Showing posts with label WW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WW. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Work in Progress Wednesdays - 24 February 2021

Anyone who knows much about my embroidery work knows I love hardanger.  It's quite quick, it looks great and is deceptively simple to work.  So, when I saw this kit going on, I instantly fell for it and bought it with my anniversary money last summer.

At first I thought I'd make the square mat up as a dining table centre or something like that, but it really didn't feel right.  So, I decided to omit the edging and make it up as a scatter cushion cover for the sofa, even though it will work out as a rather larger one than I'm used to having.

Naturally, starting out with the white diamonds and the linking segments, then moving on to the coloured work in cross and back stitching.

Below is all the surface work completed.  As you may be able to see, I changed some of the colours in the cross stitch.  I didn't really like the blues in and around the flowers, so replaced them with pale yellow and a light yellow-lime.

Beginning with the cutting and removing of the threads.  I know a lot of stitchers find the very idea of this part quite unnerving, but I'm OK with it.  You just have to bear in mind the traditional carpenters' saying: 'Measure twice, cut once'.  In this case, count twice, cut once.  It really helps to avoid mistakes if you double check at every stage of a counted thread project - especially when it comes to things that would be hard to hide, like taking out one thread too many!  It's possible, but I don't recommend it. ;)

More on this one soon.

Again, just over four years since the last Work in Progress Wednesdays post!  I can't promise them weekly from hereon in, but it may be possible, even if I don't fancy doing a full blown multi-photo post, to do a brief one with one image from the Blogger app.  It's quite basic, but will allow for that nicely.

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2021

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Work in Progress Wednesday - 15 February 2017

I confess, I'm not getting a lot of embroidery done at the moment.  To be honest, I'm more into knitting just now as I'm doing baby projects both for this year's Shows and also for friends' newborns.  I've also been stashing some yarn for some knits for myself.  More on those projects on Sunday...

At least I've got a little more progress on the everlasting violet thread painting to share.  I'm expecting to need this for a special greetings card in May, but there may be up to two more also needed, so I really should get back going with it.

I took this photos with my phone, so the colour isn't quite as faithful as I can get it using my camera.  I need a few things sorting on my technology - camera battery door fixing, new laptop battery and the power supply 'pin' thingy fixing, so I hope to get to that as soon as I can and be able to work more comfortably instead of having to compensate for some problem most of the time.  Frustrating!

Join me again on Friday for the next instalment in the wedding dress modesty panel series.


Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2017

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Work in Progress Wednesday - 25 Jan 2017

It's been a long time since I did a 'Work in Progress Wednesday' post, but I'd like to get back into it.  I really miss Sharon Boggon running it as a weekly challenge/link up event.  If you're reading this, Sharon, there are still people doing WIPW posts and I'm sure they'd love to join up with you again.  So, if you ever wanted to re-start it, you'd have some interest.  I always found it very helpful and I completed a number of stalled and slow projects in order to join in.☺

I last posted on this piece right at the beginning of last year, so here's a recap.  Fellow fans of Trish Burr's work and books may recognise this little violet embroidery from her 'Fresh Ideas for Beginners' needle painting book, which I'm slowly working through some of the projects from.  I first blogged my first - terrible - attempts at the bud back on 11 November 2015 and the last photo on blog was the one here with the part worked leaf.

Here's the leaf completed

I have since worked the purple parts of the bud again, but didn't realise that I hadn't photographed it yet.  My camera battery door is broken and I'm having to make do with holding it together with a combination of duct tape and main force when I need to take decent pictures, pending Sir having a look at some of the on-line tutes there are for fixing the problem.  I really don't want to bin my otherwise fully functional camera because of such a small, mend-able problem, but it does mean that I find taking just one more shot when I thought I'd done and uploaded them all a bit of a nuisance.

