Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday, March 8th

Long time no see this breakfast. It was good today, unlike last time.
The Falafel Platter $8.99 at Woodside Deli for lunch. This was okay, but the seedy noisy ambiance detracted from the quality of the food.
Oh She Glows Avocado Pasta for dinner. I'm over this now.
A piece of Carrot Cake from Dawson's Market for dessert. I'm definitely not over this. (That is a large piece of Walnut in front).
If I were into Pinterest, I'd totally pin this photo from a restaurant review in today's NYPost:
"Cavolfiori Pizza ($17 or $36) with vibrant, multicolored cauliflower florets and Meyer lemon slices resting atop a rich cauliflower puree." Looks so gorgeous. Folks who live in NYC are so lucky.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

WTF Thursday

Pesto Cream Cheese on a Toasted Everything Bagel for breakfast...
Could have been a greener color. Still working on recreating that NYC Bagel schmear.
More of the Grilled Chicken Salad from Roots for lunch...
Leftover Spaghetti from Monday night for dinner.
Half a Peanut Butter Cookie from Great Sage for dessert.
Pretty g*damn delicious. And gorgeous.
The Croci were still intact as the snow receded today. Nature is resilient.
Groupon lunch out with Mom tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WTF Wednesday

Flaxseed Cereal and Rice Milk for breakfast...
Field Roast Franks and TJ's Tots for lunch...
Hazelnut Cranberry Field Roast En Croute with Imagine Mushroom Gravy and Steamed Broccoli for dinner...
An Almond Joy Cupcake from Roots for dessert....
An astonishing achievement in Cupcake production.
The weathermen were actually right, we got over a foot of snow. It's melting fast though.
Planning to stay home again tomorrow. Lots of processed foods in the house needing to be eaten.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

WTF Tuesday

Eggless Egg Salad on a toasted Rudi's English Muffin for breakfast...
Grilled Chicken Salad from Roots for lunch...(I added the Tomato for pizazz)...
Vegan Grillers with Daiya and Fingerling Potatoes for dinner. 
A half a piece of Double Chocolate Fudge Cake from Sweet and Natural with So Delicious Coconut Milk Coconut Ice Cream for dessert. Could  Rambling Vegan's Brownie Sundae at Babe's have been any better? Maybe a little.
Our Croci (Crocus plural) came up today. Just in time to get buried under the foot of snow we're expecting tonight.
Hopefully, the deer will eat the Croci before the snow hits.
More WFH grub tomorrow...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday, March 4th

An absolutely mind-blowing Carrot Muffin from Le Pain Quotidien for breakfast.
Moroccan Lentil Soup..
and Grilled Tofu for lunch...
Mr. SV's Spaghetti with TJ's Meatless Meatballs for dinner...
I got this Individual Kiwi Tart $4 at Great Sage on Saturday...
I had a third of it for dessert tonight. The Tart was tart.
WFH grub tomorrow.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday, March 3rd

Breakfast was the Six Vegetable Quiche $12.75 with Artichoke and Garden Vegetables on Gluten-Free Buckwheat Crust at Le Pain Quotidien. It was a delicious but diet-sized, and no bread came with it, so I couldn't chow down on the AYCE Jam.
Fortunately, I made up for the lack of bread at breakfast with my carryout bowl of Corn Chowder from Loving Hut for lunch. The Chowder conveniently comes with a nice soft gigantic Whole Wheat Roll.
Vegan Grillers with Daiya and Steamed Broccoli for dinner. There's Daiya under them there Tomatoes.
A Boston Creme Cupcake $3.50 from Great Sage for dessert. As you can see, I had to really dig deep for the creme, almost to the other side of the Cupcake, but it was all good.
Ten hours in the cube tomorrow. Gonna suuuuuuccckkkk!!!!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday, March 2nd

Mr. SV had to drop off his bike in Elkridge, Maryland to get it serviced, so I followed him in my car to drive him home...
and also so I could eat at Great Sage en route back. My 'Caramel Apple Martini' $8 (American Harvest Vodka, Apple Cider, Caramel and Spices) made the several hour trek all worthwhile...
Spinach & Artichoke Dip Appetizer $10.  So fantastic.
The Open-Faced Roast Beef Sandwich with Gravy & Mashed Potatoes $14 was just so so. I wont get that again.
Caramel Pudding with Soy Whip and Vanilla Cookie for dessert $3. It was called a 'taste', but I thought it was a really sizable portion. Several other desserts were bought to go as well.
After lunch, I did a little shopping at Roots and got a Lavender Kombucha for the ride home. No more eating for the rest of the day.
Mr. SV's lunch included the 'Hot White Russian' $9 (American Harvest Vodka and Kalhua with Steamed Soy Milk)...
Potato Samosas $10...
Green Lentil and Butternut Squash Burger $13...
and Chocolate Lava Cake with Vanilla Soy Milk Ice Cream $7.
Back at the barn, the Chickens were stymied by the size and toughness of Mr. SV's bun from lunch.
I finally had to tear it up into tiny pieces to feed it to them.
Luscious Donovan was the only cat I could get semi in focus.
Will I get my butt to LPQ tomorrow? That is my intent.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday, March 1st

Blah Blah Blah Breakfast...
Lunch at PF Changs was the usual Vegetarian Lettuce Wraps...
and MaPo Tofu...
Vegan Grillers with Daiya and Sweet Potato Fries with Artichoke Dip with Roasted Red Peppers for dinner.
No dessert. Not the most exciting day, but it all tasted good.