Tuesday, March 30, 2010

{who knew?}

Who knew Ikea was so kid friendly?? I took my kiddos last week (which I never have done, because it's 45 minutes away, and takes hours to walk through) Anyways--they totally loved it. I never realized they had all different play areas set up where the kids could hang out; it was perfect. They didn't want to leave. Just another thing to love about Ikea.... (sorry about the point and shoot picts!)



one of my fav light fixtures I have from Ikea! oh--and my favorite little guy~looking very GQ:)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

{i like it}

while browsing apartment therapy-- i found a few inspirations, thought I would share...

how gorgeous are those blue light fixtures! i would love a pair of those beauties for my kitchen~

Ok most of you have probably all ready seen this room, and it isn't from apartment therapy--but it is STUNNING! and I had to add it as an inspiration. This living room Caitlin Wilson's. She is an interior designer--and her house is amazing! check out her blog here

check out the chevron wall she painted!

those bookshelves and exposed ceiling are great~ and the mirror and chandelier are fab! found here

ADORE everything about this brownstone in NYC~ The architecture, lines, and subtle colors are perfection! i want to go visit....
we are going to paint our bedroom. I am dreaming of a fabulous grey, or light blue, or how about blue/grey...let you know how it goes:)



preview now available HERE

Friday, March 19, 2010


The kids were being tortured by the egg dying kit I got last week. Caleb has been asking me everyday when we are going to dye eggs. So even though Easter is more than a week away, we got a head start. Caleb loved coloring the eggs, and Z loved putting them in the bowls and carrying them around. They make a good team~ next post non kid related....promise:)



we had eggs coming out of our ears...literally:) love my sassy girl and her "pose"




Thursday, March 18, 2010

{from scratch}

Yes I must admit--I have never made a cake from scratch (always wondered where this phrase came from?kinda weird).... until a few days ago! There really is no exucse--my family on both sides are amazing cooks! I am challenged! Anyways, My fam was coming over for dinner, and I had seen this amazing red velvet cake recipe on Bakerella (love this site!) So I decided there wasn't any crazy ingredients or anything, so I was going to go for it. The cake was delish, easy, and so much fun to make. I should have put more frosting in the middle--but other than that it turned out great. The buttercream frosting wasn't as pretty as fondant, but sure does taste better! Now I am dying to make some cake pops..maybe for easter:)



{chevron mini}

I got this great black and white chevron material a couple months ago; and have never done anything with it. So the other day I decided to try and make Zoee a little dress out of it {like the girl needs any more clothes--pa-lease!} Anyhoo-- I got one of her other dresses, and used it as a makeshift pattern. {and honestly patterns confuse me more than anything--probably because I am a beginner!} So then I just went at it. I just made it really simple, and then added some ruffles around the arms. I think it turned out pretty good.... for an amateur~ and it looks cute on Z~


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

{hello sunshine}

The weather this week has been fabulous! Ok- I guess fabulous for UT.--60's--and I'll take it! So we have been outside trying to soak in some sunshine; and be out as much as possible--since there has been a major case of cabin fever! you can only go to the treehouse museum so many times.
So, we hit the park, and then went to the zoo with Linds and Mylee. It was a perfect day, and I am hoping this means spring weather is here to stay (cross your fingers) I even got to sport shorts and a tank on my run--it was pretty much the best thing ever.... no more Snow!!...pretty please?



we got to see baby elephant, giraffe, and monkey-stinkin cute~

funny story-- these twogiraffes were getting a little frendly--( lets be honest it was just the boy giraffe--the girl was minding her own business) Anyways, let say it was bit awkward with the kids and all...especially when caleb started asking questions...ummm?

zoee was not sure about the carousel at first....by the end she didn't want to leave


{chalkboard frame}

I have been wanting to make a chalkboard frame for a while, but could never find the perfect mirror or frame--until I spotted this beauty at good ol TJ Maxx! (you never let me down)
The whole project was pretty easy. I just used the chalkbaord spray paint, and it worked fabulously!......Now if i could just take some handwriting lessons--looking at mine it making me cringe a little:)

{before and after}

Thursday, March 11, 2010

{lunch date}

Last week the kiddos and I headed to SLC to meet Drew for Lunch. We went to a fab little soup and salad joint. I actually got a delish asian salad that I would love again right now!! It was such a nice day that we walked around and shopped a bit. What is an outing with the kids without a little treat? Exactly! So we went to this little bakery called Les Madeleines. It was featured on the food network,and was voted SLC 2010 best bakery. The kiddos got some yummer little treats~ it was a fun day~



caleb scored some bubbles from the table over--that kid is a charmer:)







Sunday, March 7, 2010

{DIY pillows}

My sis and I were getting our shop on at Target, and spotted these great dwell napkins. So we picked some up, and turned them into pillows! The napkins worked great, because they were all ready a square, and the material was nice and thick---add a little ruffle and ta da! Then for the other pillows I saw a dwell tablecloth also from the lovelyTarget-- I loved the colors, and birds. So I cut out the sizes and made some pillows out of that as well....I love the dwell line~and Target...or course!
Happy Friday~

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now where to put them....