The Serapionian Brethren
Part VI
Christmas Eve
All day long on the
twenty-fourth of December the children of Dr. Stahlbaum the public health
officer were expressly forbidden to enter the drawing room, let alone the
adjoining stateroom. Marie and Fritz sat cowering in a corner of the parlor at
the back of the house; the gloom of late dusk had already set in, and they were
beginning to find their surroundings downright gloomy because, in keeping with
another of the day’s traditions, the servants where refraining from bringing
candles into the room. In a whisper
betokening the strictest secrecy, Fritz informed his younger sister (she had
only just turned seven) that from early morning onwards clicking and clanging
and faint hammering sounds had been heard in the two locked rooms. Moreover, he
added, only a short while earlier he had seen a dark little man with a large
box under his arm slinking through the vestibule, and he was quite sure that
this man had been none other than Godfather Drosselmeier. Whereupon Marie clapped her little hands
together for sheer joy and cried, “Ah, Godfather Drosselmeier will have made
something lovely for us!” Drosselmeier the high court councilor was hardly a
man of prepossessing appearance, being rather dwarfish and gaunt and bearing a
thoroughly wrinkled face, a large black patch in place of a right eye, and
absolutely no hair of his own, on account of which he wore an exquisitely
beautiful white periwig made not of hair but of spun glass—in other words, a
piece of completely artificial construction.
All in all, the children's godfather was both an artifice himself and a
master of artifices who understood the inner workings of clocks and watches and
could even build entire timepieces from scratch. Accordingly whenever one of the beautiful
clocks in Stahlbaum’s house was ill and unable to sing, Godfather Drosselmeier
would come, remove his glass periwig, doff his little yellow frock coat, don a
blue apron, and prod the insides of the timepiece with various pointed tools,
thereby genuinely paining Marie but causing no harm whatsoever to the clock,
which to the contrary would invariably come back to life and immediately begin
whirring, chiming, and singing to the joy of everybody present. Whenever he
came he would bring along in his satchel something nice for the children; one
time it would be a little fellow who drolly rolled his eyes and presented his
compliments to the ladies, the next it would be a box out of which leapt a
little bird, the next something else entirely. But for Christmas Eve he had
always prepared artifices of especially wondrous beauty whose construction cost
him a good deal of time and labor; and in acknowledgement of this cost, as soon
as the gifts had been presented to the children, the parents took them away and
kept them under solicitous lock and key. “Ah, Godfather Drosselmeier will have
made something lovely for us!” Marie now cried; but Fritz was of the opinion
that this something could only be a fortress wherein all sorts of handsome
soldiers would march up and down and perform their drills, and then some other
soldiers who wanted to break into the fortress would have to show up, but then
the soldiers inside the fortress would bravely open fire with cannons on the
outside ones, thereby raising a thunderous devil of a racket. “No, no,” Marie
interrupted Fritz: “Godfather Drosselmeier has told me of a lovely garden; in
the garden is a large lake on which majestic swans with golden necklaces swim
about and sing the prettiest songs. Then a little girl comes from the garden to
the lakeshore and lures the swans to her, and she feeds them sweet marzipan.”
“Swans don’t eat marzipan,” Fritz somewhat gruffly rejoined, “and Godfather
Drosselmeier can’t make an entire garden either. And actually, we don’t even have very many of
the toys he’s made; they’ve always been taken away from us straight-away;
that’s why I much prefer the toys Papa and Mama give us—because we can keep
them as long as we want and do what we like with them. Now the children began
bandying back and forth guesses as to what this year’s parental gifts would be.
Marie was of the opinion that Missy Trutchen (her one large doll) was very much
changing for the worse, for more and more often she could not be set upright
for an instant without gracelessly pitching over on to the floor, which never
failed to leave the ghastliest dirt-streaks on her face; to say nothing of the
prospective impossibility of ever restoring her clothes to their original
pristine cleanness. All her vigorous
chastisement of the doll had come to naught. Moreover, she said, Mama had
smiled at the ecstasies she had been sent into by Gretchen’s little
parasol. Fritz for his part averred that
nothing would spruce up his royal stable like a wily fox, and that his army had
not a single cavalryman in its ranks, as Papa was well aware. So the children
knew full well that their parents had bought them all sorts of lovely presents
that they were now in the midst of arranging; they were equally certain that
these presents were imbued with the divine light shed with childlike piety and
benevolence by the eyes of their dear savior Jesus Christ, and that, as if
touched by the benedictory hand of God, each and every Christmas gift imparted
a delight for which there was no substitute in point of sheer splendor. Of this
their older sister Luise reminded the children even as they continued their
whispered conference about the prospective gifts, and she added that their
parents were but proxies for their dear savior Jesus Christ, who knew much
better than the children themselves what was capable of imparting real pleasure
and delight; and that on this account they must by no means hope and wish for
everything under the sun, but instead silently and piously resign themselves to
whatever they were actually to receive. Little Marie now grew quite pensive,
but Fritz murmured to himself, “I’d really like to have a fox and some
By now it was
completely dark. Fritz and Marie huddled close together and no longer dared to
speak a word; they were wafted by a gentle breeze that seemed to have been
stirred up by wings of pure down, and they fancied that they could hear quite
faint but distinctly majestic music playing in the distance. A luminous glow
played on the wall opposite the children, informing them that now the Christ
child had flown away on refulgent clouds to the houses of other happy
children. At that moment the silvery
“ting-a-ling, ting-a-ling” of a bell sounded, and the doors sprang open,
letting in such a flood of bright light from the great drawing room that the
children cried out, “Ah! Ah!,” and stood transfixed at the threshold. But then Papa and Mama stepped through the
doorway, took the children by the hand, and said, “Come along now, come along
now, dear children, and see what the holy Christ child has given you.”
The Presents
I call upon you
personally, my dear gentle reader or listener—Fritz or Theodor or Ernst or
whatever your name may be—to revivify in your mind’s eye the image of the last
Christmas table you saw, to picture all those lovely, parti-colored,
jewel-encrusted presents, so that you will be able to imagine how the children
with their shining eyes stood transfixed and completely speechless in the middle
of the drawing room; how by and by Marie, fetching a deep sigh exclaimed, “Ah,
how beautiful! How beautiful!” and Fritz attempted to cut a few brisk capers
around the room with remarkable success. The children must have been especially
well-behaved and attentive to their religious duties throughout the preceding
year, for never before had they received a Christmas offering of such beauty
and splendor as this one. The great Christmas tree in the middle was festooned
with dozens of golden and silver apples; and sugared almonds, parti-colored
bonbons, and virtually all other types of confectionery sprouted from its every
branch like so many buds and flowers.
But the most beautiful attribute of this marvelous tree was surely the
hundreds of tiny candles that twinkled like little stars amidst its dark
greenery, whereby in both radiating and containing light it seemed practically
to be inviting the children to help themselves to its treasury of fruits and
flowers. All the objects heaped up around the tree shone with superlative
splendor and brilliance of color; every type of beautiful object imaginable was
represented there; it was indeed quite literally indescribable! Marie could
espy dolls of exquisitely delicate features, all manner of sprucely constructed
items of dolls’ furniture, and what was most beautiful of all to behold, a
little silk dress trimmed with delicate, parti-colored ribbons, which hung on a
frame positioned in such a way that little Marie could contemplate it from all
sides, as she proceeded to do while exclaiming over and over again, “Ah what a
beautiful, ah what a lovely, lovely little dress: and to think that I shall
actually—and most certainly—be allowed to put it on!” Fritz had meanwhile
galloped and trotted around the table another three or four times in search of
his new fox, which he did indeed find tethered to the table. Dismounting from
his invisible horse, he said that the fox was a wild beast and basically a
do-nothing, that he would come back for him later; and turned to the inspection
of his new squadron of hussars, which were clad in red and gold, equipped with
weapons of pure silver, and mounted on horses of such a lustrously white sheen
that one would have thought that they, too, were made of pure silver. Now that
the children had calmed down somewhat, they asked for their picture-books,
which were duly brought over and placed open before them; on the pages of these
books they could behold lovely flowers of all species, men and women of various
colors, and even adorable, frolicking children, all of them painted so
naturally that they seemed to be living and speaking. But no sooner did the children ask for these
marvelous books than the bell sounded again.
They now knew that Godfather Drosselmeier was about to present his gifts
to them, and they ran to the table standing against the wall. Briskly the
screen behind which he had been hiding for so long was whisked aside. And what did the children then behold? On a verdant lawn bejeweled with flowers of
various brilliant colors stood a most majestic castle with numerous
looking-glass windows and gates of gold.
A glockenspiel began playing, gates and windows flew open, and in the
halls inside the castle one could see tiny but daintily elegant ladies and
gentlemen in plumed hats and long-trained gowns promenading about. In the middle room, which seemed to be
virtually bathed in fire—so many miniature candles were burning in its
chandeliers—children clad in little doublets and gowns were dancing to the
accompaniment of the glockenspiel. All
the while a gentleman in an emerald-green cloak repeatedly peeped through one
of the windows, waved at the spectators, and then vanished; he looked just like
Godfather Drosselmeier, and yet he was hardly bigger than Papa’s thumb; from
time to he would appear downstairs at his window by the gate of the castle, and
then he would once again withdraw. Now
that he had propped his arms up on the table and taken a good look at the
beautiful castle with its dancing and promenading little figures, Fritz said,
“Godfather Drosselmeier! Please let me go into the castle!” The high court
councilor gave him to understand that at present this was utterly
impossible. And he was not mistaken, for
it was sheer madness on the part of Fritz to propose entering a castle that
even with its lofty golden towers included was still shorter than Fritz
himself. Now Fritz himself realized this.
By and by, as the ladies and gentlemen kept promenading to and fro, the
children kept dancing, and the emerald man kept peeping through the same
window—all exactly as they had been doing from the beginning—Godfather
Drosselmeier interposed himself between Fritz and the front gates of the
castle, prompting Fritz to cry out impatiently, “Godfather Drosselmeier, why
don’t you come out of the castle at that other gate over there?” “That is not
possible, my dear little Fritz,” replied the high court councilor. “Well then,”
Fritz resumed, “why don’t you let that green man who keeps sticking his head
out like a cuckoo walk about with the other people?” “That won’t be possible
either,” demurred the high court councilor once again. “Well then,” cried
Fritz, “the children will have to come downstairs so that I can get a better
look at them." “For crying out loud!
Nothing you have asked for is possible,” the high court councilor
peevishly rejoined: “the mechanism must perform as it was designed to perform.”
“Oh, re-e-e-ally?” asked Fritz, in an excruciated tone, “is it really
impossible? Listen here Godfather Drosselmeier: if those dainty little doohickies
of yours can’t do anything but move about in the same way over and over again,
they aren’t worth a fig, and I shan’t take any further interest in them. No,
give me my hussars over them any day: they have to maneuver forwards,
backwards, whichever way I want them to, and they’re not locked up in some
house.” And with that he dashed over to the Christmas table and let his
squadron trot and traverse and assemble and fire to and fro on their sliver
steeds to his heart’s content. Marie, too, had moved away from the castle, but
softly and by degrees; for although she too had quickly grown tired of the
little dolls’ promenading and dancing, she was much nicer and better behaved
than her brother and did not wish to draw so much attention to herself.
“Artifices of such intricacy as mine,” Drosselmeier rather dyspeptically
remarked to the children’s parents, “are wasted on children as stupid as yours;
I shall pack up my castle forthwith”; but their mother temporized by allowing
the high court councilor to show her the inner workings of the castle and the
marvelously intricate clockwork mechanism whereby the various movements of the
little dolls were actuated. The councilor took the whole thing apart and then
put it back together. This demonstration restored Drosselmeier’s good cheer in
its entirety and prompted him to present a few more gifts to the children—a
small assortment of lovely brown-skinned men and women with gilded faces,
hands, and legs. They were made of
briarwood and exuded an aroma as sweet and agreeable as that of gingerbread, to
the enormous delight of both Fritz and Marie. In conformity with her mother’s
wishes, their sister Luise had donned the lovely dress that she had received as
a present, and was looking wonderfully pretty, but Marie—who had been told to
don her own dress—preferred to spend a bit more time looking on. This privilege
she was readily granted.
The Fosterling
In point of fact,
Marie was none too keen to leave the Christmas table, for there was one object
on it that she had yet to look at as closely or attentively as she wished. Amid
the thickly clustering parade of Fritz’s hussars, she could make out a quite
splendid little man who was standing there silently and unassumingly at the
base of the tree as if calmly awaiting the moment when the processing ranks
would draw level with him. Admittedly, an exacting connoisseur of the human
form would have found much to object to in his physique, inasmuch as, on top of
the fact that his tall and hefty torso was entirely out of proportion with his
short, spindly legs, his head was far too large. His costume, however, did much
to make up for these shortcomings in suggesting that he was a man of both good
taste and good breeding. Specifically, he was clad in a truly gorgeous hussar’s
tunic of iridescent violet festooned with a multitude of white braids and
little buttons, along with matching trousers and as lovely a pair of little
boots as had ever graced the feet of any university student—nay, of any army
officer. They fitted his dainty little legs more tightly than a pair of gloves,
as though they had been painted on. To be sure, the splendor of his costume
proper was rather drolly offset by the shabby, literally wooden-looking cape
that hung from his shoulders and the tiny miner’s cap that surmounted his head;
and this contrast set Marie musing that Godfather Drosselmeier was no less
lovable a godfather for all his similar predilection for tatty capes and
unsightly caps. And yet, Marie reflected, even if Godfather Drosselmeier were
to dress as dapperly as the little man, he would certainly not be as handsome
as him by a long chalk. The longer Marie gazed at this attractive man whom she
had taken a shine to at first sight, the more keenly and intimately she became
aware of the profound good nature bespoken by his face. His pale green,
slightly bulging eyes evinced nothing but a combination of friendliness and
benevolence. Luckily for him, the neatly trimmed beard that graced his chin was
of white cotton and so made it especially easy to see the gentle smile that
played upon his bright red lips. “Oh,” Marie at length exclaimed, “oh, dear
father, to whom does that adorable man at the foot of the tree belong?” “That
man,” replied her father, “that man, my dear child, “is here to work diligently
for you all; with his teeth he will make mincemeat of the toughest nut; and he
belongs just as much to Luise as to you and Fritz.” Whereupon her father
carefully picked the man up off the table, and as he lifted the wooden cape as
high as it would go, the little man’s mouth opened very, very wide, revealing
two rows of white, pointy teeth. At her father’s behest, Marie shoved a nut
into the opening and—Crack!—the man had bitten right through the nut, causing its
shell to crumble away and letting its sweet kernel fall into Marie’s hand. Now
there was no concealing from anybody including Marie the fact that this elegant
little man was a latter-day member of the ancient Nutcracker family and a
practitioner of the eponymous profession of his ancestors. Marie emitted a
great cry of joy, prompting her father to say to her, “As you are so very fond
of our friend Mr. Nutcracker, you must take especial care of him and protect
him, even though, as I said, Luise and Fritz are as fully entitled as you are
to make use of him!” Marie immediately took the nutcracker into her arms and
started cracking nuts with him, but she selected only the smallest specimens so
that the little man would not have to open his mouth too wide, but on the whole
this did not become him. Marie was presently joined by Luise, and thus was
Marie’s friend Nutcracker conscripted into cracking nuts for her sister, which,
to judge by his unflaggingly friendly smile, he seemed more than game to do. By
this point Fritz was worn out from his numerous marching drills and riding
exercises, and having been highly delighted to hear the sound of cracking nuts,
he bounded over to his sisters and burst into a hearty laugh at the expense of
the funny little man who now, as Fritz also wanted to eat some nuts, passed
from hand to hand, and what with all the snapping open and shut he scarcely got
to keep his mouth still for a second. Fritz kept shoving in the biggest and
toughest nuts, until finally, all at once—crack…crack—two little teeth fell out
of the nutcracker’s mouth and his entire lower jaw went slack and wobbly. “Oh
my poor dear nutcracker!” Marie cried, and snatched the little man from out of
Fritz’s hands. “That is one dopey, simple-minded fellow you’ve got there,” said
Fritz. “He wants to be a nutcracker, and he hasn’t even got a proper set of
teeth; I’ll even bet he doesn’t know a single thing about his trade. Give him back to me, Marie! The stupid
good-for-nothing is duty-bound to keep biting open nuts for me, even if he
loses the rest of his teeth and his whole chin into the bargain, which is what
he deserves anyway.” “No, no,” cried Marie, who was now past the verge of
tears: “you shan’t take my little nutcracker from me; just look at how sadly
he’s gazing at me and pointing at his wounded little mouth! But you are
completely heartless: you whip your horses and think nothing of having a poor
soldier shot to death.” “These things have to be done,” cried Fritz, “as you
obviously don’t understand; but that nutcracker belongs to me as much as to
you; hand him over this instant.” Marie began weeping fervently and swathed the
ailing nutcracker in her little pocket handkerchief. Now their parents came
over with Godfather Drosselmeier. To Marie’s distress her godfather sided with
Fritz. But her father said, “I have expressly placed the nutcracker in Marie’s
care, and as I see that care is what he stands in greatest need of at present,
he must receive it from her, to the exclusion of all other contenders. I must
add that I am truly astonished at Fritz’s exacting of gratuitous service from
an ailing subordinate. As a seasoned military man ought he not to know better
than to include a wounded soldier in the active rank and file?” Fritz was
thoroughly abashed by this lecture, and without giving a single further thought
to nuts and nutcrackers, he slunk away to the opposite side of the table, where
his hussars, having posted the requisite
sentries, had retired to their quarters for the night. Marie gathered up the nutcracker’s missing
teeth; she had bound his broken chin in a slip of a white ribbon taken from her
dress, and had subsequently swathed him in her kerchief even more solicitously
than before. And so she cradled him like
a little child in her arms, while browsing the lovely pictures in the new
picture-books that lay amongst the day’s profusion of other presents. She grew
quite uncharacteristically cross when Godfather Drosselmeier, laughing heartily
all the while, repeatedly asked her how she could ever take such pleasure in
flirting with such an incredibly hideous little man as this? That curious
comparison to Drosselmeier that she had made the first time she laid eyes on
the little man now came rushing back into her mind, and in a tone of the utmost
seriousness, she said, “Who knows, dear Godfather, whether even if you dressed
yourself up as nicely as my dear nutcracker, and put on such lovely, shiny
little boots as he’s wearing—who knows if even then you’d look as handsome as
he does!” Marie was at a complete loss to explain why her parents now burst
into such uproarious peals of laughter, or why the high court councilor’s nose
was now turning such a deep shade of red, or why he was not laughing with them
nearly as loudly as he had done before.
Perhaps there were certain peculiar causes that accounted for it.
To your immediate
left as you as you enter the public health officer’s sitting room, there stands
against the broad wall a tall, glass-windowed cabinet, in which the children
store up all the lovely Christmas presents they have received from year to
year. Luise was still a very little girl when her father commissioned the
cabinet from a highly skilled carpenter, who fitted it with panes of such
heavenly pellucidity, and contrived to assemble the whole thing so artfully,
that everything in it looked almost shinier and prettier than it would have
looked in the viewer’s own hands. On the top shelf, which Marie and Fritz could
not reach, stood Godfather Drosselmeier’s artifices; immediately beneath it was
the shelf for the picture-books; the two lowest shelves Fritz and Marie had
permanently at their joint disposal; for all that, Marie always ended up
stowing her dolls in the bottom shelf, while Fritz billeted his troops in the
one above it. Today had witnessed no exception to this arrangement, for while
Fritz had installed his hussars on top, Marie had placed Missy Trutchen off to
the side underneath, inserted her lovely, immaculately clean new doll into the
extremely well-appointed doll’s room, and treated herself to the sweets she had
with her. I said that the room was extremely well- appointed, and that is very
much the truth, for I do not know whether you, my attentive auditress Marie,
just like little Miss Stahlbaum (you know full well, of course, that your first
name is also Marie) but anyway!—as I was saying, I do not know whether you,
like her, own a tiny sofa upholstered in a lovely floral pattern, a handful of
the most delightful-looking little chairs, a dainty tea-table—but above all
possessions a plain, neatly made little bed upon which the loveliest little
dolls repose themselves? All these things were to be found in the corner of the
cabinet, whose walls here were actually papered with colorful little pictures,
and you can well imagine how the new doll whom Marie had only just learned to
call Missy Claerchen must have felt very much at home in this room.
It had grown quite
late; indeed, midnight itself was impending, and Godfather Drosselmeier had
long since departed, and yet the children had hardly gotten their fill of the
glass cabinet, for all their mother’s ardent admonitions to the effect that
they really should at long last be getting to bed. “Granted,” Fritz at length
exclaimed, “these poor fellows” (i.e., his hussars) “really could do with a
snooze, and I’m sure as heck sure they’ll have a fat chance of getting one as
long as I’m here!” Whereupon he left the room; Marie, on the other hand,
ardently entreated her mother thus: “Please, dear Mother, let me stay here just
a little while longer, just the tiniest bit longer; I have a few things left to
attend to, and once I have attended to them, I certainly plan to go straight to
bed!” Marie was a thoroughly pious and sensible child, and so her worthy mother
felt no qualms whatsoever about leaving her on her own with her
playthings. But at this moment Marie
hardly seemed to be interested at all in her new doll and lovely playthings,
and yet again she also seemed completely oblivious of the candles that were
burning in a circle around the cabinet; her mother extinguished them all one by
one, leaving only the lamp that hung suspended from the middle of the ceiling
to disperse a gentle, ingratiating light throughout the room. “Don’t stay up
too much longer, Marie dear, if you want to be able to get up on time
tomorrow!” cried her mother, as she withdrew into her bedroom. As soon as Marie
found herself alone, she immediately turned to the object of her heart’s
preoccupation, a preoccupation that—for all its urgency, and for reasons
unknown even to herself--she was quite incapable of disclosing to her mother.
All this time she had been carrying slung over her arm the ailing nutcracker,
who was still swathed in her pocket handkerchief. Now she carefully laid him on
the table, gently, gently unwound the kerchief, and looked after his wounds.
The nutcracker was very pale, and yet smiling with an intensely wistful
geniality, such that the sight of him pierced Marie straight through the heart.
“Ah, my little nutcracker,” she said ever so gently, “don’t be angry at Fritz
for having hurt you so much; he didn’t mean to be so cruel; it’s just that this
savage soldier’s life he’s been leading has made him a bit
hard-hearted—otherwise he’s a truly worthy young man; I can assure you of that.
But now I intend to care for you solicitously until your good health and good
cheer are entirely restored to you; as for having your teeth set firmly back in
place and your shoulder straightened out: that will have to be left to
Godfather Drosselmeier, who is an expert at such things.” But Marie could not
finish saying her piece, for as soon as she mentioned the name Drosselmeier,
her friend Mr. Nutcracker cocked his jaw at a devilishly wry angle, and his
eyes scintillated with pinpricks of green light. But in the next instant, before
she could be properly horrified by this grotesque transformation, she once
again beheld the honest nutcracker’s familiar face with its familiar wistful
smile, and she realized that its disfigurement a moment earlier had been owing
entirely to a brief flaring up of light cast by the ceiling lamp thanks to an
equally transitory draught of air. “I am not some silly little girl who scares
so easily as to fancy that a wooden doll is pulling faces at her! But I am too
fond of Nutcracker by half because he is so droll and yet so good-natured, and
so he has to be taken care of, as is only proper.” Whereupon Marie cradled her
friend Mr. Nutcracker in her arms, approached the cabinet, crouched down in
front of it, and addressed her new doll thus: “I heartily beseech you, Missy
Claerchen, to give up your bed to the injured nutcracker, and to commit
yourself, for lack of a better alternative, to the sofa. Remember that you are
in perfect health, and in full possession of your strength; otherwise your
cheeks would not be so plump and such a deep shade of red; and also remember
that very few of even the loveliest dolls own such a cushy sofa as yours.”
Missy Claerchen,
resplendent and resentful in her Yuletide brand-newness, refused to say a word.
“But why am I making such a fuss about this?” said Marie said, pulled out the
bed, gently and tenderly laid the nutcracker in it, wrapped around his injured
shoulders a lovely little ribbon that she usually wore around her waist, and
tucked him in right up to the underside of his nose. “But,” she continued, “I
can’t very well leave him in the same room as naughty Clara,” and so saying,
she placed the little bed, nutcracker and all, in the shelf above hers, so that
it came to nestle alongside the lovely village where Fritz’s troops were
billeted. She shut and locked the cabinet and headed towards her bedroom, but
then—listen up, children!—then she began to hear a faint, ever so faint,
whispering and swishing and rustling on all sides of the room—behind the stove,
behind the chairs, behind the cupboards. All the while the clock on the wall
was whirring ever more loudly and yet somehow failing to chime. Marie looked at
the clock: the gilded owl perched on top of it had covered it from top to
bottom with its lowered wings, and its hideous hook-beaked cat’s head was
outthrust at a grotesque distance from its body. And it whirred even more
violently, and in its whirring the following words could clearly be discerned:
“softly whirr and cause no fear: that’s the task of every gear. King of the
mice has a subtle ear; rouse him with an ancient tune; softly sound the
nightside noon; he will hear it very soon!” And in exact conformity with these
orders the clock struck twelve as softly and unreverberantly as could be! Marie
began to be genuinely quite frightened, and she nearly fled the room in horror
when she saw Godfather Drosselmeier sitting in place of the owl on top of the
clock, with his yellow coat-tails dangling down on either side of the clock
like wings; but she pulled herself together, and cried out loudly and
tearfully, “Godfather Drosselmeier, Godfather Drosselmeir, what are you doing
up there? Come down and stop frightening me so, you naughty Godfather
Drosselmeier!” But then from all sides of the room issued peals of demented laughter
and whistling, and a thousand tiny feet could be heard scampering and scurrying
behind the walls, and a thousand tiny lights could be seen gleaming through the
cracks between the floorboards. Wait: no!—they weren’t lights, but tiny
flashing eyes, and Marie suddenly realized that all around her mice were poking
their noses out and pulling themselves up from beneath the floor to its
surface. Soon they were trotting, trotting, trotting, and hopping, hopping,
hopping, into every side and corner of the room; ever thicker and ever more
luminous heaps of mice were galloping to and fro; and at length they arranged
themselves into ranks and files of the sort that Fritz would arrange his troops
into when he was about to lead them into battle. Marie found this all extremely
comical, for unlike many other children she had no natural aversion to mice;
and the very last trace of her fear was on the point of vanishing when there
suddenly commenced a peculiar, steady whistling sound that was so ghastly and
piercing that it made icy chills run down her spine! Ah what things she now
beheld! No, in all frankness, my dear and honored reader Fritz, I know that
you, just like the wise and courageous General Fritz Stahlbaum, have your heart
in the right place, but if you had seen what Marie now saw before her
very eyes, in all frankness you would have run away; I even believe you would
have leapt straight into bed and pulled the covers much farther over your ears
than was strictly necessary. But of course poor Marie was hardly in a position
to do any of those things now, for—listen up, children!—right smack dab in
front of her feet a jet of sand and lime and pieces of broken marble stones
shot up from the floor with a truly ghastly hissing and whistling sound, and
seven mouse-heads with seven brightly scintillating crowns heaved themselves to
the surface. Presently the body of the mouse on whose necks the seven heads had
grown worked its way completely above ground and the large mouse with the seven
diadems squeaked a resonant cheer at the entire horde, which proceeded to set
itself in motion and--giddy-up and off!—galloped, galloped, galloped, right up
to the very doors of the cabinet, right up to Marie herself, who was still
standing directly in front of it. So far Marie’s heart for sheer terror and
panic had been throbbing so violently that she had been thinking that it was
bound at any second to burst out of her chest and thereby kill her; but now she
suddenly felt as though the circulation of the blood in her veins had come to a
standstill. Half unconscious, she tottered backwards; then she heard a rumble
and a clink, and the glass front of the cabinet, with which her elbow had just
collided, collapsed in shards. She immediately felt a stabbing pain in her left
arm, but also a sudden and pronounced relaxation of tension around her heart;
the cheeping and whistling had stopped, and complete silence permeated the
room; and although she could not see them, she assumed that the mice were still
nearby, and had merely been frightened back into their holes by the sound of
the shattering glass. But then what was this? Directly behind her in the
cabinet she heard a curious rumbling as the faintest voices began muttering as
follows: “We’re up and about, up and about—to arms and the field, before the
night's out—we’re up and about—let’s put them to rout!” And immediately
thereafter she heard several little bells sounding together concordantly, to
the most exquisitely charming effect. “Ah, of course: it’s my little
glockenspiel!” Marie delightedly exclaimed, and briskly leaping aside to get a
view of the cabinet, she saw therein the most strangely lit and peopled and
busied sight she had ever seen. Several dolls were running in every which
direction and thrusting at and parrying each other. Then all of a sudden,
Nutcracker flung aside the counterpane, leapt out of the bed with both feet
forward, and loudly exclaimed: “Crack, crack, crack—you stupid rodent
pack—stupid crazy guff –enough’s enough—crick and crack and huff and puff—the
purest guff.” And with that he drew his tiny sword and flourished it in the air
and cried, “You, my dear retainers, friends, and brothers—do you intend to
assist me in my arduous struggle?” Immediately three scaramouches, a pantaloon,
four chimney-sweeps, two zither-players, and a drummer heartily rejoined, “Yes,
sir: we are your loyal servants; we’ll struggle alongside you through thick and
thin—win or lose, live or die!” and hastened to follow the lead of the ecstatic
Nutcracker, who was now bravely risking the leap to the bottom shelf. Yes! The
other dolls had all successfully made the plunge, for not only were they clad
in splendid garments of lawn and silk, but also their very innards were
basically nothing but cotton and chaff, so that they plumped down on to the
bottom shelf just like little sacks of wool. But as for poor Nutcracker: well,
he would certainly have broken both his arms and legs—for I’ll have you know it
was a two-foot drop to the bottom shelf, and his body was as brittle as if it
had been carved directly out of a single piece of linden-wood—had not Missy
Claerchen leapt from the sofa and caught our sword-brandishing hero in her
accommodatingly pliant arms just in the nick of time. “Oh my dear, worthy,
wonderful Claerchen!” sobbed Marie: “How sorely I misjudged you! You were in
fact only too happy to give up your little bed to our friend Mr. Nutcracker!”