I've just finished a moderate revamp of this blog.  I changed some text colours, deleted some out of date sidebar stuff and finally got around to staging and photographing a new header image.  I'm not 100% happy with it, but it'll do for the time being.  The next digital skill I want to develop is banner and logo creation.  If anyone has any tips to do this cheaply - preferably free - please share!  I have Photoshop Elements v2.0 from about 15 years ago, MS Publisher 2007 and that's about it for creative software.

More on the autumn leaves project coming up on Friday.  I have 12 past project posts created and scheduled for publication between then and early March and there are still three to do.  Plenty to read on Sew in Love coming up!  Enjoy. ♥☺♥

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2017

Thursday 4 June 2015

Projects in progress just now

Hi!  Time for a project progress update.  To be honest, I haven't been stitching much over the past fortnight, but whilst we were watching a film on the iPlayer the other day, I did some more on the water around the Paradise Island.  The whole things looks like this now:

It really is a beautifully colourful piece.

Well, it's that time of year again and our wedding anniversary is looming.  Sir had his main present a few months ago as it was something he needed then, but I've started on some stitched goodies as well.

Here's the work I did on a cross stitch bookmark last night.  Everyone like meerlats and Sir had a diary with them on a couple of years ago, so, when I saw this little chart in that 'Ultimate Cross Stitch' magazine that I got from Hobbycraft a few weeks ago, I couldn't resist making a simple cutey for him.
Here he is with most of the cross stitching done (all except a few stitches that I missed out!)

I thought he'd look better on a coloured background than a white/cream one, so this is the very last of my green Aida band.

Below is the little fellow in all his back-stitched glory.  He only took about 2 or 3 hours all in and is quite small, but he makes a sweet little keepsake, no?

Sorry about the inconstant colours in the photos - I was just taking the pictures with the piece on my knees as and when I needed to, so light was changing all the time!

I'll finish up the bookmark over the next week and may make a co-ordinating tassel this time too.

Next to consider is a card of some sort and, inspired by the last issue of 'Ultimate Cross Stitch', which was on oriental designs (and which I have ordered, but still hasn't come.... waaah!), I thought I'd do a sort of kimono card using these outline stickers as a rough design.

I've already taken an approximate tracing and have selected most of the materials, but it's quite hard to get on with it with Sir around and about, working from home and so on.  He'll be out later on this evening, so I can get things pressed ready and there may even be some appliqué parts to sort out.

More on that one next time! =)

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2015

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Work in Progress Wednesday - 22 April 2015

Hello everyone!

I finally managed to get in a handful of stitching sessions and here's the result.  Yes, I finished that bottom left-hand corner, a milestone I'd been wanting to reach for several months!

As you can see, the fabric has become stretched in part, but not in the corners.  That means that I'll need to damp stretch the whole piece once it's complete before I can make it into a cushion/pillow cover.  I'm hoping that, once we move, we can get a nice, new, red sofa and that this will look great against that background.

Not surprisingly, as it's been hanging around for a while, the fabric on both this and my other neglected WIP had become bitty.  So, I used a very simple technique to remove the dust and so on, which is to wrap some sellotape around my fingers with the sticky side out and to let it just roll gently over the surface.  I normally choose a relatively un-sticky type of tape for this as it's kinder to the surface and any stitches it touches.  If you have some fabric that needs de-dusting, this is a good way to do it.

Anyway, spurred on by my success so far, I'm hoping to get back into stitching things as much as I reasonably can soon and also to reinvigorate my blog.  It certainly needs it after this last six months!  With that in mind, I've started a special Instagram account for my blog, which will show various things in my embroidery world from a highlight photo from each new blog post, to stash shots, older project shots and anything that I come across that I can share quickly there.  If you're on IG and are interested in following, I'm @sew_in_love_blog
Search 'Sew in Love blog', not my name.  I do have a personal stream, but it's private, so, if you're greeted by 'This User is Private', then it's not the right one.=)  Of course, it's only just started and a photo from this post will be the third one I've uploaded on the blog's IG, but it'll soon grow.  Please also tell me if you know any good stitching streams I can follow.

