Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Are Internal links within articles really needed?

Many wonder if they really need to place links to their inner pages within the blog posts?After all,the related posts section below their blog posts or articles are pointing to the inner pages,right?But yet many experts agree that giving links to your other related pages within the blog post does really help.And the reason for such suggestion does really seem acceptable.If you had lived in a cave for the past months,you must not have known the importance of eliminating the value given out by the comment links.I am sure that the Googlers concerned about the search results quality are working day in and day out to kick the asses of those comment links as well as the sites trying to use them for their link building campaigns.When it comes to the comment links and links within an article,the latter,obviously,is going to be given the most value.
And hence,the links within an article,is going to be very much significant compared to the one outside of the article.So,the bottom line is:
Do not think twice for linking out to your other pages within the article.Each time you write an article,do not rush to hit that publish button.Patiently,surf through all the pages,look for related articles and include them as links within the article you wrote just now and are extremely eager to publish it.
This might not cause a huge effect in a couple of months.But when your site has 1000’s of pages in a few years’ time,you will notice splendid effects in your site ranking.I have even seen many sites whose page rank had got increased due to the sheer amount of web pages they contained.Of course,i do not want to start the debate of whether page rank is important or not.Many do wish to sell links and at least for them,the goal to increase page rank and eagerly wait for the PR update each month will seem important and i am not underestimating or discouraging that act.

Just realize the importance of giving out links in your every article.Let the links be detailed.I mean,give out links to articles with long tails as the anchors.This would be helpful if your site is new since you will able rank for long tails and that will be so much encouraging for the newbies.But if you are  so concerned about ranking for the biggies [the main keywords],then pick the keyword you want to rank for as the anchor text.It all depends on what you want.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Never ever have bad neighbors in your outbound link profile

It is easy to be dragged by the Gravity of page rank in turn leading to link exchanges between your site and that of the High PR.But it is extremely vital to keep in mind that PR does not mean a valuable site or a site that is worthy of linking.Some times,i get link exchange offers that have a high page rank but when i check the Google index for that particular site,there would be no pages indexed.This clearly is an indication that the site has been banned by Google.


So would you link to such a site?Not at all.Never do that mistake ever.You will either see a drop in your rankings or may be drop in the site authority.Think twice before going for the link exchanges.This is why sites that offer website grading services are really useful.What’s more,most of them are free and would be instrumental in helping you know if the site is good or not.


Here are some of the sites you can use to check if the link profile or get a rank of the site:





Since there seems to be a limit when it comes to how many outbound links you may have on the home page [not a necessity but most web masters comply to that so as to remain on the safe side],make sure to choose the best relevant [if possible,of course] good quality link exchange partners.Because once you have linked to anybody,you are not going to be removing it easily,at least not without notification.So,Do it right the first time.Wait for the high PR as well as the old,established sites.

How to pick a SEO service provider

There is going to be no hassles for people who know what SEO is and how some people trick others in order to provide the low quality SEO services for a considerable amount of money.So what really is the way for the small business owners who have just entered the online market to pick the best SEO providers.Fortunately,there are many ways you can detect a legit link builder or SEO company.Here is a list showing the things you need to look out for while resorting to outsourcing of the SEO part:


1.Look for what sort of links they are going to get for your site.Remember that not all links are equal.This is extremely important.If a person gives you hundreds of links from the same IP,there is going to be more suspicion by the SE algorithms on your link building activity.This may even result in a penalty,

2.Look for the type of link building methods they employ.Most people provide a blend of the old as well as the modern methods.The modern methods include the link wheels,

3.Get a sample report.Getting such reports will give you an idea of what you will be receiving as the benefits at the end of the whole project.Long story short,this will be a foresight for you.


If you are searching for a local SEO company in Dubai,you may try out SEO Dubai services who provide the best SEO services at reasonable prices.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

SEO consultancy can provide the much needed help for your web site

Small business owners who do not have a clear idea about optimizing their web sites for search engines can contemplate on getting the SEO consultancy services from a reputed company or an individual.A reputed SEO consultant will be doing a thorough analysis of your site and be able to make the recommendations which when done will bring an enormous boost to your site rankings.But you need to keep in mind that there is much more work to be done after getting the SEO consultancy.


In short,the SEO consultant will be able to get you on the right track.You need to travel the path yourself or again outsource the work to somebody else until you reach the destination [aka top SERP positions].This might seem a tedious work for people who have just entered the Online business but the truth is that you will not regret it for sure when the consultancy had made a big difference in the SERP positions.