But now Missy Claerchen spoke thus, as she tenderly clasped the young hero to
her silken bosom: “For pity’s sake, my lord, give heed to your present wounds
and infirmities and avoid the battlefield; behold how your valiant retainers
are rallying with gusto for battle and in full certainty of victory. The
scaramouches, the pantaloon, the chimney-sweeps, the zither-players, and the
drummers are already down there, and the motto-figurines on my shelf are
already up and bestirring themselves with remarkable alacrity; I beg you, my
lord, to rest out the battle in my arms, or else to spectate on your victory
from the lofty security of my plumed hat!” Thus spoke Claerchen, but Nutcracker
grew so refractory and started kicking so hard to be set free that Claerchen
ultimately had no choice but to set him down on the floor. But no sooner had he
been set free than he fell with exemplary gallantry to his knees and whispered,
“Oh dear lady! In every battle and in all adversity that comes my way, I shall
treasure the memory of your most gracious and merciful succor!” Then Claerchen
stooped down low enough to grab him by his little arm, gently lifted him up,
quickly undid her sequin-spangled waistband, and made as if to wrap the little
man up in it, but he fell back two steps, laid his hand on his breast, and
solemnly intoned, “Waste not your kindness on me, dear lady, for—” he broke
off, fetched a deep sigh, tore off the little ribbon in which Marie had swathed
his shoulder, pressed it to his lips, tied it round his neck like a scarf, and,
brandishing his drawn sword, leapt as quickly and nimbly as a sparrow over the
ledge of the cabinet and on to the floor. Note well, my most dear and gentle
listeners, that long before he had come properly to life Nutcracker was most
cannily sensible of Marie’s tender and virtuous feelings for him, and that it
was only on account of his settled attachment to Marie that he refused to accept
or wear Missy Claerchen’s ribbon, for all its lustrous handsomeness. Out of
loyalty and affection Nutcracker preferred to trick himself out in Marie’s
unassuming little ribbon. But what ever was to happen next? As soon as
Nutcracker touched down, the cheeping and squeaking started up again. Oh no!
Beneath the large table in the center of the room the hideous and immeasurably
huge horde of mice were gathered, and the abominable mouse with seven heads
stood tall and proud amidst the lot of them! What ever was to happen next?
The Battle
“You, my loyal
retainer, Mr. Drummer,” cried Nutcracker: “summon the troops to march!”
whereupon the drummer launched into a tattoo of such extraordinary virtuosity
that it set the windows of the cabinet shaking and trembling. Now from within
the cabinet Marie heard a good deal of bashing and clattering, and it
eventually dawned on her that the lid of the case that served as the quarters
of Fritz’s army had been forced open, and that the soldiers had escaped and
jumped to the bottom shelf, where they were now assembling in neatly serried
ranks. Nutcracker dashed up and down the
lists, mercilessly hectoring the troops in his enthusiasm. “Not a dog of a
trumpeter is shifting or stirring!” he furiously exclaimed, only to turn abruptly
to the pantaloon—he whose face had turned rather pale and whose oversized chin
was shaking quite violently—and solemnly address him thus: “General, I know of
your courage and experience, I entrust to you the command of the complete
cavalry and artillery; you have no need of a horse, as your legs are so long
that you can reach a tolerable gallop on your own two feet. Now follow your
function.” So pantaloon immediately thrust two of his lanky little fingers into
his mouth and whistled so forcefully, that the resultant sound was as strident
as a hundred toy trumpets sounding simultaneously at full volume. Then there
was a tremendous amount of whinnying and stamping inside the cabinet, and lo!
Fritz’s cuirassiers, dragoons, and, most spectacular of all, his resplendently
shiny new hussars, emerged from the case and descended to the floor, where they
presently drew to an expectant halt. Now with standards flying and drums and
trumpets sounding, regiment upon regiment paraded past Nutcracker and contributed
its long row of soldiers to an army that eventually covered the entire floor of
the room. But now in front of the front-most row of troops were posted Fritz’s
cannons, attended on all sides by their gunners, and before Marie knew it,
there was a boom and another boom; and she beheld whole crowds within the horde
of mice covered in powder to their great embarrassment. Especially damaging to
them, though, was a heavy discharge from the battery that had been assembled on
Mama’s footstool and that now—Boom!—Boom!—fired one round of gingerbread
ordnance after another into the mice and sent them toppling over. And yet the mice continued to draw ever
nearer and even managed to overrun a few of the cannons, but then there was a
noise that went PRR—PRR—PRR, and Marie could scarcely see what was happening
for all the smoke and dust. But this much was certain: that each side was
laying into the other with the bitterest intensity, and that victory was in no
hurry to yield itself up to either one.
The army of mice was continuing to grow larger and larger, and the tiny
silver pellets that they wielded with considerable aplomb as missiles were now
smashing into the cabinet itself. Despair-stricken, Claerchen and Trutchen were
running about in every which direction and wringing their tiny hands raw. “Am
I—the loveliest doll yet sewn--destined to die in the most efflorescent hour of
my maidenhood?" cried Claerchen. “Have I preserved myself so well for so
long only to perish here within the four walls of my own apartment?” cried
Trutchen. With that they fell into each other’s arms, and wailed so loudly that
they could be heard even above the infernal din of the battle. For of the
spectacle that was now commencing you, my honored listeners, will scarcely form
an adequate notion. First Marie heard a sound like this--Prr, prrr—puff,
piff—shnetterding—shnetterding—boom, brrroom, boom, brruom, boom—which set the
mice and their king squeaking and squealing, and then she once again heard
Nutcracker’s powerful voice, parceling out orders for needful tasks; and
finally she saw Nutcracker in person striding directly through the beleaguered
battalions! Pantaloon had accrued considerable glory in a handful of cavalry
charges, but Fritz’s hussars were being pelted with the fetid discharge of the
mice’s artillery, which bored lethal holes into their red jerkins and thereby
prevented them from even attempting to advance. Pantaloon let them turn aside
to the left and in the delirium of command, he forced his own cuirassiers and
dragoons to do the same; so that they all turned left and headed homeward. In
so doing, they left the battery posted on the footstool exposed to attack; and
in no time flat, a hideous troop of mice assailed it with such force that they
overturned the entire footstool, including the gunners and cannons. Nutcracker
seemed quite dismayed and ordered the right wing to make a retrograde movement.
Now you know full well, my dear listener Fritz, what with all your experience
of war, that to make such a movement is virtually tantamount to retreating; and
you will have already begun to join me in mourning in advance the disaster that
was all but destined to overwhelm the army of Marie’s beloved little
Nutcracker! For all that, avert your eyes from this calamity and behold the
left flank of Nutcracker’s army, wherein everything is still very much in
order, and commander-in-chief and army alike still have very good reason to be
hopeful. During the most heated period of the battle several mouse cavalry
squadrons had quietly, quietly debouched from under the chest of drawers, and,
emitting loud squeaks of rage, had pounced on to the left flank of Nutcracker’s
army—but what resistance did they meet with there for all their fury!
Slowly--because the roughness of the terrain would not allow them to proceed
quickly-- the battalion of motto-figurines, escorted by two Chinese emperors,
had advanced and gathered themselves together into a square formation. This
valiant, splendid, and brilliantly parti-colored contingent composed of
numerous gardeners, Tyroleans, Tunguses, hairdressers, harlequins, cupids,
lions, tigers, meerkats, and monkeys, fought with exemplary composure, courage,
and stamina. In the light of its Spartan-worthy valor, this elite battalion
most certainly would have snatched victory from the foe’s jaws had not a
charging enemy cavalry captain been so rash and impertinent as to bite off the
head of one of the Chinese emperors, which in then falling to the floor struck
dead a meerkat and two Tunguses. These casualties produced a gap through which
the enemy surged, and in short order the entire battalion was gnawed to bits.
But the enemy gained precious little advantage from this outrage. No sooner did
one of the mouse-army’s cavalry officers gnaw through his valiant adversary
than he received a tiny printed label in the neck, whereupon he immediately
died. But what did this avail Nutcracker’s army, an army that had long been
steadily diminishing in strength and losing more and more men, such that by now
the unfortunate Nutcracker was standing with his back flush against the cabinet
and defending it with the assistance of only a tiny handful of subordinates?
“The reserves must report to me at once! Pantaloon, Scaramouche, Drummer—where
are you?” Thus cried Nutcracker, who still hoped to elicit one more deployment
of fresh troops from the cabinet. And in fact a handful of brown-skinned
briarwood men and women with golden faces, hats, and helmets did report, but
they thrashed about so fumblingly that their weapons never even grazed any of the
enemy; such that, indeed, if left to their own devices they surely would have
knocked their own general’s—Nutcracker’s—cap off his head. In any event, the
enemy chasseurs soon bit their legs off, causing them to topple over and
collaterally crush to death several of Nutcracker’s comrades in arms. Now
Nutcracker was completely surrounded by the enemy and at the highest pitch of
fear and need. He tried to leap over the threshold of the cabinet, but his legs
were too short; Claerchen and Trutchen lay unconscious, dead to the world; they
could not help him. The giddy capering of mounted hussars and dragoons in every
direction but towards him prompted him to cry out in abject despair, “A horse,
a horse!—A kingdom for a horse!” In the blink of an eye, two enemy skirmishers
seized hold of him by his wooden cape; and then, squeaking triumphantly from
all seven of his voice-boxes, the king of the mice came bounding up to him.
Marie could no longer contain herself: “O my poor Nutcracker—my poor
Nutcracker!” she exclaimed through a succession of sobs; then, without being
quite fully aware of what she was doing, she pulled off her left shoe and flung
it with main force into the thick of the horde of mice at their king. In the
blink of an eye they all seemed to fly away and vanish even as Marie felt a
second--and this time much more strident—stabbing pain in her left arm, and
fainted dead away on to the floor.
The Illness
When Marie next
woke up, from a sleep of deathlike profundity, she was lying in her own little
bed, and the sun was shining brightly and coruscatingly through the frosted
panes of her bedroom window. A strange man was sitting close beside her, but
she soon recognized him as Mr. Wendelstern the surgeon. He quietly announced,
“She is awake!” Whereupon her mother drew near and gazed at her with harriedly
searching eyes. “Ah, Mother dear,” little Marie gently murmured: “does this
mean that all the horrible mice are now gone, and that my worthy Nutcracker is
safe and sound?” “Don’t talk such foolish nonsense, Marie dear,” replied her
mother: “what do mice have to do with the nutcracker? But you, you naughty child, have caused us no
end of worry and grief. This is the kind
of thing that happens when children are froward and headstrong and don’t obey
their parents. Last night you were up very late playing with your dolls; you
got sleepy, and it’s possible that you were frightened by some little mouse—not
that we’ve ever had any mouse problems here—dashing out into the room;in any
event, you hit your arm against one of the door-panes of the glass cabinet and
cut your arm so badly that in the opinion of Mr. Wendelstern, who has removed
the shards of glass that were still stuck in the wound, if one of those shards
had touched an artery you might very well have ended up with a paralyzed arm,
or even have bled to death. Thank the good Lord I happened to wake up at
midnight and, on noticing that you were still absent despite the lateness of
the hour, to get out of bed and go into the sitting room. You were lying there
unconscious on the floor next to the cabinet, and bleeding profusely. In my
terror I came quite close to fainting dead away myself. You were lying there,
and I saw strewn all around you multitudes of Fritz’s lead soldiers and other
dolls—figurines, gingerbread men; but Nutcracker was lying clasped in the crook
of your bleeding arm, and not far away from you lay your left shoe.” “Oh mother
dear, mother dear,” Marie interjected, “don’t you see? Those were just traces
of the mighty battle between the dolls and the mice, and the only reason I got
so frightened was that the mice were about to capture poor Nutcracker, who was
the commander of the army of dolls. Then I hurled my shoe into the horde of
mice, and I don’t remember anything that happened after that.” Mr. Wendelstern
exchanged a significant glance with Marie’s mother and whispered gently to
Marie, “That really will do, my dear child! Calm yourself: the mice are all
gone, and your little nutcracker is residing happily and healthily in the glass
cabinet.” Then the doctor entered the room and spoke at length with Mr.
Wendelstern; then he took Marie’s pulse, and she could clearly hear that they
were conferring about a case of septic fever. And so she had to stay in bed and
take medicine for the next several days, even though, apart from the occasional
twinge in her arm, she did not feel the least bit unwell. She knew that little
Nutcracker had escaped unscathed from the battle, and from time to time as if
in a dream she fancied she heard him say quite distinctly but sadly, “Marie, my
dearest lady, I am much obliged to you, but there yet remains something you can
do for me!” Marie tried as hard as she could to think of what this something
could be; but in vain, for nothing came to mind. Marie could not play with her
toys at all on account of the injury to her arm, and she tried instead to read,
or rather leaf through, her picture-books; but the images swam before her eyes
in such a bizarre fashion that she was forced to leave off. And so time passed
for her with wearisome slowness, and she could hardly wait for the close of
each day, when her mother would sit down at her bedside and read and tell her
many splendid things. Her mother had just finished the excellent story of
Prince Fakardin when the door opened, and Godfather Drosselmeier walked in,
saying, “I really must see with my own eyes how this ailing and injured girl
Marie is faring.” As soon as Marie beheld Father Drosselmeier in his little
yellow coat, the image from that night when Nutcracker lost the battle against
the mice came quite palpably to life before her eyes, and she reflexively cried
out to the high court councilor, “O Godfather Drosselmeier, you behaved really
horribly; I saw you sitting on the clock and covering it with your wings so
that it wouldn’t make any noise when it struck, lest the mice should be scared
away; and I heard you calling out to the king of the mice! Why didn’t you come
to the aid of Nutcracker? Why didn’t you come to my aid, you horrible Godfather
Drosselmeier? Wasn’t it really all your awful fault that I ended up ailing and
injured in bed in the first place?” “What ever has gotten into you, Marie
dear?” asked her mother in a thoroughly appalled tone of voice. But Godfather
Drosselmeier started pulling the most outlandish faces and uttered the
following words in a burring monotone: “The clock could not but softly whirr:
its pendulum refused to stir.
P-p-pendulums must whirr and burr--softly whirr. Now the bells sound loud and clear--ding and
dong and dong and ding--little girl-dolls have no fear; the chime has sounded
in the night to put the King of the mice in full flight. And now the owl has
taken wing; the chime’s still sounding ding, ding, ding. The clocks must only
softly whirr: their pendulums refused to stir; whirr and purr and purr and
whirr; purr and whirr.” With eyes wide
open, Marie stared transfixed by the sight of Godfather Drosselmeier, for he
now looked both altogether different from and much more hideous than he usually
did, and his right arm was flitting this way and that as though it were being
jerked about like some sort of marionette. These antics of her godfather’s
would have been enough to make her shudder had her mother not been present from
their beginning, and had Fritz not slunk into the room in their midst and
eventually interrupted them with peals of boisterous laughter. “There you go
again, Godfather Drosselmeier,” cried Fritz: “acting much too silly by half;
you’re behaving today exactly like my old jumping jack, which I threw away
behind the kitchen stove ages ago.” The children’s mother remained obdurately
unsmiling and said, “My dear High Court Councilor, this fooling about of yours
is downright bizarre; what, pray tell, exactly do you mean by it?” “Good
heavens!” replied Drosselmeier with a laugh: “Have you all quite forgotten my
little watchmaker’s ditty? It is my constant wont to sing it to such invalids
as Marie.” Whereupon he made a beeline for Marie’s immediate bedside, and said,
“Please don’t be too cross with me because I failed to gouge out all fourteen
of the King of the Mice’s eyes, for it just wasn’t to be; but in lieu of this
achievement, I am determined to do something that will properly enrapture you.”
With these words, the high court councilor reached into his satchel and gently,
ever so gently, extracted from it nothing less than Nutcracker himself, whose
missing teeth he had expertly remounted and whose broken jawbone he had no less
skillfully reset. Marie gave out a loud cry of joy, but her mother said with a
smile, “Don’t you see at last now how kindly disposed Godfather Drossemleier is
to your nutcracker?” “But you must of course make allowances, Marie,” said the
high court councilor, disregarding the public health officer’s wife’s remark,
“for the fact that even before he was hurt Nutcracker wasn’t exactly an ideal
specimen of an adult male human, and that his face hasn’t ever been exactly
pretty. If you are inclined to listen to
it, I shall be more than happy to recount to you the story of how this strain
of hideousness was introduced into the Nutcrackers’ family bloodline and
subsequently transmitted to generations of Nutcrackers. But perchance you are
already familiar with the history of Princess Pirlipat, Mistress Mauserinks the
sorceress, and the master watchmaker? “Wait a minute, Godfather Drosselmeier,”
broke in Fritz from out of the blue; “wait a minute: you’ve sure enough reset
Nutcracker’s teeth, and his chin isn’t wobbly any longer; but why is he missing
his sword? Why haven’t you bothered to sling a sword round his waist?”
“Ai-ai-ai!” exclaimed the high court councilor in utter exasperation: “Must you
nitpick and bellyache about absolutely everything, my boy? What the devil do I
care about Nutcracker’s sword? I’ve cured his physical ailments; now he can
jolly well scrounge up for himself whatever blasted kind of sword he wants.”
“That’s right!” cried Fritz: “He’s quite a clever fellow, so he certainly must
know how to go about finding weapons.” “So Marie,” resumed the high court
councilor: “Are you or are you not familiar with the history of Princess
Pirlipat?” “Indeed I’m not,” replied Marie: “do tell it, dear godfather; do
tell it!” “I hope, my dear high court councilor,” said the public health
officer’s wife, “I hope that this story will not be as horrifying as the ones
you usually tell?” “On the contrary, my dearest lady,” replied Drosselmeier:
“the account that I am about to have the honor of relating is downright
comical.” “Do tell us the story, dear Godfather, do tell it!” cried the
children, and so the high court councilor began thus:
The Fairy Tale about the Hard Nut
“Pirlipat’s mother
was the wife of a king, hence she was a queen; and Pirlipat herself was from
the very instant of her birth onwards a born princess. The king was beside
himself with joy at the sight of his lovely little daughter lying in her
cradle; he gave a great shout of jubilation; he jigged and pirouetted about on
one leg and exclaimed over and over again, ‘Huzzah! Has anyone ever seen
anything more beautiful than my little Pirlipat?’ Whereupon all the ministers,
generals, presidents, and field-officers leapt about on one leg just like their
sovereign, and shouted ‘No, never!’ And indeed it could hardly be denied that
no fairer child than Princess Pirlipat had been born in the history of the earth’s
existence. Her little face seemed to have been woven from lily-white and
rose-red silk fleece, her little eyes were scintillating orbs of living azure,
and the sight of her hair curling in tiny locks of golden thread was downright
adorable. In addition, Pirlipat had brought into the world two rows of tiny
pearl-white teeth, with which, only two hours after her birth, she bit the
finger of the chancellor as he was trying to get a closer look at her features,
and thereby provoked him to exclaim, ‘By jiminy!’ Actually, some people
maintain that he exclaimed, ‘Ouch!’; to this day the question remains hotly
disputed. In any case, she really did bite the chancellor’s finger, and thereby
proved to the delight of the entire country that not only beauty but also
spirit, brains, and courage dwelt in Pirlipat’s angelic little body. As I said,
everybody was very merry—apart from the queen, who was exceedingly anxious and
restless; nobody knew why. Her anxiety manifested itself most conspicuously in
the extreme elaborateness of her arrangements to keep intruders away from
Pirlipat’s cradle. Not only were two gentlemen-at-arms posted at the entrance
to the child’s room; but also, in addition to the two nurses stationed
immediately beside the cradle itself, six others were disposed about the room
and obliged to sit up all night every night. But even more incomprehensibly,
and to all appearances downright insanely, each of these six nurses was
required to take a tomcat into her lap and stroke it throughout her vigil, so
that the animal was kept in a state of constant agitation. No matter how long
you tried, my dear children, you would never guess the reason for the queen’s
institution of all these bizarre rituals; fortunately, I know what that reason
was and intend to disclose it to you forthwith. Some years earlier a number of
noble kings and handsome princes had gathered at the court of Pirlipat’s
father; and for the duration of their stay there was no shortage of pomp and
pageantry as the guests were regaled with a succession of jousting-matches,
plays, and balls. To show that he was not lacking in gold and silver on this
occasion, the king planned to dig deep into the royal treasury and put on a
truly lavish entertainment. And as the palace chef had privately informed him
that according to the astronomer royal the present moment was an especially
propitious one for pig-slaughtering, he decided that the great event would be a
mighty sausage-fest; and having done so, he jumped into his carriage and
personally invited all the kings and princes ‘round for a spoonful or two of
soup,’ grossly understating the scale and nature of the event so that he might
revel in the surprise his guests would feel at the sight of all those
mouth-watering sausages. Then he addressed his wife, the queen, in
affectionately coaxing tones, thus: ‘Now you know very well, darling, how much
I love sausage!’ The queen indeed knew very well what he meant by this, namely
nothing less than that, as on all previous sausage-exigent occasions, she
herself should personally undertake the needful task of preparing the sausages.
The treasurer was obliged immediately to deliver the large gold sausage-pot and
the silver saucepans to the cook; a mighty sandalwood-fueled fire was lit; the
queen donned her damask apron, and soon the pot was exuding the fragrant steam
of sausage-soup. The ingratiating aroma permeated every room in the palace,
including the privy council chamber; the king could not contain himself for
sheer enraptured delight. ‘Excuse me, gentlemen!’ he cried, then dashed to the
kitchen, embraced the queen, stirred the mixture in the pot a bit with his
golden scepter, and returned pacified to the privy council chamber. A critical
moment had just been reached—the moment when the lard was to be sliced into
cubes and roasted on silver gridirons. The ladies-in-waiting stood aside, as
the queen, out of reverent devotion to her regal spouse, insisted on attending
to this business entirely on her own. But no sooner did the lard begin to
sizzle than a reedy little voice was heard to whisper, ‘Give me a bite of the
sausage, sister! I will have my share of the feast, for I too am a queen, after
all. Give me a bite of the sausage!’
The queen instantly
recognized the voice as that of Mistress Mauserinks. Mistress Mauserinks had
been living in the King’s palace for quite a number of years. She claimed to be
related to the royal family and even to be queen of a realm called Mausolea,
and in keeping with these pretensions she presided over a sizable court of her
own under the stove. The queen was a kind and charitable soul, and so, although
she had no intention of acknowledging Mistress Mauserinks as a queen and her
sister, she sincerely harbored no wish to see her starve on this festive day,
and therefore cried, ‘Come on out, Mistress Mauserinks: of course I’ll let you
have a taste of my lard.’ Whereupon Mistress Mauserinks very nimbly and gaily
leapt out and onto the top of the stove and with her dainty little paws
snatched away one after the other the little dollops of lard that the queen
guilelessly handed out to her. But then all of Mistress Mauserinks’s godfathers
and aunties came leaping out along with her seven sons (very naughty boys); the
lot of them laid into the lard, and, alone as she was, the affrighted queen was
powerless to stop them. Fortunately, just then the mistress of ceremonies
walked in and chased away the importunate guests in time to spare a small
portion of the lard. The mathematician
royal was immediately summoned, and under his direction this portion was
ingeniously distributed among all the sausages. Drums and trumpets sounded, and
all the visiting princes and potentates—some on white palfreys, others in
crystal coaches—processed in their resplendent ceremonial robes to the
sausage-fest. The king welcomed them warmly and respectfully and sat down at
the head of the table as behooved the crowned and sceptered ruler of the land.
As early as the serving of the liver-sausage course, one could see the king
growing paler and paler and lifting his eyes heavenward; faint sighs escaped
his breast; a violent pain seemed to be gnawing at his heart! But with the
serving of the black pudding, he sank back into his easy chair sobbing and
groaning; he clasped both hands over his eyes; he wailed and moaned. The banqueters
all leapt from their chairs; the physician in ordinary labored in vain to
ascertain the unfortunate king’s pulse-rate; a profound and nameless affliction
seemed to be tearing him to pieces. At last, at long last, after many lengthy
entreaties, after the application of such strong remedies as burnt
goose-feathers and the like, the king came round after a fashion, and stammered
out the scarcely audible words ‘Not enough lard.’ Whereupon the queen in
despair threw herself at his feet and sobbed, ‘O my poor, unfortunate royal
spouse! O what pain must you have suffered! But behold the culprit here at your
feet—punish her, punish her severely—ah—Mistress Mauserinks with her seven
sons, godfathers, and aunties devoured the lard and—’ here she broke off and
fell over in a dead faint. But now the king leapt up freshly afire with rage
and exclaimed, ‘Mistress of Ceremonies, how did this happen?’ The mistress of
ceremonies related to him as much as she knew, and the king resolved to take
revenge on Mistress Mauserinks and her family for having gobbled away his lard.
The privy council were summoned; they resolved to bring Mistress Mauserinks to
trial and to confiscate all her goods and chattels; but the king, convinced as
he was that pending her conviction she would continue stealing lard from him,
decided to turn the entire matter over to his watchmaker royal-cum-china
manufacturer. This gentleman, who happened, just like me, to be named Christian
Elias Drosselmeier, promised that by means of a most peculiar political
operation he would drive Mistress Mauserinks and her family away from the
palace for all time. The operation centered on a collection of ingenious little
machines of his own construction, machines into which one placed a tiny sliver
of grilled lard. Drosselmeier installed these machines all around Mistress
Mauserinks’s dwelling. Mistress Mauserinks herself was far too shrewd not to
see through Drosselmeier’s stratagem, and she did her best to apprise her
dimmer relatives of it; but all her warnings and expostulations came to naught:
lured by the sweet aroma of grilled lard, all seven of her sons and her many,
many godfathers and aunties marched straight into Drosselmeier’s machines,
wherein, just as they were about to nibble up the lard, they were trapped by
the abrupt descent of a metal grating—and immediately thereafter they were
ignominiously executed right there in the kitchen. Mistress Mauserinks now took up her little
bundle of possessions and quitted this scene of horror. Sorrow, despair, and revenge swelled her
breast. Everybody at court heartily rejoiced at this turn of events; but the
queen was distraught, for she understood Mistress Mauserinks’s cast of mind and
knew full well that she would not let the death of her sons and relations go unavenged.
And indeed one day not long afterwards, while the queen was in the midst of
preparing for her royal spouse a lung puree that he especially fancied,
Mistress Mauserinks appeared out of nowhere and said, ‘My sons, my godfathers,
and my aunties have been slain; be vigilant, Mistress Queen, lest the mouse
queen bite your little princess in half; be very vigilant.’ Whereupon she
vanished once again, apparently for good; but the queen was so startled by the
whole event that she dropped the puree into the fire; thus once again one of
the king’s favorite dishes was ruined thanks to Mistress Mauserinks, and once
again the king was wildly enraged as a consequence. But that’s enough for
tonight; the rest will have to wait until next time.”
The more ardently
Marie begged Godfather Drosselmeier to continue telling the story, by which she
was utterly captivated, the more obdurately he refused to be persuaded; until
finally he leapt to his feet and said, “Too much all at once is unhealthy; the
rest really must wait until tomorrow.” Just as the high court councilor was
about to step out the door, Fritz said, “But tell me, Godfather Drosselmeier:
is it really true then that you built the mousetraps?” “What a foolish
question!” cried Fritz’s mother, but the high court councilor smiled a very
peculiar smile and softly said, “Am I not after all a master watchmaker? And yet people are wondering if I can even
build a simple mousetrap.”
The Fairy Tale about the Hard Nut
“Now you know
children,” resumed High Court Councilor Drosselmeier the following evening,
“now you know, children, exactly why the queen had the exquisitely beautiful
little Princess Pirlipat so solicitously watched over. Was she not compelled to
fear that Mistress Mauserinks would carry out her threat, and bite the little
princess to death? Drosselmeier’s machines were of no use whatsoever against
the shrewd and clever Mistress Mauserinks, but the astronomer royal, who was
also an augur and an astrologer, claimed as a certainty that tomcats of the
Purr family were capable of keeping Mistress Mauserinks away from the cradle;
and it was for this reason that each of the nurses held a son of this
family—who had meanwhile been engaged as undersecretaries for foreign affairs
by the court—in her lap, and was obliged to try through judicious petting to
alleviate some of the tediousness of his service to the State. One night on the
very stroke of twelve, one of the two head-nurses sitting right next to the
cradle awoke with a start as if from a profound slumber. The entire room was
fast asleep: nary a purr could be heard; the silence was so profoundly dead
that you could make out the pecking of the woodworms against the background of
it!—but imagine the shock the head nurse got when right under her nose she
beheld a large and extremely hideous mouse standing erect on its hind legs and
already nuzzling the princess’s face with its repulsive muzzle. With a
horrified shriek she leapt to her feet; everybody else immediately woke up, but
by then Mistress Mauserinks (for the large mouse in Pirlipat’s cradle had been
none other than she) was dashing towards one of the corners of the room. The
undersecretaries rushed after her, but too late—she had vanished through a
crack in the floor. All the uproar woke up little Pirlipat, who began crying
most pitiably. ‘Thank Heaven!” exclaimed the nurses: ‘she’s alive.’ But how
great was their horror when they glanced at Pirlipat and noticed what had
become of the tender, lovely little infant! In place of her roseate little
angel’s head crowned with golden tresses, a disproportionately large, misshapen
giant’s noggin sat atop the scrunched-up body of a diminutive hunchback; her
wee button eyes of clearest azure had metamorphosed into a pair of huge,
goggling green bug eyes, and her delicate little mouth had been distended into
a hideous rictus stretching from ear to ear. The queen in her woe and
lamentation was fain to die; and the king’s study had to be lined with padded
rugs because he now did nothing but run over and over again headfirst into its
walls while exclaiming in an exceedingly lugubrious tone, ‘Oh what an
unfortunate monarch am I!’ Although he now readily perceived that he would have
done better to eat lard-free sausages and leave Mistress Mauserinks and her
kindred in peace under the stove, it never occurred to him to admit as much;
instead, he simply laid all the blame for his calamity on his watchmaker
royal-cum-china manufacturer, Christian Elias Drosselmeier from Nuremberg. In
this spirit, he sagely decreed that unless within the next four weeks
Drosselmeier restored Princess Pirlipat to her former condition or at least
prescribed an infallible means of effecting this restoration, he was to suffer
an ignominious death under the executioner’s axe. Drosselmeier was more than
mildly terrified; but for all that, he did not scruple to stake his future on
his luck and his professional skill, and he immediately set to work on the
operation that first struck him as likely to be effectual. With great dexterity
he took little Princess Pirlipat apart, unscrewed her little hands and feet,
and forthwith examined her inner structure; but to his disappointment he
discovered that the Princess would keep getting more grotesque as she grew up,
and he was at an utter loss what to say or do about this problem. He carefully
put the princess back together and sank dejectedly to the floor before her
cradle, which he was forbidden to leave.
