Showing posts with label foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foods. Show all posts

Sunday 2 May 2010

It was a great time together

When I came here in Sweden, I don´t know anybody except my husband and his family, and it was not really fun. So my husband surprised me by inviting he´s previous boss Lennart and his wife Ivonnie ( who is my close friend now ) in our apartment to have a lunch. When they came I was really surprised because I didn´t expected that Lennart´s wife is filipina, we quickly talked to each other, and I find her very humble and sweet person, so I get quickly felt comfortable with her. She always visit me and brought me to the city, and ate lunch in different kind of restaurant, she´s the one I share my problem with because I trusted her and also I felt comfortable to talk to her.

(Fried milk fish, almost burned haha)

Ever since that day, we became good friends, she tried to visit me here in the City just to hang out with me, so last Friday she visited me and I wanted to cook some of her favourite food for dinner. Of course I know that she love milk fish, so I went to the Asian store to bought her favourite food. I also made beef afritada because I know she loves it too, and I fried the milk fish. Ivonnie and her son Noah arrived earlier than I expected, I was preparing the food when they arrived, so we had a little chat whiles I was making the food. Around 11 my friend Janet ( Janet is the person who I can laugh easily with and who has a good sense of humor like me so we like each other very much ) arrived too, she asked me before if she can came and had a little talk to each other and taste my food. And I said "of course you are very much welcome" it was a good timing because my foods are just finished and ready to served! While we we´re eating, I received a text from my other friend Monica ( she was my classmate when I was new in the school ) saying that she´s on the way in my apartment.

(Beef afritada, it was my first time to made this dish)

While we we´re eating we talked different kinds of topic like for example person who is pretending, we both don´t understand why does person try to pretend LOL. After eating, Janet said goodbye because she need to work, and Ivonnie, Monica and I walked toward to the mall. It was a great time with some of my close friends, and I´m looking forward to the next chikka hahaha..

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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