Things to look out for while picking the SEO consultant:

=>Make sure that the price is reasonable and not over the limits.Compare various consultants or at least look for referrals if you do not want to be ripped off,

=>Another way to know if the consultant is really good is to see how many years they have been operating and how many clients have got consultancy services from them.This is an easy way to see their credibility and reach.

Some SEO consultants are also providing free SEO analysis.This is a clear sign that they are more interested in gaining your respect and trust rather than just money.But understand that this does not mean only those who provide free SEO analysis are the safest options.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do directory submissions still work?

Gone are the days when directory submissions were enough to get a decent placement in the SERP.Here are the days when lots of other techniques like the link wheels,link bait rule the SEO industry.Is that what you thought?Well,you were correct but not so correct too.I say you were not so correct because directory submissions are still valuable.But that does not mean ordering a 1000 dir.submission package will help you reach the top position in the search results.

Submitting to quality directories that do indeed review well and accept only quality sites will definitely help in your endeavor to dominate any niche.


Reasons for why dir.submissions help:

1.helps you achieve link diversity,

2.dofollow links,

3.permanent links – remember that link age is also an important factor in addition to the link diversity.


Getting an automatic directory submitter and submitting to the quality sites will go a long way in getting you one way links.Of course,you can do it manually but the time it would take will be enormous if you are looking for submission to a large number of directories.Alternatively,usage of an automatic directory submitter will not only ease the job but also gives you ways to modify the title and descriptions.It has always been believed that using different descriptions during directory submissions is much better than using the same ones in every submission.In that case,these dir.submitters is the best choice you have got.

Link wheels and directory submissions:

I agree that link wheels have been creating a lot of buzz nowadays and it seems the directory submissions might lose their buzz in the near future.Even if it loses buzz,there is no doubt that directory submissions help in giving link juice to your site.Particularly,submitting to the niche directories will not only increase the SEO value but also could give you targeted traffic.Look for the best auto directory submitter and start your link building today.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SEO and Subtitles Gain Prominence

Use Subtitles to Tell the Reader about your Article.

Have you read a newspaper or magazine article recently?  You should take a look at how these articles are structured.  Most articles begin with an eye catching title that has a keyword in it to get your attention.  For example “TSA Tests Nuclear Detection Devices at Airport” is going to catch your attention during the holidays because it could affect your travel time if you fly to the US.  Often the title is short and to the point while still gaining your attention.


You also have the option of using subtitles for search engine optimisation purposes.  Subtitles allow you to expand on your point to help the reader gain more information about the article without having to read it.  A subtitle can be more creative while using keywords.  After the subtitle you can move further into your description of whatever you want to discuss.  Subtitles may not help in Google page rankings, but you can be sure that the keyword will be considered relevant and help Google choose your site over others based on what the customer is searching for if you use them in the subtitles.  Our eyes are also drawn to bold words.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Start link building - try out the Link Acquisition Assistant from SEOmoz

If you are confused about how to kick start your SEO campaign yourself instead of outsourcing it,i just have one thing to say.JUST START ! Do not think too much.Planning is good.But doing nothing to your marketing campaigns does nothing too.Taking action along with a strategy is a sure-fire way to success regardless of how many failures you come across.


So how to start the SEO campaign?

You can start it with one of the below methods:

1.article submission, submission,

3.web 2.0 marketing


But wait,there is one another tool that seems a little promising.If you already know a ton of link sources,there will be no need of this tool.But if you are new and are totally confused,then this tool can come pretty handy:


The inputs that need to be given to this web tool is also simple.It would just take a couple of seconds and the output comes in light speed.Give it a try.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Interesting article about the Search Engines History

So what do you really know about the search engines?You now that they crawl the web sites,index them and later run some algorithms.rank pages for keywords,key phrases and also kick out the spammers …..But that is not we are talking about right here.I am talking about the evolution of the search engines.And if you say that you are not aware of anything about it,it is time you did right now.Here is an article that is good at explaining the history in a small number of paragraphs instead of boring you to death with intolerable quantity of details.

Is there any other article that was of interest to you?Let me know and i will post it here.And keep the topic of that article to search engines and nothing else.


Future of the SEO:


2.alive ?

3.does not have any future? ….  sorry,i really cannot say anything about this because the question FUTURE OF THE SEO is itself a dumb one.And people who say that SEO will be dead have not really got the hang of it.Those would be the people who think that SEO is spamming.They should first learn about SEO and then talk about its possible future.


