Showing posts with label filofax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label filofax. Show all posts

Monday, October 7, 2013

More Filofax Fun

I've really come to love this whole Filofax trend. So much so, that I bought another one. The Domino is great, don't get me wrong, but seeing all the cute pink ones around, I couldn't stand it. Here is my new Filofax Original in Flourescent pink (and it is bright brighter than it shows in this picture) 

I love how bright and cheerful it is.  This week I decorated with a dog theme.  I found some cute stickers at Hobby Lobby and went from there. The pink washi tape with the hearts is from Kim at Cutters Creek. She runs a monthly washi tape club and this was one of them I received. The darker pink tape is one of the Scotch washi tapes and I probably got it at Staples. The dog bookmarks I got at Barnes and Noble. 

I like the idea of having a weekly to do list in the middle of my weekly pages of stuff I need to get done sometime this week.  I made a few to correspond with my upcoming themes. Thus one I made with clip art in Power Point. I think it fits in great. 
Well, that's my Filofax fun for this week. Next week I start with Halloween. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Filofax- my new love

I have recently fallen in love with Filofax decorating. A lot of times I have the desire to craft and I definitely have the supplies, I just don't have the time. Enter the Filofax craze. This solves a lot of my problems. I use the planner to keep track of what I have going on and better manage my time. This allows me to see when I have the time to craft. I wish I could say it was this that sucked me into the Filofax craze, but it's not. What did suck me in? When I saw people decorating their Filofax pages, I was hooked. Is this a way to justify buying washi tape, stickers, and adorable Japanese staionery? Why yes, I think it is. I'm not buying this stuff for a hobby, I'm buying it all becuase I need to get organized. (feel free to use this excuse if you need to)
I ordered my first filofax a pocket petal without much research (it's cute and it was on sale). Then, I realized it was probably going to be too small, so I tried to cancel the order and I couldn't. Before the pocket filofax even arrived, I ordered a personal size intending to send the pocket one back, but it's just too cute. I'll find a way to use it. Finally my personal size Domino filofax came and I began decorating it.
Foolishly I thought I would decorate my filofax with the supplies I already have. I mean I have washi tape and stickers I even have some post its hanging around. Every video I watched turned me on to a new product or site I had never heard of before. Not only do I need washi tape and stickers, I need magnetic bookmarks and special pens and really really cute post-its not the square ones from Staples (although Staples does have a lot of cute stuff I've been there 3 or 4 times in the last week and a half.)Here are a few of my fist purchases. I'm still waiting on a bunch of stuff to ship from overseas.

Now that I have most of my supplies, I began decorating my weekly diary inserts (oh which by the way are also new I decided I like the look of these Barnes and Noble pages better than the ones that came with my filofax so I bought another planner just for the pages yep that's 3 planners for me so far)  
Here's this weeks decoration.  Funny how once I started this I realized it doesn't look like I have that much going on. Oh well, I love it and it let's me craft and be creative and that's all that really matters.