Showing posts with label vintage goodness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage goodness. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2011

{some gems}

i found some great little gems at the thrift store yesterday. i love hitting the thrift stores, b/c you never know what you're going to get--sometimes it's pure crap, and sometimes you get lucky with some goodies! today i just ran in quickly before i had to go to caleb's kindergarten class, and in the short time i had, i found some fabulous vintage towels. i cut up one, and made it into some burp cloths for Miss nor--she is a drooly one. i also got a vintage table runner, some tea towels, and this old--metal globe. i haven't found it's home yet, but i love it's great colors and charm~


the vintage towels

pretty metal globe, and the vintage towel i turned into some burp cloths for nor.
IMG_z3508 IMG_z3490
speaking of nor...i was going down memory lane--looking at baby picts of caleb and z. i have always thought that Nora looked exactly like caleb as a baby {and yes they are twins~}--but looking back--shes got some z in her as well how to make them stop growing? it' s making me sick~
you're killing me smalls!

so itty