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fredag 23. september 2011

My Craftspace

Here's finally some pictures of my new-build craft space :)
I've never had my own craft room... For the past 5 years I've used the dining table/-room for all my craft stuff!!
One criteria I had for my hubby, when we desided to redecorate our living room/ dining room, was that I had to have a room for my hobby! I suggested we could tear down the integrated closet we had in our office, so that I could use that space for a crafting table and some shelves. He desided to move his office down stairs, so I could have our old office intire to my self (exept for one corner of the room, that my son uses for his computer :)
Do you see why I love him so much :)

My hubby was a real sweetheart and build this for me - exactly like I wanted to have it!
The original space I had available was 2 metres wide, 60 cm deep and 2,40 metres high, and this is what came out of it :)

Bench and shelves placed...

The dresser with all the drawers did I get from my mum, and makes the perfect storage for all my paper roses - sorted by colours :)

Here's finally all my stuff in place - everything's not perfectly sorted yet, but I guess I'll figure out what works best after using the space for some time :)

Here's my "office" part, on the opposite side of the room:

As I mentioned, it still needs to be totally oranized like the way I want it, but I already love my craft room!
So, what do you think?

Have a great weekend sweeties!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

lørdag 10. september 2011

Redecorating the Living-Room

Good morning!

Today I'll show you the pictures of my new and improved living room, as I promised you yesterday!
I'll start with a pic of "during the process":
The living room used to be in bright red burlap texture wallpaper, with a hiddeous brown floor, and a tiny wall in wood, that splitted the living room and dining room in two.
The stupid wall was removed, the roof was painted and all the walls changed into panel walls.

Some of the furniture where painted white, the stove where skipped out (we've ordered a new one), and the floor was exchanged. All the wires, switches and lamps where exchanged too.
Here's how the dining room part turned out:

Here you can see the kitchen connected to the dining room - that room will get a make-over later this fall (it's got a horrible blue colour on the walls, and I hate the wooden interior), along with our son's room ;)

Here's the painted cabinet (that used to be in natural pine) and the dresser used to be dark brown.

Here's the actual living room:
We used to have a saffron yellow couch with wooden brown details and a table to match, now we have a big, black leather couch - that we all love, and a black table to match!!!
The little cabinet in the corner and the lamp/fan in the seiling, did also get some layers of paint - it used to be dark brown.
The whole room has switched place, cause the couch is now in the part where the TV used to be, and vice versa.

We exchanged our 32" Philips TV with a new 46" Samsung TV, and got a new TV-rack and a shelf too :)
 Just a few more details left, but we already love our new living room :)
So much light and space, and the couch is so big and soooo comfy!!

In a few days, I'll show you my craft room!!!
I've never had my own craft room - I've used the dining room/table for my craft space the last 5 years, but now my dearest hubby helped me "build" my own craft space/room in our old office!!!
I'm such a happy girl :)
Wishing you a wonderful day!
Hugs, Lena Katrine

fredag 9. september 2011

Redecorating the hall & the corridor

As some of you may know, me and my hubby have been spendig our 3 weeks holiday by redecorating some of the rooms at our 2nd floor...

I really wish I had some "before" pictures to show you, 'cause this has been a real "extreme makeover", that's for sure :)
But all my "before" pictures are on a extern computer, and I don't know how to get them from there to my laptop, so I'll just try to describe how the rooms used to be - before the redecorating ;)

All the redecorated rooms now have the colours of cafè latte and cotton.
I'll start with our tiny hall:
This room used to be bright blue - almost as blue as the jacket you see on the left ;)

Now it's got 3 layers of paint, a new floor, a new hat shelf, baskets and hooks for our outdoor clothes.
The corridor:
This "room" used to be in saffron yellow and dark red (as you may see on our old doors at the pic), with natural coloured wood panneling and a light pine floor.

Now it's got 3 layers of paint on the seiling and walls, a new floor, new doors, a new hat shelf and a new shoe rack :)

Here's how it looks today :)

The bench and the mirror used to be dark brown - now they got 3 layers of white paint, and looks like new.
The bench holds three baskets, that contains our childrens mittens, caps and scarfs.

Both of these rooms looks so much bigger, brighter and "cleaner" than before - and I like it!

Now I'm soon off to join a scrap gathering in Flesberg, to spend the weekend together with a lot of scrap-friends, and I'm sooooooo looking forward to this mini-vacation!
But - tomorrow I'll show you the redecorated living room, so stay tuned :)

Wishing you a great day!
Hugs, Lena Katrine
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