanted to have a big celebration but like I said he want to celebrated in private, and instead he asked me if I can bake a cake on his birthday and of course I granted his wish.

On the day of his birthday which was yesterday, I baked a chocolate cake, it was fun to bake my husband´s birthday cake. It was my second time to bake a cake which I am really happy with the result, and hubby loves it a lot ( he ate two big slices which proof that he loves it ). I brought him in a shop and made him selected two sweater as his gifts on his birthday and I´m glad he also loves it. It was not a big celebration but it was special for him since I am with him, and he told me that he don´t need any gift because he has the most precious gift in the world which is ME :)...Everytime husband said that words to me, it moves me and made me realized how lucky I am to be his wife. I am really happy that I made my husband special day memorable for him.

Anyway it has been snowing these days even though it is not officially winter season yet, during this season I wish I am in my hometown, warm and sunny every minutes, hours and days...

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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