You can also find me here on Pinterest.  I have 44 boards at the mo, the first nine of which are for stitchy things and arts.  Most of the others are for language learners and attract quite a following, especially the Chinese Language and Culture one, which shows me what a real demand there is for Chinese learning, and encourages me to think more seriously about writing and publishing on Kindle Direct etc.  You can also find stuff on travel - places I've been/lived, places I'd like to go; minimalism, quotes, cutes and various other interests.

Other news is that Mum has been home for the past two weeks, is still eating well and is quite perky at the moment - much more like her normal self than she has been for a while.  She's still very limited and not best pleased about it, but having realised on a big scale how much difference eating as much as she can makes, she's moving forward a little.  We hope to move back near her this summer and will be applying for housing in that area again soon.  It's not easy to get social housing these days, but we've a good reason for being there (which may help us get a higher priority level).  I'd quite like to move back into the same building we used to live in.  It's not glamorous, but it's cheap, near Mum, warm and comes without all the added privatge rental expenses of a deposit/bond, application and referencing fees and then contract renewal fees every so often - along with the danger of sudden rent hikes.  I've enjoyed having my own room, but have realised that what really matters to me is having my own table so that I don't have to keep clearing up for meals!!!  As I'm expecting to need around half the current number of bookcases we use (from 10 to 5 or 6), there should be room in the kind of place we used to live in, which would be around 55-60% of the size we currently have.  We don't really need all this space and I'd rather save £250-300 or more each month and be able to travel with it!=)

I'll leave you with a shot of the whole Paradise Island project thus far and look forward to seeing you on Instagram and Pinterest as well as trying to get back to regular update postings here.

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2015

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Work In Progress Wednesday - 21 Jan 2015

Yes, I know, Sharon's not running this just at the mo, but I still thought that a Wednesday check-in wasn't a bad idea, (and I know I'm not alone).  All the more so as I finally had the desire to do some stitching the other day and so did some work on my Paradise Island cross stitch, on the lower left hand, dark-coloured leaf.

I'm sorry to say that I haven't put in so much as one stitch on the freestyle piece for a long time, and I realise that it's just not going to happen for the end of this month, but there is another hand-over opportunity in May, so I've mentally re-scheduled the finish for then.

At the mo, I just have so much going on, esp. with my poor mum, that I'm not troubling myself in the least about any stitching deadlines etc, although I hope I'll have a little finish to share later in the week for my Grow Your Blog Party post.  I'm also considering a bit of a stitcher's give-away too, so we'll see if I have chance to put something together....

BTW Anyone got any ideas on how to mark my blog's 10th anniversary in June?

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2015

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 10 Dec 2014

Yay!  A WIPW update post to share!

There's very little change since the last post on this piece back in early November.  I've just done some bits of dark green on the bottom left hand side.  I think I'm going to finish this corner before moving on anywhere else.

Actually, it's a bit awkward working in that area, but I'm managing it OK.

There are two shades of green down there, but it's hard to tell - even on the piece itself.  One's only very slightly darker.  Might consider changing one of them if they occur together much in other parts of the picture.

The 'Work in Progress Wednesdays' weekly project check-in is run by Sharon B over on Pintangle.

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 5 Nov 2014

This is what I have for you this week.  Not a lot of progress, but a little.  I just put a few stitches in on two of the leaves.  Hmmm, looks like there are a lot of white bits on the fabric that I didn't notice when I was taking the photo this morning.  Not that it matters too gravely just now.