By now the fourth week had arrived; indeed, it was already Wednesday,
and the king stopped by the nursery to glare at him with rage-enkindled eyes
and wave his scepter menacingly at him as he cried, ‘Christian Elias
Drosselmeier, cure the princess, or thou needs must die!’ Drosselmeier then
began to weep bitterly, but little Princess Pirlipat gaily cracked nuts. For
the first time the china manufacturer was struck by Pirlipat’s unusual appetite
for nuts, and by the coincidental circumstance that she had come into the world
with a full set of miniature teeth. In point of fact, just after her metamorphosis
she would not stop crying until by chance somebody offered her a nut, which she
promptly cracked open; then she devoured its contents and immediately calmed
down. And since then the nurses had found that nothing but nuts would do the
trick of pacifying her. ‘Oh holy instinct of nature, eternally inscrutable
mutual sympathy of all beings!’ cried Johann Elias Drosselmeier: ‘thou hast
pointed me to the door of the mystery; I will knock, and it will open.’ He
immediately asked for permission to speak with the astronomer royal, to whom
under heavy guard he was then led. The two gentlemen embraced amid much
weeping, for they were intimate friends; then they withdrew into a secret
closet and consulted numerous books treating of instinct, of sympathies and
antipathies and other mysterious subjects. Night settled in; the astronomer
royal gazed at the stars, and with the help of Drosselmeier, who was also
highly skilled in this art, he cast Princess Pirlipat’s horoscope. This was no
easy task, for the orbits of her stars and planets kept getting more and more
tangled up in each other the longer they studied them; but eventually—O joy of
joys!—it became clear to them that to undo the spell that was disfiguring her
and regain her former beauty the princess needed only to partake of the sweet
kernel of the krakatuk nut.
The krakatuk nut
had such a hard shell that a forty eight-pound cannon could run over it without
breaking it. And yet according to the horoscope, this selfsame hard nut would
have to be bitten open in the presence of the princess by a man who had never
before shaved or worn boots, and who was subsequently supposed to proffer to
her the nut’s kernel while keeping his eyes shut. Only after then taking seven
steps backward without stumbling would the young man be permitted to open his
eyes. Drosselmeier had been working with the astronomer for three days and
three nights straight, and the king was just sitting down to lunch on Saturday,
when Drosselmeier, who was scheduled to be beheaded at the crack of dawn the
following day, dashed flush with joy and jubilation into the dining-hall and
announced the means he had discovered of restoring to Princess Pirlipat her
lost beauty. The king embraced him with hearty goodwill, and promised him a
diamond-studded sword, four medals, and two new Sunday coats. ‘Right after
lunch,’ he chummily added, ‘we’ll get to work; see to it, my dear china
manufacturer, that the requisite krakatuk nut-bearing unshaven young fellow in
low-tops is ready to hand, and don’t let him touch a drop of wine before the
job, lest he stumble while doing that seven-step crabwalk; afterwards he can
drink himself into a stupor if he likes.’ Drosselmeier was mightily dismayed by
this little speech of the king, to whom he only just managed to stammer out
amid much quaking and quailing that although the hard nut and the young man
with the powerful bite had been definitively ascertained as the means to effect
the desired retransformation, it nonetheless remained a matter of some doubt
whether the nut and the nutcracker themselves could ever be found. Incensed in
the extreme, the king brandished his scepter high in the air, above the top of
his crown, and exclaimed in a leonine roar, ‘Then be it on your own head!’
Luckily for the fear and sorrow-stricken Drosselmeier, the king had very much
enjoyed his lunch on that day and was therefore more disposed than usual to
give audience to rational arguments; arguments with which the magnanimous queen
did not neglect to ply her husband, moved as she was by Drosselmeier’s plight.
Drosselmeier himself eventually screwed up enough courage to point out that he
had after all accomplished in full the task that had been assigned to
him—namely, that of specifying the means by which the princess was to be
cured—and had consequently earned the privilege of continuing to live. The king
dismissed this remonstration as mere artless quibbling and idle twaddle, but in
the end, after drinking a glass of stomach-tonic, he resolved that the
watchmaker and the astronomer should hit the road and not return until they had
bagged an authentic krakatuk nut. Meanwhile, in an arrangement devised by the
queen, the nut-biter would be procured by way of a series of summonses to be
run as advertisements in the major newspapers and intelligence-gazettes both at
home and abroad.” Here the high court councilor once again left off, and he
promised to tell them the rest of the tale the following evening.
The Fairy Tale about the Hard Nut
And indeed, first
thing the following evening, right after the candles had been lit, Godfather
Drosselmeier turned up again and resumed his tale thus: “Drosselmeier and the
astronomer royal spent fifteen whole years on the road without managing to
track down the krakatuk nut. I could fill four entire weeks telling you
children all about the places they passed through and all the strange and
peculiar things that happened to them during this period; in lieu of that,
though, I shall content myself with saying that at the end of those fifteen
years, in the midst of his despondency over the nut, Drosselmeier was suddenly
seized by a profound yearning for his beloved native city of Nuremburg. This
yearning came upon him with especial acuity on one occasion in particular, when
he and his friend were smoking a little pipe of shag tobacco in the middle of a
huge forest in Asia. ‘O fair native city of Nuremburg—fair city: he who thee
lately has not seen—wheresoever else he may have been, from London to Paris to
Petrovaradeen—must find his own heart a cold and empty shell; within thy walls
he always longs to dwell—within the walls of Nuremberg, fair city, whose
windowed houses look so pretty.’ As Drosselmeier carried on in this exceedingly
lugubrious vein, the astronomer was sympathetically overcome by his friend’s
sorrow and launched into a moan so reverberantly pathetic that it could be
heard throughout the length and breadth of Asia. But he presently recovered his
composure, wiped the tears from his eyes, and asked, ‘But why, my esteemed
colleague, are we sitting here moaning? Why don’t we just go to Nuremberg; for
after all, does it really make any difference where or how we look for this
blasted krakatuk nut?’ ‘No, I guess it doesn’t,’ replied Drosselmeier, who was
much consoled by his friend’s reflection. The two men instantly stood up,
emptied their pipes, and straightaway made a beeline out of the forest in the
middle of Asia and towards Nuremburg. As soon as they got there, Drosselmeier
dashed off to visit his cousin, the doll-maker, varnisher, and gilder Christoph
Zacharias Drosselmeier, whom he had not seen in many, many years, and to whom
the watchmaker now related the entire history of Princess Pirlipat, Mistress
Mauserinks, and the kraktuk nut, during which tale Christoph Zacharias
repeatedly clapped his hands and exclaimed in astonishment, ‘Ah cousin, cousin:
what marvelous events are these!’ Drosselmeier also told him about the
adventures he had met with during his extensive travels—about how he had spent
two years at the court of the Date King, how he had been haughtily refused an
audience by the Almond Prince, how he had futilely consulted the scientific
researchers at the Acorn Institute—in short, about all the ways and places in
which he had failed to catch the faintest whiff of a trail to the krakatuk nut.
During this second narrative, Christoph Zacharias frequently snapped his
fingers, pivoted about on one foot, clicked his tongue, and followed up this
series of movements with an ejaculation of ‘Hm hm—ee—ai—oh—speak of the devil!’
Finally he threw his wig and cap into the air and cried, ‘Cousin, cousin! You
may put your mind at ease; at ease may your mind be put, I tell you; for as
sure as I’ve ever been right about anything, I know I’m in possession of the
very krakatuk nut of which you have been speaking.’ Whereupon he produced a box
from which he pulled out a gilded nut that was no bigger or smaller than a nut
usually is. ‘You see,’ he said, while showing the nut to his cousin; ‘You see,
there’s a rather interesting story behind this nut. Once many years ago there
came to Nuremberg at Christmastime a strange man with a bag full of nuts, nuts
that he was offering for sale. Directly in front of my puppet stall in the town
market, he got into a fight, and he put the bag down in order to defend himself
more capably against his opponent, our local nut-vendor, who had pounced on the
stranger because he did not want him selling nuts here. At that moment a
heavily laden wagon drove over the bag; all the nuts inside it were smashed to
bits—all, that is, except one, which the strange man, smiling a peculiar smile,
offered to sell for a single shiny twenty-thaler coin from the year 1720.
Miraculously enough, I discovered a twenty-thaler piece from that very year in
my wallet, and I bought the nut without quite knowing why I was willing to pay
so much for it; then I gilded it without quite knowing why I thought it
deserved such an honor.’ Any suspicion that Cousin Cristoph’s nut might not be
the sought-after krakatuk nut after all vanished the instant it was examined by
the astronomer royal, who had been summoned to the doll-maker’s house and who,
after scraping the gold shell of the nut clean, descried on its surface the
word krakatuk engraved in Chinese characters. The delight of the
travelers was boundless, and Cousin Christoph was the happiest man under the
sun when Drosselmeier averred to him that his fortune was made, in that in
addition to a handsome pension he would from now on be receiving as much
gilding-gold as he needed for free. Both the china-manufacturer and the
astronomer had already donned their nightcaps and were about to go to bed, when
the latter—namely the astronomer—remarked, ‘Esteemed and most worthy colleague,
good things only ever happen in pairs. Is it not possible that we have
discovered here not only the krakatuk nut but also the young man who will bite
it open and restore the princess’s beauty? The youth I am referring to is none
other than the son of your esteemed cousin! No,’ he enthusiastically continued:
‘I refuse to sleep a wink; rather, I shall devote tonight to casting this young
man’s horoscope, which I am determined to have finished doing by dawn.’
Whereupon he tore off his nightcap and immediately began his observation of the
heavens. Cousin Christoph’s son did indeed happen to be a tall, attractive
youth who had never either shaved or worn boots. Granted, in his early
adolescence he had performed a stint as a jumping-jack for a few consecutive
Christmases, but nobody ever held this against him, for the performance had
merely been a part and consequence of the painstaking course of study his
father had imposed on him. On all twelve days of each of these Christmases he
wore an outfit consisting of a beautiful gold-trimmed scarlet coat, a sword, a
hat—which he kept off his head and tucked under one arm—and an exquisitely
coiffed bag wig. Thus resplendently attired he would stand in his father’s
stall and crack open nuts for young girls out of instinctive chivalry, in
recognition of which service the girls sweetly dubbed him the Handsome Little
Nutcracker. The next morning the astronomer exultantly threw his arms around
the china-manufacturer and cried, ‘He’s the one! We’ve got him! We’ve found
him! My dearest colleague, there are only two things we must make sure of.
First of all, you’ve got to braid your excellent nephew a sturdy wooden pigtail
to be attached to his lower jawbone in such a fashion that the latter can be
raised and lowered with great speed and vigor; next, when we go to the palace
we must take great care not to let on that we have brought the young nut-biter
along with us; he must arrive some time after us. I have read in the horoscope
that after a few unsuccessful dental attempts on the nut, the king will promise
the hand of the princess and succession to the throne to whoever bites open the
nut and restores to the princess her lost beauty.” Cousin Cristoph the doll-maker was highly
gratified that his little son was to marry Princess Pirlipat and become a
prince and a king, and without hesitation he confided the boy to the exclusive
care of the two emissaries. The pigtail that Drosselmeier attached to the jaw
of his young and promising nephew worked amazingly well, enabling him to
pulverize spectacularly the super-tough peach-stones on which he was practicing
his biting skills.
No sooner did
Drosselmeier and the astronomer inform the royal court of their discovery of
the krakatuk nut than the necessary summonses were issued, and by the time the
travelers arrived at the palace with the magic restorative of beauty in hand,
the royal residence was already teeming with scads of extremely handsome young
men, some of whom were even princes and all of whom wanted to employ their
healthy young chops in an attempt at reversing the spell on the princess. The
emissaries were more than slightly appalled when they beheld the princess for
the first time in sixteen years. Her little body with its tiny hands and feet
could scarcely bear the weight of her huge, shapeless head. The hideousness of
her face was compounded by a thick white cotton moustache-and-beard that had
sprouted from her upper lip and chin.
Everything the astronomer had read in the horoscope came to pass. One
shoe-shod greenhorn after another bit his teeth and jaws sore on the nut without
doing the princess the slightest good, and afterwards, as he was dragged away
half unconscious to the dentist in attendance, each of them would sigh, ‘That’s
a hard nut to crack!’ When desperation finally prompted the king to promise his
daughter and kingdom to anyone who succeeded in breaking the spell, the polite
and mild-mannered Drosselmeier boy came forward and asked for permission to
begin his attempt. Princess Pirlipat had not fancied any of the other
contenders nearly as much as she did young Drosselmeier; she clasped her tiny
hands to her heart and ardently sighed, ‘Ah, if only he should be the
one finally to bite open the krakatuk nut, and to become my husband!’ After
saluting the king, queen, and, finally, Princess Pirlipat, with courtly grace,
young Drosselmeier received the krakatuk nut from the hands of the master of
ceremonies, placed it between his teeth without further ado, gave a hefty tug
to his pigtail, and—crack! crack!—the shell of the nut crumbled into a heap of
fragments. He deftly picked the kernel clean of the fibers of the inner
integument that still clung to it, then handed it over to the princess with a
low ceremonial bow, and finally shut his eyes and began walking backwards. The
princess directly swallowed the kernel and—o wonder of wonders!—the deformed
figure vanished, and in its place appeared a young woman of angelic beauty
whose face seemed to have been woven from flocks of lilywhite and rose-red
silk, whose eyes were as dazzlingly blue as the sky, whose full lustrous
tresses were like crimped filaments of gold. The music of trumpets and
kettledrums mingled with the uproarious jubilation of the crowd of spectators.
The king and all his courtiers danced about on one leg each just as they had
done on the day of Pirlipat’s birth, and eau de cologne had to be administered
to the queen because she had fallen into a swoon for sheer joy and delight. All
this hullabaloo was more than slightly detrimental to the concentration of
young Drosselmeier, who had yet to complete his sequence of steps, but he
retained enough composure to continue all the way to the seventh and final one,
which he was just extending his right foot to execute when who should emerge
from beneath the floor but Mistress Mauserinks, squeaking and squealing in a
most hideous timbre; such that when Drosselmeier lowered his foot he stepped on
her and stumbled so precipitately that he very nearly fell over. And then—o
misfortune of misfortunes!—all of a sudden the young man became as deformed as
the princess had been a few minutes earlier. His body was wizened and shriveled
and could scarcely bear the weight of his fat, misshapen head with its large,
bulging eyes and broad, gaping mouth. In place of the pigtail, there now hung
along his back a short wooden cape with which he controlled the movement of his
lower jaw. The watchmaker and astronomer were beside themselves with terror and
revulsion at this metamorphosis, but for all that they could not help taking in
the simultaneous spectacle of Mistress Mauserinks wallowing on the floor in her
own blood. Her wickedness had not gone unavenged, for the sharp heel of young
Drosselmeier’s shoe had cut into her neck so forcefully that she was bound to
die of the wound. But even in the midst of her death throes she squeaked and
squealed most pitiably, ‘O super-hard nut krakatuk, thou brings’t an end to all
my luck. Nutcracker you’ll receive your boon: you too will be in death’s hands
soon; my seven-crownèd little son will pay you back for what you’ve done; his
mother’s vengeance he’ll secure; of that, Nutcracker, do be sure. O life, so
fresh and red to see, how loathly am I torn from thee!’ With this cry Mistress
Mauserinks expired and was removed by the royal stove-heater. Meanwhile
everybody had quite forgotten about young Drosselmeier; but by and by the
princess reminded the king of his promise, whereupon he immediately ordered the
young hero to be brought into the royal presence. But when the unfortunate
young man stepped forward in all his misshapenness, the princess covered her
face with both hands and screamed, ‘Away, away, with this abominable
nutcracker!’ And with that the court marshal seized him by his diminutive
shoulders and flung him out of the front door of the palace. The king was flush
with rage at the thought that a nutcracker had been presented to him as a
prospective son-in-law; he blamed the whole debacle on the ineptitude of the
watchmaker and the astronomer and banished them both from his court for all
time. The fact that none of these misfortunes had been mentioned in the
horoscope he had cast at Nuremberg did nothing to deter the astronomer from
once again consulting the stars, which he construed as predicting that young
Drosselmeier would acquit himself so well in his new station in life that he
would become a prince and king despite his disfigurement. But the disfigurement
would vanish only after he had slain the king of the mice—a title to be assumed
by the seven-headed son born to Mistress Mauserinks after the death of her
first seven sons—and won the heart of a lady in spite of his unprepossessing
shape. And indeed at subsequent Christmases young Drosselmeier has been
allegedly sighted at his father’s stall at Nuremburg, where he is said to carry
on his old vocation of nutcracker—but now with the regal bearing of a prince!
That, children, is the fairy tale about the hard nut, and now you know why
people so often say that somebody or something ‘is a hard nut to crack,’ and
how nutcrackers came to be so hideous.”
Thus the high court
councilor concluded his tale. Marie was of the opinion that Princess Pirlipat
was basically nothing but an ungrateful little so-and-so; Fritz for his part
assured her that if Nutcracker would just start acting like a brave fellow, he
would make short work of the king of the mice and get back his old handsome
face and body straight-away.
Uncle and Nephew
If any of my most
highly honored readers or listeners has ever been unlucky enough to cut himself
on a piece of glass, he will know at first hand how painful it is when it is
happening, as well as what a nasty business it tends to make for one
afterwards, in that it takes such a long time for the wound to heal. But on top
of these vexations, Marie had to stay in bed for almost a full week, because
every time she tried to get up, she would immediately feel violently dizzy. At
long last, though, she recovered completely, and felt quite well enough to
gambol about the sitting room as merrily as she had done before the accident.
The glass cabinet presented an exquisitely lovely appearance, for its shelves
were lined with brand new-looking trees and flowers and houses and beautiful
dolls in dazzling attire. But none of these objects delighted Marie nearly as
much as the rediscovery of her Nutcracker standing on the second shelf and
grinning at her through two uninterrupted rows of perfectly straight little
teeth. As she was joyously gazing at her darling, she suddenly realized with an
anxious tremor of the heart that everything that Godfather Drosselmeier had
related during those three nights at her bedside had been nothing less than the
prehistory of this nutcracker’s quarrel with Mistress Mauserinks and her
son. Now she knew that her Nutcracker
could be none other than young Drosselmeier from Nuremberg, Godfather
Drosselmeier’s charming but regrettably witch-cursed nephew. For at no point
during her godfather’s tale had she doubted that the expert watchmaker at the
court of Pirlipat’s father had been High Court Councilor Drosselmeier himself.
“But why then didn’t your uncle help you; why didn’t he help you?” Marie
wailed, as it became ever more keenly apparent to her that in the battle she
had witnessed Nutcracker had been fighting to save his kingdom and crown. For after all, were not all the rest of the
dolls now his subjects, and hence had the astronomer royal’s prophecy not been
fulfilled, and young Drosselmeier not become king of the realm of dolls? In the course of pondering all these matters
so thoroughly, clever Marie also came sincerely to believe that if she merely
credited Nutcracker and his vassals with life and the power of motion, they
would immediately come to life and start moving. But this did not happen; rather, the dolls
remained standing there impassive and motionless, and Marie, far from
renouncing her deep conviction in her own animating power, simply blamed their
catatonia on the lingering influence of the spell Mistress Mauserinks and her
seven-headed son had cast on them. “And yet,” she said aloud to the nutcracker,
“even if you are incapable of moving or uttering a single word to me, dear Mr.
Drosselmeier, I still know that you understand me and know how much I am
looking out for you; you can count on my help if you need it. At the very least
I intend to ask your uncle to rush to your aid with his expertise the next time
you are in a fix.” Nutcracker remained silent and composed, but it seemed to
Marie that he was breathing a gentle sigh through the glass doors of the
cabinet, which thereupon seemed to sing in a tiny tintinnabulatory voice the
scarcely audible words: “Oh little Marie, protectress of me: yours shall I be,
my little Marie.” The blood-chilling shudders that now shook Marie’s frame
paradoxically imbued her with a curious but pronounced sense of well-being.
Dusk had set in; the public health officer entered the house in the company of
Godfather Drosselmeier, and it was not long before Luise had set the tea-table
and the family were all sitting around it and conversing about all manner of
mirthful topics. During the first general lull in the conversation, Marie fixed
her big blue eyes directly on Godfather Drosselmeier’s and said, “I now know,
dear Godfather Drosselmeier, that my Nutcracker is your nephew, young
Drosselmeier from Nuremburg; that he has actually become a prince, or, rather,
a king, as your companion the astronomer predicted; but you of course know that
he is now involved in a war to the death with Mistress Mauserinks’s son, the
hideous king of the mice. Why won’t you help him?” Marie now once again
recounted the entire history of the battle and of how she had come to witness
it, although numerous times she was forced to leave off by the peals of raucous
laughter her tale elicited from her mother and Luise. Of all present only Fritz
and Godfather Drosselmeier seemed completely unamused. “Where ever does the
girl get all these crazy notions from?” asked the public health officer.
“Well,” replied the girl’s mother, “you know she has a very active imagination,
but these particular products of it are just daydreams she had under the
powerful influence of septic fever.” “The whole story is a lie,” said Fritz:
“my red hussars—by Pasha Manelka’s wounds!—are by no means such cowards as she
makes them out to be, as I could show you in any pitched battle.” But now
Godfather Drosselmeier smiled a peculiar smile, picked up little Marie, set her
down on his lap, and said more gently than ever before, “Ah, our dear Marie is
more blessed by fortune than everybody else here including me: like Pirlipat,
you, Marie, are a born princess, for you reign unchallenged in a kingdom of
shimmering beauty. But much suffering awaits you if you take our poor misshapen
Nutcracker under your protection, for the king of the mice is determined to
destroy him by hook or by crook. But I cannot save him; you and you alone can
do so; be steadfast and true.” Neither Marie nor anybody else understood what
he meant by these words; and the public health officer found them so odd that
he checked Drosselmeier’s pulse and said, “My dear friend, your blood is
strongly congested towards your head; I shall prescribe you something.” But the
public health officer’s wife thoughtfully shook her head and softly said, “I have
something like a notion of what the high court councilor means, only I can’t
quite put it into words.”
One moonlit night
not long afterwards, Marie was awoken by a strange racket that seemed to be
coming from a corner of the room. It sounded like tiny pebbles being rolled and
tossed to and fro, interspersed with a truly nauseating succession of squeaks
and squeals. “Ah, the mice, the mice are coming back!” Marie exclaimed in
terror, and she wished with all her heart to wake up her mother; but every
sound she tried to make stuck in her throat, and every muscle she tried to move
refused to budge, as she beheld the king of the mice, complete with seven
scintillating crowns and seven scintillating pairs of eyes, emerging from a
hole in the wall, circling the room along the wainscoting, and finally leaping
in a single mighty bound from the floor on to the little table right beside
Marie’s bed. “Hee-hee-hee, little girl: give me all your sugar peas and your
marzipan, or I’ll bite your nutcracker in two—in two!” Thus squealed the king
of the mice, snapping and gnashing his teeth all the while, before dashing
straight back to and through the hole in the wall. Marie was so terrified by
this ghastly vision that next morning her face was as pale as could be, and on
the inside she was thoroughly discomposed, almost too confused to utter a
single word. A hundred times she was on the point of telling her mother or
Luise or at least Fritz what had happened to her, but each of these times she
was checked by this thought: “Will any of them believe me anyway, and won’t
they all laugh me out of the room besides?” But one thing was quite clear to
her: if she wanted to save Nutcracker’s life, she would have to hand over her
sugar peas and marzipan to the king of the mice. Accordingly, the following
evening she placed her entire store of these two confections at the foot of the
toy-cabinet. In the morning the public health officer’s wife said, “I don’t
know where all these mice that have suddenly appeared in our sitting room are
coming from. Look, Marie, my poor child!—they have eaten up all your candy.”
Indeed most of the candy was now gone; although for all his voracity the king
of the mice had not found the stuffed marzipan quite to his liking and so had
merely nibbled at it with his sharp teeth, such that it was inedible anyhow and
would have to be thrown away. But Marie was far from being at all upset about
the candy; to the contrary, she was immeasurably delighted because from its
disappearance she inferred that her Nutcracker’s life had been saved. But just
imagine how she felt when the following night she heard something squeaking and
squealing right next to her ear. It was once again the king of the mice; his
eyes were scintillating even more abominably, and he was squeaking even more
revoltingly through his teeth, than two nights before. “Give me your sugar
dolls and gum dragon dolls, little girl, or I’ll bite your nutcracker in two,
in two!” were his words this time, and then he once again dashed off. Marie was
quite distraught; next morning, she went to the cabinet and gazed with the most
woebegone expression at her little sugar dolls and gum dragon dolls. But she
was well within her rights to be upset; for you, the other Marie, my attentive
auditress, can only begin to imagine what a superlatively lovely collection of
sugar and gum dragon figurines little Marie Stahlbaum possessed. Right abreast
of an adorable shepherd who in company with his shepherdess was grazing a
complete herd of tiny milk-white sheep round whom his little sheepdog friskily
leaped about; right abreast of this shepherd, I say, two postmen trudged along
with letters in their hands, and four adorable little couples—four sprucely
attired swains and four resplendently groomed maidens—swung to and fro in a
Russian swing-set. Then, behind a small group of dancers, were Farmer Caraway
and the Maid of Orleans, neither of whom Marie cared very much about; but even
farther back, in one of the rear corners of the shelf, stood a rosy-cheeked
little boy whom she loved more than all the others; and as Marie sighted him
her eyes welled up with tears. “Ah,” she cried, turning to Nutcracker: “dear
Mr. Drosselmeier, you know I’m doing everything in my power to try to save you;
but it’s really hard!” Yet so tearful was the expression on Nutcracker’s face,
and so vivid in her mind was the image of king of the mice’s seven sets of jaws
agape to devour the unfortunate youth, that Marie resolved to sacrifice her
entire collection to the loathsome rodent. And so that evening she did the same
with the little sugar dolls as she had done with the candy: she set them at the
foot of the cabinet. She kissed the shepherd, the shepherdess, the lambkins,
and finally pulled her favorite, the rosy-cheeked little gum dragon boy, out of
his corner; though she then placed him at the very back of the group on the
floor. Farmer Caraway and the Maid of
Orleans, on the other hand, were obliged to stand in the first row. “No, this
is too much,” cried the public health officer’s wife next morning: “there
really must be some mouse of monstrously huge size living in the glass cabinet,
because all of Marie’s lovely little sugar dolls have been gnawed and chewed to
pieces.” Marie naturally could not forbear weeping at first, but she was soon
all smiles again upon thinking, “What difference does it make as long as
Nutcracker’s life has been saved?” That evening, as Marie’s mother was telling
the high court councilor about the mischief that a mouse had wrought in the
children’s glass cabinet, the public health officer said, “It’s a truly
abominable pity that we can’t manage to exterminate this rotten mouse that has
gotten up to so much mischief in the glass cabinet and devoured all of poor
Marie’s candy.” “Hey,” Fritz merrily chimed in: “the baker downstairs has a
really first-rate gray undersecretary for foreign affairs that I’ll go borrow
for us. This undersecretary will put an end to the whole thing straight away by
biting the head off the awful mouse, whether she is Mistress Mauserinks herself
or her son, the king of the mice.” “And not only will he take care of the
mouse,” said the public health officer’s wife with a laugh, “but he’ll also
jump all over our chairs and tables, and overturn cups and glasses, and cause a
thousand other kinds of damage.” “No, he won’t,” dissented Fritz: “the baker’s
undersecretary is a highly capable fellow; I’d give anything to be able to walk
along pointy rooftops as gracefully as him.” “Please, let us not have any cats
prowling around here at night,” pleaded Luise, who could not stand cats. “In
all fairness,” said the public health officer, “in all fairness, Fritz’s idea of
getting a cat is a very good one; for now, though, let us try setting a trap.
Haven’t we got one?” “We really should get Godfather Drosselmeier to make us
one,” cried Fritz, “for after all he invented the thing.” Everybody laughed,
and in the wake of the public health officer’s wife’s subsequent assurances
that not a single mousetrap was to be found in the entire house, the high court
councilor announced that he owned several machines of that sort, and he
immediately had a truly first-rate mousetrap brought over from his lodgings. At
this point Fritz and Marie realized that they were about to witness in the
living present the events of their godfather’s fairy tale about the hard nut.
