Showing posts with label sandal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sandal. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 April 2009

My new sandal

On my way home today I passed by in a shoe shop which nears in our apartment. And when I looked inside what´s their new style and I found this sandal which really got my attention and since I didn´t buy any sandal yet for this month I decided to buy it because I really like it. It cost 249 kronor so it around 1,300 pesos, for me as a student and no job I think it´s a little bit expensive but as I said I didn´t buy sandal this month so I got it as a treat for myself. This sandal I bought was in children section as a Filipino I have the small size compare to Swedish because they have long shoe size, Everytime I buy a sandal here it always at the children section, the size for children sandal here is until 39 and it´s not only me who buy sandal in children section also other swedish who has a small size like me. I received my money from my blogging today that´s why I bought this sandal, this is my first time to buy things using my blogging earning because all my previous earn from blogging was send to my family in the Philippines because I choose it than to go shopping. By the way, what do you think about my new sandal?

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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