I really haven't had much stitching or art time as I've been busy with regular tasks (yawn) as well as doing some increasingly time sensitive proof-reading for a Chinese former manager who is applying for a grade promotion at work.  The application deadline is Friday 7th, and there are still two sections to go, including a long academic CV.  So, I think I know what I'll be doing at least part of tomorrow.=)

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 29 Oct 2014

Here we have my one picture for this weeks WIPW 'challenge' as far as my pretty 'Paradise Island' goes.  I haven't got much done, but, to be honest, stitching isn't featuring high on my agenda at the mo.  Things are a little stressful, what with one thing and another - mostly connected with looking after Mum and how things will go in the medium term (she won't be around in the long term, that much is clear), as to where we need to be living etc.  So, things may not be as 'active' on blog as I might like over the coming few weeks or months, but there are plenty of other blogs to read if I'm quiet for a while. =)  I really don't get why readers unsubscribe if a blogger doesn't post a certain number of times per week.  I was 'talking' (by e-mail) about this with Sharon of Pintangle where WIPW is hosted, and she finds that her readership drops if she posts less than four times per week.  I've noticed a similar thing here. Now, if these were paid for subscriptions, I could understand people unsubbing, but as it's all free, it seems odd to me.  Maybe I'm easier to please!!LOL!  Well, in some things, anyway.... =)

I'm really not getting along well with my other piece, the 'Painted Ladies' butterflies picture.  I can't seem to get into it.  Having said that, I don't feel up to more challenging needlework at the mo, thus cross stitch getting more air time.  However, I don't have the luxury of choice with this one as it's really needed by the end of the year and I just must get on with it.  That being the case, I'm moving it into the WIPW slot as I like to have something to post about here!!!

Here are some more of the berries filled in, but not filled in terribly well, I think.  I just can't seem to get my stitches to look like Helen M Stevens'.... =(  Still, they'll look better with stems and 'trims' etc and, of course, as part of the full piece, so I'm not going to re-stitch them, I don't think.

I bought my ticket for the Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show yesterday.  One can get e-tickets these days, but I was sorry to see that part of the advantage to buying well in advance, namely the £2 cheaper ticket has been swallowed up by the fact that Twisted Thread are now charging a £0.95 booking fee for advance purchases!  Whatever next??

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 22 October 2014

OK, so I was MIA for more than a week, but you had plenty of interesting blogs to read to mind too much, right?=)

I have got *some* stitching done, only not as much as I'd hoped.  I blame the feverish cold that decided to take over my body last week and is still leaving behind a legacy of sticky sludge!  Mercifully, I haven't developed a cough, unlike poor Sir, who sounds terrible hacking away...=(

Here are the shots of the four days' work I did on the pretty Paradise Island piece.  The first one was to complete the first three flower centres and outline the final flower.

Next you can see that I finished that flower and worked some more of the water.

The next day saw me adding in the first bits of the greenery in the shape of the flower stems and some more water.

The last day's work was ... more water!!

Finally, here is the piece as it appears in full just now:

Hmm, probably should have reduced the brightness further on these last two shots, but I'm still learning, really!  One kind reader suggested I post a tutorial on photographing this kind of project and flattered my vanity very much.  However, I'm really not sure I would have the know-how.  Still, a general 'photographing embroidery' article might be a goer.  What do you think?  Interested?  Any suggestions to make?

So, some visible progress and I'm back on to the duller bit now, that of building up more water.  Having said that, apart from the sea parts and the other set of flowers, the rest is mostly greenery, so I plan to split it down into parts so that I don't end up with endless green to work towards the end.

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 8 October 2014

I have some progress to report! AND I seem to have managed to get a couple of passably decent photos of the work so far.  How's that for news?=)

I've been playing around a little bit with some of my camera settings.  Rather blindly, I'm afraid, as I really don't know what I'm doing with it, but having a good play around has helped me get some shots that seems to distinguish the different reddish shades.  The light's not quite right yet, but it's moving in the right direction and, well, there's always Photoshop!!!

I had quite a surprise the other day when I finally got around to putting the threads from the stumpwork face kit away.  I matched them up via my thread colour chart and found out the dark pink was shade #76.  However, there was no #76 in my thread pack (#s 52 - 100).  A missing colour, no less!  I thought I had the lot.  I then picked the shade card back up and looked through the whole of the section checking to see if any others were missing and there were two more in that pack.  A couple of days later I went through the rest of the collection and found another two missing.  A nice parcel of threads arrived from SewandSo this lunchtime with both the five missing stranded cottons and 14 more of the Anchor Coton à Broder #25 shades that I'm collecting.  About two dozen to go now....