While their cook Dottie was grilling the lard, Marie quivered and trembled, her
imagination suffused with the tale and its marvels, and she said to this simple
woman whom she had known all her life, “Ah, your majesty, my queen, beware of
Mistress Mauserinks and her family.” Fritz, for his part, had drawn his trusty
broadsword, and he said, “I wish they’d show their snouts right now, because
I’m just itching for a chance to wipe one of them out.” But not a creature
stirred either on or beneath the stove. Next, after the high court councilor
had secured the lard with a piece of thin thread and gently, ever so gently,
placed the trap at the foot of the glass cabinet, Fritz cried, “Make sure,
Godfather Watchmaker, that the king of the mice doesn’t play any tricks on
you.” But oh, what a horrible night the following one was for Marie! She woke
up to ice-cold shivers rippling up and down her arm, and a nauseatingly scraggy
something brushing against her cheek, and a telltale succession of squeaks and
squeals sounding in her ear. The abominable king of the mice was actually
sitting on her shoulder, drooling blood from all seven of his mouths, and
gnashing and snapping his teeth, as he hissed in the ear of the
terror-and-horror-stricken Marie: “Tee-hee, tee-hee, I’m not coming to tea!
You’ll never catch me, tee-hee! Give me all your picture-books, your little
dress too, or you’ll never get a minute’s rest. And if all this you fail to do, your little
Nutcracker will be bit in two, and then you’ll sure be feeling blue. Tee-hee,
tee-hee, squeak, squeak!" Now Marie was full of sorrow and sadness; she
looked quite wan and perturbed when next morning her mother said, “That naughty
mouse still hasn’t been caught,” whereupon her mother, believing that Marie’s
pallor was owing to grief at the loss of her candy, continued, “but don’t
worry, my dear child: we’re bound to get rid of this awful mouse in the end. If
the traps don’t work, we’ll just have to let Fritz bring in his gray
undersecretary for foreign affairs.” No sooner did Marie find herself alone in
the sitting room than she stepped up to the glass cabinet, and sobbingly
addressed the nutcracker thus: “Ah my dear, worthy Mr. Drosselmeier, what can
I, a wretched unfortunate young girl, do for you? Suppose I do now offer up all
my picture-books, and even that lovely little new dress that the Holy Christ
Child gave me, to the teeth of the abominable king of the mice? Won’t he then
just keep asking for more and more things anyway, until I finally have nothing
left to give, and he tries to bite me instead of you in two? Oh, what ever am
I, poor child that I am, to do now? What ever am I to do now?” As little Marie
was bemoaning and lamenting her plight thus, she noticed that over the course
of the previous night Nutcracker had acquired a large spot of blood on his
neck. Since learning that her Nutcracker was actually the young nephew of the
high court councilor, she had stopped carrying him about and kissing and
cuddling him; indeed, out of a kind of bashfulness she had been reluctant even
to touch him; but now, she carefully took him off the shelf and began wiping
away the bloodstain from his neck with her handkerchief. But just imagine her
state of mind when she suddenly felt Nutcracker's body growing warm in her
hands, and then beginning to stir. Straight-away she set him back down on the
shelf, whereupon the little Nutcracker's tiny mouth started wobbling to and
fro, as he laboriously and softly murmured, "Ah, most worthy Mademoiselle
Stahlbaum, my dear and most excellent friend, how grateful I am for all that
you have done for me! But don't, please don't, sacrifice any picture-books or
Christmas dresses for my sake. Just find me a sword, a sword, I promise to take
care of the rest, no matter–” Here Nutcracker’s power of speech deserted him,
and his eyes ceased being animated by the most ardently wistful melancholy and
became cold and lifeless once again. But Marie felt not the slightest trace of
horror; to the contrary, she fairly leapt for joy at the realization that she
now had a means of saving Nutcracker without making any further aggrieving sacrifices
to the king of the mice. But where was she to get hold of a sword for the
little fellow? Marie decided to seek Fritz’s advice; and that evening, as the
two of them were sitting on their own in the sitting room before the glass
cabinet, she told him of all her experiences with Nutcracker and the king of
the mice, and of the need for someone to intervene to save Nutcracker’s life.
No part of Marie’s account made Fritz more gravely pensive than her report that
his hussars had been so badly routed in the battle. He asked her very earnestly
whether such a thing had actually happened, and after Marie gave him her word
that it actually had, Fritz marched briskly up to the cabinet and harangued his
hussars with great pathos; then, by way of punishing them for their selfishness
and cowardice, he snipped the insignias off their caps one by one, and forbade
them to play their regimental trumpet march at all during the next year. After
he had finished administering punishment to his troops, Fritz returned to Marie
and said, “As for the sword, I can fit the nutcracker out with one, because
just yesterday I gave an old colonel in my cuirassiers an honorable discharge
with a retirement pension, so he won’t be needing his fine, sharp saber any
longer.” The aforesaid colonel was spending his newly awarded retirement in one
of the rear corners of the third shelf. He was summarily fetched down and
forced to relinquish his splendid little silver saber, which was then slung
round the waist of Nutcracker.
Next night Marie
could not get to sleep for sheer panicked worry; round midnight, she fancied
she could hear a curious din of rustling and rattling somewhere in the room.
Then all of a sudden there came a loud “Squeak!” “The king of the mice, the king
of the mice!” cried Marie, leaping out of bed in terrified shock. Now all was
silent, and remained so for a while; but by and by there was a faint, faint
knock at the door, followed by a dainty little voice exclaiming, “Dearest
Mademoiselle Stahlbaum, I pray you, open up at once; I have wonderful, happy
tidings for you!” Marie recognized the voice as young Drosselmeier’s and
immediately threw on her nightgown and flung open the door. There in the
passageway stood little Nutcracker, holding a bloody sword in his right hand
and a wax candle in his left. As soon as he saw Marie, he fell to his knees and
said, “Dear lady! You alone steeled my knightly courage and gave my arm the
strength to do battle with the wanton villain who dared fleer and gibe at you.
The perfidious king of the mice now lies vanquished and writhing in his own
blood! Do not, I beseech you, dear lady, disdain to accept the trophies of this
victory from the hand of your eternally devoted knight!” Whereupon with
exemplary dexterity he shook the king of the mice’s seven golden crowns off his
left arm and into the hands of Marie, who received the diadems with boundless
joy. Nutcracker rose and continued thus: “Ah, worthiest Mademoiselle Stahlbaum,
what glorious sights I could reveal to you now that I have vanquished my foe,
if you should only deign to follow me for a few brief paces! Oh please do, most
worthy, worthy young lady; please do!”
The Kingdom of Dolls
I trust that on
this occasion not one of you children would have scrupled for an instant to
follow honest, good-natured Nutcracker, to whom nothing was more foreign than
an unkind thought. But Marie was all the more willing to follow him because she
was well aware of the extent of Nutcracker’s debt of gratitude to her, and was
confident that he would be as good as his word and indeed show her many a
glorious sight. Accordingly, she said to him, “I will go with you, Mr.
Drosselmeier, but you mustn’t take me very far, and I mustn’t be gone for very
long, because I certainly haven’t got anywhere near a full night’s rest yet.”
“For that very reason,” replied Nutcracker, “I have chosen the shortest route,
although it is somewhat arduous.” He led the way, and Marie followed him to the
vestibule of the house, where he drew to a halt before the enormous wardrobe
stationed there. Marie noticed to her astonishment that the doors of this
wardrobe, which were normally kept shut and locked, were now standing wide
open, so that she could distinctly see her father’s traveling coat of fox fur
hanging at the very front. With great agility, Nutcracker climbed on to the
bottom ledge and over its ridge of ornamental woodwork, so that he could reach
and lay hold of the great tassel attached to the end of a thick cord that hung
from the back of the fox-fur coat. Nutcracker gave a mighty tug to this tassel,
and immediately a very elegant flight of cedar-wood steps descended from the
coat’s nearer sleeve. “Will your ladyship very kindly ascend?” cried
Nutcracker. Marie would and did, but no sooner had she climbed through the
sleeve—no sooner was she gazing out at the coat’s collar—than she was met by a
flood of dazzlingly bright light, and suddenly found herself standing in a
vast, splendid meadow fragrant with the sweetest smells and sparkling with a
million tiny lights like so many scintillating precious stones. “We are now
standing in the Candy Meadow, said Nutcracker, “but we are just about to walk
through that gateway.” Now, upon raising her eyes, Marie first became aware of
the beautiful gateway rising from the meadow only a few paces ahead of them. It
looked as if it were made entirely of white, brown, and crimson–streaked
marble, but as Marie drew nearer to it she could clearly see that the entire
structure consisted of sugared almonds and raisins that had been fused together
by baking, for precisely which reason—so Nutcracker assured her, as they were
passing through the gateway—it was known as the Almond-and-Raisin Gate. Vulgar souls
very boorishly called it the Students’ Slop Portal. On a gallery built into
this gateway, a gallery made to all appearances out of barley-sugar, six little
monkeys in scarlet jackets performed janissary music of such unexampled beauty
that Marie scarcely noticed that she was steadily moving ever farther forward
into the meadow of parti-colored marble that was really nothing more than an
exquisitely wrought tissue of sweetmeats. By and by she was wafted by the
sweetest aromas, which emanated from a marvelous little forest that was
unfolding on either side of their path. The gloom of the foliage was shot
through here and there and from time to time by tiny flashes of light that
shone so brightly that during their brief term one could clearly see fruits of
gold and silver dangling from brilliantly parti-colored branches, and
tree-trunks and boughs festooned with ribbons and bunches of flowers, like so
many betrothed couples and their merry wedding guests. And when the draughts of
fragrance emanating from the orange trees began soughing like undulating
zephyrs, they set the twigs and the leaves stirring and the tinsel crinkling
and tinkling in a way that sounded just like jubilant music, to whose
accompaniment the scintillating little points of light could not help frisking
about and dancing. “Ah, how lovely it is here!” cried Marie for sheer
overwhelming bliss and delight. “We are in the Christmas Forest, most worthy
young lady,” said little Nutcracker. “Ah,” Marie continued, “If only I could
linger here for just a little while! Oh, it’s really too lovely by half here.”
Nutcracker clapped his little hands and straight-away they were approached by a
small band of tiny shepherds and shepherdesses and hunters and huntresses who
were so white that one might have thought they were made of pure sugar, and
whom Marie hitherto had not noticed, even though they had been roaming about
the forest all the while. They brought up to Marie a delightful armchair of
pure gold, laid a white licorice cushion on its seat, and with courtly
politeness invited her to be seated. No sooner had she done so than the
shepherds and shepherdesses launched into a very nicely choreographed ballet,
which was most genteelly accompanied by the hunters on their horns and
trumpets. “I beg your pardon, most worthy Mademoiselle Stahlbaum,” said
Nutcracker, “I beg your pardon, for the miserable quality of the dancing; but
those people all hailed from our automated ballet corps, who are incapable of
doing anything but the same steps over and over again, and there is likewise an
explanation for the somnolence and insipidity of the hunters’ trumpeting. You
see, while the sugar-basket does indeed hang above their nose in the Christmas
trees, it is suspended from a rather great height! But shall we not walk a bit
farther?” “Ah, it was all very nice indeed, and I liked it so very much!” said
Marie as she rose from the chair and set off behind Nutcracker, who was already
leading the way forward. They were walking along a sweetly rushing and
whispering stream from which all the glorious fragrances that pervaded the
entire forest seemed to be wafting. “It is the Orange Stream,” said Nutcracker
in reply to Marie’s query about it, “but for all its fragrance, it cannot
compare in point of breadth and beauty with the Lemonade River, which likewise
empties into the Almond-Milk Sea.” And in point of fact, very soon afterwards
Marie became aware of a pronounced rushing and babbling sound as her gaze
alighted upon the broad course of the Lemonade River, which meandered along in
proud, cream-colored rapids surging between carbuncles of a vividly
incandescent green. A breeze of exceptional coolness, fortifying to heart and
lungs alike, billowed up from the noble current. Not far from it a creek of
deep yellow-hued waters plodded laboriously along; on its banks were seated all
manner of adorable little children angling for plump little fishes that were no
sooner caught than devoured. On drawing nearer Marie noticed that these fish
looked like hazelnuts. A short distance away and beside this river lay an
exceedingly pretty little village; all its buildings—houses, church, parsonage,
barns—were dark brown in color, yet adorned with golden roofs, and many of the
walls were so colorfully painted that it looked as though whole candied
lemon-peels and almonds had been applied to them. That is Gingerbreadville,”
said Nutcracker, “which lies on the banks of the Honey River; its inhabitants
are quite charming but also generally rather ill-tempered, because they suffer
from the most horrible toothaches, and so I don’t think we should even stop by
there.” At that moment Marie noticed a little town composed of a colorful
assortment of houses that were both literally transparent and charming to
behold. Nutcracker made straight for the town; and Marie heard a ridiculously
loud din like that of a celebrating crowd as they approached its market square,
where she beheld thousands of overladen carts—like so many dainty little people—stopping,
trying to unload, and just on the point of unloading. But to all appearances,
their cargo entirely consisted of brightly colored pieces of paper and of bars
of chocolate. “We are in Bonbonton,”
said Nutcracker, “where a consignment from Paperland and the Chocolate King has
just arrived. The poor Bonbontonians were recently badly menaced by the Admiral
of the Gnats, and this is why they are now covering their houses with the
presents from Paperland and erecting fortifications made of the sturdy
wall-segments sent to them by the Chocolate King. But most worthy Mademoiselle
Stahlbaum, we simply haven’t the time to visit every little town and village in
this country: to the capital! To the capital! Nutcracker hurried onwards, and
aglow with curiosity, Marie followed him. It was not long before a magnificent
perfume of roses began to pervade the air and everything in every direction
seemed to be bathed in a gentle roseate luster. Marie noticed that this was all
the reflection of a glittering pinkish-red pool whose waters were surging and rippling
towards them in little waves like a succession of marvelously lovely notes and
melodies. On the surface of this charming body of water, which extended far in
every direction like a large lake, a number of majestically beautiful silver
swans with gold necklaces swam about and vied with each other for first prize
in the singing of the prettiest songs, in time to which hundreds of tiny
diamond fishes leapt out of and into the roseate waters like so many
coordinated dancers. “Ah!” cried Marie in rapt delight, “Ah: this is the real-life
original of the lake that Godfather Drosselmeier was planning to build for me,
and I myself am the girl who was going to caress the lovely little swans.”
Little Nutcracker smiled a highly derisive smile that she had never seen on his
face before, and said, “My uncle certainly could never manage to build such a
thing; you, dear Mademoiselle Stahlbaum, are much better qualified to do so—but
let us stop brooding over this at once and begin our voyage across the Rose
Lake to the capital."
The Capital
Little Nutcracker
clapped his little hands once again, whereupon the Rose Lake began to surge
more violently; the waves splashed at a higher crest, and from off in the
distance there drew ever nearer an object that Marie gradually realized was a
seashell-shaped coach made out of actual sunbeam-scintillating precious stones
and drawn by two dolphins covered in scales of pure gold. Twelve of the most
adorable little Moors in little caps and aprons woven out of lustrous
hummingbird feathers leapt on to the shore and, gliding ever so gently through
the intervening waves, carried first Marie and then Nutcracker into the coach,
which forthwith launched itself back into the lake. Oh, what a beautiful sight
was Marie’s traversal of that lake in that seashell coach wafted all about by
the fragrance of roses and coddled all about by roseate waves! The two gold-scaled dolphins raised their
nostrils and spouted into the air jets of pure crystal, which in subsequently
descending into the shimmering and sparkling waves sounded like two delicate
little silver voices sweetly singing thus: “Who swims these waters pink and
bright? The sprite! Little midges! ding ding little fishes, sim sim—swans! swa
swa, golden bird! trarah, surging waves—at ease! ring, sing, fly, pry—little
sprites, little sprites come along; rose waves, chill, swill, swill aloft!
aloft!” But the twelve little Moors who had leapt up on to the back of the
seashell coach seemed genuinely offended by the singing of the jets of water,
for they shook their parasols so violently that the date-leaves out of which
they were made crinkled and crackled, and with their feet stamped out an
extraordinarily curious rhythm and sang: “Clap and clip and clip and clap, up
and down—Moors’ dance-riots shan’t be quiet; at ease, fish—at ease, swans,
drone on seashell coach, drone on, clap and clip and clip and clap and up and
“Moors make for
very amusing company,” said Nutcracker in a somewhat disconcerted tone, “but
they are going to turn my lake into one huge enclave of insurrection.” And in
actual fact, there presently commenced a bewildering din of marvelous voices,
which seemed to be swimming through both the lake itself and the air above it,
but Marie paid it no mind and instead gazed into the aromatic rose-waves, from
each of which the fetchingly gracious countenance of a young girl smiled up at
her. “Oh,” she joyfully exclaimed while clapping together her tiny little
hands, “oh, do come take a look, dear Mr. Drosselmeier! That girl down there
smiling that magically lovely smile at me is Princess Pirlipat. Oh, do please
just come and take a look, dear Mr. Drosselmeier!” But Nutcracker simply sighed
a quasi-lugubrious sigh and said, “O most worthy Mademoiselle Stahlbaum, that
girl is not Princess Pirlipat, but you; and each and every one of those faces
smiling so fetchingly up at you from the rose-waves is none other than your own
sweet countenance.” Whereupon Marie suddenly started back from the reflection
and firmly shut her eyes for sheer shame and embarrassment. At this same moment
the twelve Moors were lifting her out of the seashell coach and conveying her ashore. She found herself in a little copse, which
was almost even more beautiful than the Christmas Forest, given how
resplendently the whole of it shimmered and sparkled; but the most
exceptionally wonderful part of it was its array of exotic fruits, which hung
on every tree and not only bore skins of the most peculiar colors but also
exuded an assortment of truly marvelous scents. “We are in the Grove of
Preserves,” said Nutcracker, “but the capital is over yonder.” And what did
Marie now behold? How shall I ever begin to describe to you, children, the
beauty and majesty of that city that now loomed so resplendently before Marie’s
gaze, on the horizon at the far end of a meadow teeming with flowers? Not only
were the walls and spires of the town bedecked with the most majestic colors,
but even from a strictly architectural point of view its buildings were simply
beyond compare. For in lieu of roofs the houses were topped by crowns wrought
in an elegant wickerwork pattern, and the towers were wreathed in the most
elegant and colorful crockets the human eye had ever seen. As they passed
through the city gate, which looked as though it had been built out of whole
macaroons and candied fruits, a division of silver soldiers presented arms and
a little man in a brocaded dressing-gown threw his arms around Nutcracker’s neck
and cried, “Welcome, my most worthy lord and prince, welcome to Sweetsburg!”
Marie marveled not a little at seeing young Nutcracker acknowledged as a prince
by this man who was obviously of a very high rank. But now she heard a chorus
of well-tuned little voices that was so clamorous, so joyful and mirthful, so
lyrical and playful, that Marie could pay no mind to anything else, and simply
asked Nutcracker point-blank what ever the meaning of the whole thing was. “O
most worthy Mademoiselle Stahlbaum,” replied Nutcracker, “it is nothing
unusual; Sweetsburg is both a populous and a merry town, here one is always
surrounded by people singing and laughing like this; but if you please, don’t
let us tarry.” The very briefest of walks brought them to the town’s large
market square, which afforded an especially splendid view. On all sides the
buildings were made of filigreed confectionery, gallery upon gallery towered
overhead, in the center stood a tall, sugar-glazed baumkuchen obelisk
surrounded by four exquisitely wrought fountains that sprayed orsade, lemonade
and other noble sweetened beverages into the air, and the basin was filling
with pure cream that looked so delicious that one wanted to spoon it up. But
prettier than all of this were the superlatively lovely little people that
jostled against one another cheek by jowl in the thousands and shouted for joy
and laughed and jested and sang—this was, in short, the source of the clamor
that Marie had already heard in the distance and that proximity was now swelling
to a near-deafening volume. The crowd was composed of beautifully attired
ladies and gentlemen, Armenians and Greeks, Jews and Tirolians, officers and
enlisted soldiers, and priests and
shepherds and
clowns–in short, every possible sort of people to be found in the world. In one
corner of the square, the tumult increased; the sea of people parted to make
way for the grand mogul, who was being carried along on a palanquin, escorted
by ninety-three grandees of the kingdom and seven-hundred slaves. But it
happened that in the opposite corner the five hundred-strong fishermen’s guild
were holding their annual parade, such that it was most untimely of the Turkish
sovereign to get it into his head to ride through the square with three
thousand janissaries, who were followed by the great procession from the
interrupted Feast of the Sacrifice, playing their tintinnabulatory
marching-tune, singing, “Thanks be to the almighty sun-god,” and heading
straight for—and eventually reaching—the baumkuchen. What a prodigious amount
of crowding and jostling and surging and squeaking it all amounted to! And soon
it was augmented by many a wail of lamentation, for amid all the bustle a fisherman
had knocked off a Brahmin’s head, and the Grand Mogul had come very close to being
run over by a clown. The din grew more and more riotous, and people were
already beginning to kick and punch one another throughout the crowd, when the
man in the brocaded dressing gown who had greeted Nutcracker at the gate
scrambled up on to the baumkuchen and, after ringing a bell with a highly
resonant peal three times, called out three times very loudly: “Pastry-Cook!
Pastry-Cook! Pastry-Cook!” The tumult immediately subsided; everybody attended
to his own safety as best he could, and after the two processions had
extricated themselves from each other, the begrimed Grand Mogul had been dusted
off, and the Brahmin had had his head reset, the clamor recommenced in its
original merry tone. “What was the meaning of that business about the
pastry-cook, worthy Mr. Drosselmeier?” asked Marie. “Ah, most worthy
Mademoiselle Stahlbaum,” replied Nutcracker, “in this place Pastry-Cook is an
unknown but very horrible power that people believe can fashion human beings
into whatever it desires; it is the doom that rules over this merry little
nation, and they fear it so very much that the mere mention of its name can
calm the most riotous outbreak of disorder, as our esteemed mayor has just
demonstrated. When Pastry-Cook’s name is mentioned, everybody gives over all
thought of earthly matters, all thought of breaking ribs and smashing heads,
and looks into himself and asks, ‘What is man and what can be made out of him?’”
Marie could not contain a loud cry of wonderment, nay of the utmost astonishment,
as she now suddenly found herself standing before a castle bathed in a roseate
luster and topped with a hundred skyscraping towers. But here and there against
the castle’s outer walls were strewn refulgent bouquets of violets,
narcissuses, tulips, and gillyflowers, whose darkly incandescent hues only
enhanced the dazzling, pinkishly opalescent whiteness of the background. The
large cupola of the central structure and the pyramidal roofs of the towers
were studded with a thousand coruscating little gold and silver stars. “Now we
are standing before the marzipan castle,” said Nutcracker. Marie was totally
overwhelmed by the sight of the magic palace, but in the midst of her
excitement she did not fail to notice the badly damaged state of the roof of
one of the taller towers, which a number of tiny little men on a cinnamon-stick
scaffold seemed to be trying to repair. Before she had a chance to ask
Nutcracker about this, he was already explaining it to her. “Not long ago this
beautiful castle was threatened with devastating damage, if not outright
destruction. Our city had fallen into the baneful path of Sweet Tooth the
giant, a path whose traversal very speedily saw the giant making short work of
the roof of that tower and beginning to tuck into the great cupola itself; but
at this point the Sweetsburgers brought him as tribute an entire city district
plus a considerable portion of the Grove of Preserves, and having managed to
sate himself on these offerings, he pressed on to fresher feeding-grounds.” At
that moment gentle and highly ingratiating strains of music were heard; the
castle gates flew open and out stepped twelve tiny pages with lighted clove
stems that they carried like torches in their tiny little hands. Each of their
heads consisted of a single pearl, their bodies were made of rubies and
emeralds, and, what was more, they moved about on the most exquisite little
feet of pure wrought gold. The pages were followed by four ladies, each of whom
was nearly as tall as Marie’s doll Missy Claerchen; but they were all so
exquisitely and resplendently attired that Marie instantly recognized them as
the born princesses that they were. They embraced Nutcracker with the utmost
tenderness, all the while exclaiming in bittersweet tones, “O my prince! My
most worthy prince! O my brother!” Nutcracker seemed very much moved; he wiped
copious tears from his eyes, then he took Marie by the hand and said with great
pathos, “This is Mademoiselle Marie Stahlbaum, the daughter of a highly
estimable public health officer, and the savior of my life! Had she not flung
her slipper just in the nick of time, had she not secured for me the saber of a
certain retired colonel, I would now be lying in my grave thanks to the
mercilessly riving teeth of the execrable king of the mice. Ah, this Mademoiselle Stahlbaum!—is Pirlipat, although
a born princess, truly her equal in point of beauty, kindness, and virtue? No,
I say, no!” All the ladies cried in echo, “No!” and threw their arms around her
neck and exclaimed through heartfelt sobs, “O you noble savior of our dear
princely brother—most excellent Mademoiselle Stahlbaum!” Now the ladies
escorted Marie and Nutcracker into the heart of the palace, specifically into a
hall whose walls were made out of iridescently coruscating pure crystals. But
what Marie delighted in more than anything else were the exquisitely lovely
little chairs, chests of drawers, writing-desks, etc. disposed about the room;
all of these were made out of cedar or Brazil-wood and strewn with golden
flowers. The princesses entreated Marie and Nutcracker to be seated, and said
that they would forthwith prepare a dinner with their own hands. Next they
carried in a heap of tiny little pots and little bowls made from the finest
Japanese porcelain; of spoons, knives, and forks; of graters, stew-pots, and
other requisites for cooking. Then they brought in the loveliest pieces of
fruit and confectionery that Marie had ever seen, and with the daintiest
motions of their tiny little snow-white hands they began to squeeze the fruit,
to pulverize the spices, to grate the sugared almonds—in short to act the
housewife with such aplomb, that Marie could easily perceive that they were all
consummate masters of the culinary arts, and that she and Nutcracker could look
forward to a truly exquisite meal. In her keen desire to familiarize herself
properly with such things, Marie secretly wished she could join in the
princesses’ activities as a full-fledged fellow-cook. Whereupon the most
beautiful of Nutcracker’s sisters, as if having divined this wish, handed Marie
a little golden mortar and pestle and said to her, “O my dear friend, the
precious savior of my brother, do pulverize a little of this sugar-candy!” As
Marie now cheerfully betook herself to the pestle, and thereby elicited from the
mortar the most charming and delightful reverberation, like the strains of a
winsome little ditty, Nutcracker began to recount in considerable detail how
his army had come to fight a gruesome battle with the army of the king of the
mice, how he had been half defeated by the cowardice of his own troops, how the
king of the mice had subsequently tried to bite him in two, and how Marie in
order to save Nutcracker from this fate had had to sacrifice several of his
subjects who had entered into her service, etc. At some point during this
story, Marie noticed that the words Nutcracker was uttering, and indeed the
blows of her pestle, were sounding more and more remote and less and less
distinct; soon she saw ascending heaps of silver gauze like banks of fog, in
which the princesses, the pages, Nutcracker, and, indeed, even she herself,
were swimming—she could hear a curious singing and humming and whirring sound
that seemed to be dying away into the distance; now Marie felt herself rising,
as if on ascending billows of air, ever higher and higher—higher and
higher—higher and higher…
With a “Prr!,” nay,
a “Puff!,” Marie hit the ground from an immeasurable height. Now that was quite a jolt! But straight-away
she opened her eyes, and found herself lying in her own little bed; it was
broad daylight, and her mother was standing beside her and saying, “I don’t
know how you can stand to sleep so late; breakfast was over ages ago!”
Doubtless you, my distinguished readers and listeners, will have correctly
gathered by now that Marie, having been fairly stupefied by all the wonders she
had beheld, eventually fell asleep in the great hall of the marzipan palace,
and that the Moors or the pages or possibly even the princesses themselves then
brought her home and put her to bed. “O mother, dear mother, you won’t believe
all the places young Mr. Drosselmeier took me to last night, and all the lovely
things I saw there!” She then proceeded to relate all the events of the night
before almost as accurately as I have just done, and her mother gazed at her in
utter astonishment. When Marie had finished, her mother said, “You have had a
long and very lovely dream, Marie dear, but now you must clear your mind of all
that.” But Marie maintained with hard nut-like obstinacy that she had not been
dreaming, that she had really and truly seen everything she had just described;
and so her mother went to the glass cabinet, took out Nutcracker, who had been
standing at his usual place on the third shelf, and said, “You foolish girl!
How can you possibly believe this wooden doll from Nuremberg capable of life
and motion?” “But mother dear!” cried Marie, “I am as certain as can be that my
little Nutcracker is young Mr. Drosselmeier from Nuremberg, Godfather
Drosselmeier’s nephew.” Whereupon both the public health officer and his wife
burst into peals of resounding laughter. “Ah” Marie continued in an almost
lachrymose voice, “father dear, to think you’re actually laughing at my
Nutcracker even though he spoke some very kind words about you, because you
see, when we had arrived at the marzipan palace and he was introducing me to
his sisters, he said that you were a highly estimable public health officer!”
The laughter at her expense grew even louder, as Luise, and eventually even
Fritz, joined in it. And so Marie ran into the next room, pulled out of her
tiny little jewelry box the king of the mice’s seven crowns, and handed them
over to her mother with these words: “See, mother dear: these are the king of
the mice’s seven crowns, which last night Mr. Drosselmeier handed over to me as
tokens of his victory.” In rapt astonishment the public health officer’s wife
contemplated the little crowns, which had been so finely wrought out of some
unidentifiable but highly scintillating metal, that she found it hard to
believe that they were the work of human hands. Even the chief medical officer
could not get enough of gazing at the little crowns, and soon father and mother
alike were pressing Marie to tell them where she had got the crowns from. But
of course she could not help sticking to what she had originally said, and when
her father then scolded her roundly and even called her a no-good little liar,
she began copiously weeping, and she wailed, “Oh what a poor child am I! Oh
what a poor child am I! What ever am I supposed to say?” At that moment the
door opened. The high court councilor entered and cried: “What’s this? What’s
this? My little goddaughter Marie weeping and sobbing? What’s this? What’s
this?” The public health officer informed him of everything that had just
happened, at the same time showing him the crowns. No sooner had the high court
councilor set his eyes on them, than he laughed and exclaimed, “Poppycock,
poppycock! These are the little crowns that years ago I used to wear on my
watch-chain, and that I gave to little Marie as a present for her second
birthday. Don’t you two remember?” Neither
the public health officer nor his wife could remember anything of the kind, but
Marie, now realizing if nothing else that her parents’ faces were both looking friendly
again, rushed up to Godfather Drosselmeier and cried, “Ah, of course you know
the whole truth about it, Godfather Drosselmeier; why won’t you come out and
say it? Why won’t you say that my Nutcracker is your nephew, young Mr.
