Showing posts with label Competition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Competition. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

March competition winner!

cAnd the winner of the pencil and print of Victorian oddness is.....

Mr John Wilson, the Gent with the most obvious joke, but the one which did make me laugh; "Ahh, you said dragOOn!". John, we will be in touch, and hope that you enjoy the prize!!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

March Competition - Original Pencil Art & Print!

The March competition has rolled around and Andy has taken a look through his archives to find the pencil artwork from a monochrome piece posted way back towards the end of summer. From Cubicle Seven's Victoriana RPG range.

We have both the Original pre-digital pencil artwork, and an A4 signed print of the final artwork on offer for the lucky winner to wonder at Andy's convoluted monochrome technique!

It couldn't be easier to enter, all you need to do is leave a comment about the prize and you'll be entered into the running. So leave your comments and as always any kind of comment counts but you have to make sure you think about it as you can only enter once, so make it funny, make it complimentary, make it a song, make it weird, make it anything you want but make your comment count. Please make sure that if you do not have a Blogger profile email address that you leave a contact email after your comment.

Terms of entry: 1. Only one entry per person. 2. Comments must be left by the end of 31st March 2010 to be entered into the competition. 3. The contributors to Scotch Corner will judge the comments left and decide a winner with the contributor supplying the prize having the casting vote. 4. The winner will be announced on the website as soon as a decision has been reached. 5. If the winner does not have a contact email address available on their comment profile then it is the winners responsibility to contact Scotch Corner at and supply mailing address details. 6. If the winner does not contact us after one full month a new winner will be chosen. 7. All decisions are final. 8. If you are unhappy with any of these conditions please do not enter.

February Competition Winner!

We had a lot of great entries for February's 'Starblazer' competition but there can be only one winner and its Vicky!

Not only has Vicky been a Guest Contributor here on Scotch Corner but she's also an organiser of Scotland's only comic convention, Hi-Ex!, which takes place on the 27-28 March. Vicky said in her comment that the Starblazer prize will be added into the conventions Charity Auction which is run to raise funds for Children 1st, a very worth while cause. So who could turn down such a charitable request, not us!

If you'd like to bid on the Starblazer goodies or any of the other items at the auction you can do so on the day or by contacting Hi-Ex! and placing your bid, go check out their auction page!

Monday, February 8, 2010

January Competition Winner!

Congratulations to 'Jan' our winner of the January Competition for his comment:

Not knowing what "bijou" means, I thought of "bijuu". Which is a Japanese word for tailed demons.

Jinchuriki and their Bijuu

Yep, me know no French. But I do watch Naruto. :D

Oh, prints! Would love to have those! Especially the right one, it's such a classic image, but with a few subtle twists. I've moved to a new room recently and its walls are so white and empty. These prints would surely make it feel more like home.

Your prize will be sent onto you as soon as we receive your mailing address!

Monday, February 1, 2010

February Competition – Starblazing Original Art!

Over the last two weeks Graeme has posted up his work on his homage cover painting to the comic Starblazer and for this months competition we stay with that theme. Once again you can get your hands on some original art in the form of the A3 pencil art for the finished painting. Also we will throw in an A3 print of the final painted Starblazer cover and to complete your Starblazer memories we will also send you a selection from the original comic series.

So that's an original pencilled piece of art, a print of the cover and free comics to go with it all!

Pencils,Illustration,Graeme Neil Reid

It couldn't be easier to enter, all you need to do is leave a comment about the prize and you'll be entered into the running. So leave your comments and as always any kind of comment counts but you have to make sure you think about it as you can only enter once, so make it funny, make it complimentary, make it a song, make it weird, make it anything you want but make your comment count. Please make sure that if you do not have a Blogger profile email address that you leave a contact email after your comment.

Terms of entry: 1. Only one entry per person. 2. Comments must be left by the end of 28th February 2010 to be entered into the competition. 3. The contributors to Scotch Corner will judge the comments left and decide a winner with the contributor supplying the prize having the casting vote. 4. The winner will be announced on the website as soon as a decision has been reached. 5. If the winner does not have a contact email address available on their comment profile then it is the winners responsibility to contact Scotch Corner at and supply mailing address details. 6. If the winner does not contact us after one full month a new winner will be chosen. 7. All decisions are final. 8. If you are unhappy with any of these conditions please do not enter.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

December Competition Winner!

