Showing posts with label baby N. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby N. Show all posts

Sunday, October 16, 2011

{not monday again...}

I was so glad to see this weekend come~last week was dead to me....
I had the single parent status most of last week while andrew was out of town....not so fun...having to wrangle everything solo makes for some craziness....and break downs (a fewclose calls). It's not that having my kiddos solo is super stressful----it is the addition of everything else--- all piled together that can be a wee bit nuts.. good thing i have my fam closeby to lend a hand:)
The whole week was not a wash...we did go and pick up some pumpkins before andrew left, and had some fun with friends at the park--the weather has been fantastical.


she is such a funny lil chick--she is saying uh-oh--and will drop things purposely just to say it. She says Oh wow! and points to things with much enthusiasm. You can ask her questions, you want some cereal?, and she will reply oh yeah! (this is a favorite--caleb loves it). She is a bath fan, and loves to splash. She scrunches her nose and does her big smile.She is starting to bounce to music, and get her groove on. A couple of weeks ago, she started to crawl up the stairs. She loves to cover her face with a blanket or her shirt and do peekaboo. She is obsessed with the Ipad--when it comes out, she goes crazy and loves to see angry these days! She pulls herself up on everything and then lets go and stands. She will also stand up in the middle of the room and bounce for a bit---{look--no hands!}--a couple of steps have been taken. We make a big hoopla--and she gets so excited and proud. If you reach for her she leans right in. She is giving kisses. She has 4 bottom teeth, and her two front teeth are just coming in--love a toothy grin. She will wave (open and close her little fist) and says bu-bye. She loves food...attagirl. She is the sweetest gal on the block--i couldmug on her chunks cheeks and legs all day.

the wave
crawling up the stairs like a pro--and is a fan of pumpkins...and a mama's girl..but if she is anything like her sister, this won't last long..and she will turn to her dad in no time flat...what is up with that?
ready or not- she is pretty close to walking....pulls up on everything, and look! no hands~

In other news.... is anyone else in the mad scramble to find halloween costumes?? or have you been planning for months, sewing up your own creative ensemble? i know there are some of you out there:) i wish....and i wish even more that i had those made sewing skills~
we are nacho libre fans--and caleb loves it too---so why not for halloween?? nope, he is not having it...might have something to do with having to wear tights and a blouse?? Nora could pull it off--esp with her little belly--but that might just be mean...she is a girl and all. I guess it is up to andrew....lets see if he will sport some stretchy pants:)
I was thinking they could all be something from alice in wonderland--mad hatter, alice, and the queen of hearts...caleb wasn't a fan of this either..strike 2 for me.....sooo....
Z is currently wanting to be a butterfly--monarch of course--anything with a tutu for that girl~
Caleb wants to be a ninja--or just karate kid--Daniel son?
not sure what Nor will sport, maybe what Z wore her first halloween...i am lazy like that this year...
some other goodies that made me laugh...the donald, Mr. T. biggest loser, and colonel sanders
funny01 15 Funniest, Most Creative Costume Ideasfunny12 15 Funniest, Most Creative Costume Ideas

funny02 15 Funniest, Most Creative Costume Ideas
i love halloween~

Saturday, May 7, 2011

{half a year}

Jeez Louise! sorry about this post, yes it was posted on friday, and then my picts weren't posting, so i had to end up deleting the post, and had to write it again....boooo, super annoying!
anyways--now i don't even remeber everything i wrote...pretty sure i was rambling about the week happenings, and some sheesh...... and then i got to the point that miss nora is 6 months...yessum...can you even? {sigh} what's she up to? well she is sitting up for a few minutes by herself, she is grabbing at everything and putting it right in her mouth, started eating rice cereal and fruits/veggies---as you can tell from the rolls that i must squeeze--the girl is a good eater, she squeals and does the cutest belly laughs, rolls around, has discovered her hands and stares at them in awe, is sleeping like a champ, and growing to fast. She is the sweetest lil chick, and has a smile for everyone. My heart aches at how much i love this little peanut, i cannot imagine our family without her. Love you nory noodle!
The weather has been nothing short of fabulous, so we have been spending as much time as possible outside, so here a couple of quick picts from the past couple of days of miss half a year~


this pict makes me laugh--so unlike my smiley girl--she looks rather stoic, or just PO'd..still some cute sheesh