Drosselmeier from Nuremberg, and that it is he who gave me the crowns?” But the
high court councilor merely scowled at her with fearsome glumness and muttered,
“What inane, simple-minded poppycock.” Whereupon the public health officer took
little Marie aside and said to her in a very serious tone, “Listen to me,
Marie: I want you to stop all this joking and tall tale-telling at once, and if
I hear you say one more time that that silly, misshapen Nutcracker is the high
court councilor’s nephew, I swear I will throw not only Nutcracker but also
every single one of your other dolls—Missy Claerchen included—straight out the
window.” Now poor Marie was obviously debarred from talking about the very
thing that was her heart and mind’s chief preoccupation, for you may well and
rightly believe that a person who has experienced such splendid and beautiful
things as Marie had experienced can hardly forget them. Even—note well, my
distinguished reader or listener Fritz—even your comrade Fritz Stahlbaum would
immediately turn his back on his sister if she started to tell him about the
marvelous kingdom in which she had been so very happy. He is said even to have
occasionally muttered the phrase “Silly goose!” through clenched teeth, but I
find it very hard to believe that in the light of his otherwise universally
attested kind-heartedness; in any case, this much is certain—that he no longer
believed a word that Marie had ever told him; at a public parade of his hussars
he made a formal apology to them for the aspersions he had cast on them; he
affixed replace their lost standards with much taller and more lustrous tufts
of goose-quills, and he even allowed them to play their regimental march again.
Well, now! You and I know better than anyone else the kind of showing the
hussars’ courage made once those awful bullets started staining their scarlet
Marie was no longer
allowed to speak about her adventures, but images of the marvelous fairy
kingdom flitted about her in sweetly undulating delirium and mild beauteous
euphony; she had only to concentrate her thoughts on the beloved kingdom to
behold it once again in its entirety, and so by and by she ceased to play with
her toys and began to spend all her time sitting motionless and silent and
withdrawn, which caused her to be upbraided as a silly little dreamer by
everyone in the house. One day the high court councilor happened to be
repairing a clock at the public health officer’s house. Marie was sitting before
the glass cabinet, immersed in her dreams and gazing at the nutcracker; then
all of a sudden, as if involuntarily, she blurted out, “Ah, dear Mr.
Drosselmeier; if only you were actually alive, I would never act like Princess
Pirlipat and spurn you because for my sake you had stopped being a handsome
young man!” Like a shot the high court councilor cried out, “Poppycock,
absolute poppycock!” But at that same instant, from out of nowhere came a loud
bang, like the sound of an explosion, that was of such volume and forcefulness
that it knocked Marie unconscious and out of her chair. When she came to, she
found her mother busying herself about her and saying, “I don’t see how a big
girl like you can’t even manage to keep her place in a chair! Here is the high
court councilor’s nephew just arrived from Nuremberg: do please be on your best
behavior!” She looked up; the high court counselor had re-donned his glass wig
and yellow frock coat, and he was placidly smiling; but he was also holding the
hand of an admittedly short but extremely well-proportioned young man. This
young man’s little face was like a composition in milk and blood; he was
wearing a magnificent scarlet frock coat trimmed with gold brocade, white silk
stockings, and low-cut shoes; in his frilly shirt-front he sported an
exquisitely lovely bunch of flowers; his hair was elegantly coiffed and
powdered, and down his back hung a truly splendid pigtail. The tiny sword at
his side shone as resplendently as if it were made of actual jewels, and the
little hat tucked under his arm had been woven out of flocks of silk. The
ingratiating impeccability of the youth’s manners was instantly attested to by
the heap of splendid sweetmeats and playthings—including notably some exquisite
marzipan and the very same figurines the king of the mice had gnawed to
bits–that he had brought with him for Marie, and to which he had not forgotten
to add a saber of wondrously beautiful workmanship for Fritz. During dinner
this polite young man cracked nuts for the entire table; the hardest of these
nuts were no match for him; with his right hand he would stick the nut in his
mouth, with his left he would tug at his pigtail, and—crack!—the nut would
crumble to pieces. Marie had turned bright red the moment she set eyes on the
well-mannered youth, and she turned even redder when after dinner young
Drosselmeier invited her to go with him to the glass cabinet in the sitting
room. “Play together to your hearts’ content, children,” cried the high court
councilor: “now that my clocks are all in fine working order, my objections are
at an end.” But no sooner did young Drosselmeier find himself alone with Marie
than he fell on one knee and said, “O my supremely excellent lady, Mademoiselle
Stahlbaum, you behold at your feet the blessed Drosselmeier whose life you
saved on this very spot! You graciously
declared that you would not try to shame me as that loathsome Princess Pirlipat
did after I became ugly for her sake!—at that instant I stopped being a lowly
nutcracker and regained my original, not-disagreeable form. O my excellent
lady, bless me with the gift of your dear hand, share with me my kingdom and my
crown, rule alongside me at the marzipan castle, for there I have been
enthroned as king!” Marie raised the youth to his feet and gently said, “Dear
Mr. Drosselmeier! You are a sweet and virtuous person, and as you also rule
over an attractive country inhabited by extremely charming and merry people, I
shall accept you as my husband!” Whereupon Marie was immediately betrothed to
Drosselmeier. They say that exactly one year later he had her brought to him in
a golden carriage drawn by silver horses. Their wedding ball was attended by
twenty two-thousand exquisitely resplendent dolls bedizened from head to foot
with pearls and diamonds, and as of this very hour Marie is said still to be queen
of a realm in every corner of which one may behold coruscating Christmas
forests, translucent marzipan castles; in short, all manner of superlatively
splendid things—provided one has eyes that can perceive them.
That was the fairy tale about Nutcracker and the king
of the mice.
“Tell me,” said Theodor, “tell me, my dear Lothar,
how you can get away with calling your ‘Nutcracker and the King of the Mice’ a
children’s fairy tale, given that no child could possibly discern the fine
threads that run uninterruptedly through the whole thing and hold together what
superficially comes across as a collection of completely heterogeneous
segments. At most a child will be struck
by these segments as individual episodes and every now and then be delighted by
“And is that not enough?”
retorted Lothar. “It seems to me,” he
continued, “that it is a very grave error to suppose that children with lively
and fertile imaginations (and these are perforce the only children of concern
to us) can derive any enjoyment whatsoever from the vacuous fopperies that are
passed off to the world as fairy tales.
No, they demand something better than that, and it is astonishing how
vividly and accurately their minds comprehend many things that completely go
over the heads of many super-intelligent dads.
Take note of this and have some respect for them! I have already read my tale to the only
people I can acknowledge as competent critics, namely my sister’s
children. Fritz, an accomplished
military campaigner, was enchanted by his namesake’s army; the description of
the battle positively enraptured him—he imitated my prr and pooff and schnetterdeng and boom in piercing shrieks; he shifted nervously to and fro on his
chair—indeed!—every now and then he glanced at his saber, as if he were just on
the point of racing out into the fray to aid poor Nutcracker as the latter was
drawn into greater and greater danger. I
can assure you that as of then my nephew Fritz had not read either Shakespeare
or the latest dispatches from the front, and so he most certainly had no
inkling of the significance of ‘A horse!
A horse! My kingdom for a horse!’
or of the allusions to the military evolution of that most horrifying of all
battles. My dear, tender-hearted niece
Eugenie no less intuitively grasped Marie’s sweet devotion to the little
nutcracker, and she was moved to tears when Marie sacrificed sweetmeats,
picture books, and even her little Christmas dress solely in the hope of saving
her darling’s life; not for an instant did she doubt the reality of the
coruscating candy meadow onto which Marie descended from the ominous collar of
the fox-fur coat in her father’s wardrobe.
The kingdom of dolls delighted the children beyond all measure.”
“That part of the tale,”
chimed in Ottmar, “is most certainly the most successful part, if you have
children in mind as your ideal readers or listeners. As for the interpolation of tale about the
hard nut, although it contains the binding core of the entire story, I think it
was a mistake, because it makes the plot too complicated, and in it the various
threads of the story are stretched and spread over too great a distance.
“To be sure, you have
already termed us incompetent critics and thereby enjoined us to silence, but I
cannot conceal from you my conviction that if you ever present your work to a
general readership, you will find that many reasonable people—and in particular
the far from negligible subclass of reasonable people who have never been children—will
shrug and shake their heads by way of signifying that they regard the whole
thing as a lot of crazy, motley, madcap tosh, or at least that you must have
had the assistance of a mightily powerful case of brain fever, inasmuch as (so
they will reason) no person of sound mind ever could have produced such an
absurdity.” “In that case,” said Lothar
with a laugh, “in that case, I shall bow my head to the excellent head-shaker,
lay my hand on my breast, and woefully assure him that it is of precious little
assistance to the poor author to be visited by any number or manner of
fantastic visions in the delirious confusion of his dreams; to the contrary, he
must utterly eschew the use of such fantastic materials until he has carefully
and judiciously pondered them at the tribunal of his understanding, and spun
all the threads of his narrative to its required degree of delicacy and
strength. Indeed, I would even go so far
as to say that there is no kind of literary work that more exactingly demands a
clear and calm frame of mind on the part of its executant than a story that
blazes in every which direction with all the anarchic playfulness of unbridled
caprice, a work that for all its waywardness should and must contain a firm and
solid core.”
“And who,” said Cyprian,
“who would ever think of gainsaying you on this point? But be that as it may, it is still quite an
audacious undertaking to splice pure fantasy into everyday life, to slap enchanted
jester’s caps onto the heads of serious ordinary people such as high court
councilors, archivists, and students, thereby causing them to slink like
freakishly fantastic ghosts through the busiest streets of the most illustrious
cities in broad daylight, and to fly off the handle at each and every one of
their honest next-door neighbors. It is
true that in the course of your narrative there spontaneously arises a certain
ironic tone that nettles sluggardly minds, or, rather, imperceptibly lures
these minds into your foreign realm of enchantment like a good-natured rogue.”
“This ironic tone,” said
Theodor, “could be the most dangerous of all hazards, for it is a jagged rock
on which the inventive and descriptive charm that we demand from every fairy
tale can very easily run aground and founder.”
“Is it even possible,”
chimed in Lothar, “to ascertain a set of prescriptive criteria for such fictive
compositions? That noble, profound
master, Tieck, the creator of the most charming fairy tales imaginable, has put
only a few scattered if intelligent and instructive remarks on them into the
mouths of the personae in his Phantusus. According to these remarks, the principal
desideratum of a fairy tale is a silently momentous narrative tone, a certain
innocence in the descriptive language; a quality that captivates the soul like
gently rhapsodizing music, without din or bombast. A work of fantasy, according to Tieck’s
personae, ought not to leave behind the faintest trace of a bitter aftertaste;
it should be followed, rather, by an aftersavor,
a melodious echo. But do these remarks
really specify the single infungible note that must be struck by this genre of
fiction? I am not about to give any
further consideration to my ‘Nutcracker,’ because I myself confess that it is
dominated by a certain indefensible wantonness, and because in it I have dwelt
at rather too much length on adults and their actions; but I must observe that
our distant friend’s fairy tale ‘The
Golden Pot,’ to which you,
Cyprian, alluded earlier, perhaps contains something more of what the master
requires, and perhaps for this very reason it has received many a favorable
sentence at the courts of criticism.
What is more, I have bound myself under oath to bring a new fairy tale
to the little critics in my sister’s nursery next Christmas, and I solemnly
promise you to luxuriate less in wanton fantasy, and to be gentler, more
childlike. For now, be content that I
have brought you out of the terrifying, horror-ridden great pit at Falun and
into the light of day, and that you have become merry and of good cheer as
befits the brethren of Serapion, especially at the moment when they must take
leave of one another. For even as I
speak I can hear the midnight hour chiming.”
“May Serapion,” cried
Theodor, as he rose from his chair and raised aloft his brimful glass, “may
Serapion henceforth stand by us and give us the strength and the courage to
recount what we have beheld with the eyes of our true spirit!”
“With this invocation of
our patron saint, let us part once again as worthy Serapionian brethren!”
So said Cyprian, and once
again they all clinked their glasses together, rejoicing from the very bottom
of their hearts in the intimacy and warmth of feeling that were ever more
firmly consolidating their fair union.
Volume 2
(Part 3)
“There can be no doubt
whatsoever,” said Lothar at the next gathering of the Serapionian Brethren,
“there can be no doubt whatsoever that today our friend Cyprian has something
quite peculiar on his mind and in his mind’s eye, just as he did on that St. Serapion’s
Day that catalyzed the formation of our new union. He looks quite pale and distracted; he is bending
only half an ear to our conversation; and although he is most certainly of
sound body and sitting here in our midst, mentally speaking he seems to be very
much elsewhere.”
“And by being elsewhere,”
chimed in Ottmar, “he may be bringing himself closer to the madman whose name
day he is perhaps celebrating at this very moment.”
“And perhaps,” added
Theodor, “he is also discharging the surplus energy of his psyche in eccentric
sparks, as he takes all too much pleasure in doing. But I am sure that once he is finished, he
will regain his old subtle sensitivity to his fellow human beings and rejoin
our circle, in which he will be quite unable to help enjoying himself.”
“You are doing me an
injustice,” said Cyprian, “for the cause of my distraction is not some lunatic
intellectual construct but rather a piece of news that will undoubtedly delight
you all. Allow me to inform you that
today our friend Sylvester has arrived back in town from his sojourn in the
The friends rejoiced
vociferously at this announcement, for they all heartily loved and esteemed
Sylvester, a silent, companionable man whose inner poetry shone forth most
splendidly in beams of gentle, beauteous radiance.
“We couldn’t ask for a
worthier Serapionian brother,” said Theodor, “than our friend Sylvester.” To be sure, he is silent and withdrawn, and
it costs him a great deal of effort to get going as a contributor to a full-fledged
conversation, but at the same time no writer has ever been more sensitively
receptive to the work of a colleague than he is. He doesn’t need to say more than a few words
himself, for the expression on his face clearly and eloquently reveals to others
the impression being made on him by his friend’s words, and whenever his inner
contentment irradiates his features, and, indeed, his entire body, I feel more
content, happier, freer, merely in virtue of being near him!”
“In point of fact,” began
Ottmar, “it is this very quality that makes Sylvester such an unusual
person. It seems as if our most recent
writers have been quite studiously raging against that unassumingness that
might very well be the most characteristic quality of true poetic genius, and
even the better-minded among them could stand to be warier of whipping out
their sword merely in order to defend their claims, given that they are
absolutely incapable of re-sheathing it.
Sylvester roams the world unarmed like an innocent child. We have often accused him of being too
easygoing, of having accomplished far too little in virtue of the very
fecundity of his genius. But must one
always, constantly be writing and writing?
When Sylvester sits down and takes the true measure of an idea or object
in words, it is because he is irresistibly impelled to do so. He certainly never commits to paper anything
that he has not intimately felt and beheld in his soul of souls, and for this
reason alone he must be admitted to our society as a true Serapionian Brother.”
“Apart,” said Lothar,
“from that mystical and agreeable numeral, seven, I loathe all odd numbers and
believe that five Serapionian Brethren will never be capable of flourishing;
six, by contrast, will sit very gracefully around this circular table. Sylvester has arrived in town today, and as
it happens, that unsettled, unsteady soul Vincenz will soon be dropping anchor
here. We all know him well; we know that
aside from his fundamental good-naturedness, which he shares with Sylvester, he
embodies the most strident contrast to him.
Whereas Sylvester is silent and withdrawn, Vinzenz brims over with
knavish impertinence. He has an
indefatigable ability to representing everything, the most humdrum and the most
extraordinary phenomena, by means of the most bizarre images, and what is more,
he declaims all his utterances in a clear, almost strident tone and with an
extremely droll degree of pathos, such that his conversation is often akin to a
gallery of the most brilliantly parti-colored magic-lantern images, images that
in their incessantly restless alternation sweep your senses along and will not allow
you to get anything in the way of a sustained, contemplative view of any
“You have indeed,” chimed
in Theodor, “described our friend Vinzenz very accurately. But in connection with him you must not
forget something notably peculiar—namely that his splendidly luminous erudition
and his unstoppable and brilliantly combustive sense of humor are both
subservient to his soul’s utter captivation by all things mystical, and that he
invariably injects a strong dash of mysticism into his scientific speculations. You are all doubtless aware that he has
become positively addicted to the study of the science of medicine?”
“To be sure,” rejoined Ottmar, “and what is
more, he is the most zealous proponent of mesmerism alive, and I cannot deny
that I have heard straight from his mouth the most sagacious and profound
pronouncements that are to be uttered on this obscure subject.”
“Ho ho!” cried Lothar, laughing. “My dear
Ottmar, have you really been tutored by every mesmerist since the time of
Mesmer himself?—for I don’t see how you could otherwise so confidently proclaim
your ability to recognize the most sagacious and profound pronouncements that can
be made about mesmerism. But it is
indeed true that in virtue of the pellucidity of his gaze he is better
qualified than a thousand other people to conjure dreams and intimations into a
system. And what is more, he discusses
the subject with a jovial lightheartedness that I find quite ingratiating. Not long ago, when Vinzenz’s wanderings
brought him into a town where I already happened to be, I was plagued by an
absolutely unbearable nervous headache.
All the usual remedies had proved fruitless; Vinzenz stepped into the
room; I immediately started complaining to him about my affliction. ‘What?’ he cried in his patented clear voice,
‘What? You’re suffering from a
headache. Nothing more than that? It’ll be a cinch! In ten minutes I can exorcise your headache
to wherever you like—into the back of that chair, into that ink bottle, into
that spittoon, out of that window.’ And
with these words he began his mesmeric operation! It didn’t relieve my headache in the
slightest, but I could not help laughing heartily, and Vinzenz delightedly
exclaimed, ‘Do you see, my friend, how I have soundly trounced your headache in
a trice?’ Alas, I could not but ruefully
avow to him that my headache was every bit as agonizing as before, but Vinzenz
assured me that my present headache was but a delusory echo of the earlier
one. And yet that pesky echo lasted
several more days. I must take this
opportunity to confess to you, my worthy Serapionian Brethren, that I have
absolutely no faith in the curative power of so-called mesmerism. The ingenious intellectual efforts undertaken
on its behalf remind me of the disquisitions of the English academicians whom
the king directed to determine why a bucket of water with a ten-pound fish in
it weighed no more than another one filled with water alone. Several of them had already successfully
solved the problem and were pining to demonstrate their ingenuity to the king,
when somebody sagely suggested that the very question at issue should be
investigated beforehand. Whereupon the fish fully asserted its rights; on
the scales it contributed its exactly appropriate addition to the weight on its
side; and lo and behold, the very problem to which these sages had produced the
most magnificent solutions by dint of the most penetrating reflections proved
to be absolutely nonexistent.”
“Now, now,” said Ottmar,
“hold on there, you unpoetic, schismatic infidel! If you don’t believe in mesmerism, how do you
explain the fact that not so very long ago—but at this point I am obliged tell
you two, Cyprian and Theodor, a quite ponderously circumstantial story that
will make all Lothar’s ignominiously disdainful expressions of unbelief come
tumbling back on to his own head. You
will already have heard that not so very long ago our Lothar was suffering from
an ailment that principally attacked his nerves; it had an indescribably
debilitating effect on him: it spoiled his sense of humor and drained away all
his pleasure in living. One day I enter
his room as the very embodiment of sympathy, the very embodiment of
commiseration. Lothar is sitting there
in his armchair, a nightcap pulled down over his ears, pale, sleep-starved, and
bleary-eyed; sitting across from him, whom God has certainly not blessed with a
superfluity of height, is a man of equally short stature who starts breathing
on him and then runs his fingers over his hunched back and places his hand on
the hollow beneath his breastbone and gently whispers: ‘How do you feel now,
Lothar my dear fellow?’ And Lothar opens
his little eyes and smiles quite a tearful smile and says through a sigh:
‘Better—much better, dearest Doctor!’ In
short, Lothar, who has no faith in the curative power of mesmerism, who
explains away everything as an empty mental phantom, Lothar, who pours scorn on
all mesmerists—who sees nothing but empty mystification in their activities—Lothar
allowed himself to be mesmerized!”
Cyprian and Theodor
laughed heartily at the grotesque image Ottmar had conjured up before their
very eyes. “How dare you,” said Lothar,
“how dare you breathe so much as a word about such things, Ottmar? The physical principle exerts such a
deleterious influence on the psychic principle, and every human being is so
lamentably weak in virtue of the extremely peculiar constitution of his
organism, that every abnormal condition, every illness, engenders in him a fit
of anxiety, a momentary madness, that impels him to engage in the most bizarre
activities. Highly intelligent men who
have found the remedies of the physicians ineffectual have been known to take
refuge in old crones’ cures and to make fervently religious use of homeopathic
prescriptions and Lord knows what else!
The fact that once upon a time I succumbed to the lure of mesmerism
during a violent attack of nerves is an illustration of my ordinary human
frailty and of nothing beyond that.”
“You must forgive me,”
chimed in Cyprian, “you must forgive me, my dear Lothar, for regarding your
present inclination to cock a skeptical eye at mesmerism as the product of a
mere passing fit of pique. What is
mesmerism, conceived as a means of healing, other than the potential energy of
the psychic principle, which energy enables us to master the physical
principle; to sound it to its uttermost depths; to apprehend even the slightest
abnormality in its condition, and to make right this condition through the
comprehensive understanding of such abnormalities? It is impossible for you to deny the power of
our psychic principle, impossible for you to even to wish to turn a deaf ear to
the wondrous chords that resound into us and out of us, to the mystery-laden
music of the spheres, which is the great immutable animating principle of
nature itself.”
“You are carrying on,”
retorted Lothar, “in your usual vein; you are reveling in mystical
ravings. I will concede to you that the
doctrine of mesmerism, in veering quite noticeably into the domain of the
phantasmal, is endlessly appealing to everyone of a poetic disposition. I myself can hardly deny that the dark matter
of that doctrine has innervated and vivified my very soul of souls or that I
continue to find it powerfully stimulating, but I must ask you to hear me out
as I deliver a brief and candid recitation of my credo. Whoever is so audacious and foolhardy as to
attempt to penetrate the deepest mystery of nature axiomatically wishes to
acquire definitive knowledge, or failing that, a distinct intimation, of the
essence of that mysterious ligature that conjoins the mind and the body and
thereby conditions our soul. And yet
mesmerism is entirely based on the presumption of this knowledge, and as long
as the latter remains unattainable, the doctrine in the derivation of its data
from individual perceptions, which are often simply illusions, will be of no
greater value than the heuristic groping of those who have been blind since
birth. It is certain that there are
heightened states in which the mind overpowers the body, inhibiting its
movement, and thereby exerts a powerful influence productive of some extremely
peculiar phenomena. Intimations, dark
presentiments, take on distinct shapes, and we behold with all the force of our
complete comprehensive capacity that which torpidly slumbered deep in our soul;
one such state is the dream, which is undoubtedly the most marvelous phenomenon
in the human organism, whose highest potentiality may very well (to my mind) be
manifested in so-called somnambulism.
But it is equally certain that such a state presupposes some kind of
abnormality in the relationship between the psychic and physical
principle. Our most vivid and forceful
dreams come upon us when the body is in the grip of some pathological
emotion. The mind then exploits its
fellow-sovereign’s impotence, and taking sole possession of the throne, makes
the body its feudal vassal, utterly beholden to its every beck and call. Of course mesmerism is also supposed to be indicated by some
pathological condition of the body. It
may moreover be the case that from time to time nature permits a psychic
dualism wherein the twofold reciprocity of spiritual intercourse engenders the
most remarkable phenomena, but in my opinion, such a dualism must be permitted
by nature, and it seems to me that
any attempt to evoke it at will and without the license of the queen is
possibly treasonous and most certainly a very hazardous act. I will go even further. I cannot deny that experience has shown me that
the deliberate evocation of that potential state of the soul, if that state is
indicated by some abnormality in the organism, is possible; moreover, I shall
concede that the alien psychic principle can in highly mysterious manner
capture the spiritual potential of the mesmerized person in some fluid—or
whatever else one cares to term it—in the medium fully embodied in and
radiating from the mesmerist (thanks to magnetic manipulation) and by capturing
it produce that condition that deviates from the rule of all human life and
existence and that even in its much-vaunted ecstasy carries within it all the
horror of the alien spiritual realm. I
say I cannot deny any of that, but in defiance of all theories to the contrary,
I will always regard this procedure as a recklessly perpetrated act of unholy violence
whose effects have yet to be ascertained.
Somebody somewhere has said that mesmerism is a dangerously sharp
scalpel in the hands of a child, and I second that dictum wholeheartedly. If people must be so presumptuous as to try
to exert an influence on the spiritual principles of their fellow men and
women, it seems to me that the barbaric doctrine of the spiritualists—which
without recourse to any manipulation engages nothing but conscious desires and
beliefs—is by far the purest and the most innocent. To secure a strong will is
to pose a modest question to nature, the question of whether she will allow
spiritual dualism, and she alone can make that decision. In this respect a proper
mesmerism at the baquet in which the mesmerist refrains from intervening may at
least be less harmless, inasmuch as during such an event the exertion of any
adverse effects by an alien spiritual principle is unimaginable. And yet!: the world is now teeming with
people recklessly—and indeed, in the throes of arrant self-deception and
unwitting ostentation—practicing that darkest of all the dark sciences, if one
may by any stretch of the imagination term mesmerism a science. A certain foreign doctor has related that like
Bartels in his Physiology and Physics of
Mesmerism he was astonished to find German doctors treating mesmerized
individuals as despotically and experimenting on them as brazenly as if they
had a physical apparatus in the room with them.
In the light of the these unfortunate goings-on, I would much—very
much—rather disbelieve in mesmerism, or at least in its curative powers, than
be prepared to accept the notion that my very own life might someday be
irrevocably destroyed by that spooky dalliance with an alien force.”
“The only conclusion,” chimed in Theodor, “the
only conclusion to be drawn from all the far from superficial or spurious
things you have just said about mesmerism is that it was in direct defiance of
your own convictions that you regaled us earlier on with the little anecdote
about the ten-pound fish, that you actually believe wholeheartedly in the
influential powers of mesmerism, that out of pure dread you have firmly
resolved not to let any mesmerist’s manipulative fingers anywhere near the
ganglia of your back or any other part of your body. As it happens, I am just as fearful of alien
spiritual principles as you are, and you must permit me to append to your credo
an illustrative footnote in the form of a story about how I got mixed up in
mesmerism. It was thanks to a certain
university friend of mine who was zealously studying the science of medicine that
I was introduced to the mysterious doctrine of mesmerism. As you all are well
acquainted with the kind of person I am, it will not surprise you to learn that
I was profoundly captivated by everything pertaining to that doctrine that came
my way. I read everything about it that
I could get my hands on, including, eventually, a well-known and clever
description of mesmerism as a medical treatment. From the beginning this book tended to arouse
my skepticism, for it gave no specifically scientific consideration to its
subject and largely consisted of a catalogue of examples; and it also
uncritically mixed together proven facts with the stuff of fairy tales and
indeed with phenomena that had been conclusively debunked as pure myth. My friend was impervious to all my attempts
to persuade him of the reasonableness of my reservations and finally averred to
me that a purely theoretical study of mesmerism could never awaken in me the
faith that was indispensable to an acceptance of the doctrine, and that this
awakening would take place only once I had witnessed some mesmeric operations
with my own eyes. But in those days there were no opportunities to
do that at the university; even if a promising mesmerist had been locatable
there, not a single person there evinced the slightest inclination towards
somnambulism or clairvoyance.
“I came to the capital of
our kingdom. Just then mesmerism was in
full flower there. The entire town was
talking about the marvelous mesmeric crises of an intelligent and highly
cultivated lady who after a few not especially significant attacks of nerves
had almost spontaneously become a sleepwalker and then a clairvoyant whom the
most assiduous devotees of mesmerism termed the most psychically gifted person
there had ever been or ever could be. I
succeeded in making the acquaintance of the doctor who was treating her, and as
he instantly perceived that I was an enthusiastic student with a hunger for
knowledge, he promised to bring me into the presence of this lady as soon as
she began to slip into one of her crises.
And so he did: at six o’clock one evening, he said to me, ‘Come along; I
am certain that my patient has just fallen into a mesmeric slumber.’ On tenterhooks with anticipation, I entered
the lady’s elegant, and indeed ornately decorated, apartment. The windows were completely covered by drawn
pink silk curtains, so that the rays of the setting sun magically bathed the
entire interior of the room in a roseate luster. The somnambulist lay supine on the sofa and
attired in a highly alluring negligée; her eyes were firmly shut, and she was
breathing softly as though immersed in the deepest of slumbers.
Gathered around her in a circle of
substantial circumference were a small number of true believers—a pair of young
women who were rolling their eyes, heaving deep sighs, and generally giving
every sign of being all too eager to be in the somnambulist’s place to the
edification of two young men, an army officer and a well-educated civilian, who
both seemed to set very ardent hopes on this important moment, and a pair of
elderly ladies who with bowed heads and clasped hands were eavesdropping on
their somnambulistic friend’s every breath.