To see what the rest of the WIPW team have reported on this last week, hop on over to Pintangle.

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 24 September 2014

Here we are for the WIPW update.  I really haven't done much stitching at all recently. Sadly, I've been forced to deal with acute distress and hurt, [rest deleted].


I've also been away for some work etc and so really haven't been getting much done.  Having said that, i had chance to return to the Leeds branch of Hobbycraft who are selling off their Anchor Coton à Broder #25 at about 20% of the normal price, so I grabbed another 8 skeins to help build my collection.  Thread therapy!!  I've been making lists of the beads I plan to treat myself to at the Harrogate Show this year as well and got one more 0.3l Really Useful Box to store them in the other day.

Thanks to Rachel and Kate for suggestions on how to improve the photography situation.  I tried Rachel's today, being the simplest, namely trying black and white card behind the piece, and the white card as well as focusing more on the main progress area (the flowers this time) seems to have helped.  I will try the more techy idea, Kate, I just need more peace of mind and time to play first.

To see others' WIPW updates and find out more about the 'group', click on over to Pintangle.

Now, I must crack on as it's visiting mum day and I still have to shower, make and eat lunch and what have you.

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 17 September 2014

I did have some WIPW progress to report last week, I just didn't have the time and opportunity to do it, sadly.  The photo above was the one taken for last week.

As you can see from this morning's shot, I haven't done a lot more.  Just one session last night, in fact.  It's coming on a lot more slowly than I'd hoped.  It's nothing to do with difficulty, boredom, or anything like that, it's more time, strength and other things.  Anyway, it is progressing, however slowly, and that's the main thing, right?

Getting good photographs seems to be a real challenge with a black background.  Maybe it's just rank incompetence on my part (likely), but I can't seem to get a shot that shows good, clear 'X's when I get in close up.  Any thoughts or suggestions?

The thread reorganisation is essentially complete and I'm just about to edit the photos ready to share with you on Friday.  Stay tuned if you love threads and storage solutions.

Got a work in slow progress or a UFO you could use some group support to get on with?  Join in Work in Progress Wednesdays with Sharon B and the rest of us over at Pintangle. =)

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 27 August 2014

I haven't made a great deal of progress lately, but I simply haven't had the time.  As you can see, I got a bit bored of blue, blue and more blue, so I decided to do a bit on the foreground flowers instead - yellow!  Shades of the Tudor Lady!!!

As ever, please pop over to Pintangle to find out more about the WIPW blog-along.

Thanks so much to all of you for your kind congratulations on my show wins post on Monday.=)  In all fairness, I should tell you that the Sheffield Fayre horticultural show is a relatively small and 'young' event (this was it's 14th year, as opposed to the huge Leeds Flower Show, which had it's 150th anniversary this year), run by a relaxed and encouraging team.  Judging won't be anything like as stringent as many of the bigger, longer established affairs, teh whole place is just too friendly.  Just very Sheffield, really!=)  Fun though, and I'm looking forward to next year's event already...

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 20 August 2014

I'm taking a blog writing break just now.  No, not a break from blog posting, but a break from proof-reading a chapter of Sir's doctoral thesis to write my blog!!=)  It's not time for a holiday from my blog just yet.  I might take a week off every quarter or so.  At the moment though, I've too much to show to want to get that far behind with posting.

I've been working a little on the Paradise Island cross stitch and there's still not so much to see.  The first picture is how far I got on the last day I posted about it, a week ago.  The second one is after two  more sessions' work.  It looks a bit like a map at the moment.  The 'V' at the bottom left hand side reminds me a bit of the outline of India on a proper globe, but the wrong colour, of course!!

