Showing posts with label layout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label layout. Show all posts

Tuesday 20 April 2010

New layout and award

I missed my blog entry for yesterday because of my laziness, but I am back now with full of adrenalin to write a post. I was inspire to write a post today because I found my new LAYOUT which I hope will stay for a while since I changed LAYOUT a lot. I was looking for LAYOUT yesterday, but I got disappointed because I can´t find something I wanted. And today while checking who visited me so that I can visit them back and one of those people who visited me was Ritzchelle and she share an award to me. I visited her blog to grab the award and I was very happy because I found out that she is giving a FREE LAYOUT and I did check her FREE LAYOUT right away and found one for my blog. After I installed it, I was satisfied and happy because I really love the new look of my blog (Thanks Ritz for the free layout, and want you to know that I love all your free layout, and your such a talented person).

Anyway THANKS for the sisterhood award, I really appreciate it. And I would like to share it to all my blogroll friend, feel free to grab it girls (wink).

Here´s the rule:

1. Put the logo on your blog or posted
2. Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Have a nice day!

Monday 11 May 2009

New New New Template again ^-^

While I was surfing the net I remember to search blog template as I usually do when surfing the net. And I found this new blog template which is already my new templatesenyumkenyit ( just install it a minutes ago ). When I see new template I get this eager feelings to install it in my blogsenyum, I don´t know why sighI am like this I can´t stay longer with one template. I don´t remember now how many templates came to my handgelakguling to many to count. So in the future I will tried not to search a blog template gigitjarito protect my blog template to a new template again and again. To Fe it doesn´t mean I don´t like your templateskenyit, it just my hobby to change templates every now and thenpeace, I remember I did not pay you yet maybe very soon now OKsengihnampakgigi?

Friday 24 April 2009

Final Template for this year :)



As you can see guys I got my new layout from Fe which is credit (laugh) I will pay it next month likes what we (Fe and I) have agreed. Because of loving so much the color green I decided to changed my template for the last time for this year. As I mentioned in my previous post that I was not contented with my old layout which the " Dear Diary layout " so finally the time comes that I was waiting for, I found my new layout. I hope this time this layout will lasts forever at least for this year (smile) and I hope everybody like it like I do. I will still fix some of the color but I am really tired it almost 1 in the morning here and I need to sleep so see you tomorrow guys mwah! By the way to anybody want to make over their blog template just visit this site and get the template you wanted!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Finally I done my New Layout

I done my new layout again, as you already knew that I love changing my blog background. I know that it is not good if I change my blog background always because it´s not easy to Mr. Google to give back my PR but who cares since I enjoy it LOL. I love playing with my blog background and I enjoy it a lot, did you know that it took me one day to find a new layout and it doesn´t matter because I enjoy it a lot and I love watching my blog background to a different kind of background.

I am not really satisfied with my new layout but I am really eager to change my blog background , so maybe a week or so I will change again my blog background. Is it sound crazy? maybe? but I enjoy it a lot LOL. Anyway I remembered there are some people who visited my blog before and asked if they can get my old template code since I have a new template now- I announced here that my old template is really available to everyone, just leave me a comment to let me know that you are interested with my old template then I will give the code for that template.

By the way if you couldn´t remember my old template just paste this code "file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/user/Mina%20dokument/Mina%20bilder/html.htm" in Internet Explore or Mozilla Firefox to view my old template, I´m just here waiting for your message :)!

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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