Everybody was awaiting her attainment of the authentic peak of
receptiveness to clairvoyant visions. At
length, the mesmerist, who had initially forborne entering into communication
with his subject—for, as he had assured them all, once established any
communicative link would be extremely difficult to break–approached the
somnambulist and began speaking with her.
She described to him certain moments during which he had been thinking
about her with especial intensity earlier that day and also mentioned many
other things that had happened to him in the course of it. Finally she asked him to cast aside the ring
that he was carrying with him in a red morocco leather box and that he had never before had on his
person—to cast it aside because, she said, its gold and more especially its
diamond were exerting an inimical influence on her. Evincing every sign of the most profound
astonishment, the mesmerist stepped back and produced the just-mentioned case
and ring, which he had received from the jeweler’s only a few hours earlier, so
that the somnambulist could have learned of its existence only via the mesmeric
link. This miracle with the ring exerted such a powerful
influence on the two young ladies that, heaving a deep sigh apiece they
instantly sought refuge in an armchair, and by means of a few well-aimed taps
from the mesmerist, they both collapsed into a mesmeric slumber. Once the fatal box had been cast aside, the
mesmerist performed a few stunts with his somnambulist especially for my
delectation. She sneezed when he took a pinch of snuff, she
read a letter that he had placed against the hollow beneath her breastbone,
etc. At length he tried to use his
influence to establish a communicative link between the somnambulist and me. The attempt was magnificently
successful. She described me from head
to toe and averred that she had long since known that the mesmerist had a
certain friend of whose features she had formed an exact picture and that she
had been expecting the mesmerist to bring him to see her this very day. She seemed to be highly
gratified by my presence. Suddenly she
stopped speaking and sat bolt upright; it seemed to me that her eyelids were
trembling, that her lips were twitching slightly. The mesmerist reported to the inquisitive
spectators that the somnambulist was passing over into the fifth level, into
that state in which the mind is capable of contemplating itself in isolation
from the external world of the senses. Thanks to this news the young men’s
attention was distracted from the slumbering demoiselles at the very moment
when they were beginning to become interesting. One of them had already averred
with conviction that the young officer’s hairstyle, with which she now enjoyed
a mesmeric link, had a very agreeable aura; but the other maintained that the
general’s wife who lived on the ground floor of the house was just then
drinking fine caravan tea whose aroma she could smell through the first floor, and she clairvoyantly prophesied
that in a quarter of an hour she would awake from her mesmeric slumber and
drink some tea herself and even have a bit of cake to boot. The somnambulating lady
recommenced speaking, but in a strange new voice that I must admit I found
uncommonly euphonious. Moreover, she was speaking in such a mystical vein
and employing such outlandish figures of speech that I could not make head or
tail of what she was saying; meanwhile the mesmerist assured us that she was
saying the most magnificent, profound, and instructive things about her own
stomach. I could not but sincerely believe
he was telling the truth. Next the
mesmerist explained that having broken free of her stomach she was now really
soaring. From time to time she seemed to
be uttering entire sentences I had read somewhere before—for example in Novalis’s fragments or Schelling’s On the Soul of the World. Then she stiffened and
sank back into the cushions. The mesmerist believed that she would soon be
waking up and asked us to leave the room because, he said, the sight of so many
people standing round her at that moment might have an adverse effect on her. So we were sent home. The two demoiselles, to whom everybody had
long since ceased paying any attention, had thought it proper to awaken even
earlier and now softly slunk out of the room.
You can hardly imagine what a peculiar effect the entire scene had on
me. Setting aside the two fatuous young
women, who had been happy enough to occupy the uninteresting position of inert
spectators, I could not fend off the thought that the lady somnambulist on the
sofa had been giving a well-thought out, scripted, and impeccably rehearsed
performance with great artistry.
I knew the mesmerist too well—namely, as a man of
the utmost probity and candor who could not but have abhorred a comedy of this
sort from the very depths of his soul—to harbor the faintest suspicion that he
might have contributed to any such imposture for his own material benefit, let
alone out of some tedious proselytizing impulse. If such an imposture was being practiced, it
must have been the exclusive handiwork of the lady, whose artistry was
presumably more than a match for the scientific knowledge, insight, and powers
of observation of the doctor, who was perhaps rather too keenly infatuated with
the new theory for his own good. I was
not within my rights to ask what purpose such self-torture—for there was no
other word for the simulation of such a violently disruptive state—what purpose
such self-torture could serve. For had I
not already learned of the Devil-possessed Ursuline sisters of Loudon, of the
meowing nuns, of those women contorted into hideously disjointed postures by
their ecstasies, not to mention that woman in the hospital at Würzburg who, in
utter disregard of the most excruciating pain, drove needles and shards of
broken glass into the holes left in her arms by bloodletting merely in order to
surprise her doctor with the presence of these foreign bodies in her
bloodstream, or, indeed, the case of the notorious Manson woman in very recent
times—indeed, I reflected, did not every age have its passel of women willing
to put their health, their lives, their reputations, their freedom, at risk,
merely for the sake of persuading the world to regard them as extraordinary
beings and to speak of them as miraculous apparitions? But back to my somnambulizing lady! I did at least venture to hint gently at my
doubts about her to the doctor. But he
averred with a smile that these doubts were but a defeated man’s last feeble
gasps of shammed scepticism. He said that the lady had
repeatedly told him my presence was exerting a beneficent influence on her, and
that such being the case, he very much hoped that I would become a regular
guest of hers during these sessions, and that in doing this I would become wholly
convinced of the validity of the theory. And in point of fact, I attended several more of
the sessions and gradually found myself inclining to a belief in mesmerism, and
this inclination approached a full-fledged conviction when, after I had got the
mesmerist to put me in communication with her during one of her somnambulistic
trances, she began telling me about the most inconceivably arcane events of my
own life, including a nervous illness I had contracted after death had snatched
a beloved sister away from me. But to my
great annoyance, the number of my fellow-guests kept increasing, and the
mesmerist began trying to pass the lady off as a veritable soothsaying Sybil,
inasmuch as he started having her utter oracular pronouncements on the lives
and states of health of total strangers with whom he put her in
communication. One day I recognized one
of the spectators as a famous old physician who was known to be the most
cantankerous doubter, the fiercest adversary, of the mesmeric cure. Before he arrived, the lady, already immersed
in her mesmeric slumber, had predicted that this time the trance would last
longer than usual, and that she would not awake until two full hours had
passed. Soon afterwards she reached the highest level of clairvoyance and began
her mystical oration. The mesmerist
assured us that at this highest level of genuine ecstasy the somnambulist, a
spiritually pure being, had completely sloughed off her corporeal integument
and was utterly insensible to every form of physical pain. The old doctor was of the
opinion that for the benefit of science and for the sake of convincing all the
unfaithful a radical experiment was now in order. He proposed pressing a red-hot iron against
the sole of one of the lady’s feet and seeing if she subsequently remained
impassive. He acknowledged that such an
experiment might seem barbarically cruel, but that in this case it would not
be, as the medicament necessary to alleviate any ensuing burns could be applied
immediately, for he happened to have ready to hand a goodly quantity of just
such a remedy, together with a small iron.
He produced from his bag both the iron and the medicine. The mesmerist assured everyone that upon
waking the lady would pay no mind to the pain she would be suffering for the
benefit of the noble cause of science, and he called for a stewpot. The vessel was brought in; the doctor stuck
his little iron into the embers of the hearth.
At that moment the lady made a sudden, convulsive movement, fetched a
deep sigh, woke up, and complained that she was indisposed! The old doctor cast a withering glance at her, unceremoniously
cooled his iron in the mesmerically charged water directly within reach on the
tea-table, stuck the iron back into his bag, took up his hat and cane, and
exited the premises. The scales fell
from my eyes; I hurried away, exasperated, infuriated by the ignoble piece of
mystification that the refined lady had foisted upon her kind-hearted mesmerist
and upon all the rest of us.
The news that neither the mesmerist nor
those pious souls who regarded their visits to the lady’s salon as a kind of
divine service had been enlightened in the slightest by the old doctor’s
stratagem should surprise you no more than the news that for my part I then rejected
the whole practice of mesmerism as a wholly chimerical simulation of clairvoyance
and did not care to hear another word about it ever again.
My destiny brought me to B----. There, too, mesmerism was much talked about,
but no mention was made of any attempts to practice it. People did talk about a certain doctor, an
estimable and famous physician who was of an advanced age like the doctor back
in the capital who carried gruesome anti-somnambulistic irons in his bag; he
was the director of the city’s splendidly appointed hospital and a firm and
outspoken adversary of mesmeric healing, and it was said that he had cavalierly
forbidden his subordinates to practice it.
It therefore naturally came as a great
surprise when I eventually learned that this selfsame physician was practicing
mesmerism at the hospital, albeit under conditions of the utmost secrecy.
After I had gotten to know the worthy man
fairly well, I tried to get him talking on the subject of mesmerism. He eluded my efforts. Eventually, when I had been talking about that
dark science long enough to prove that I was something of an authority on it,
he asked me how the practice of mesmeric healing was faring in the capital. Without further ado, I quite frankly and
candidly told him the marvelous story about the somnambulistic lady who
suddenly returned from celestial rapture to terrestrial soil when she learned
she was about to receive a slight burn on one of her feet. “That will do, that will do!” he cried as
sparks of lightning flashed in his eyes, and he abruptly broke off the
conversation. Eventually, after I had
more firmly secured his trust and goodwill, he said that numerous indisputably
authentic experiences had convinced him of the existence of this mysterious
natural force known as mesmerism and of the beneficence of this force in
certain cases, but that he regarded the awakening of this force as the most
dangerous experiment ever effected, an experiment that only physicians capable
of maintaining perfect spiritual composure in the presence of the most
passionate enthusiasm should be entrusted to carry out. He said that in the practice of no other
science was self-deception likelier, nay, easier; and that he regarded as
inauthentic every experiment in which the mesmeric patient had been told very
many tales about the wonders of mesmerism beforehand and was intelligent and
cultivated enough to have some idea of what it was all about. That poetic or fundamentally highly strung
souls found the allure of existing in a higher spiritual world far too
seductive to avoid reflexively yielding to all manner of outlandish imaginings
in their ardent yearning to attain this state of being. That the mesmerist’s fancied dominion over
the foreign psychic principle was quite an amusing thing when he surrendered
unconditionally to the rhapsodic fantasies of such overwrought persons instead
of curbing them with the bit and bridle of prosaic reality. Moreover, he by no means denied that he
himself practiced mesmeric healing at his hospital. And yet, he said, he believed that his manner of applying it,
with a pure, firm sense of conviction and with the help of doctors especially
chosen by him and operating under his strictest supervision, precluded any
possibility of malpractice, that indeed his method could only eventuate in both
beneficent effects on the patients and the amplification of mankind’s knowledge
of this most mysterious of all medical remedies. He concluded by promising to break all his
own rules and allow me to witness a session of mesmeric healing if a case
requiring it should arise, provided that I promised to forestall the
importunities of the inquisitive mobility by maintaining absolute silence after
the session.
Chance soon afforded me the sight of one of
the most remarkable somnambulists the world has yet known.
In the house of a poor
farmer in a village about 20 miles from B. the chief doctor of the mesmeric
circle discovered a girl of sixteen whose parents bewailed her condition amid
the shedding of bitter tears. They said
that their daughter could be properly termed neither ill nor healthy. That she felt no pain, no discomfort, ate and
drank, often slept for days on end, and at the same was losing weight and
getting wearier and weaker with each passing day, such that for some time it
had been quite out of the question for her to do any work. The doctor convinced himself that the
condition afflicting the poor child was rooted in a nervous malady and that the
mesmeric cure was most certainly indicated in this case. He explained to her parents that that it
would be quite impossible to cure their daughter there in the village, but that
in B. she could be cured completely if they would only resolve to bring the
child to the hospital there, where she would receive the best care and
medicines, for neither of which would they be charged a single kreutzer. After much difficult wrangling they consented
to this proposal. Even before the
administration of the mesmeric cure had begun, I repaired to the hospital with
my medical friend to witness it. I found the girl in a well-lighted,
high-ceilinged room that had been scrupulously furnished with every conceivable
convenience. She had a very delicate bone-structure
for a woman of her humble station, and her finely sculpted face could have been
called almost beautiful had it not been disfigured by her lifeless eyes, the
cadaverous pallor of her complexion, and her bloodless lips. It seemed to me that her illness might very well have been
exerting a detrimental influence on her intellectual faculties; she seemed to
be possessed of very limited powers of comprehension, and she answered every
question posed to her only with great effort and in the broad, execrable,
incomprehensible dialect of the peasantry in that part of the country. The director had chosen as her mesmerist a
young, vigorous medical student whose entire visage radiated candor and
good-naturedness and in whose interventions he had convinced himself the girl
would acquiesce. The course of mesmeric
treatments began. There was never any
talk whatsoever about admitting idle curiosity-seekers, having the patient
perform any showy tricks, or the like.
Nobody apart from the mesmerist was ever in attendance but the director,
who supervised the all the sessions with the utmost concentration and the most
scrupulous attention to their minutest details, and myself. At first the child seemed fairly unreceptive,
but soon she was regularly making rapid ascents from level to level, until
after three weeks she attained the state of genuine clairvoyance. You must spare me the labor of mentioning
every single one of the miraculous phenomena that now manifested themselves in
each of these crises; let it suffice for me to assure you here, where no
deception is possible, that in my heart of hearts I was convinced of the
reality of that state that the professors of magnetism describe as the highest
level of clairvoyance. In this state,
Kluge says, the rapport with the mesmerist is so intimate that the clairvoyant
not only instantaneously knows when the mesmerist’s thoughts are wandering and
not intently dwelling on the clairvoyant’s condition, but can also ever-so-
distinctly apprehend all the images and ideas forming in the mesmerist’s soul. At the same time the clairvoyant becomes
completely subservient to the will of his mesmerist, at the behest of whose
psychic principle alone he is capable of thinking, speaking, or acting. This description exactly corresponds to the
condition in which our somnambulistic peasant girl found herself. I’ve no wish to bore you with everything that happened to the
patient and her mesmerist when they were in this state, but let me give you
just one example, and for me the most telling one! While still in this condition, and while
smiling the most charming smile, the child spoke in the pure, cultivated German
of her mesmerist, and she repeatedly delivered her replies in the most
cultivated tone, and by means of the most judiciously selected words—in short,
exactly as the mesmerist himself would have delivered them. And as she was thus holding forth, her cheeks
blushed, her lips turned an incandescent purple, and each and every lineament
of her countenance seemed genuinely ennobled!
Naturally I was impressed, but more
significantly the utter absence of willpower on the part of the somnambulist,
her total surrender of her ego, her dismally abject dependence on a foreign
spiritual principle—nay, the predication of her very existence on this foreign
principle—filled me with horror and disgust.
Indeed, I could not help feeling the most profound, heartrending
compassion for the poor girl, and this feeling persisted even as I was
compelled to observe that the course of mesmeric treatment was proving highly
salutary as the little darling blossomed into the very picture of vigorous good
health and thanked the mesmerist, the director, and even me for all the
improvement she was enjoying—all the while speaking her dialect more broadly
and more incomprehensibly than ever before.
The director seemed to notice my unfavorable attitude and to share it. We have never come to a consensus on this case, and with very
good reason! I have never since been
able to bring myself to be present at a session of mesmeric treatment, for I
cannot bear to think of the kinds of experiences I might have at such a session
now that I have followed the course of treatment administered to that peasant
girl, an example of mesmeric treatment whose complete authenticity demonstrated
the marvelous power of mesmerism to me while at the same time placing me at the
edge of a terrible abyss that I could not gaze down into without
shuddering. And so I have been firmly
converted to Lothar’s opinion.”
“And I,” chimed in Ottmar, “and I should
like to add that I am of the exact same opinion as both of you, and so we now
we are all of one mind regarding this marvelous mystery that we have been
discussing. To be sure, my fellow
champions of mesmerism, any competent physician who is a proponent of mesmerism
will quite rationally and soundly rebuke us, nay, scold us like children, for
daring to pit our vague, untutored laymen’s hunch against a clear and
professionally formed conviction; nevertheless, I believe we shall prove hard
to convince. But we also mustn’t forget
that none of us can ever be entirely averse to mesmerism, given that in our
Serapionian efforts mesmerism can quite often serve as quite an effective lever
for setting unknown, mysterious forces in motion. You yourself, my dear Lothar, have often
availed yourself of this lever, and even in your edifying tale about Nutcracker
and the Mouse King, Marie is occasionally nothing other than a little
somnambulist. But whither have we rambled
so far afield of our original subject, namely our friend Vincenz?”
“The transition was a natural one,” said
Lothar; “our path through the field forged itself. If Vinzenz becomes a member of our
brotherhood, we shall inevitably end up spending even more time discussing the
mysterious matters with which he is quite genuinely obsessed. But several minutes ago Cyprian stopped
paying attention to our conversation and produced a manuscript from his pocket,
and he has been leafing through that manuscript instead of listening to us ever
since. Protocol requires us to give him
the floor now so that he can disburden his heart.”
“As a matter of fact,” said Cyprian, “I did
find your conversation about mesmerism tedious and annoying, and if you don’t
mind, I’ll read you a Serapionian tale that Wagenseil’s history of Nuremberg
inspired me to compose. And as you are
listening, you must bear in mind that it was never my intention to pen some
critical antiquarian disquisition on that famous War of the Wartburg; that
instead and after my own fashion, I exploited that event as the subject of a
story in which I described everything exactly as it appeared to me in all the
pellucid clarity of my soul’s eye.”
Cyprian read:
Contest of the Singers
During the night of the
equinox, when winter and spring are just on the point of parting company, a man
was sitting in a solitary chamber with Johann Christoph Wagenseil’s book on the
ingratiating art of the Meistersingers lying open before him on his desk. Outside a roaring, blustering tempest was
sweeping the fields amd beating fat raindrops against the clattering windows,
and winter was whistling and howling its frantic farewells through every
chimney in the house as the beams of the full moon flitted and fluttered on the
walls like pale ghosts. But the man paid
no heed to any of this; instead, he slammed the book shut and, still utterly
captivated by its enchanting depiction of a long-bygone age, gazed pensively
into the crackling and spluttering flames in the fireplace. Then he felt as though some invisible being
were draping one veil after another over his head, so that everything around
him seemed to be dissolving into an ever-thickening mist. The savage fury of
the storm and the crackling of the fire were transformed into gentle harmonic
whispering and murmuring, and an inner voice told him that this was the dream
whose wings so fetchingly soughed whenever it lay down to sleep on the bosom of
humankind like a pious child and awkened the inner eye with a sweet kiss, thus
enabling it to behold the images of a higher life full of luster and
splendor. A blindingly bright light
flared up from below with all the suddenness of a bolt of lightning; the
veil-hooded man opened his eyes, but his gaze was no longer occluded by any
veils or misty clouds. He was lying on a patch of flowering greensward
in the middle of a beautifully luxuriant forest. The springs were murmuring, the bushes were
whispering as if exchanging amorous secrets, and intermittently a nightingale
sang its sweet plaint. The matutinal
wind rose, and by rolling along the clouds in its way as it forged ahead, it
cleared a path for the bright, ingratiating sunlight, which by and by was
shimmering on all the luscious green leaves and awakening the little birds, who
then burst into gladsome trills and began flitting and hopping from twig to
twig. Then the merry sound of horns
being winded resounded from afar; the quarry rustlingly shook itself out of its
slumbers; does and stags with canny eyes peeked out of the bushes for a look at
the man lying on the ground and then
timorously sprang back into the covert.
The horns fell silent, but immediately afterwards a new sound commenced,
the sound of harps and voices playing and singing together in magnificent
harmony like the music of heaven. The
beauteous vocal music drew nearer and nearer; hunters with their spears in
their hands and their shiny hunting-horns slung over their shoulders emerged on
horseback from the depths of the forest.
They were followed by a fine figure of a gentleman riding a handsome
golden-brown steed and attired in the old German style; at his side on a
palfrey rode a dazzlingly beautiful lady in exquisite finery. But
now astride six steeds of various colors there arrived six men whose attire and
expressive faces were redolent of a long-bygone age. They had laid their horses’ reins
across their necks and were playing lutes and harps and singing in wondrously
clear-toned voices as their horses, at once pacified and guided by the sweet
music’s enchantment, danced along the forest path behind the royal couple in a
succession of short jumps. And when,
every so often, the music fell silent for a few seconds, the hunters would wind
the horns, and the neighing of the steeds would resound like an exuberant cry
of jubilation. Sumptuously liveried
pages and footmen rounded out the festive procession, which then vanished into
the deep undergrowth of the forest.
Still profoundly
dumbstruck by this curious, marvelous spectacle, our man pulled himself up from
the ground and cried out in an enraptured tone: “O Lord of heaven and earth:
has that noble antique age really emerged from its tomb in the churchyard of
history? Who were all those magnificent people?”
Then a deep voice behind him said: “Hey, dear sir! Can you really have failed to recognize those
men and women who still hold your thoughts and your senses in thrall?” He
turned around and took in the sight of a serious and highly preposessing man in
a long, curly wig and an entirely black suit that looked as though it dated
from about the year 1680. He instantly
recognized this man as the learned old Professor Johann Christoph Wagenseil,
who continued speaking thus: “You really should have known that the fine figure
of a gentleman in a princely cloak was none other than the redoubtable
Landgrave Hermann of Thuringia. The lady
riding beside him was the jewel of his court, the noble Countess Mathilde, the
astonishingly young widow of the late elderly Count Cuno von Falkenstein. The six men riding behind behind them while
singing and playing lutes and harps are the six masters of song whom the noble
landgrave, a ruler devoted body and soul to the beauteous art of vocal music,
has assembled at his court. The merry
hunt has just commenced, but afterwards the singers will gather in a lovely
clearing in the middle of the forest and begin a singing competition. Let us
repair thither forthwith, so that we shall already be there at the conclusion
of the hunt. They set out for the
clearing, and as they were walking, the forest and the distant cliff-faces
reverberated with the winding of the horns, the baying of the hounds, the
huzzahing of the hunters. Everything
unfolded as if in obliging conformity to Professor Wagenseil wishes; no sooner
did they reach the luminously golden-green clearing than the landgrave, the
countess, and the six masters were just visible in the distance and slowly
drawing nearer: “I will now” began Wagenseil, “I will now, my dear sir!, point
out to you each of the masters and tell you their names. Do you see that man who is so gaily looking
in every which direction as he holds the reins taut and lets his horse approach
us with a merilly mincing gait? See the
landgrave nodding at him; see him bursting into a resounding peal of
laughter. That is the ebullient Walther
von Vogelweid. The one with the broad
shoulders, with the thick curly beard, with a knight’s armaments; the one who
is riding towards us at a ponderous pace on the back of a steed striped like a
tiger—that is Reinhard von Zwekhstein.
Hey, hey—look at that man on the little piebald horse who is actually
riding deeper into the woods instead of towards us! He is gazing meditatively into space; he is
smiling as though beauteous images were rising up from the earth before his
eyes. That is the formidable Professor
Heinrich Schreiber. His mind is indeed
very much in another place; he obviously is not giving a thought either to this
clearing or to the singing competition, for as you can see, my dear sir, by now
he has burrowed so deeply into the narrow forest path that the tips of the
tree-branches are grazing his temples.
Now Johannes Bitterolff is trotting over to him. Do you see Bitterolff—that handsome
red-bearded man on a dun? He is calling
out to the professor. The latter is awakening from his
reverie. Now the two of them are
rejoining the group. What is that tremendous roar coming from that dense patch
of shrubbery? Do roving whirlwinds really keep so close to the ground in the
forest? Hey! It is no whirlwind, but a horseman spurning his steed with such
ferocity that it is ascending into the air with its sides covered in lather.
Just take a look at that beauteously pale youth with his eyes all ablaze and
every muscle in his face drawn taut with suffering, as though he is being
tormented by some invisible being sitting behind him in the saddle. That is Heinrich von Ofterdingen. So what can possibly have come over him? At first he was riding towards us so calmly
and singing along with the other masters so majestically! But O, behold, now, the magnificent rider on
the snow-white Arabic horse. Behold him
leaping down from the saddle, behold how, with the reins slung round his arm,
in a gesture of truly knightly gallantry he reaches his hand over to Countess
Mathilde and floats her gently down from her palfry. How gracefully he stands there radiantly
gazing at the lovely woman with his clear blue eyes. He is Wolfframb von Eschinbach! But now they are all taking their places; the
singing competition is about to begin!”
Each of the
masters, one after the other, now sang a majestic song. It was easy to perceive that each of them was
striving to surpass the master who had sung before him. But in the end not one of them seemed to have
attained his goal; it was quite impossible to determine which of them had sung
most majestically—and yet Lady Mathilde was leaning over towards Wolfframb von
Eschinbach as if she were about to crown him with the victor’s wreath she was
holding in her hands. At that moment
Heinrich von Ofterdingen leapt up from his seat; sparks of savage fire flashed
from his dark eyes; as he swiftly stepped forward into middle of the clearing,
a gust of wind tore his beret off his head, leaving his bared forelocks
standing upright like spikes atop his death-pale brow. “Stop!” he shrieked, “stop! The prize has not been won yet; my song, my song must be sung, and only then may the landgrave decide who is
entitled to receive the wreath.”
Whereupon by some utterly inscrutable agency there appeared in his hand
an instrument of eldritch construction, a lute in the shape of some petrified
creature never before seen on earth. He
began strumming this lute so
forcefully that its drone carried to the very verge of the forest. Then he began singing along in a sonorous
voice. His song praised and extolled the
foreign king who was more powerful than all other kings, a king to whom all
masters were obliged to pay homage if they shunned the path to shame and
ignomy. From time to time the lute
emitted certain strangely jarring tones that had an unmistakably derisive sound
to them. The landgrave glared furiously
at the impetuous singer. Then the other
masters rose and began singing a different song in unison. It seemed that Ofterdingen’s song was about
to be drowned out completely by this chorus, but he kept plucking the strings
of his instrument; forcefully and ever more forcefully he plucked them, until
they all broke with an ear-rending wail of terror. In the place of the lute, which Otterdingen
had been cradling in his arm, a horrifying tenebrous figure was standing
directly in front of Otterdingen, who was starting to sink to the ground; the
figure then embraced him and lifted him high into the air. The masters’ singing died away in an echo;
black fog descended on the forest and into the clearing and draped everything
in nocturnal darkness. Then a
majestically coruscating milk-white star ascended from the depths and ambled
upwards along the celestial path, drawing along behind it the singers sitting
atop refulgent clouds and strumming their instruments and singing. A shimmering luminescence trembled through
the meadow; the voices of the forest awoke from their torpid slumber and
swelled skywards and mellifluously joined in the music of the masters.
You will readily perceive, dearest
reader!, that the man who dreamed all this is the selfsame man who is about to
lead you into the company of the masters who
with whom he was made acquainted by Professor Johann Christoph
It sometimes happens that when we see
unidentifiable figures approaching us from the twilit distance, our heart
palpitates with curiosity as to who they could possibly be, as to what schemes
they could possibly be contriving. And
they keep coming nearer and nearer. We
can distinguish the colors of their clothing, their faces; we can hear that
they are talking, although their words dissolve into the distant air currents
before they can reach us. But now the
figures plunge into the azure mist of a deep valley. At this point we scarcely expect them to
climb back out of the depths and to walk up to us and salute us, thereby allowing
us to touch them and converse with them.
For were they to do so we should be hard-pressed indeed to say how these
people who have assumed such familiar forms and shapes in our immediate
presence could possibly be the same as those other figures who looked so
astonishingly strange when seen from afar.
May the dream that is about to be
recounted to you, dear reader, excite sensations like these in your mind’s
sensorium. May you graciously vouchsafe
your humble narrator the privilege of escorting you forthwith to the court of
the Landgrave Hermann of Thuringia at the fair Wartburg.
Master Singers at the Wartburg
It might have been in about the year of our Lord 1208 that the
noble landgrave of Thuringia, a zealous admirer and vigorous patron of the
beauteous art of vocal music, had gathered six master singers at his
court. The members of this assembly were
Wolfframb von Eschinbach, Walther von der Vogelweid, Reinhard von Zwekhstein,
Heinrich Schreiber, Johannes Bitterolff, all of knightly rank; and Heinrich von
Ofterdingen, a private citizen of Eisenach.
The masters lived together in harmony and loving piety like priests of a
single church, and day in and day out
it was their sole and constant endeavor to glorify and pay genuine reverence to
vocal music, the fairest celestial gift with which the Lord has seen fit to
bless mankind. To be sure, each of them
had his own melody, but just as every note in a chord sounds different from the
all others and yet all the notes sound together with the most ingratiating
euphony, the various melodies of the masters sounded in harmonious simultaneity
and shone like the various beams of a single star of love. In consequence, none of the singers regarded
his own melody as the best one; rather, each of them revered all the others and
sincerely believed that his melody could never sound as beautiful on its own as
when accompanied by its fellows, for it is only once the individual note has
been bidden a loving welcome by one of its newly awakened kindred that that it
can truly soar and joyously ascend to the heavens.
When Walther von der Vogelweid’s and
the landgrave’s songs were courtly and graceful and full of cheeky good humor
to boot, Reinhard von Zwekhstein would sing in a rumbustious, marital vein with
weighty words. When Heinrich Schreiber
waxed scholarly and profound, Johannes Bitterolff would brim over with radiance
and abound with elaborate similes and turns of phrase. Heinrich von Ofterdingen’s songs penetrated
the listener’s very soul of souls; being thoroughly suffused with the agonies
of yearning himself, he knew how to enkindle the deepest melancholy in every
breast. But these tender lays were often
interrupted by harsh and hideous tones, tones that seemed to issue from his
sore and riven heart, in which spiteful contumely was lodged, boring into it
and feeding off it like some parasitic poisonous insect. Nobody knew how Heinrich had come to be
afflicted by such a pestiferous force.