This piece is the complete opposite of the Tudor Lady.  This piece is whole cotton cross stitches only, whereas the last one was cross stitch, petit point, satin stitch, beading, rayons, metallics and what have you.  This is simplicity itself and will make a nice change to stitch.=)

As always, head over to Pintangle to see what the rest of the WIPW-ers have been doing.

There should be a tutorial coming up this weekend!  I'm just going to make a start on writing it/preparing the photos, so look out for that, Friday or Saturday.=)

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 13 August 2014, plus a WIPW review!

The trouble with starting a new piece, especially a new cross stitch, is that there really isn't very much to show in the early stages.  Often, the first steps look much more like something very different from what they actually are.  Remember the 'cross stitched Emmenthal cheese' look in the first month of the Tudor Lady project?  Well, I'm not really sure what this section of tropical ocean looks like, but it's the first bit of my Paradise Island picture.  I've done quite a bit more since, but it was barely worth taking an extra photo, to be honest!  It's more of the same, really.  (OK, OK, it'll look more when updated next week too!!!)

So, as there's so little to show with this new endeavour, I thought I'd do a little review of what I've achieved in the just under two years that I've been joining in Sharon B's Work in Progress Wednesdays blog-along.  My first WIPW post was back on 6 September 2012 and I decided to enter two stalled pieces in the challenge, the first to be finished being the Rolled Roses Brazilian embroidery piece:

The other one, not finished for over a year more, was Cross'n'Patch's 'Sunshine and Flowers' sampler:

The next piece entered, and the most recent to be finished was my peacock feather, which you will remember from the WIPW post just last week.  It took me a long time to convince myself to finish that one, but I did work on it in two or three bursts of activity.  Reporting back to WIPW was a great help in getting both that and the other four pieces complete.

What about the final two?  Well, one is the Tudor Lady that I showcased just a couple of weeks ago and that is currently on my desk in the middle of being stretched pre-framing.  You'll see that again soon when I show my little collection for the Fayre just before the event itself.  I wasn't ever really struggling with this piece, I just decided to post an update most Wednesdays and stay in the WIPW 'group.'

The other piece was entered in two finishing challenges, WIPW and also Anna Scott's 'Finished in February' which she did last year, and was a stumpwork bunny rabbit adapted slightly from the design in 'The A-Z of Stumpwork' from Country Bumpkin (now known as Create in Stitch).

So, altogether, five pieces in various styles.  Having the semi-commitment of reporting progress each Wednesday (and, frankly, wanting to have something to post about at all at times!), has really helped and, if you're having trouble motivating yourself to finish one or more projects and would love to be able to blog/post to on-line albums etc about some stitching victories, then you just might find WIPW helpful.  Hop over to Pintangle and find out more!

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 6 August 2014

The management are delighted to announce another misnomer of a Work in Progress Wednesday post, because: THE FEATHER IS FINISHED!


The bottom is a little odd, but I decided that nature is rarely that 'even' and, whatever it looked like, it was finished!

I am now officially UFO free.  Not that I ever had many, just this hanging around from my C&G days back in autumn 2008 and a few painted canvas needlepoint kits from childhood (25-30 years old!).  The only thing I have now that's in any way started is the butterflies 'spring' piece that I made a rotten start in silks on back in April, then took all the stitches out.  I plan to work that one this month, but as the actual stitching's unstarted, it can't really be classed as unfinished either.  It's more like having a kit in stock, or a printed design.

Actually, I finished the feather a few days ago and have been busy clearing the sewing decks since - altering 4 pairs of trousers (NEVER again!) and making up the Hanako cushion (look out for her at the weekend....).  I'm wearing one of the pairs of trousers right now, the other three are residing in my recently cleared out wardrobe and Hanako is almost finished, just need to complete the zip insertion, which I'm part-way through, and then sort out the ends of the bottom seem.

