Showing posts with label The Cheesecake Factory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Cheesecake Factory. Show all posts

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunday, June 15th

Lunch was in a darkened booth of The Cheesecake Factory, where my Mother took me, Mr. SVegetarian, my brother and his kids to lunch for Father's Day.  I got my usual 'Fresh Vegetable Salad' $9.95 minus the cheese. Good meal for mindlessly shoveling in amidst much external stimuli....
'Mixed Vegetables and Tofu' (aka #22) $8.95 carried out from Loving Hut for dinner...
A small portion of a 'Campfire Smores Cookie' from Great Sage for dessert...
Phew! Lots of going hither and yon this weekend. Back to being home bound tomorrow. Bye for now.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday, May 9th

The other half of my Tofu Scramble Burrito from Randy Radish for breakfast....
Lunch was at The Cheesecake Factory. It's surprising that in 2014, they still have so few vegan options. I was happy with my 'Fresh Vegetable Salad' $9.95 Asparagus, Green Beans, Tomato, Cucumber, Roasted Beets, Apple, Edamame, Radicchio, Romaine All Chopped with Pomegranate Vinaigrette...
Then my laptop died and now I am typing on my phone so nobody wonders what happened to me. bye for now.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday, April 19th

A still semi-frozen Blueberry Muffin from Le Pain Quotidien for breakfast. Doubt I'll buy more of these...
A 'SkinnyLicious Fresh Vegetable Salad' Asparagus, Green Beans, Tomato, Cucumber, Roasted Beets, Apple Edamame, Radicchio, Romaine (no cheese) with Pomegranate Vinaigrette for lunch at
The Cheesecake Factory...
Artichokes for dinner. The outer leaves were still bitter, so I just ate the chokes.
Way too much healthy grub today. Had to make myself literally nauseous with an overdose of TJ's CC Almonds for dessert.
Hoping to do well food-wise tomorrow. Big plans.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday, October 5th

Another good breakfast...
Lunch was the Evelyn's Favorite Pasta - Penne Tossed with Broccoli, Oven-Dried Tomato, Roasted Eggplant, Peppers, Artichoke, Kalamata Olives, Garlic and Pine Nuts at The Cheesecake Factory. I searched the net to see if there was anything new on the menu that was vegan before going and saw the comment on Veg Friendly that said the Evelyn's Favorite Pasta qualified. I hope Anonymous was correct.
Field Roast Franks with TJ's Tots for dinner. I took some gorgeous photos of this meal, but can't get them uploaded. Maybe tomorrow everyone will get to enjoy viewing them.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, March 1st

Grapefruit with Energy Bite for breakfast.
Skinnylicious Fresh Vegetable Salad $9.95 Asparagus, Green Beans, Tomato, Cucumber, Roasted Beets, Apple, Edemame, Radicchio and Romaine with Peanut Vinaigrette at The Cheesecake Factory (where Ingrid ate with her Grandma last time she visited Virginia). This Salad was shockingly great, beautiful and fresh.
Boca Burgers with TJ's Veggie Chili and Baked Potatoes for dinner.
Half a slice of Peanut Butter Cheesecake from Vegan Treats for dessert.
Coming up tomorrow: Taking a vacation day, so breakfast and lunch can be considered 'wildcards'.