Start of the new year and we are running slightly behind on announcing the winner of the Make 'Yours' Marvel competition from December so with no further delay the prize goes to John Owens who requested an illustration of Frank Castle aka The Punisher. Congratulations to John and I'm sure that Tom will putting pencil to paper shortly so keep your eyes peeled for his future post of the illustration and your deserved prize.

Friday, January 1, 2010

January Competition - Three for One Printacular!

A new year and a new competition here on Scotch Corner take it away Jon!

Welcome to 2010! For my last competition offering way back in the olden days of 2009 I offered up a single gigantic print. Well, we all know that as time marches on things get smaller and smaller, and so for this contest I'm offering three 6x8 mini-prints. Whilst the gigantic sized prints are great for impressing your guests mounted in a huge gilt frame in your cavernous drawing room, these more compact and bijou prints are a great size for framing in your city flat or cosy country cottage. Or perhaps hanging in your downstairs cloakroom.

The images featured all come from the Dragon Warriors fantasy gaming manuals published by Magnum Opus Press. There's the core book cover featuring a doughty band of adventurers descending into the depths, the frozen centurion from "Prince of Darkness" and the townscape of the forthcoming "Friends or Foes". Good luck one and all and enjoy your jet pack in this bright new futuristic decade!

It couldn't be easier to enter, all you need to do is leave a comment about the prize and you'll be entered into the running. So leave your comments and as always any kind of comment counts but you have to make sure you think about it as you can only enter once, so make it funny, make it complimentary, make it a song, make it weird, make it anything you want but make your comment count. Please make sure that if you do not have a Blogger profile email address that you leave a contact email after your comment.

Terms of entry: 1. Only one entry per person. 2. Comments must be left by the end of 31st January 2010 to be entered into the competition. 3. The contributors to Scotch Corner will judge the comments left and decide a winner with the contributor supplying the prize having the casting vote. 4. The winner will be announced on the website as soon as a decision has been reached. 5. If the winner does not have a contact email address available on their comment profile then it is the winners responsibility to contact Scotch Corner at and supply mailing address details. 6. If the winner does not contact us after one full month a new winner will be chosen. 7. All decisions are final. 8. If you are unhappy with any of these conditions please do not enter.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

October and November Competition Winners!

Two winners to announce. First up is the November winner for Gary's superb signed and sketched hardback book of the 'Lords of Misrule'. And the prize goes to Josie P. Jacobi (posting as Herne) for her amazingly long comment. Gary had this to say of the winner:

My choice for the winner is Josie P. Jacobi. Granted there are two parts to the entry but I don’t register it as a double vote. Twitter frustrates me so much with the 140 character limit so I understand where Josie is coming from with an enforced mark. A hugely mammoth entry. Glad she spent the time writing in for the competition.

And we also had our first 'no show' for our October competition and sticking to our own rules a new winner has been selected, and the prints go to Atom for his Goblin Market Report comment.

Both winners will be contacted shortly.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December Competition - Make 'Yours' Marvel!

We'd love to show you the prize for this month but it doesn't exist... well not yet anyway. Tom will be giving one lucky winner the chance to receive an original pencilled illustration of a Marvel character and they get to choose which character they'd like! That's right Tom will actually draw the winners requested choice of Marvel character and send it off to them.

And we all know how much Tom likes to draw Marvel superheroes, remember this piece from a couple of weeks back!

All you need to do to enter this competition is tell us which Marvel character you'd like drawn and why you should win, how easy is that! So leave your comments and as always any kind of comment counts but you have to make sure you think about it as you can only enter once, so make it funny, make it complimentary, make it a song, make it weird, make it anything you want but make your comment count. Please make sure that if you do not have a Blogger profile email address that you leave a contact email after your comment.

Terms of entry: 1. Only one entry per person. 2. Comments must be left by the end of 31st December 2009 to be entered into the competition. 3. The contributors to Scotch Corner will judge the comments left and decide a winner with the contributor supplying the prize having the casting vote. 4. The winner will be announced on the website as soon as a decision has been reached. 5. If the winner does not have a contact email address available on their comment profile then it is the winners responsibility to contact Scotch Corner at and supply mailing address details. 6. If the winner does not contact us after one full month a new winner will be chosen. 7. All decisions are final. 8. If you are unhappy with any of these conditions please do not enter.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

October Competition - Winner reminder!

With only five days left in November we still haven't heard from the October Competition winner, Heyoka James. If no contact is made by the end of this month a new winner will be selected.

