Showing posts with label Marvel A-Z. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marvel A-Z. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2013

M is for Mephisto

Oops - once again lost track of the days of the week. Inked sketch of Mephisto.

Friday, July 26, 2013

S is for Superior Spider-Man

Pantone sketch card of the new 'Superior' Spider-Man currently running about the Marvel Universe since the death of Peter Parker. Sketch cards sold out quickly at the Glasgow Comiccon a few weeks ago so will probably be doing a few more that will end up on here as i restock.

Friday, July 19, 2013

H is for Havok

Literally just started on a Havok commission for someone - only the pencil sketch here just now but i will add the finished inked version once it's done.  Thankfully they want the original black suit by Neal Adams as most of his outfits since have been rotten and the current Avengers one is probably one of the worst :(  (IMHO)

UPDATED - inked version attached.

Friday, April 12, 2013

B is for Beast

Another pantone sketch card of the Beast - this one in his original X-Men incarnation.

Friday, March 8, 2013

F is for Firestar

A quick play about with a slightly different inking method and some new brushes and coloured up with pantone markers.

Firestar started off as a cartoon character in 'Spider-Man and his amazing friends' before moving over to comics where she has jumped about between the X-Men, New Warriors and Avengers books.

Friday, March 1, 2013

B is for The Beast

Another wee Pantone promarker sketch card doodle - this time of the Feline version of the Beast.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

H is for Hulk

PhotobucketAnother commission and another Marvel superhero although this Hulk is based on the recent Avengers movie rather than the comic version. Not that there is a big difference between the two, they are both big lumbering green blobs of rage but with a brief to make him look like the film version you have to make sure you pick up on those differences, mainly in the facial features based on actor Mark Ruffalo.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

W is for Wolverine

PhotobucketI do know more about this Marvel character than the last Dr Strange commission but then chances are everybody knows more about this character due to the amount of film screen time he has had. I quite like drawing him but again I'm very much in the older brown, black and yellow suit era than the yellow, blue and 'X' badge version.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

S is for Strange

PhotobucketI drew a few Marvel superhero commissions back in November which can happily fall into the old Marvel A to Z theme from many moons ago. So here we have Dr Strange (I suppose it could have been D is for too) and as usual I know nadda about this guy. I've read a few comics in which he appears and he always seems to be cross legged floating about magic guy. Overall for a superhero I don't know I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.

Friday, November 16, 2012

W is for Wolverine

Wolverine sketch - wahay, finally got around to drawing something that i could colour up with the Pantone promarkers i've had sitting on my desk for the best part of a year.

Friday, October 26, 2012

P is for Patch

Quick doodle of Wolverine (when he was operating under the guise of Patch in order to keep up the pretense that he and some other X-Men were dead at the time)

Friday, October 19, 2012

R is for Red She-Hulk

Quick sketch of Red She-Hulk - using the loose blue line pencil again but this time using both a large and small brush pen to allow me to add in a bit more detail.

Friday, October 5, 2012

S is for Scarlet Witch

I've never used non-repro blue pencils before but have always been meaning to try them out- stumbled across them in an art shop a few weeks back and have given them a go here. They forced me to work a lot looser than normal as (at least with the ones i bought) it's nigh on impossible to keep a sharp point for detail lines. Decided to then ink with just one thick pen brush to try and keep a quite open style with the sketch.

Friday, September 28, 2012

H is for Hercules

A quick Hercules sketch - one of the few characters that it's legit to go OTT on the muscles (and hair). One of my personal bug bears is artists who draw all characters like this - probably not as common these days, but it always annoyed me when characters like Cyclops were drawn beefed up like this - his nickname was'slim' fer... anyhoo,that's that off my chest.

Friday, September 21, 2012

H is for Hulk

A quick 15 minute Hulk sketch - playing about with a bit of a looser sketchier style.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

H is for Hulk (again)

HULKrage_GNREID.jpg,'ve already drawn the Hulk and posted it as part of the Marvel A-Z but hey I've done it again. Lots of colour Copic Markers and hardly any black ink, good fun to draw.

Friday, December 9, 2011

T is for Throg - Frog of Thunder

No idea why i decided to doodle this - just one of those random things that came into my head. Way back when Walt Simonson was doing his legendary Thor run he decided to have some villian mystically turn Thor into a frog for an issue or so - i pretty much thought that was an end to it but when double checking the costume i found out that Marvel now have a permanent character like this.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

W is for Wolverine… or Déjà vu?

Graeme Neil Reid,Illustration,WolverineHere's a commission sketch I completed that nicely fits into the Marvel A-Z theme which I will occasionally drop in and out of. I'll not explain who the character Wolverine is as he's been in plenty of X-Men films and if you don't know him you can easily Google the hairy little fellow. This is the second time of drawing this sketch though as after completing it the first time I entrusted the Royal Mail to deliver the sketch and it promptly disappeared.

So for comparison you'll see the latest version on the left and the first sketch on the right. I shortened the neck on the second version as I felt it was too long but apart from using the first sketch as a pencil base I inked and coloured the second version without referring to the first to see what differences I would make. So you can go play spot the difference. Once again this was Pentel Brush Pen for inks and Copics for the tone, I used my Promarker for the block of yellow so that it was reasonably solid.
Graeme Neil Reid,Illustration,Wolverine

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Z is for Zombies, Marvel Zombies

Finally the last part of my A- Z set (albeit a bit late in the day -aarrgh, nearly two hours to upload due to my connection constantly cutting off). Anyhoo, click on the pics for larger versions. The Marvel Zombies originally appeared a few years back in Ultimate fantastic Four and proved to be so popular (as with all things zombie just now) that they got a few mini-series of their own - including a crossover with Ash from Sam Raimi's Evil Dead movies. Haven't read all of them but throughout the various series they have jumped between various alternate Marvel earths causing zombie devastation on their way so i reckon that gave me free reign to choose whichever characters, costumes and mutilations i wanted to without having to reference any of the series - so these are the zombies from earth whatever. I also tried to avoid using any characters that i had already done in the rest of the A - Z set.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Y is for Ymir

Marvel A - Z week 25: Ymir

Click on the images for larger versions.

Not at all who i was planning on doing this week but short time frame to do it in so thought this would be a quick and easy one. Ymir is one of the oldest and most powerful Frost Giants from the Thor universe. The Frost giants appear in the Thor movie but the look there is quite different from the comic versions. On a sidenote the Thor movie is actually quite a decent superhero flick - check it out if you haven't already (don't bother with the 3D version though - it just spoils some of the fight scenes and other scenes look like cardboard cut outs- stick to the 2D version if you can).