Anyway,what do you think about that?let me know.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

A lost ball in the high weeds – the SEO and MMO beginners

IM,SEO and MMO beginners will be the most frustrated persons until they find the real method to make money through the internet.The truth is that is not so easy and most people never wait to succeed.What makes so many losers when it comes to the IM success:


1.Finding the right resources is not so easy – there is hell lot of information that it becomes too hard to get the big picture from so many bread crumbs.But whoever waits patiently and gets the big picture succeeds and the success keeps rolling like a snow ball,

2.lack of Patience,

3.too much dependence on IM Guru’s sayings,

4.Constant reading of everything related to IM but no action,

5.Bullshit e-books that salivate every IM beginner but does not offer serious advice and suggestions for success but instead throws out some shit revenue screenshots by the ad networks paid to the IM Guru.


“What you think you become” – if you are not ready to plan out a strategy and try everything yourselves,get out of IM pls.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Do not get intimidated by the number of inbound links,instead see unique domains

So you find a niche and think of starting a blog or an e-commerce web site around that niche.So how do you decide if it is worth targeting that niche?You will see whether there is potential sales or not,and would also see if it is possible to hit the top SERP.

How to see if it is possible to hit the top SERP?

Look at the inbound links and see how many links there are

Is this what you thought really?If so,you are wrong.I would not say wrong.But it is not the best way of analyzing the competitiveness of a website.Instead what you need to do is look at the number of unique domains that link to the competitor.This is the best way of analysis since most seo experts have stressed the importance of getting linked from several domains and also several IPs.


How to see the number of unique domains linking to a web site?

Use the below tool to know how many domains link to your potential competitor:


But why is this so important?

This becomes important because some web sites would have links coming from two or three web sites which have thousands of pages each.This means you will see thousands of links and get intimidated.You would say to yourself – “fuck.this niche is highly competitive.i cannot get the top SERP!”.But it is not what you thought.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Get keyword report through SERP analytics – free seo keyword tool

I have listed a lot of seo tools in this web site and this is another post introducing you to an awesome tool which although not unique could be useful for analysis of keyword or a web site.This is the tool which is to be reviewed here:


Here is how this online tool can benefit you:

Enter a keyword and get detailed analysis:

example keyword entered:IPHONE


Results shown by the online tool:


How was that?


Here some more useful stats that can be got through the usage of this tool:

You can enter any domain you want and see their SERP positions and how much traffic each keyword receives.Again these features are available in so many other tools or you can see them using the adwords tool directly.But still there is no doubt that it can save ample time.Productivity is very important,isn’t it?



Stats obtained:



Do not see the above stats, are sure to faint by seeing those results .. lol .. wish i had a web site like that.

Friday, August 21, 2009

“I want to increase my website rank!” - Try Out Link Building

In the past few years, web wizards have come out with the technique of link building. This technique involves the process of taking links from different sites and transferring them to your own site. Usually, the websites that are more popular with the famous search engines are the ones that comprise of more and more inbound links. Therefore, while browsing, people tend to search them more and more, giving them a higher search rate.
The reason for the increasing popularity of link building is that it has eliminated the hassles of sitting endlessly and browsing to get relevant links. With the help of link building you not only get relevant and quality links but it also helps to cut down the time taken to search the links. And this is not the end. I am sure that all those of you who own various sites wish to increase the visibility of your site. With link building, you get a chance to enhance the popularity and credibility of your site.

There are several forums that can help you do that. Considering the increasing demands of link building, forums have started operating to provide you with wholesome services. These forums also help you to buy backlinks, providing you to inculcate the best links in your site, thus making it more and more searched on the web. In case you want to go in for professional assistance there are many, link building service provider. They offer quality services. They help you increase the search rate of your site by importing inbound links.

Thus, switch over to link building and get your site catalogued in the list of most frequently searched sites.Some people try to buy backlinks but be careful while doing this.Remember that you will trying to play with the google algorithm and cheat Google.So the day google finds that you are cheating the search algorithms,you are going to face serious consequences.It is much better to resort to techniques like the link bait which are time tested and are proven to give serious massive boost in the rankings.But yes,doing link baiting requires the webmaster to be good in the niche – if you do not have a good grasp on the niche,you can outsource the job to freelancers.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

SEO Tool to compare bing,yahoo and google search results in a single page

Suppose say you want to check rankings for a web page and a keyword phrase in different search engines,what would you do?Visit each page of the SERP in all the search engines?No.Do not do it.Because here is a tool that you can use to check the rankings of a web site for a particular keyword phrase in all the search engines.

