Showing posts with label green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green. Show all posts

Friday, April 17, 2015

Roy G Biv: Green

I'm late in posting my contribution to the Search for Roy G Biv (the colors of the rainbow); it's hard for me to believe the third Thursday of the month was yesterday!  With my exhibition coming up tomorrow, it had completely slipped my mind!

 Earth, Sea, and Sky

 Kinniconick Creek, Lewis County, Kentucky

Olivine Angel

Rocky Mountains, Glacier National Park

Transformation 18

To find more green, please check the links at the blogs of our hostesses, Julie B Booth and Jennifer Coyne Qudeen.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Searching for RoyGBiv: GREEN

I'm not feeling very wordy today, but let me just say that "GREEN" came around at the perfect time. 

After an extended period of WHITE...

and GRAY,

 GREEN is popping out all over at long last!

 The beautiful bright baby green of new leaves budding out...

 the soft bluish-green of lambs' ears peeking through the ground...

 the new shoots on a little pine tree, reaching for the sky...

 cattails and tiny water plants,

surrounded by freshly fallen petals...

and, as always, the fresh, soothing green of the Kinneyconnick Creek!

For even more GREEN adventures, check out the blogs of our Searching for RoyGBiv hostesses, Jennifer Coyne Qudeen and Julie Booth, where you'll find links to the greens of other Search participants!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Something Green

Everything has suddenly turned very, very lushly green.  Each Spring this seems to happen virtually overnight. One day, you know Spring is coming, you see little buds peeking out, and the trees start to bloom... then- GREEN!

This got me thinking about the color green and all its permutations, and, well, I decided to see just how many shades of green people had actually attached names to.  This turned out to be well-nigh impossible because, apparently, you can call a color anything you want, especially if you happen to be a paint company.  "Uphill" and "Cabbage Patch", are names for colors of green paint, for example.  I also learned that the computer can distinguish over nine million shades of green (!).  Humans, not so much.

This site listed 99 shades of green, but some of them seem pretty weird, like "Bile"- yuk!  Here's a partial, non-definitive list I compiled from those that seemed reasonable. (A lot of them refer to vegetables, which makes me hungry!)

 Algae, Amazon, Apple,

                                                Aquamarine,                   (Kinneyconnick Creek)
Army, Avocado, Bottle, Brussels, Cactus, Camo, Caribbean,

                                   Celadon,                                                              ( Lamb's ear)


                                                  Chartreuse,                             (Wild grape)

Chromium, Clover, Cornsilk, Drab, Electricity, Emerald, Eucalyptus,

                                                Fern,                                       (Wood Fern)

Fir, Forest, Glass, Goblin, Gooseberry, Grass, Hookers, Honeydew, Hunter, Jade, Jungle, Juniper, Kelly, Laurel, Lawn, Lime, Malachite, Mallard, Ming, Mint, Moss, Office,

                                                 Olive             (Reflection, Kinneyconnick Creek)

Olivine, Parrot, Pea, Perylene, Phthalo, Pickle,

                                    Pine,                                                                  (White pine)          

Pistachio, Sage, Sap, Shamrock, Spinach,

                 Spring,                                                  (budding leaves, Kinneyconnick, Kentucky)

Spruce, Teal, Turquoise, Verdigris,

                                              Veridian,                                         (Wild Rose)

Willow, Zucchini.