Friday, February 18, 2011

{think spring, think spring..}

This past weekend the temp was almost 60. Which was shut the front door fabulous~ we were outside all day, enjoying the nice warm weather....we even took the kiddos on a little hike. Such a tease~ There were 4 fabulous days....we are talking running short days!...and then yesterday it snowed, and everything is back to white. It's a'ight! at least we enjoyed it while it lasted. The good thing about being stuck inside? there is ample time to get some craft on. I decided even if it wasn't looking like spring anymore, i was going to channel spring and whip up a new wreath. i was planning on making a yarn wreath, but got lazy and found this striped fabric that i was nuts over. i chose the easy route, and wrapped the fabric around the wreath, and-wham bam, done:) .......and then i started to wrap things in yarn......
you can find a flower tutorial on danielle's blog {here}
and joi has one too {here}

you know how i love me some stripes and a pretty shade of mustard

this m turned out to be a pain in the rear! Ugh! and now i am not even sure where to put the little is screaming kids play room:)

miss nor was my crafting buddy, she even got some new headbands out of the deal-

.happy weekend friends~

Sunday, February 6, 2011

{3 months all ready?}

This past week was bitter cold.... boo to that!
So we hung out a lot at home.
With lots of time around casa miller, i got some picts of miss Nora {like that is anything new}--since she just turned 3 months and all....{sigh~} i really can't believe it. Looking back at photos of the past 3 months--- I can actually see her growing week by week. How in the world does it happen before our eyes?? I sort of hate how fast they grow, but then again i love everything that comes with all the new stages. I must say miss Nora is the most precious little soul. She just has this sweet spirit about her, and it actually makes me a little teary eyed. Her little personality is really starting to come out. She is gooing, and starting to do little giggles. She has a smile for everyone that takes up her whole face--and the cutest little high pitched "voice." She is sleeping through the night, so content and easy going~ oh how i love this little chick!
Here is some more of what she is doing at 3 months.....

IMG_rr0155 IMG_z0137
she discovered her fist, and thinks it's pretty fantastic


she is mesmerized by the toys on her play mat, and every limb gets moving at first site of it all. The chick is a champ in the car, and she actually seems to sleep the best in her carseat..hmmm


just about tipped over about these little jeggins in 0-3 months-

bath time is top notch--she is fan~
IMG_pp0164 IMG_zz0199

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Little Nora was blessed on Sunday. What a special day for our little chick~ Andrew did a great job, and gave little bean such a sweet blessing~We then we had everyone over for dinner and dessert. It was a wonderful weekend full of family and yum food! we are so grateful to have so many amazing people in our lives. We love you all, and thank you for coming to celebrate our special little babe~ {she is so lucky and loved}


{dessert table} It didn't turn out exactly how i planned-- i couldn't find some things, time ran out, and so did my energy~ such is life:) but I had did have some fun baking! the tray with the m&m's had pink cake pops in it. They were still in the fridge when i took these picts:) so just imagine those in the mix~


the raspberry mascarpone cupcakes are so {delish}-light & fresh~ thanks for the recipe ash~

cheesecake and oreo bites




the chick could not resist sneaking some treats before handIMG_z8066IMG_z9223
The story of {the dresses}. Before Nora was born, i picked up this simple little baby gap eyelet dress for her blessing. Then a couple days before we blessed her i got a text from my sister in law Lori. She lives in San Diego, and she told me that she had found an amazing little vintage dress that would be perfect for her blessing. She ended up getting it, and overnighting it for Nora! what! can you even? she is so amazing--we adore Lori and her family:) I loved the little dress, and she looked like a little angel~ I had all ready taken a few picts of her in her eyelet dress, so i posted a couple.


i adore these fabulous chicks~


nerd alert! and point and shoot alert on the next few! yep--Z and i pretty much matched. It actually wasn't intentional, but then it just sort of happened. She thought it was so great~especially the purple tights-- {don't mind my hot mess hair day! yipes!}

fam--{they are the best in the west}-do you love all of our small eyes? runs in the family~