Tuesday, August 21, 2012

{miss big britches}

Nora 21 months
how is my littlest bug getting so big for her britches? I love this age where they understand everything you tell them and start just spouting out little sentences. i just love to sit and watch her--everything is so new and exciting to her, and i love to be a part of the fun...... i really would be happy to always have a lil 2 year old in the house---(without having to take them to any stores--mainly grocery)

{what the gal is up to these days......}
folds her arms for prayers
will come and say HI! what doin? cutest.
saying: nye nite, Ready-set-go! runin, Cheez!, apple-banana
shwim (swim) wa wa-loves to get in the bath
bush teef (brush teeth), yup, soo beeeg (big), i no (i don't know), so nice, tan too (thank you) peez (please), pak pak (backpack), owie owie, money, nice--can be question:) throws her hands up in the air and says yay!!, tells me eeww poopy--eewww, gunga-- gum--which she tears into at any chance, horsh (horse) wish (fish)
Go wheee (which refers to the swings--i always prefer parks without swings...needless to say she is obsessed)
counting--to 5 (her favorite is 2) with some in the wrong order--but hey:)
falls all the time--poor lil nugget.
eyes, nose, hands, toes--and points to them-
says yinny (linny) myz (mylee) , nona (lola) papa, bri, daddy, mamma
she will come in and say hi mom--like it's no big deal
loves to have her shoes on--and says shoes
starting to sing twinkle twinkle, old mcdonald--her fav part eee--i eee--iee--o, and twinkle twinkle--with emphasis on- up above the world so high
loves to play dress-up with zoee and get into all the fancy princess dresses, high heels, and a purse slung over her shoulder. Tea parties are tops too.
used to call Lola- Nona--now she calls her Nora--which i think totally confuses Lola-kinda hilarious.
likes to dance and hop
when she runs she always swings her right arm-girls got swagga
uh ya--this can be in question form--or statement.
a beauo is any berry
still loves her baba--i know, i know...
knows the animal sounds--monkey, cat, dog, cow, duck, tiger
carries around her babies and says ohhh--babeeez.
says--go bye bye--and will go up to the car--the girl likes to be on the go
loves her dad the most--whatevs.
will run after the kids and say wat (wait) and watch mom--watch!
she likes to get the wipes and wipe down everything-says wipes-such a good cleaner
she is pretty great--i think we will keep her.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

{instagram july}

well howdy--this here blog has been collecting some cobwebs....thats how it goes when it is summer--and we just moved....i do actually have some things to post in the near future-shocking! Here is some of our july according to the iPhone...
A wee bit at casa de miller: some open shelving put up in the kitchen, a white couch-(which has all ready been defiled by red lipstick and marker), goody rugs (i can't resist a winner rug), some DIY twin headboards that i made for the lil girlies room (only one shown-the other is exactly the same)- and miss Nora-such a fan of lipstick--specifically red (same shade that ended up on the white couch....weird.) (ps--it did come out---eureka!) We do have all the boxes unpacked and organized--so that in and of itself feels like a victory! we are starting to get settled and i am getting some things decorated slowly but surely. I do love this house....it has been fun getting some of our stuff settled and some projects accomplished. I actually will do a post on some of the house biz shortly.
sharing popsicles, our caterpillar turned into a pretty butterfly- the kids loved watching him fly away, bunny has been causing some ruckus--and has run away a couple of times--only to be returned by some goodly neighbors.


pop-its and sparklers were on the menu for the 24th--as was my fav new pizza joint--NYC style pizza--tastiness!

some new photo sessions posted {here}