Showing posts with label Petit Point. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petit Point. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 2 July 2014

I've been working steadily on the final stages of the Tudor Lady picture and run into another snag with the petit point charts.  The chart creates a 'lump' on the right hand of the chin as you can see here.  The photo, however, shows nice, smooth shading and a rounded finish.  So, yet more frogging was needed, but there were just three stitches to be replaced this time (as well as a couple to removed from the neck area), so no new chart was needed, phew!

Actually, it was rather irritating that the petit point charts had so many mistakes.  Looks like they were rushed off and not given due attention to detail, which is odd, given that the model in the magazine photo is perfect!  Qué???

Here's what she looks like now with those few stitches corrected, one or two lines of straight stitching put in place (not sure about one of them, makes the right eye look odd and droopy, so I think I'll take that one out again) and the white collar area re-stitched where it was done wrongly before.  Actually, it seems that the cross stitch and petit point charts don't quite match in one small area, but I've sorted it anyway.

By the way, thanks for the comments on the last update saying that the hands looked much better.  Sometimes I can get pernickity and perfectionist (not that I think that's bad....) and it comforts me when someone else sees what I mean!!!=)LOL!

So, that's how I've got along with this piece.  Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks this project should be completed and the feather will appear in my WIPW post series.  I haven't done any more on it just yet, but I have put in three decent sessions on the ring cushion and that's coming along passably well.  Look out for the update on that on Friday or Saturday.=)

If you want to join in Work in Progress Wednesdays with a project of your own, or you want to see what other participants are doing, head over to Pintangle.

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - 11 June 2014

Hi there!  Back from Leeds and with a nice cheque in the bank for all the work I got done over the past two days.  That feels good and means that we won't have too much month (or should I say, quarter) left at the end of this scholarship payment!!!=)

So, I made a start on the petit point whilst I was alone at mum's place.  The result you can see here.  It doesn't look right.  It just plain doesn't look right.

Have a look at the chart here below and you can see what I was working from there.  I've done it correctly according to the chart, but when you look at the photo of the piece in the magazine, there are clear differences.

It's not the best of shots, being a photo of a mass-printed photo and is a bit on the small side, but I'm sure that you can see, as I can, that there are at least two darker lines on the left of the hands section, defining the fingers and that they seem to be at a shallower gradient than the charted version, which has just one.  Also, the chart shows a straight, short line higher up at the top left than the photo here, which seems to me to be sloping slightly.

So, what next?  Well, I'm going to re-chart it as best I can from the photo, then unpick and restitch as much as needs be in order to get the hands on my version looking decent.  I'm also considering changing the colour of the shadow part as it's, frankly, much too dark and looks overly contrived.

Plenty still to sort before this project can go ahead.  In the meantime, I'm hopping over to Pintangle to link this post to the Work in Progress Wednesdays series.=)

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014
