Thursday, March 21, 2013


honored to be featured on Karen Zaro's amazing blog talking about mommyhood-
You can check it out here

{project nursery}

We just got the crib put together and the nursery is starting to come together....on the countdown now..guess i better get going!  excited to share more...


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Lets do a little rewind-January. Does anyone else feel like it is kind of just a blah month? it's like christmas shenanigans just got over with and then you are left with the cold dreary month...

Although some of my favorite days are the ones we stay inside in our pjs and just hang out together....i am trying to soak in the little moments with my babes amongst all of the craziness of life....
{via my instagram}

lazy days

definitely more than a few library runs--and Zoee and her little imagination. She will sit on her bed with all of her little pals and play for hours--of course sporting her leopard fancy hat- a gift from her babysitter that just keeps on giving.

pants optional is nora's motto--and the white couch with treats in hand- is her favorite hang-out. Thanks goodness for slipcovers.
 nora's favorite boots--again-no pants required and some candyland
winter is always a good time for a craft night with pals--we made some potato stamp pants and onsies and i painted some leggins for z.
and i made some headbands for the girlies--again no pants required--but treats on the white couch--a must!

The bumps are a growing! As of right now I am 26 weeks and 2 days. This pregnancy has seriously flown by....i cannot believe that as of right now we are on the countdown. Only 3 more months to go. With me being induced a week early with my c-sections he will be at the latest June 4. Needless to say i am kicking it into gear getting the nursery done and getting things prepared. Not sure if i have mentioned it or not, but we are pretty sure we are naming him Leo Thomas Miller. I have always loved Leo and Thomas is my dad's name. The hubs isn't 100% sure, so i am leaving it open--and if some other name that knocks my socks off comes around, i will consider it. But i figure i get more of a percentage of the say-right? i  mean carrying the babe for 9 months and all...
This little guy moves like crazy. Isn't that the absolute best part of being pregnant? it is such an amazing feeling. i love to see a little foot poke out, or feel him rolling around in there...the sweetest. Knowing that this is most certainly my last, i am trying to savor much as a prego can.
 We had the big ultrasound a week or so ago and everything looked perfect..whew...always a relief. He definitely looks a lot like Zoee and Nora's ultrasounds pictures, so we shall see. I have been feeling good--my back has just recently started to hurt like the dickens--but what do you do. I have been running and still doing my somewhat regular routine-but i think i may be coming close to being done running for the rest of the pregnancy--i just hit that certain point where it thrashes my bod and i feel like trash the rest of the day:(
Even though this pregnancy was definitely a surprise i couldn't be more excited to meet little Leo in a few months. Our family will be complete and i am so thrilled to have another lil boy. I am pretty sure he is going to be a sweet one..and oh what a summer if will be.....

19 weeks, and 22 weeks
25 weeks and Leo's most recent ultrasound
i am going to do a little house tour next for those that have emailed! thanks for your sweetness

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

{with heart}

so honored to be featured in the mom-chic feature on the amazing withHeart blog. You can check out the pictures and interview (here) All photos by the talented Veronica Reeve (here)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

{sweet little peanut valentines party}

The sweetest little Valentines party that we got to attend by Sweet little Peanut! go check out her site--it is so adorable, and we had a blast!  {Here} Photography by the talented Lindsey Stewart {Here}
Also check out the amazingness that is Small Fry and Lumineux films. Zoee got to be a part of their valentines film. She was a wee bit shy--but it was such fun. It is the cutest it {HERE}

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

{snippets of winter from my iphone}

how fast the holiday season flies by. This year we had so much fun with the kiddos--they were so excited for christmas and all that comes with it.
my instagram {sharstinm}

We hit the lights early in december this year---because we have learned from years past-lights+freezing cold weather=no fun and fussy kiddos. Just the girls before heading to the lights. And Getting the christmas decor going...
a boxwood wreath steal from trader joe's and a couple of helpers for mailing out christmas cards--hopefully they all made it with the sort of stamp placement going on...

the tree......the kiddos decorated and undecorated many o times this winter...especically Nora.. and  a wee little sister tea party i happened upon (sweetest)
Getting my wrap of my favorite things! and Z getting cozy and catching up on some reading...
The snow finally came a little bit before Christmas, and there was tons of it---caleb and z were sledding masters and made a maze in our front yard (still there) also just made their own sledding routes (the sidewalk in front of our house) Nora hardly likes to step in the snow--but is a good bystander
chapstick in hand is Nora's motto. Z and I on the night of her preschool christmas program. She sang her lil heart out and did so well.

winter running! the crazy sock run--so lucky to have such a group of great friends to log the miles in with
well....some big news! #4 is on the way! and it is a BOY! Long story short---it was a huge shock and surprise. We thought we were dunzo in the kid department.....but i guess this lil guy was meant to be. It took me a minute to adjust...i am actually pretty terrified of 4! but i know that once he is here--we will not be able to imagine our family without him. We were all hoping it would be a boy, even the kiddos. I must say i  am pretty excited for all the of the cute boy stuff and am all ready brainstorming on the nursery and some fun projects. We may even have a name.....Andrew is still on the fence--but i think i have more of a say. Nora and I--17 weeks along. i am currently 18 + weeks. 
i hosted our december  favorites book club soiree. I was such fun! everyone brought heir favorite treat/appetizer and we did a favorite gift exchange. Love hanging with my favorite gals!
the thank you's and banner

sadly the only picts i took...with my phone no less...and no people busy chatting, and scarfing down on all the goods! next time:)
these two......

Hit the town with some pals--Eva's and cheesecake factory--go big or go home! i could eat at Eva's everyday of the these gals--do you like our evil eyes?

{a couple of projects}....we have been doing a lot of these lately! I wanted wainscoting in our entry and down the hall and Andrew got er done! and did such a great job--becoming quite the handy man. He just finished subway tile in our kitchen and i love it. I also found this gem of a side table at a thrift store--perfect for the girls room. The house is really coming along...i am just now headed to caleb's room and the nursery. I will share more soon.... and still trying to work on  my media shelves! they give me a headache.....
the kiddos all joining forces to make caleb's birthday cake--his request--cookies and creme
My kiddos have all had birthdays in the last few months! including this dude--turning 8 on me, can you even? not sure when or how that happened. He is going to be baptized in Feb. i am going to have to go into all their birthdays in another post---i might be getting carpal tunnel from this long post.. happy 2013 peeps.