Wolfframb von Eschinbach had been born in Switzerland. His songs were like the winsome grace and
clarity of the skies over his native country; his melodies evoked the beauteous
continuous sounding of bells and shawms.
But they were interrupted in their own right by the savage roaring of
waterfalls, by the rumbling of thunder through the precipitous montane
ravines. When he sang, each of his
listeners miraculously floated alongside him on the glittering waves of a
mighty, beauteous river, at one moment gliding gently along its surface, at the
next braving the onslaught of storm-churned billows, and finally steering the
boat into a secure port with triumphal merriment once the danger had been
overcome. Despite his youth, Wolfframb von Eschinbach might very well
have been the most experienced of all the masters gathered at the court. Since his earliest childhood he had been
utterly devoted to the art of vocal music, and the moment he ceased to be a
child and became a youth he set out on a journey that took him through many
countries until he met the great mastersinger named Friedebrand. This man faithfully instructed him in his art
and introduced him to the manuscripts of many masters’ poems, poems that imbued
his inner world with light and enabled him to discern in sharp outline
everything that had formerly seemed turbid and shapeless to him. But most significantly, at Siegebrunnen in
Scotland, Master Friedebrand gave him several books from which he selected stories
that he adapted into German songs; the most important of these were one about
Gamurret and his son Parcivall and another about the Margrave Wilhelm von
Narben and the stalwart Rennewart; another master singer subsequently rewrote
this second poem in common German rhyme at the request of some people of rank
who had trouble understanding Eschinbach’s songs, and he also expanded it into
a long book. And so perforce Wolfframb’s
fame as an artist spread far and wide, and he found favor with many princes and
great lords. He visited many courts, and
in every one of them he was handsomely honored for his mastery of his art,
until finally the highly enlightened Landgrave Hermann of Thuringia, who had
heard him praised from every point of the compass, called him to his
court. Thanks not only to his great
artistry but also to his meekness and humility, Wolfframb won the landgrave’s
favor in very little time, and it may very well have been the case that
Heinrich von Ofterdingen, who had formerly stood in the noontime sunlight of
the sovereign’s grace, was obliged to withdraw ever so slightly into the
shadows. Nevertheless, none of the other
masters was more generously or lovingly devoted to Wolfframb than Heinrich von
Ofterdingen himself. Wolfframb
recipcrocated this devotion from the very bottom of his heart, and the two of
them stood face to face engulfed in their mutual love, as the other masters
surrounded them like a beauteously luminous wreath.
von Ofterdingen’s Secret
The ascendancy of the restless,
strife-riven element in Ofterdingen’s character increased with each passing
day. His gaze grew gloomier and more
vagrant; his countenance grew paler and paler.
Unlike those of the other masters—who had composed songs on the most
exalted subjects in Holy Scripture and now raised their joyful voices in praise
of the courtly ladies and their gallant lordly champion—Ofterdingen’s songs
only bewailed the immeasurable torments of earthly existence and often
resembled the piteous woebegone cries of a mortally wounded soul yearning in
vain for deliverance in death. Everybody
believed he was hopelessly in love; but all attempts to elicit the particulars
of his secret from him proved futile.
The landgrave himself, whose very heart and soul were devoted to the
youth, ventured in a solitary hour to ask him to reveal the cause of his
sorrow. He gave him his word as a prince
that he would summon up all his strength to banish whatever evil menanced him
or, by bringing him closer to whatever object of desire he now despaired of
attaining, to transform his grievous affliction into high-spirited hope; but
like the others, he proved utterly powerless to persuade the youth to disclose
to him the innermost chamber of his heart.
“Ah, my noble liege,” cried Ofterdingen, as scalding tears welled up
from his eyes, “Ah, my noble liege, do I myself even know what infernal monster
has seized me with its incandescent claws and is now holding me aloft between
heaven and earth so that I no longer belong here below and thirst in vain for
the joys of the realm above me? The pagan poets tell of certain shades of the
departed who belong neither in Elysium nor in Hades. They range along the banks of the Acheron,
and the murky river-vapors, through which not a single star of hope ever so
feebly gleams, echo with their terrified sighs, with the horrifying woebegone
expressions of their nameless torment. Their
wailing, their pleading, is futile; the old ferryman implacably rebuffs them
when they try to climb into the baleful boat.
My own existence is tantamount to such a state of terrible damnation.”
Not long after speaking with the
landgrave in this manner, Heinrich von Ofterdingen became genuinely ill and
left the Wartburg for Eisenach . In tones of bitter lamentation, the masters
averred that one of the fairest flowers of their wreath was now ineluctably
condemned to wither away before his time as if he were being blasted by some
fatal miasma. At the same time Wolfframb
von Eschinbach had by no means given up all hope, for he was of the opinion
that inasmuch as Ofterdingen’s spiritual malaise was being transformed into
corporeal suffering at this very moment, a full recovery might yet be an
imminent possibility; for did not the soul often fall ill as a consequence of
its intuitive premonition of corporeal pain? And he reasoned that this might
well have happened to Ofterdingen, whom he now intended to nuture and comfort.
And so Wolfframb set off immediately
for Eisenach. When he entered
Ofterdingen’s chamber, the singer was lying stretched out on a daybed; he was
as listless as a man on the utmost verge of death, and his eyes were
half-closed. His lute was hanging on the
wall; it was covered in dust, and many of its strings were broken. After Wolframb had sat down at his side,
delivered the heartfelt salutations of the landgrave and masters, and uttered
some further sincerely pleasant pleasantries, Heinrich began speaking in a
listless, ailing voice: “I have undergone many peculiar experiences. I very probably behaved like a madman towards
all of you; you all very probably believed that it was some terrible secret, a
secret I was deliberately keeping locked up in my breast, that was wrenching me
to and fro to such pernicious effect.
Ah! The truth is that my
cheerless condition was a mystery even to me.
My breast was riven by furious anguish, but try as I might I could not
fathom the cause of this affliction. All
my achievements struck me as wretched and worthless; all the songs that I had
formerly valued so highly sounded false, feeble—unworthy of the most
incompetent schoolboy. Yet at the same time, besotted by the delirum of vanity
as I was, I ardently yearned to outstrip you, Wolfframb—to outstrip all the
other masters. An unknown happiness,
heaven’s highest bliss, was poised high above me, like a coruscating golden
star, and I was impelled either to soar up to that star’s level or to sink
disconsolately into nonexistence. I
gazed up at the sky; I stretched my arms yearningly upward, whereupon I was
wafted by bloodcurdling gusts of wind fanned towards me by a pair of ice-cold
wings, and a voice said, “What is the aim of all your hope, of all your
yearning? Have you not been blinded; has
your strength not been broken; are you not now quite incapable of withstanding
the radiance of your hope, of embracing your celestial happiness?” Now—now the
mystery has been solved, and I myself am privy to my own secret. It is killing me, but in giving me death it
it is also vouchsafing me eternal heavenly bliss. I was lying ailing and infirm here in this
bed. It might have been during the
night, for the feverish delirium that had been tossing me to and fro in
paroxysms of roaring and raging was ebbing away. I felt calm; a gentle, beneficent warmth was
gliding through my psyche. I felt as
though I were floating along on dark clouds in the vast expanse of the
celestial realm. Then a coruscating bolt
of lightning flashed through the darkness, and I cried out: “Mathilde!” I was awake; the dream had vanished. My heart thrilled with a strange, sweet
terror, with indescribable ecstasy. I
knew that I had cried out: “Mathilde!” and I took fright, for I believed that
the meadows and the forests, that all the mountains and ravines, were now
echoing with her sweet name, that a thousand voices would be directly reporting
to her that I loved her with an inexpressible intensity and would love her unto
death; that she, she was the coruscating star that had radiantly awoken that
all-consuming pain of inconsolable yearning in my soul of souls—indeed that
flames of love were now blazing up within me and that my soul was now thirsting
for, craving, her beauty and graciousness!
You now know my secret, Wolfframb, and I implore you to bury it deep in
your breast. You are aware that I am
calm and of good cheer, and you will surely take me at my word when I assure
you that I would rather perish than make myself a laughingstock for you all by
fatuously toiling away at my métier. You—you, who love Mathilde, you to whom she is drawn in turn by a
complementary love—are the one to whom I am obliged to say everything that I
still have to say, the one to whom I must confide all of it unreservedly and in
full. As soon as I have recovered I
shall be departing for foreign lands with the mortal wound still gaping in my
bleeding breast. You are therefore now
hearing that I have reached the end, and so you may tell Mathilde that I—”
The young man was incapable of speaking any further; he sank
back into the bedclothes and turned his face to the wall. His violent sobs betrayed the struggle raging
within him. Wolfframb was more than
slightly dismayed by what Heinrich had just revealed to him. With his gaze sunken earthwards, he sat there
at the edge of the bed and pondered and pondered how to go about resucing his
friend from the delirium of fatuous passion that would otherwise inevitably
plunge him into perdition.
He tried to utter every possible formula of consolation, nay,
even to persuade the ailing youth to return to the Wartburg, fortify his breast
with hope, and boldly step into the clear sunshine that the noble lady Mathilde
radiated in every direction. He said
that he was even inclined to believe that he, Wolfframb, himself had nothing
but his songs to thank for Mathilde’s kindly disposition towards him, and that
Ofterdingen needed only to soar comparably aloft in his own beauteous vocal
compositions in order to secure Mathilde’s favor in his own right. Poor Heinrich gazed at him with a gloomy mien
and said, “You will never see me at the Wartburg again. Would you really have me hurl myself into the
flames? Shall I not in fact enjoy a
sweeter and more beauteous death by dying of longing for her at this great
distance?” Wolframb left, and Ofterdingen remained in Eisenach.
Further Life History of Heinrich von Ofterdingen
It often happens
that after threatening to tear our breast asunder, the pain of love at length
becomes a downright homey feeling, so much so that we even come to nurture it
and cherish it. And the searing cries of
lamentation formerly extorted from us by unspeakable torment metamorphose into
melodious peals of sweet woe that reverberate in our psyche like a distant echo
and soothingly and curatively lay themselves to rest on the bleeding
wound. Heinrich von Ofterdingen’s pain
underwent just such a transformation. He
remained ardently, yearningly in love, but he no longer gazed into the black
abyss of despair; rather, he raised his eyes skyward towards the iridescent
clouds of springtime. From this point
onwards it seemed to him as though his beloved were gazing at him from the
distant heights with her sweetly gracious eyes and kindling in his breast the
noblest songs he had ever sung. He took
his lute down from the wall, restrung it, and stepped out into the beauteous
spring, which had just sprung into bloom.
And once he was outdoors it was only a matter of a very little time
before he was drawn with ineluctable force to the environs of the
Wartburg. And when he at last descried
the castle’s coruscating battlements and reflected that he would never see
Mathilde again, that his life was destined to remain nothing but a continuous
spasm of inconsolable yearning, that Wolfframb von Eschinbach had already won
the noble lady’s heart thanks to the mighty prowess of his vocal music, all the
beauteous images limned in his mind by the pencil of hope sank into the gloom
of night and his soul of souls was riven by all the mortal torments inflictable
by boundless jealousy and despair. Whereupon
he fled with the celerity of a man goaded by evil spirits; he fled back to his
solitary chamber, where he at once found himself able to sing songs that
brought him sweet dreams in which his beloved herself figured.
For a long time he managed to avoid
coming anywhere near the Wartburg. But
one day, quite without even knowing how himself, he wandered into the forest
that was faced by the Wartburg and upon emerging from which one was afforded an
immediate view of the castle. He had
reached the part of the forest where strangely shaped stones overgrown with
brightly colored moss reared up amid thick shrubs and all kinds of hideous
prickly undergrowth. He clambered
laboriously into the middle of this area, where through a gap between the rocks
he beheld the spires of the Wartburg towering in the distance. Thereupon he sat down on the ground, and
fending off all malevolently tormenting thoughts, he lost himself in sweet
reveries of hope.
The sun had long
since set; from out of the murky fog that had settled atop the mountain peaks
the incandescent red disc of the moon ascended.
The nocturnal wind whirled through the tall trees, and the blast of its glacially
cold breath caused the shrubbery to shiver and shudder like a fever
patient. Shrieking nocturnal birds
soared skyward from out of the rocks and commenced their manic flight. The babbling of the sylvan brooks became more
vociferous; even the rippling of their distant sources grew audible. But then as the moon began shining more
brightly through the woods, a distant sung melody surged towards him from its
direction. He realized that the masters
at the Wartburg had just begun singing their pious evening songs. He pictured Mathilde still gazing at her
beloved Wolfframb in the circle of singers as she retired for the night. All the love and bliss in the universe
resided in this gaze, which could not but awaken the enchantment of dreams of
incomparable sweetness in her beloved’s soul.
Heinrich, whose heart was on the point of bursting with longing and
desire, took up his lute and began a song, and in so doing he sang as he
perhaps had never sung even once before.
The night wind subsided and then ceased; the trees and shrubs fell
silent; the notes of Heinrich’s performance shone through the tenebrous
stillness of the forest as though they were enveloped in moonbeams. When at length the last beat of his song was
on the point of dying away into the distance, a burst of shrill and strident laughter
suddenly erupted directly behind him. In
terror he turned swiftly around and beheld a tall, shadowy figure, and even
before he could take stock of what was happening, the figure was screaming at
him in a genuinely hideous voice, “Ah, I’ve been wandering around here a good
while in search of whoever in the world could be singing such
magnificent songs in the midst of the pitch-dark night. So it’s you, is it, Heinrich von
Ofterdingen? I really should have known,
for you are without a doubt the very worst of the so-called masters up there at
the Wartburg, and that inanely demented song utterly devoid of thought and
melody could have issued from no mouth but yours.” Half in residual terror, half in nascent rage,
Heinrich cried, “And who might you be—you who recognize me and fancy yourself
entitled to taunt me in such insulting terms here?” With these words, Ofterdingen laid a hand on
the hilt of his sword. But the black figure
immediately burst into another peal of shrilly raucous laughter, and as he was
laughing a beam of moonlight fell on his face and afforded Ofterdingen a brief
but distinct glimpse of his savagely coruscating eyes, his sunken cheeks, his
pointed red beard, his mouth, twisted by laughter into a contemptuous grimace,
his sumptuous black raiment, his black feather-surmounted hat. “Hey,” said the
stranger, “hey, young fellow, surely you’re not going to use a lethal weapon on
me just because I criticized your songs?
Admittedly, you famous singers probably don’t appreciate criticism much,
and in fact you probably even expect people to praise to the skies every little
ditty you come up with no matter how fundamentally execrable it actually
is. But precisely because I don’t care
for your songs and am willing to come right out and tell you that you are
certainly no master and at most a mediocre student of the art of vocal music,
you really ought to realize that I am a true friend who has nothing but kind
intentions towards you.” “How,” said Ofterdingen, as he shuddered from head to
toe in reaction to the uncanniness of what he had just heard, “can you be my
friend and have kind intentions towards me when I cannot recall having ever
seen you so much as once in my life? Without
answering this question, the stranger continued thus: “This is a curiously
beautiful spot; the night that surrounds us is downright cozy; I shall now sit
down with you in the dear old luster of the moon, and as we both know you won’t
be heading back to Eisenach straight-away, we can have ourselves a little chat. Pay some heed to what I am about to say; you
may find it instructive.” With these
words he seated himself on the large moss-covered stone right next to
Ofterdingen. The latter was now
struggling with the most peculiar emotions.
Although he had no real reason for being timorous, in the desolate
solitude of the night in this eerie place he could not quell the profound
horror aroused in his soul by the strange man’s voice and indeed by his entire
being. He felt a well-nigh-irresistible
impulse to send him tumbling down the steep declivity at their feet and into
the roaring mountain stream at its base.
But immediately thereafter felt as though every one of his limbs was
paralyzed. Meanwhile the stranger sidled
even closer to Ofterdingen and said softly, almost whisperingly, into his ear,
“I have just come from the Wartburg: up there I heard the downright execrable,
pedantic singing of the so-called masters; but the Lady Mathilde is perhaps the
sweetest and loveliest being on the face of the earth.” “Mathilde!” cried Ofterdingen in a tone of exquisitely
poignant sorrow. “Ho ho!” laughed the
stranger, “Ho ho, young fellow, am I right in thinking you take an interest in
the young lady? But for now let us talk
of more serious, or, rather, higher matters: I am referring to the noble art of
vocal music. It may well be that you lot
up there are all well-intentioned with your songs, that all that stuff comes
out of you quite smoothly and naturally, but you haven’t got the foggiest
notion of what the deeper art of the singer is actually all about. I intend to give you just a few hints as to
the true essentials of this art, and then perhaps you will manage to understand
on your own how the path you are ambling along can never lead you to the goal
you have set yourself.” Now the
black-clad man began to extol the art of vocal music in a most peculiar
discourse that sounded almost like a series of outlandish songs of foreign
origin. As the stranger spoke, image
upon image arose in Heinrich’s soul and vanished as if blown away by a tempest;
he felt as if he were becoming privy to an entire new world brimming over with
luxuriant shapes. Each of the stranger’s
words ignited dazzling flames that swiftly blazed up and just as swiftly died
away. The two men were sitting in the
full and direct light of the moon, and Heinrich now noticed that the stranger’s
countenance was by no means as hideous as it had first seemed to him. Sparks
from an otherworldly fire were emanating from his eyes, and yet (Heinrich
fancied) a downright endearing smile was playing about his lips and his large
aquiline nose and high forehead served only to impart a supremely eloquent
expression of redoubtable strength to his features. “I don’t know,” said Ofterdingen when the
stranger fell silent, “I don’t know what to call the peculiar feeling your
speech is awakening in me. I feel as
though the first intimation of the art of vocal music is only now awakening
within me, as though everything I have believed about it until now has been
altogether vulgar and wrongheaded and the true nature of the art is only now
dawning on me. As you yourself are
undoubtedly a grand master of that art, I implore you to accept me into your
tutelage, for I ardently crave greater knowledge and promise to be a diligent pupil. The stranger burst into another peal of his
hideous laughter and rose from his seat; and upon seeing this veritable
colossus with savagely distorted features standing at his full height, Heinrich
von Ofterdingen was once again seized by all the horror he had originally felt
when he was first accosted by the stranger.
The latter now said in a booming voice that resounded far and wide
through the chasms, “You think that I am a grand master of the art of vocal music?
Well, I may very well be one of those
every now and then, but I most certainly cannot take on any pupils. I am, however, only too happy to offer good
advice to people who crave knowledge, as you indeed seem to do. Have you perchance heard tell of Klingsor,
that master of song profoundly schooled in all branches of knowledge? People say that he is a great necromancer and
even fraternizes with a certain person who is not a welcome sight in all
quarters. But don’t let that scare you
off, because people always assume that any skill they can’t understand or
practice themselves is some superhuman power that can be wielded only by divine
or infernal agents. Well! Master Klingsohr will show you the path that
will lead you to your goal. He resides
in Transylvania ; hie yourself thither
forthwith. There you will learn how
science and art have procured the grand master an abundance of everything
pleasurable under the sun—glory, wealth, the favor of women. You heard me aright, young fellow! If Klingsohr were here, would the fair Countess Mathlide care even if
he slew the tender Wolfframb von Eschinbach, the sighing Swiss shepherd, for
her sake?” “Why do you mention her
name?” Wolffram von Eschinbach furiously demurred; “Leave me at once; your very
presence makes me shiver!” “Whoa,”
laughed the stranger, “don’t lose your temper, my little friend! If you’re shivering, it’s the cool night air
and the thinness of your doublet that are to blame, not me. Weren’t you having a perfectly fine time when
I was sitting right next to you and keeping you nice and toasty just now?” Why
need you shiver? Why need you freeze,
when I can serve you with blood and ardor?
As for what I said about Countess Mathilde, why I naturally only meant
that the favor of women may be obtained through the mastery of the art of song,
which Master Klingsohr can teach you.
Earlier on I poured scorn on your songs in order to draw your attention
to your egregious incompetence. But because
you intuitively grasped the truth straight-away when I was speaking to you of
the authentic art of song, I am sufficiently convinced that you possess real
ability. Perhaps it is your destiny to
tread in Master Klingsohr’s footsteps; if so, once you have fulfilled this
destiny, you will certainly be able to compete successfully for Mathilde’s
favor. Sally forth! Hie yourself to Transylvania . But wait: if you can’t hie yourself to
Translyvania straight-away, I highly recommend your sedulously studying a small
book that Master Klingsohr has written and that contains not only the rules of
the true art of vocal music, but also a few excellent songs by the master.”
With these words
the stranger pulled out a small book whose blood-red cover glimmered brightly
in the moonlight. He handed the book
over to Heinrich von Ofterdingen.
As soon as the
latter took hold of it, the stranger stepped back and vanished into the
thicket. Heinrich sank into a deep slumber. When he awoke, the sun had already climbed to
a great height. If the red book had no
longer been lying in his lap, he would have regarded his entire encounter with
the stranger merely as a peculiarly vivid dream.
On the Countess
Mathilde. Events at the Wartburg
Undoubtedly, my highly beloved reader,
you have at some point found yourself in a social circle composed exclusively
of lovely women and sensible men, a group of acquaintances worthy of being
likened to a beauteous braided garland of flowers of the most diverse variety
of scents and brilliant colors, to a wreath of blossoms all vying to excel one
another in splendor and sweetness. But
just as the euphonious breath of music awakens joy and delight in every breast
it passes through as it wafts across the world, in this circle it was surely
the superlative loveliness of a single
nobly resplendent woman that irradiated every member of this group and thereby
produced that graceful harmony that governed its collective motion. By virtue
of walking in the luster of her
beauty, of adding their words and voices to her
music, the other women seemed more beautiful, more gracious than they had done
before; and the men felt their hearts expand and found themselves newly capable
of giving effusive utterance in words or melodic notes to the rapture that had
formerly remained timidly pent up within them, such that this eloquent
uninhibitedness soon became the norm within the group. However laboriously and kind-heartedly the queen
might have striven to apportion her benevolence equally among all her
courtiers, one could not help noticing that she let her heavenly gaze linger
with particular emphasis on that youth who was standing silently face to face
with her and whose dazzling eyes tearful with sweet emotion betrayed the
blissfulness of the love that was surging up within him. Many a man in the
garland might have envied this youth’s good fortune, but none could hate him on
account of it; indeed, to the contrary, every one of them who was separately
bound to him in friendship could not but love him all the more deeply for his
love’s sake.
Now the fairest flower in the fair
garland of ladies and poets at the court of the Landgrave Hermann of Thuringia
happened to be the Countess Mathilde, the widow of the Count Cuno von
Fallkenstein who had died in advanced old age, and she outshone all the others
in point of fragrance and splendor.
Wolfframb von Eschinbach was deeply moved by her
graciousness and beauty the moment he first saw her and soon fell ardently in
love. The other masters, who were
likewise enraptured by the countess’s loveliness and graciousness, celebrated
her beauty and clemency in a great number of ingratiating songs. Reinhard von Zwekhstein called her the lady
of his thoughts, a woman for whose honor he would fain fight either sportingly
in jousting tournaments or earnestly on the battlefield; Walther von der
Vogelweid let his knightly love boldly blaze forth in frank declarations, while
Heinrich Schreiber and Johannes Bitterolff labored to exalt the Lady Mathilde
in marvelously intricate similes and other figures of speech. But Wolfframb’s songs came from the depths of
his enamored heart and pierced Mathilde’s breast like coruscating sharp-tipped
arrows. The other masters were well
aware of this, but in their eyes Wolfframb’s amorous bliss surrounded them all
with radiance like a beauteous solar corona and imparted strength and grace
even to their own songs.
The first dark shadow that fell on
Wolfframb’s illustrious life was Ofterdingen’s unfortunate secret. When he recalled that the other masters loved
him even though they had also been smitten by Mathilde’s beauty, that it was
solely in Ofterdingen’s heart that malevolent resentment had taken up joint
residence with love, that Ofterdingen alone had been banished into the
wasteland of friendless solitude by his passion for the countess, the bitter
sorrow of the realization was more than he could bear. It often seemed to him as though Ofterdingen
was simply in the grip of some baneful access of lunacy that would eventually
spend itself, but then he would immediately be struck by the acutely painful
reflection that he himself would undoubtedly have found his existence
insufferable had he courted Mathilde’s favor in vain. “Besides,” he asked himself, “by the
authority of what power dare I maintain that I have a juster title that to
favor? Do I really deserve to be
preferred to Ofterdingen? Am I better,
more intelligent, more worthy of love, than him? In what sense are the two of us different
from each other? So the formidable power
of a balefully adversarial fate is crushing him to the ground, and I, his loyal
friend, am blithely passing by without deigning to offer him a hand up. Ruminations such as these ultimately led him
to resolve to go to Eisenach and do everything possible to convince Ofterdingen
to return to the Wartburg. But by the
time he reached Eisenach ,
Heinrich von Ofterdingen had vanished, and nobody knew where he had gone. Sorrowfully Wolfframb von Eschinbach returned
to the Wartburg and announced Ofterdingen’s disappearance to the landgrave and
the masters. It was only now that they
all truly realized how deeply they loved him in spite of his pain-riven and
often quite bitterly sullen disposition.
They mourned him as though he were dead, and for a long time these
obsequies covered the masters’ music like a shroud of gloom and deprived their
songs of all luster and melody, until at length the image of the lost man began
retreating ever further into the distant recesses of their memories.
By then
spring had arrived, and with it all the gusto and good cheer of newly
refortified life. At a charming spot in
the castle garden surrounded by beautiful trees the masters had gathered to
salute the young verdure, the burgeoning blooms and blossoms, in joyous
songs. The landgrave, Countess Mathilde,
and the other ladies had sat down on the grass in a circle, and Wolfframb von
Eschinbach was just about to begin a song, when a young man with a lute in his
hand stepped forward from behind the trees. In an access of joyous astonishment,
they all instantly recognized him as the man they had given up for lost,
Heinrich von Ofterdingen. The masters
all stepped up to him and greeted him with hearty warmth. But without paying any particular regard to
their salutations, he approached the landgrave and bowed reverentially to him
and then to Countess Mathilde. He then
said that he had completely recovered from the virulent illness that had so grievously
afflicted him and that if for whatever special reason they did not wish to
accept him back into the circle of the masters, he would greatly appreciate
their allowing him to sing his own songs through alongside them despite this. The landgrave rejoined to Ofterdingen that
although he had indeed been absent for some time, he had by no means stricken
himself from the masters’ membership rolls in consequence and that he, the
landgrave, was hard pressed to understand why Ofterdingen now believed himself to be alienated from the fair circle gathered there at the
Wartburg. Whereupon the landgrave embraced him and even directed him to
reoccupy his old place in the circle, the one between Walther von der Vogelweid
and Wolfframb von Eschinbach. Everyone soon
perceived that Ofterdingen’s entire character had completely changed. Instead of slinking along with his head bowed
and his gaze cast earthward as before, he now strode boldly forward with his
head held high. His visage was as pallid as before, but his gaze, formerly
frenzied and erratic, was now steady and penetrating. In place of dejection a proud and gloomy
earnestness sat on his brow, and every now and then a curious play of the
muscles of his lips and cheeks bespoke a scorn that was downright eerie. He did
not deign to speak a single word to the masters but rather took his seat in
slience. While the others were singing
he gazed up at the clouds, shifted his sitting position this way and that,
counted sums on his fingers, yawned—in short, evinced nothing but boredom and
annoyance in every conceivable manner. Wolfframb
von Eschinbach sang a song in which he first praised the landgrave and then
turned to the subject of the return of their friend whom they had all believed
lost and whom he depicted with such deeply heartfelt affection that they were
all very powerfully moved. But Heinrich
von Ofterdingen knitted his brows, turned his back on Wolfframb, took up his
lute, and strummed a few wondrously beautiful chords. Then he stationed himself in the middle of
the circle and began a song whose style was so entirely unlike anything any of
the others had ever sung, so outrageously unprecedented, that they were all
extremely astonished—indeed, utterly stupefied in the end. It was as though he
were using the mighty notes of his song as fists that were pounding on the
gates of an ominous foreign kingdom and summoning the mysteries of the unknown
power residing there. Then he called
upon the stars and other heavenly bodies, and as the notes sounded on his lute
subsided into a gentle whisper, the listeners fancied they could hear the
tintinnabulation of the celestial spheres’ round dance. Now the chords soughed
more vigorously, and incandescent fragrances wafted from his instrument as
images of voluptuous amorous bliss blazed in the newly arisen Eden of all
pleasure. Each of the listeners felt
inwardly convulsed by a series of peculiar shudders. When Ofterdingen had finished singing and
playing, profound silence prevailed all around, but then a jubilant round of
tumultuous applause erupted. Countess
Mathilde rose from her seat, walked up to Ofterdingen, and pressed onto his
brow the garland that she had been carrying as the prize for the best song.
