Showing posts with label cappuccino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cappuccino. Show all posts

Saturday 24 October 2009

What´s Up

I haven´t posted here for a while due to my hectic and crazy schedule from the school, lots of things happening at the same time. I lost for a while in my blogging mode because I need to concentrated in my study (you know this is more important than blogging lol). But I got a bit of break coming up which I will have a nine days holiday from the school starting tomorrow until the next Sunday, isn´t great huh? This is my favorite time, where I can decide by myself what to do or not to do. I still love it, even though I got a bunch of assignments waiting for me to do it, but I still try to meet my friends during my holiday because I don´t want to be stuck in that assignment things even I am free from school.

Oh let´s stop talking about my school, I´m getting bored here LOL. Anyway before I forgot I wanted to thank you guy for always visiting my site even thought I haven´t visited you back, but I will try to do that starting today and the rest of the weekend. I have noticed that it was exactly a week ago since I posted here if I was not mistaken. I miss the blogging things, specially visiting others blogs and commenting to their post, I love to do those things. What more I can say? Oh yes - for the weekend, I and hubby haven´t talk about what we will do during that time, but I am sure we will have a laundry time tomorrow since we are almost out of clothes to wear lol. Peace to all my advertisers because I made their opportunity or review expired, I was just so busy and no time to post, who wouldn´t want to earn some bucks huh? I hope they understand it.

During this month, I always prefer to stay home because of the cold weather, I know I am starting to used to it, but I still have a blood of Filipino which made me feel not comfortable for the cold weather but not all the time, because sometimes I love cold weather and I hate warm weather, I remember during summer time, which made me very moody because of the warm weather. I prefer to be in my computer or in front of the tv, having a cup of my favorite cappuccino with a bit of marabou chocolate, during cold weather. I need to stop now, and see you guy in your blog, and have a wonderful weekend, what´s up for the weekend anyway?

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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