So, what am I working on stitch-wise at the moment?  This is as far as I've got with anything:

An R&R frame loaded up with some 28ct black Jobelan!  Inspiring and informative, no?=)

Here it is again with some threads on it.  A floss toss, no less!

In case you're wondering what this little collection is all about, then look no further than the following image, a design from exactly the same cross stitch magazine as the Tudor Lady!

I thought it would make a nice scatter cushion for Sir's room.  Mine won't be precisely the same as some of the sky in the original is unstitched as the piece was designed in delft blue Aida, which is no longer made.  Also, I don't much like working on Aida anymore (except for blackwork, which I'm still in the infancy of) and SewandSo had no suitable blue evenweave available, so I thought, 'Bubbles to blue.  I'll do it on black.'  Also, I've changed some of the shades of blue and will finalise the greens as time goes on.  I'm very sensitive to greens being just so.

So, that's the next WIPW project.

To see what others have been doing this week, click on over to Pintangle and even leave a link of you own of work you've been doing on a large project.  WIPW is a kind of weekly Weight Watchers weigh in for stitchers and is very handy for providing the impetus to get on with a project that may have been dragging for a while, or even a UFO.  I find I have a lot more motivation as I want to post about it each week and have already finished quite a few things that may have otherwise got neglected.  I'll do a WIPW review soon.=)

Yes, Glenis, I could be persuaded to complete one or two of your projects, as long as I like them and I don't have loads of things that I need to get on with, that is.

Right.  Time to get away from my laptop and get Hanako's zip fully done and then, wow! I've nothing more in progress!  Clear decks.


Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 30 July 2014

Just the usual quick check-in today with my WIPW progress photo.

As you can see, I've been working a little on the right hand fronds.  I estimate there to be something like three hours work left in this piece and then I'm a totally UFO free zone.  Hurrah!  In fact, one the Hanako cushion is sewn up, there won't be anything half done (oh, unless you count the camera case I've been meaning to sew for the past 5 years and have got no further than cutting some bits of fabric to use.)  I've decided to complete this before starting my new cross stitch etc etc....

I would have had it mostly done by now, but I've ended up in bed again with another bug.=(  Still, I usually feel a little better in the evenings, so maybe I might sit up for half an hour and work on it later on.

I actually feel quite keen and motivated and, since leaving the remaining left hand fronds for later and starting on the other side instead, I feel so much closer to the finish line.  Hopefully I'll display the completed piece next week.

As always, you can find out more about Work in Progress Wednesdays and see what others have been accomplishing lately over on Pintangle.

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 23 July 2014

Today's Work in Progress Wednesday is a complete misnomer, as I'VE FINISHED!   Here she is, complete with all her trims and fancies.  Actually, there are two stitches missing.  Can you spot where they are??

I did have several shots etc to show last week hoping to post them in the evening, but last Wednesday turned out to be crazy and I didn't get home 'til about 11pm and then went to bed!  However, I think today's collection of pix should make up for the wait.=)

Working from top to bottom now, here are some detailed shots.  As you can see from the lower ones, I changed the skirt beading from the pattern's gold one, to shades that followed the colour changes on the over-skirt.  The reason for this is simply that, on some of the trinket pieces, the gold simply didn't show up very well against the yellow stitches, so I felt that yet more gold beading would detract even further from the jewels and so needed to tone that down a little.

This piece was worked mostly in Anchor stranded cotton, with some parts in Anchor Marlitt, Coats Reflecta and the long, loose chains in Kreinik fine braid.  Beads all from Mill Hill, seeds and small bugles.

So, next week will see WIPW featuring progress on the peacock feather and I've already got the threads and fabric out for a bright scatter cushion cover in cross stitch for later on.  I've actually got several projects planned over the next couple of months (a few cards needed for a start), so there should be a decent amount of variety to look forward to, from cross stitch and blackwork, through freestyle/thread painting to stumpwork.

You can see what the rest of the WIPW-ers have been up to over on Pintangle.  Do take a look as there are some great projects being worked!

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014