You can input the web site and the keyword phrase and it would show you where you rank.You may also check the SERP by using the slider provided there – its all ajaxed and so looks too cool.

Have a look at it and let me know what you felt.Kudos to the creator of this tool.If you know about any more tools that are helpful in this way or any other,please let me know through comments.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

World’s Funniest SEO video – by fake Matt cutts

Have a look at this video.Iam sure you will enjoy it


Credit goes to

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gain three way links easily to develop authority

Gaining One-way links is hard:

One way backlinks are the best way to develop inbound links to your website.But the problem with these links is that they are hard to get.How many article submissions do you think you can do everyday to gain one way links?People might start writing articles enthusiastically to increase their inbound links – but after writing for hours,they will lose their patience and interest.The other way to gain these links is to outsource it.This will make your job easier and you can relax while the service provider gives you links from other web pages.

Opt for the best offer:

A major disadvantage in the one-way link building is that it is going to take a lot of money in the long run.Thus you need to get a better solution than these links – wondering what it is? They are the “three way links”.

How to gain three way links?:

Gaining three way links is not going to cost you much since you just need to find a partner who agrees for a three way exchange.But there is a problem in gaining these links.You would be spending all day in finding a relevant partner who would want to do a 3 way exchange with you.You might have used this time to concentrate on other promotional work.This is why i recommend the service of 3waylinks which makes three way link building very simple.You just have to sit back and relax while your website gets the inbound links.

Buy SEO book to gain perfect knowledge about optimizing your websites

Optimizing your website is a skill that every webmaster must develop so as to grow their business.There is no way you are going to increase the sales of your product with just word of mouth.Word of mouth works – but for how long?To cover a greater part of the society,you need to use the SEO skills well.Or you can also use the PPC to gain benefits much more quickly.But doing good PPC campaigns is gonna take a lot of time unlike the SEO.PPC is all about the trial and error.You need to tweak the ad campaigns again and again until you remove all the bad apples from the good crowd.Eliminating the keywords that do not bring leads/sales is going to be your ultimate goal and mastering this skill is going to take a lot of time.


Why buy traffic while you can get it free?

But my question is …why do you want to spend money to get the targeted visits when you could have got them for free.And this is not going to take you a lot of time.It might take 3 to 4 months provided you are optimizing your website in the way it should be done.Many people are still thinking that gaining links from all the web2.0 sites,random blog comments etc,. is going to bring you to the top of the SERP.The truth is different.


What is the truth behind the perfect SEO?

It is very hard to explain in just a few paragraphs.This will require you to spend reading lots of link building and SEO websites or you can also buy the SEO Ebook so as to learn the techniques much more faster.I recommend this e-book to all the webmasters as no other book is as good as this one.

Is SEO changing?

There are always talks about “SEO is dead” and “SEO will be dead” -  i am tired after hearing so many things related to Internet marketing and SEO.Regarding the SEO,do you really think that search engines will be able to depend on user experience or user recommendation to decide the best relevant pages for the search queries.Maybe they may introduce the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to the public [like those available for personal use  currently once you are logged into Google]and tell them all to vote on the best relevant results.May be that would work – but for how long until SEO start hiring people to vote on those stories to play the game again…LOL….I do not think that any search engine would be able to depend on the user experience or the user recommendations to decide the relevant results.

But i agree that Google has done a great job in the recent years and is the best among all search engines.No other engine can come close to Google.Especially with the floating data center patents and lots of other modern technologies under its belt,no one could beat them.So as i said earlier,do not stop your SEO techniques after hearing people say “SEO is dead”.It is not – it will not be dead at least for a couple more decades.

So you can either do SEO yourself or hire services from since there are lots of packages available for you to choose from.Good luck.

Friday, July 17, 2009

How to select the best SEO company?

I agree that SEO is not rocket-science.The skills on search engine optimization increase as we spend more time doing it.But how many SEO campaigns do you think you can manage?Top webmasters would be having almost one website in each niche.I have personally seen people having more than100 active websites.So do they manage the SEO by themself? “NO”.The best way would be to outsource the job to someone who has good experience in doing Off page and on page optimization.