And obviously everyone else has only five days left to enter this months competition!

Monday, November 2, 2009

October Competition - The Result!

The result is in and the winning comments is:

Dear Sir:

I have been requested by the Nigerian National Art Company to contact you for assistance in resolving a matter. The NNAC has recently concluded a large number of contracts for ink exploration in the sub-Sahara region. The contracts have immediately produced monies equaling 40,000,000 nairas (roughly 10 cents U.S.). However, because of certain regulations of the government, it is unable to move these funds to another region.

Your assistance is requested as a non-Nigerian citizen to assist us in moving these funds out of Nigeria. If the funds can be transferred to your name, in your bank account, then you can forward the funds. In exchange for two art prints, the NNAC would agree to allow you to retain the cost of postage.

Yours truly,
James Stubbs

Posted by Heyoka James the winner will receive these signed prints just as soon as we are contacted at and your mailing details supplied.

As a reminder to everybody who enters our competitions please ensure that if your Blogger profile does not have an email address that you'll need to either leave a contact email on your comment or keep a close eye on the announced winners to be able to claim your prize. All winners who do not leave an email have until the end of the following month to claim their prize and if not a new winner will be selected!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Competition - Signed and sketched 'Lords of Misrule' Hardcover Book!

November's competition gives one lucky person the chance to get their hands on a one of a kind prize. As Gary posted on Thursday the chaps at Radical Comics have released a new edition of 'The Lords of Misrule' which features the art of Gary and Peter Snejbjerg. You can get a copy of this hardback book signed by Gary and he'll also add a sketch of Jack Goodfellow inside the book.

It couldn't be easier to enter, all you need to do is leave a comment about the prize and you'll be entered into the running. Any kind of comment counts but you have to make sure you think about it as you can only enter once, so make it funny, make it complimentary, make it a song, make it weird, make it anything you want but make your comment count. Please make sure that if you do not have a Blogger profile email address that you leave a contact email after your comment.

Terms of entry: 1. Only one entry per person. 2. Comments must be left by the end of 30th November 2009 to be entered into the competition. 3. The contributors to Scotch Corner will judge the comments left and decide a winner with the contributor supplying the prize having the casting vote. 4. The winner will be announced on the website as soon as a decision has been reached. 5. If the winner does not have a contact email address available on their comment profile then it is the winners responsibility to contact Scotch Corner at and supply mailing address details. 6. If the winner does not contact us after one full month a new winner will be chosen. 7. All decisions are final. 8. If you are unhappy with any of these conditions please do not enter.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October Competition - Last Few Days!

Once again you only have until the end of this Saturday to get your comments in on the competition post before the inhabitants of Scotch Corner decide who the winner is. So if you don't want to miss out click here and leave your comment!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

September Competition - The Result!

Well then, we had 56 comments left for this competition, some funny, some complimentary and some really bizarre but all very welcome. We've pondered long and hard about who should win, and it was too hard a decision. So in true X-Factor/Britain's Got Talent style we harshly worked away through the comments and sent 10 entries into a lucky dip. And so with no further a do... the winner is "Kopic" with his comment:

Great picture. Always good to see the Special Weapons Dalek out on day release.

Congratulations to Kopic, your prize will be on its way just as soon as we receive your details! Commiserations to all the other entrees, go and enter the October competition and win yourself some prints.

October Competition - A3 signed prints by Andy Hepworth!

October is here and so its the start of another new competition! It couldn't be easier to enter, all you need to do is leave a comment about the prize and you'll be entered into the running. Any kind of comment counts but you have to make sure you think about it as you can only enter once, so make it funny, make it complimentary, make it a song, make it weird, make it anything you want but make your comment count.

Andy has supplied two great signed A3 prints for you to win from White Wolf's 'Changeling; The Lost' product.The 'Goblin Market' image from the core rule-book, and the opening fiction full page illustration from 'Lords of Summer'. © White Wolf 2007/8.

Terms of entry: 1. Only one entry per person. 2. Comments must be left by the end of 31st October 2009 to be entered into the competition. 3. The contributors to Scotch Corner will judge the comments left and decide a winner with the contributor supplying the prize having the casting vote. 4. The winner will be announced on the website as soon as a decision has been reached. 5. If the winner does not have a contact email address available on their comment profile then it is the winners responsibility to contact Scotch Corner at and supply mailing address details. 6. If the winner does not contact us after one full month a new winner will be chosen. 7. All decisions are final. 8. If you are unhappy with any of these conditions please do not enter.

