Showing posts with label spring time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring time. Show all posts

Sunday 28 March 2010

Snow drop, is anyone saw them already?

Spring is in the air these days, and it would be great to walk in the forest to see some snow drop. Supposed to be I and hubby are in the forest this time, but due to cloudy weather we decided to stay home, and walk in the forest next week instead. And here I am boredom occupied me, maybe because I miss my family even though I just came home from my long vacation. There´s a lot of things I need to be done this weekend like finish reading my swedish book, laundry and cleaning our apartment, but nothing of them I have done. I need to wait an hour maybe I get the energy to do those things, I know it´s not wise to wait but what can I do, I just feel so lazy and useless haha.

But anyway since we haven´t walk in the forest today, I looked through my computer picture if I can find the picture of snow drop I took last week while walking outside in our school building with my classmates. And after a minute I found it and wanted to share it with you guy. There are a lot of sign when spring is coming and one of them are the snow drop growing everywhere. What about you? What was the sign you saw that it´s already spring? It would be interesting to know it. Ok till the next post and enjoy your weekend guy...

Saturday 11 April 2009

A Walk With My Husband In The Forest

We had a nice weather today so hubby and I decided to talk a walk in the forest since the weather is nice when I said nice it means not chilly and windy weather. We took a walk in the forest that has a big lake surround it. While we walking we passed a lot of people doing sun bathing and jogging. We been a place that I never been to before so I was surprised because I saw a long bridge on our way to the forest. So since I love taking a photo I asked my husband to take some photo of me, he became my photographer (he´s starting to be a good photographer, I knew he don´t like to take a photo (laugh). I enjoy to walk in the forest with my husband, watching birds singing, new flowers and trees starting to have some leaves- this is the one of my favorite season besides of winter. Anyway I post some picture and don´t be surprise when you don´t see my husband because you knew it already- his been my photographer (Thanks darling for the nice picture you took of me). You can click the picture to see it better.

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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