It could be said that I'm addicted to color, and I would freely admit it. I don't know about where you live, but here, it's been, as George would say, (little darlin') "a long, cold lonely winter". I'm ready for Spring, I'm tired of gray and brown, so I say here comes the color!
Marketing researchers have spent considerable amounts of money trying to figure out the psychological effects of colors. Of course, it's not an exact science, because each person has his/her own unique associations with colors, resulting from personal experience. But there are some associations that tend to hold true for most people. See if you agree.
Some of the associations seem a little odd, but for the most part, they make sense to me. I got the color association information from a cool art therapy website; you can read more about it here.
Now that we've considered each color separately, lets mix them all together, shall we?
These incredible large-scale installations by Mexican fiber artist Gabriel Dawe certainly encompass the entire color spectrum.
And now, for the final color overdose; check out this video of artist Holton Rower at work! (Turn up the sound, too; the music is great.)
Marketing researchers have spent considerable amounts of money trying to figure out the psychological effects of colors. Of course, it's not an exact science, because each person has his/her own unique associations with colors, resulting from personal experience. But there are some associations that tend to hold true for most people. See if you agree.
- purity
- innocence
- cleanliness
- sense of space
- neutrality
- mourning (in some cultures/societies)
- neutral
- timeless
- practical
- authority
- power
- strength
- evil
- intelligence
- thinning / slimming
- death or mourning
- love
- romance
- gentle
- warmth
- comfort
- energy
- excitement
- intensity
- life
- blood
- happy
- energetic
- excitement
- enthusiasm
- warmth
- wealth prosperity
- sophistication
- change
- stimulation
- happiness
- laughter
- cheery
- warmth
- optimism
- hunger
- intensity
- frustration
- anger
- attention-getting
- natural
- cool
- growth
- money
- health
- envy
- tranquility
- harmony
- calmness
- fertility
- calmness
- serenity
- cold
- uncaring
- wisdom
- loyalty
- truth
- focused
- un-appetizing
- royalty
- wealth
- sophistication
- wisdom
- exotic
- spiritual
- prosperity
- respect
- mystery
- romance
- love
- gentle
- calming
- agitation
- reliability
- stability
- friendship
- sadness
- warmth
- comfort
- security
- natural
- organic
- mourning (in some cultures/societies)
Some of the associations seem a little odd, but for the most part, they make sense to me. I got the color association information from a cool art therapy website; you can read more about it here.
Now that we've considered each color separately, lets mix them all together, shall we?
These incredible large-scale installations by Mexican fiber artist Gabriel Dawe certainly encompass the entire color spectrum.
Plexus 3 by Gabriel Dawe
Plexus 3
Plexus 2 by Gabriel Dawe
Plexus 4 by Gabriel Dawe
To see more of Gabriel's work, visit his website, here.
And now, for the final color overdose; check out this video of artist Holton Rower at work! (Turn up the sound, too; the music is great.)
I find this video mesmerizing! Okay, maybe I am easily amused, but I hope you enjoy it as well. I also hope you enjoyed my little color tour! Thanks to my son, Colin Reusch, for sending me the links to these two artists.