Monday, September 28, 2009

September Competition - Last Few Days!

Once again you only have until the end of this Wednesday to get your comments in on the competition post before the inhabitants of Scotch Corner decide who the winner is. So if you don't want to miss out click here and leave your comment!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

August Competition Update!

We've had word through from the winner of the August competition here on Scotch Corner, Brian Woods, that the prize and other goodies sent by Jon have arrived safely in Ukraine and are thoroughly admired and enjoyed by all. Check this out:

The tube of amazingness arrived yesterday. I have to say, the students from today were very impressed with the artwork. I took the picture with our 2nd form students. It's their first year of English. I told them that maybe today they don't know enough but I hope one day they will write stories about what they see in those pictures!

Thank you very much for the poster and prints. They will look great hanging in our classroom!

Many thanks to the 2nd Form students at Bakhchisaray School No. 1 in Crimea, Ukraine for the brilliant photograph, their teachers Amet Bekirov and Brian Woods who is a Peace Corps volunteer working with them. Brian finishes by saying:

Thank you guys again for the prints. They are really magnificent. I finish my volunteer teaching here in November, and it makes me glad to think that these prints will be decorating the classroom for years after I am gone.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

August Competition - The Result!

Hot from Jon's keyboard!

After much consideration, I have finally come to a decision. This was not easy, and I was torn between several very funny, several very heartfelt and creative, and several very worthy entries. However, without further ado, the print will go to: Brian Woods for his comment:

You know, I have been in Ukraine for two years teaching English to kids who don't understand how valuable the language is to them. Some art like this, might inspire them to work a little harder.

How could I pass on that one? An honourable mention for David Wright. Let's hook up for a signing, and I'll bring a load of prints! Thanks to everyone who entered. Now all of you enter Graeme's contest, along with a load of other people and make me look rubbish for being overwhelmed by 18 entries.


Congratulations Brian, your prize will be on its way just as soon as we receive your details!

September Competition - Doctor Who Original Art!

September has arrived and its time for a new competition! It couldn't be easier to enter, all you need to do is leave a comment about the prize and you'll be entered into the running. Any kind of comment counts but you have to make sure you think about it as you can only enter once, so make it funny, make it complimentary, make it a song, make it weird, make it anything you want but make your comment count.

This time we have some original ink art from the world of Doctor Who by Graeme Neil Reid.

illustration,Inks,Doctor Who,Graeme Neil Reid

This was done for fun back in 2002 and anybody who knows me knows I'm a big fan of Doctor Who. The idea was to take one of the original (as there was many versions) movie posters for the film Star Wars and do a parody poster for the Who story 'Remembrance of the Daleks' from 1988. The story has Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred as the Doctor and companion Ace battling those pesky pepperpots and just like the Eccleston story 'Dalek' from a few years ago this also had the great British public agog when the Daleks finally conquered the ability to go up and down stairs, yikes!

illustration,Doctor Who,Graeme Neil Reid

The prize is threefold this time. You'll own the original inked illustration which is on CS10 heavy art board and measures 45cm high by 39cm wide (if you click on the image to see it bigger you'll be able to spot where I cheated on the skirting of the Daleks by drawing it in Adobe Illustrator and printing it out to be stuck on the board, far too hard inking circles freehand you know!) and you'll receive an A3 print of the finished movie poster and (because I have two copies for some reason) you'll also get a copy of the 'Remembrance of the Daleks' DVD. (The DVD is for regions 2 & 4.)

Terms of entry: 1. Only one entry per person. 2. Comments must be left by the end of 30th September 2009 to be entered into the competition. 3. The contributors to Scotch Corner will judge the comments left and decide a winner with the contributor supplying the prize having the casting vote. 4. The winner will be announced on the website as soon as a decision has been reached. 5. If the winner does not have a contact email address available on their comment profile then it is the winners responsibility to contact Scotch Corner at and supply mailing address details. 6. If the winner does not contact us after one full month a new winner will be chosen. 7. All decisions are final. 8. If you are unhappy with any of these conditions please do not enter.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

August Competition - Last Few Days!

That's right you only have until the end of this Monday to get your comments in on the competition post before the inhabitants of Scotch Corner decide who the winner is. So if you don't want to miss out click here and leave your comment!