Factors which would decide the ‘best SEO services’:

=>People who have ranked the websites in the first position on Google SERP - Shocked?But this is true.You may see many people starting their SEO services when they have not made a single website reach the top position in SERP.This is why it is better to see portfolios or ask for them if they are not available in the website,

=>People who have the ability to do natural link building – This is the major factor in the off page optimization.If the link profile seems artificial,you would be given a penalty by Google.And nobody how much time it would to take to get removed,

=>Reasonable prices – many SEO professionals might charge more than what is required.So make sure that you are getting quotes from different companies before continue to deal with them,

You must also understand optimizing for the main keyword is not enough to get the maximum profits.Infact the long tail keywords are very essential to get the sales of a product.People are desperate when they search for a long tail.So you need to ask the SEO company to optimize for other long tails too.There is no harm in paying an extra price for each keyword they optimize.But again make sure that you are negotiating a reasonable price.

To get more details on the SEO services,visit seo companies uk and the seo experts .

Saturday, July 4, 2009

What is website marketing?

Newbies who come in to the internet will be confused about everything going on around webmastering.

“SEO,PPC,website marketing????Its so confusing dude”

Nothing is confusing unless you analyse things in the right manner.Let us discuss about this in detail.


If you have a website like twitter,what would you do?Would you do search engine optimization and make it come in to the top ten places of google – there is no need of seo for such sites.All that is needed for such sites is the SOCIAL MEDIA OPTIMIZATION.Social media is the most powerful and if used effectively can bring about a huge explosion in traffic.And that explosion will be ever lasting,albeit some extra spikes.


Suppose say you have started a site for acai berry – would you use social media?NO.It would not be effective for such topics.All you have to do is target the search engine users.


=>either do SEO,

=>or use PPC

There is also another way to find the search engine users – it is the ARTICLE MARKETING.Using article marketing,you can get good amount of traffic.Sometimes it can be a temporary traffic but still it will help you during the time you are doing SEO.It is definitely capable of getting you leads.

If you are working in a day job and trying to learn all these stuff it can be really difficult for you to grasp them.In such cases it is more sensible to use services like WEBSITE MARKETING who have good knowledge about all marketing techniques.

Friday, June 26, 2009

How Web Designing Can effect Your SEO

Note: This is a guest post and I want to thank the author of this article , Mr.Edward for giving such a splendid article to be published on this blog.

Many people do not realize but the web designing choices can have a big effect on the SEO of a website. If you have a website, you should not commit the same mistake. To help you avoid that mistake here is a look at how web designing can affect Your SEO.

  • Proper navigational structure

A proper navigational structure makes it easy for the search engines bots a.k.a web crawlers to index a website. It is also important for the visitors as it makes it easy for them to access the information in a quick manner.

Try to incorporate your logo on the top left side of all your web pages and link it to your home page. Also make an html and XML sitemap with a link on the top of your home page. Use text navigational links instead of the image links as the search engine spiders never read text in images. Avoid image maps and avoid query string in URls for a dynamic website.

  • No Flash/java script

If you have flash/java script based pages included in your website, visitors with disabled java script or no Flash plug-ins, cannot browse your website.

Also the search engine spiders are not able to read the text written by using JavaScript. They also do not follow any JavaScript links. Also the web crawlers are not able to read the flash content as well as follow the flash links. So it make sense to avoid flash and Java Script in your web design.

  • A keyword rich internal URL

If your website design includes a keyword rich internal URL, it will help your website to gain a higher search engine visibility. Using a keyword rich internal URL means that a keyword will be used in both the domain as well as file names.

  • Alt tag in image

You should add descriptive Alt tags for the image files on your website. Try to give a description of the image instead of filling it with keywords. In case the image contains some important information, describe the image by using the attribute. You may use a title attribute if the image serves as a hyperlink to a particular page.

Using the Alt tag will help in increasing the keyword density score of your webpage because it helps the search engines to identify the image easily. Also placing keywords inside the Alt tags, will optimize the images for a Google or Yahoo! image search.

  • No special symbols in url

If you have any special symbols in your website’s URL, you should remove it immediately. They usually make it very difficult for your visitors to remember your website. Also the use of special symbols poses a problem to the web crawlers to go through your websites

Even if you have to use a special symbol, than try and use underscores. They are acceptable by the search engines.

  • Use Meta tags

Use Meta tags like Title Tags, Description Tags and Keyword Tags. Title tags are related to the title of your page so use some key phrases in the title. In your description tag, make it a point to add an excellent description copy with relevant keywords. This will be used by the search engines to include your website in their search results. The keyword tags should only include the important keywords appearing on your website.

  • Update the content regularly

Make sure that you update your website’s content on regular intervals. This will add dynamism to the website and will help it to earn good rankings with the search engines.

Edward Kung , is owner of Seedin, a Vancouver Web Design Company, Which Provide SEO optimized web design services worldwide.

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