Ofterdingen’s countenance flushed a
fiery red; he sank to his knees and ardently pressed the beautiful woman’s
hands to his breast. As he was rising,
his coruscating, stinging gaze alighted on his loyal friend Wolfframb von
Eschinbach, who was trying to move closer to him but at the same time backing
away from him, as though he were being physically detained by some spitefully
inimical power. Only a single listener refrained from adding his voice to the
otherwise unanimous acclaim, and that was the landgrave, who had become very
serious and pensive as Ofterdingen was singing, and who now found himself
scarcely capable of uttering a single word in praise of his marvelous
song. Ofterdingen seemed markedly angry
about this. Late that evening, when deep
dusk had already set in, in a walkway in the castle garden, Wolfframb von
Eschinbach happened to encounter his beloved friend, whom he had been seeking
in vain for everywhere. He ran up to
him, he pressed him to his breast and said, “So, my dear brother, you may very
well have become nothing less than the world’s preeminent master of song. How in heaven’s name did you even begin to
prepare for this triumph that none of us—possibly not even you yourself—ever
suspected you would achieve? What spirit
placed himself at your command and taught you the marvelous lays of another
world? O noble and exalted master, let
me embrace thee yet again.” “It is
good,” said Heinrich von Ofterdingen, “it is good that you realize that I have
soared to greater heights than you so-called masters, or rather that I alone have
alighted and settled in that realm that you are striving in vain to reach in
your aimless rovings along errant paths. You will therefore not take it amiss when
I say that I find you lot and your despicable ditty-mongering downright asinine
and tedious.” “So,” replied Wolfframb,
“do you now despise us whom you formerly held in the highest regard? Will you henceforth hold us in utter contempt
and disdain to have anything further to do with any of us? All friendship, all
love, has vanished from your soul because you are a greater master than us! Do you no longer even regard me, Wolfframb, as worthy of your love because
perchance I have not managed to soar as high in my songs as you have in yours? Ah,
Heinrich, if I were to tell you how your song made me feel in my heart of
hearts—” “—Please,” said Heinrich von Ofterdingen with a scornful laugh,
“Please don’t keep this from me, as I might find it quite instructive.” “Heinrich!” Wolfframb began in a very firm
and serious tone, “Heinrich! It is true
that your song had a marvelous and undreamt-of melody and that its musical
ideas ascended far beyond the heights of the highest clouds, but my innermost
self told me that unalloyed human nature could not have served as the
wellspring of such a lay, that it must rather have been engendered by alien
powers, just like those strange, utterly foreign plants that our native soil is
capable of bringing forth once the necromancer has liberally manured it with
all the magic charms at his disposal. Heinrich, you have undoubtedly become a
great master of the art of vocal music, and you are undoubtedly dealing with
things of a truly grand significance—but do you still recognize the sweet
salutation of the evening breeze as you are wandering through the deep shadows
of the forest? Does your heart still
leap with joy at when you hear the rustling of the trees, the roaring of the
sylvan stream? Do you still behold
flowers with the pious eyes of a child?
Does the nightingale’s lament still make you wish to expire in an access
of amorous pain? At such a moment do you still feel an infinite yearning
attacking your breast, which has disclosed its loving essence to you in turn? Ah, Heinrich, there was much in your
song that filled me with an unspeakable terror.
I could not but be put in mind of that horrifying image of the shades
ranging along the bank of the Acheron that you once limned for the landgrave
when he asked you to reveal to him the cause of your melancholy. I could not
but believe that you had abjured love in its entirety and that what you had
obtained in exchange was merely the cheerless treasure of some wanderer lost in
the desert. I feel as though you have
purchased your mastery with all the joy in living that is vouchsafed exclusively
to the pious, childlike soul. A gloomy intimation is taking hold of me. I am recalling what drove you away from the
Wartburg, and I am also recalling the circumstances of your reappearance
here. Success at many an endeavor now
lies within your reach–perhaps the beauteous star of hope that I have hitherto
beheld shining over me is setting on my own labors for ever—but Heinrich! Here!
Take my hand; no grudge of any sort towards you can ever be welcome in
my heart! Notwithstanding
all the good fortune you are awash in at present, one day you may suddenly find
yourself at the brink of a bottomless abyss and reeling in the whirlwind of
vertigo, and just as you are about to plunge helplessly over the edge, I shall
be standing behind you with a firm heart and holding you firmly in place with
dependably strong hands and arms.
Heinrich von Ofterdingen had listened
to everything Wolfframb von Eschinbach said in profound silence. Now he covered his face with his cloak and
leapt quickly into the thicket of trees.
Wolfframb heard him softly sobbing and sighing as he moved ever farther into
the distance.
Wartburg Contest
For all the enthusiasm with which the other masters initially
admired and exalted Heinrich von Ofterdingen’s songs, they soon began talking
of the impure melodies, the vain meretriciousness, nay, the outright wickedness
of the lays produced by Heinrich. Only
Countess Mathilde addressed herself with her entire soul to the singer, who
extolled her beauty and gracefulness in a manner that all the masters—apart
from Wolfframb von Eschinbach, who would not allow himself to express an
opinion—denounced as heathenish and execrable. And before long Countess Mathilde’s entire
bearing underwent a complete and total transformation. She looked down on all the other masters with
scornful pride, and she even withdrew her favor from poor Wolfframb von
Eschinbach. Things came to such a pass
that Heinrich von Ofterdingen was obliged to instruct Countess Mathilde in the
art of vocal music, and she herself began composing songs that were intended to
sound exactly like those sung by Heinrich von Ofterdingen. But at that moment all the beguiled woman’s
gracefulness and sweetness seemed to vanish.
Neglecting all the arts with which comely women adorn themselves,
renouncing all commerce with everything of a feminine nature, she metamorphosed
into an eerily repellent hermaphrodite, loathed by women and derided by
men. The landgrave, fearing that the
countess’s madness would spread to the other ladies at the court like a
virulent disease, issued a severe decree forbidding any lady to write poetry on
pain of banishment, for which the men, being positively terrified by Mathilde’s
fate, heartily thanked him. Countess Mathilde left the Wartburg and moved into
a castle not far from Eisenach, and Heinrich von Ofterdingen would have
followed her there had the landgrave not ordered him to stay and accept the
masters’ challenge to engage in a contest with them. “You, sir,” said Landgrave
Hermann to the high-spirited singer, “you, sir, thanks to your eerie,
outlandish lays, have thrown the beauteous circle that I have assembled here
into appalling confusion. I have always
been impervious to your besotting charms, because from very first instant I
realized that your songs do not come from the upright heart of a virtuous
singer but are rather the fruit of the pernicious tuition of some false
master. Of what use is all the pomp, all
the pageantry, all the splendor in the world, if it is merely made to serve as
the shroud of a lifeless corpse? You speak of lofty things, of the mysteries of
nature, but not as they manifest themselves in the human breast, as sweet
intimations of a higher life; but rather as the astrologer conceives of them
and presumptuously attempts to measure them with his compass and
yardstick. Shame on you, Heinrich von
Ofterdingen, for having allowed your valiant spirit to submit to the tutelage
of an unworthy master.”
“I do not know,” replied Heinrich von Ofterdingen, “I do not
know, my lord, what I have done to deserve your wrath, your reproaches. Perhaps your opinion of me will change once
you have learned the name of the
master who has disclosed to me the mysteries of that kingdom of song that is
vocal music’s homeland in the truest sense.
I left your court in a state of profound dejection, and the pain that
was on the point of annihilating me may very well have been but the
aggressively thrusting shoot of the fair flower that lay buried in my soul of
souls and yearning for the fecundating breath of a loftier strain of
nature. In a most curious manner I came
into possession of a small book in which the world’s greatest master of vocal
music had elaborated the rules of the art with the most profound erudition and
even included a few of his songs. And
the more I read in this little book the clearer it became to me that the
composition of songs would turn out to be a shabby business indeed if the
singer were capable of verbalizing nothing
but what he believed he was feeling within the confines of his own puny
heart. But it certainly didn’t end
there: by and by I felt as though I were intimately conjoined to unknown powers
that often sang from within me in place of myself, and yet all the while on
each of these occasions I still felt that I
was the one doing the singing. My
yearning to see the master in the flesh and hear his profound wisdom and
impeccable rationality pouring forth from his own lips became an irresistible
urge. I hit the road and headed for
Transylvania. Yes, my lord, you heard me
aright! It is Klingsohr himself whom I
visited and to whom I owe the audaciously superterrestrial buoyancy of my
songs. Perchance by now you have arrived
at a more favorable opinion of my efforts.”
“The Archduke of Austria,” said the landgrave, “has said and
written to me a great deal indeed in praise of your master. Master Klingsohr is a man schooled in some
profound and mysterious bodies of knowledge.
He calculates the course of the stars and discerns the well-nigh miraculous
entanglement of their orbits with the humble trajectories of our terrestrial
lives. The mysterious phenomena
underlying the structures of metals, vegetables, and minerals are an open
secret to him, and he is also intimately acquainted with the machinations of
the world’s politicians and always stands within immediate reach of the
Archduke should either his counsel or action be needed. But I do not know how all of this can be
consistent with the purity of soul of a true singer, and indeed I am inclined
to believe that precisely because Master Klingsohr is so wise in the ways of
the world, his songs will never be capable of stirring my soul, however
artful and well-thought out, however beautifully shaped, they may be. Now, Heinrich von Ofterdingen, my masters,
who are virtually fuming with rage at your proud, high-handed attitude, would
like you to compete with them in song over the course of a few days for the
usual prize, and it is high time you did so.”
masters’ contest commenced. But whether
because Heinrich’s mind had become unhinged by false teaching and was no longer
ever competent as a composer in the presence of the pure radiance of spiritual
honesty or because the other masters’ powers were being redoubled by their
newly heightened enthusiasm—never mind which!—one by one they pitted themselves
against Ofterdingen in song, and one by one they defeated him and carried away
the prize for which Heinrich was repeatedly striving in vain. Ofterdingen was positively incensed by this
disgrace and now began to sing songs that amid derisive allusions to Landgrave
Hermann exalted Ludwig the Seventh the Archduke of Austria above the stars and
dubbed him the resplendently blazing sun that shone on all true art in glorious
solitude. On top of this he also
attacked the ladies of the court with disdainful words and proceeded to extol
the beauty and graciousness of Countess Mathilde alone in profane and
heathenish terms, such that all the other masters, gentle Wolfframb von
Eschinbach not excepted, inevitably flew into a righteous rage and dragged his
musical reputation through the mud in songs of the utmost ruthlessness and
vehemence. By stripping away the false
pomp of Ofterdingen’s songs,
Schreiber and Johannes Bitterolff revealed the wretchedness of the scrawny
little man who had been hiding himself beneath them, but Walther von der
Vogelweid and Reinhard von Zwekhstein went further. They
said that Ofterdingen’s undertaking deserved implacable vengeance, and they
intended to wreak it on him personally, with swords in hand.
So Heinrich von Ofterdingen now saw his reputation as a
singer and a composer dragged through the dirt and even found his life
threatened. Brimming over with rage and
despair, he called upon the noble-minded landgrave to protect his life, and
even beyond that, to cede his office as arbitrator of the quarrel over
supremacy in vocal music to the most famous singer of the age—namely, Master Klingsohr. “Things,” said the landgrave, “between you
and the masters have come to such a pass that your quarrel is no longer merely
over supremacy in vocal music. In your
demented songs you have insulted me, and you have insulted the fair ladies of
my court. Accordingly, your contest no
longer impinges merely on the masters’ virtuosity but also on my honor and on
the honor of those ladies. For all that,
everything must be settled through a singing competition, and I shall allow
your Master Klingsohr to serve as judge at that competition. One of my masters will be your opponent; he
will be selected by lot, and then each of you may sing whatever material he
chooses. But my executioner will be
standing behind you with his unsheathed sword in his hands, and whichever of
you loses will be executed immediately.
Go; see to it that within the next year Master Klingsohr comes to the
Wartburg to adjudicate this life-and-death contest.” Heinrich von Ofterdingen
left the court, and thus peace was restored to the Wartburg for a time.
During this interval the songs that the
masters had sung in opposition to Heinrich von Ofterdingen were collectively dubbed
the Wartburg Contest.
Master Klingsohr Comes to Eisenach
Nearly an entire year had elapsed by
the time the Wartburg received news that Master Klingsohr was actually in
Eisenach and that he had taken lodgings at the house of a citizen by the name
of Helgrefe who resided just inside the city wall at St. George’s Gate. The masters were delighted not a little that
the vexing quarrel with Heinrich von Ofterdingen was finally about to be
settled, but none of them was more ardently impatient to see the world-famous
man than Wolfframb von Eschinbach.
“Perhaps what people say,” he said to himself, “perhaps what people say
about Klingsohr is true: perhaps he is devoted to the black arts, perhaps
infernal powers stand ready to do his bidding, nay, perhaps these powers have
even helped him to attain a mastery of every science in its entirety; but
doesn’t the noblest wine sometimes grow out of the cinders of lava? What does
the thirsty wanderer care if the grapes with which he refreshes himself have
germinated out of the glowing fire of hell itself? Thus I resolve to revel in the master’s profound
scientific knowledge and erudition without probing its mysteries and without
appropriating any more of it than can be borne by an unsullied soul of true
Wolframb went down to Eisenach straight-away. At the doorstep of Helgrefe’s house he
encountered a crowd of people who were all gazing longingly up at the house’s
bay window. He recognized many of these
gazers as students of vocal music, and they were asserting one thing after
another about the famous master. One of
them said that he had transcribed the words Klingsohr had spoken on being
greeted by Helgrefe, another that he knew exactly what the master had been
having for lunch; a third maintained that the master had actually looked at him
and smiled because he had recognized him as a fellow-singer on account of the
fact that he, like Klingsohr himself, had been wearing a beret, and a fifth
even began singing a song that he said he had composed in imitation of
Klingsohr’s style. In short, it all
added up to a lot of tumultuous to-ing and fro-ing. Eventually Wolfframb von Eschinbach forced
his way through the crowd with great effort and entered the house. Helgrefe warmly welcomed him and at his
request ran upstairs to inform the master that he was there to see him. But upon returning, Helgrefe declared to
Wolfframb that the Master was deeply immersed in his studies and could not
speak with anybody at the moment; that he, Wolfframb, would have to inquire
again in two hours. Wolfframb had no
choice but to acquiesce in this delay.
After he had returned two hours later and waited an additional hour,
Helgrefe was given permission to lead him up to the master’s chamber. A manservant dressed in a curiously colorful
sort of silk opened the door, and Wolfframb entered the room. Therein he beheld a tall, handsome man who
was dressed in a long, wide-sleeved gown of deep red silk trimmed with
sumptuous sable, and pacing slowly and solemnly up and down the room. His face was almost a living version of that
of the heathen god Jupiter as typically represented by sculptors, so instinct
with imperious earnestness was his brow, and so menacing were the flames that
blazed forth from his large eyes. His
chin and cheeks were covered in a thick, curly black beard, and his head was
surmounted by either a strangely shaped beret or an oddly folded kerchief; it
was impossible to tell which it was. The
master had his arms crossed over his chest, and in a resonant voice he was
declaiming and exclaiming words that Wolfframb found completely unintelligible. On taking a look around the room, which was
full of all manner of outlandish-looking instruments, Wolfframb espied a pale
little old man, scarcely three feet tall, sitting in a high chair at a desk and
seemingly diligently employing a silver pen to commit everything Master
Klingsohr was saying to a sheet of parchment.
A goodly interval elapsed before the Master’s rigid gaze finally
alighted on Wolfframb von Eschinbach, and he left off speaking and drew to a
halt in the dead center of the room.
Wolfframb now greeted the master in a set of gracious verses composed in
the black strophic form. He said that he
had come in order to be edified by Klingsohr’s mastery as a composer and asked
him if he would do him the kindness of replying in the same strophic form and
thereby allowing him to hear a sample of his art. Whereupon the master looked him up and down
from head to foot with a furious eye and said, “Just who do you think you are,
young fellow, to barge in on me like this with your silly verses and even
challenge me to compose something on the spot, as though we were in the middle
of a proper singing contest? Ha! Are you perchance none other than Wolfframb
von Eschinbach, the most incompetent and ignorant greenhorn of all in that pack
of amateur songsmiths up at the Wartburg who call themselves masters of the art
of vocal music? No, my dear boy, you
will have to do a great deal more growing before you next entertain the idea of
trying conclusions with me.” Wolfframb
von Eschinbach had most certainly not expected a reception like this one. The blood surged in his veins as he took in
Klingsohr’s scornful words; never before had he been so acutely sensible of the
strength that dwelt within him thanks to the largesse of heavenly power. He looked the
proud master earnestly and firmly in the eye, and said, “You have not behaved
well, Master Klingsohr, in lapsing into such a severe and bitter tone instead
of addressing me as kindly and amiably as I greeted you. I know that you excel me in all domains of
knowledge and indeed in the art of singing as well, but that does not entitle
you to indulge in this vain boasting, which you ought to contemn as unworthy of
yourself. I must now frankly declare to
you, Master Klingsohr, that henceforth I
shall believe all the rumors that have been circulating about you in the
world. I shall believe that you have the
powers of Hell at your command, that the eldritch and sinister sciences you
have been practicing have enabled you to fraternize with evil spirits. I shall believe that your mastery as a
composer is abjectly beholden to those infernal powers, because you have
conjured forth out of the depths and into the light of day the dark spirits
from which the human soul recoils in horror.
Hence I shall further believe that it is this horror alone that has
secured you your supremacy over other musicians, that your virtuosity owes
nothing to the profound emotion of love that flows from the singer’s pure soul
into every kindred heart and thereby captivates it in bands of sweet
subjection. Finally, I shall believe
that it is your corruption by this horror that has made you as proud as you
are, and as no singer who has retained the purity of his heart can ever
be.” “Ho ho!” retorted Meister Klingsor,
“ho ho, young fellow, climb down from that lofty pinnacle before you fall! Regarding my supposed fraternization with
eldritch and sinister powers you would do well to hold your tongue, for you don’t
know a thing about it. The notion that I
owe my mastery as a composer to them
and to him is nothing but silly
simpleminded children’s gossip. But do
tell me, where does your acquaintance
with the art of vocal music hail from?
Do you really suppose that I am unaware that in Siegebrunnen in Scotland Master Friedebrand lent you several books
that you in your ingratitude have never returned, and that you have based all
your own songs on compositions contained in those books? If the Devil has been my helpmeet, you
have likewise had a helpmeet in your own ungrateful heart. Wolfframb was well-nigh appalled by this
loathsome accusation. He placed his hand
on his breast and said, “So help me God!
The spirit of falsehood is mighty indeed within you, Master Klingsohr. Surely you don’t actually believe I could
have been base enough to rob my exalted Master Friedebrand of his majestic
compositions so shamelessly. I will have
you know, Master Klingsohr, that I held on to those compositions only as long
as he wished me to, and that I returned them to him as soon as he asked for
them. Have you yourself never derived
any instruction at all from the compositions of other masters? “Perhaps,” resumed Master Klingsohr,
evidently none too impressed by Wolfframb’s oration, “perhaps I have indeed,
but what is the ultimate source of the principles of your art? What entitles you to regard yourself as my
peer? Do you not know that I have
diligently applied myself to courses of study in Rome, in Paris, in Krakow;
that I have personally journeyed to the most distant countries of the Orient
and investigated the mysteries of the Arab sages; that I have since excelled at
all the singing academies and wrested the laurels from the brows of every
singer I contended with; that I am a certified master of all seven liberal
arts? But as for you, you who have lived
all your life as an untutored layman cut off from all art and knowledge in the
emptiness of Switzerland: how ever could you have attained fluency in the art
of authentic vocal music? By now Wolfframb’s
fury had subsided, perhaps because thanks to Klingsohr’s boastful speech the
priceless gift of song in his soul of souls shone forth more brightly and
joyously than before, just as sunbeams scintillate more beauteously when they
victoriously pierce through the turbid clouds blown into their path by a savage
thunderstorm. A mild, ingratiating smile
had settled over his entire countenance, and it was in a calm, equable tone
that he said to the enraged Master Klingsohr, “Now my dear master, I could very
easily rejoin to you that although I have certainly not studied at Rome and Paris
and visited Arab sages in their native country, in addition to my great mentor
Master Friedebrand, whom I followed to the very heart of Scotland, I have
conversed with a good many talented singers whose instruction has proved most
profitable to me, and that like you I have won singing-prizes in many of our
principal German princes’ courts. And
yet I am of the opinion that all the instruction and conversation of the
greatest singers in the world would have been of no use to me whatsoever if the
eternal power of heaven had not implanted in my soul of souls the spark that
flickers up in the beauteous beams of song, if I had not kept and if I did not
still lovingly keep at arm’s length everything false and evil, if I did not
endeavor with sincere enthusiasm to sing only those words and notes that
utterly saturate my breast with sweet and joyous wistfulness.
Wolfframb von Eschinbach himself was at a loss to explain
why he began singing a magnificent song in the golden key that he had composed
only a short time before.
Master Klingsohr paced up and down in scarcely containable
fury; then he drew to a halt and stood staring at Wolfframb as though he wished
to drill straight through him with his blazing, unblinking eyes. Once Wolfframb had finished singing,
Klingsohr laid both his hands on Wolfframb’s shoulders and softly and coolly
said, “Now, Wolfframb, because you refuse to have it any other way, let the two
of us have a singing contest, one with songs employing all sorts of keys and
scales. But let us go elsewhere first;
this room is unsuitable for such an activity, and you must enjoy a goblet of
noble wine with me.”
At that moment the little man who had been writing earlier
fell off his chair, and as he hit the floor with a thud he emitted a miniature
moan. Klingsohr quickly turned round and
kicked the dwarf into the cabinet at the base of the podium and shut its
door. Wolfframb could hear the little
man softly weeping and sobbing within.
Next Klingsohr shut all the open books that were lying about here and
there, and each time a book-cover snapped shut, the room was pervaded by a
strange and unearthly sound like a heavy sigh heaved by someone on the verge of
death. Now
Klingsohr took hold of certain peculiar-looking roots which at that moment were
behaving like strange, spooky creatures: their filaments and branches were
writhing like arms and legs struggling to break free; indeed, from time to time
a tiny grotesque human face would peep out and grin and laugh in a most hideous
manner. And at the same time something
began restlessly stirring inside the cabinets along all the walls and a large
bird with blindingly gold wings whirred frantically around the room. Deep dusk had set in; Wolfframb was seized by
a deep feeling of horror. Now Klingsohr
produced a box out of which he took a stone that immediately flooded the entire
room with dazzling sunlight. Everything
fell silent, and Wolfframb no longer saw or heard a trace of any of the things
that had terrified him only seconds earlier.
Two manservants dressed in the same curiously colorful silk
livery as the one worn by the man who had let Wolfframb in entered with a
magnificent suit of clothes that they helped Master Klingsohr to don.
Then Master Klingsohr and Wolfframb von Eschinbach went to
the rathskeller.
Having drunk to reconciliation and friendship, they
proceeded to challenge each other to sing melodies of the greatest diversity
and artistry imaginable. There was no
master present to determine which of them was prevailing against the other, but
if there had been he undoubtedly would have declared Klingsohr the loser, for
although he labored to exploit his great artistry and mighty intellect to their
utmost, he never came close to matching the strength and grace of the simple
songs improvised by Wolfframb von Eschinbach.
Wolfframb had just finished singing quite a splendid song
when Master Klingsdohr leaned back in his cushioned chair, lowered his eyes,
and softly and dejectedly said, “Earlier today you called me boastful and
cocksure, Master Wolfframb, but you would be gravely mistaken if you supposed
me to be so blinded by sheer vanity as to be unable to recognize the artistry
of a true singer when I hear it; I would now be happy to meet with you in the
wilderness, or in the hall of the masters.
Nobody is here to judge between us, but I will tell you myself that you
have defeated me, Master Wolfframb, and I hope that you will recognize that
this concession proves that my form of artistry is authentic. “Oh, my dear Master Klingsohr,” rejoined
Wolfframb von Eschinbach: “it is entirely possible that a peculiar joyousness
has swelled my breast and thereby rendered the songs I have sung today more
accomplished than my typical productions, but far be it from me regard this as
a sign that I am an intrinsically greater artist than you. Perhaps today your soul of souls happened to
be inaccessible to you. From time to
time isn’t everyone weighed down by some oppressive burden like a dark cloud
thank hangs over a bright meadow and keeps its flowering plants from raising
their dazzling tops skyward?
But although today you have conceded to defeat to me,
I heard many splendid things indeed in your beautiful songs, and for all either
of us knows you may well prove the victor tomorrow.
Master Klingsohr cried, “Of what use to you is your pious
humility?,” leapt up from his chair, stood beneath the window near the ceiling
and with his back turned to Wolfframb, and gazed silently up at the pale
moonbeams shining down from the heavens.
After quite a
number of minutes of this, he turned round, stepped briskly up to Wolfframb, and,
his eyes flashing with rage, he said in a strong voice, “You are correct in
believing that dark powers are subservient to my knowledge; our inner essence
must ever divide us. You have defeated
me, but tomorrow night I shall send you a man named Nasias. Begin a singing contest with him, and take
care that he does not defeat you.”
With these words Master Klingsohr stormed out of the
Pays Wolfframb von Eschinbach a Nocturnal Visit
was staying at the house of a citizen named Gottschalk who lived opposite
Eisenach’s municipal granary. Gottschalk
was an amiable, pious man who held his guest in high regard. It is quite possible that although Klingsohr
and Eschinbach had believed that they were alone and out of earshot in the
Ratskeller, certain people—perhaps some of the young students of vocal music
who followed the famous master wherever he went and tried to snatch up every
word that fell from his lips—had found a way of eavesdropping on the masters’
singing contest. The account of how
Wolfframb had beaten the mighty Master Klingsohr at impromptu singing had
spread through all of Eisenach, and so Gottschalk was among those who had heard
it. Brimming over with high spirits, he
dashed upstairs to his guest’s room and asked him how in the world the proud
master had been prevailed upon to engage in a singing contest at the ratskeller. Wolfframb faithfully related to him
everything that had happened and made no secret of the fact that Master
Klingsohr had threatened to sic a man called Nasias on him that night and that
he was supposed to pit himself against him in song. On taking this in, Gottschalk turned pale
with terror, threw up his hands, and exclaimed in a woebegone tone, “Ah, great
God in heaven, do you really not know, my dear sir, that Master Klingsohr has
dealings with evil spirits that are under his control and that must do his
bidding? Helgrefe, with whom Master
Klingsohr has taken lodgings, has been telling his neighbors the most
incredible things about his activities. He says that at nighttime it often
seems as though there is a large assembly of people gathered in his room, even
though nobody has been seen going into the house, and that then this strange
singing starts, and there is an insane amount of bustle, and blinding light
pours out of the window! Ah, perhaps this Nasias fellow that
he’s threatened to sic on you is the Archfiend himself, who will plunge you
into ruin! Leave here at once and take
lodgings elsewhere, my dear sir; don’t sit here waiting to see if this visitor
drops by; I implore you: leave here at once.”
“Come now,” rejoined Wolfframb von Eschinbach, “Come now, Mr.
Gottschalk, my dear landlord: I have been offered an opportunity to join in
competition with another singer; I can’t very well shun this opportunity like a
coward; such behavior would be most unworthy of a mastersinger. Whether Nasias is an evil spirit or not, I
shall await his arrival calmly. Perhaps
he’ll completely drown out my lays with all manner of songs composed on the far
side of the Acheron, but if he tries to bewitch my pious heart and injure my
immortal soul, he will undoubtedly fail.
“I know full well,” said Gottschalk, “I know full well that you are a
courageous gentleman who can’t be cowed by the Devil himself. But if you are determined not to change
lodgings, I hope you’ll at least let my servant Jonas stay up with you in your
room tonight. He is a hardworking,
pious, and broad-shouldered fellow who’s completely incorruptible by singing.
If at any point the infernal babbling starts making you feel faint and dizzy
and Nasias tries to pull a fast one on you, Jonas will give a holler, and then
we’ll move in with holy water and consecrated candles. They also say that the Devil can’t bear the
smell of musk, which a certain Capuchin monk has worn in a sack on his breast. I will follow his example, and as soon as
Jonas hollers, I’ll burn the musk in a way so that Master Nasias’s breath will
give out on him as he’s singing.
Wolfframb von Eschinbach smiled at his landlord’s goodhearted solicitude
and said that he was fully prepared for everything and determined to be more
than a match for Nasias. But he also
said that Jonas, the pious, broad-shouldered fellow forearmed against every
kind of singing, could stay up with him anyway.
The fatal night had fallen. But all remained quiet. Then the church clock’s weights whirred and
clanged as it struck twelve. A gust of
wind roared through the house, hideous voices howled in confusion, and there
arose a savage, cawing cry of fear like that of a flock of nocturnal birds
scared into flight. Wollframb von
Eschinbach had been quiescently yielding to all manner of pious and beauteous
poetic reflections and had almost forgotten about the baleful visit. Now, though, icy shudders were coursing
through the very core of his body and being; but with great effort he managed
to pull himself together and step into the center of the room. Under
the force of a violent blow that made the entire house rumble, the door flew
open, and a tall figure surrounded by a fiery red luster was standing
face-to-face with him and glaring at him with incandescently spiteful
eyes. The figure was so horribly ghastly
to behold that many another man would have lost every last dram of his courage
at that moment—nay, would have sunk to the floor in savagely abject terror—but
Wolfframb remained standing and asked in a firm and serious tone, “What are you
doing or seeking in this place?” The figure cried out in a repellently shrill
voice, “I am Nasias, and I have come here to do battle with you as a
practitioner of the art of singing.”
Nasias flung open his long cloak, and Wolfframb noticed that under his
arms he was carrying a large number of books, which he then dropped onto the
table just next to him. Immediately
thereafter, Nasias launched into a peculiar song about the seven planets and
about the music of the heavenly spheres as described in Cicero’s Dream of Scipio, and he varied his
melodies with formidable and exceptionally curious artistry. Wolfframb had taken a seat in his large
upholstered armchair, and he listened to the entirety of Nasias’s performance calmly
and with his eyes closed. When he had finally finished his song,
Eschinbach began singing a beauteous, pious song of religious devotion. At first during this performance Nasias leapt
to and fro and made as if to blubber out some indignant interjections and to
throw some of his weighty tomes at the singer, but as Wolfframb’s song became
more and more sonorous and powerful, Nasias’s fiery aura grew fainter and
fainter, and his body became increasingly small and wizened, until finally he
was only a span high and was climbing up and down the cabinets in his red cloak
and thick ruff, squeaking and meowing in the most repellent fashion all the
while. After concluding his song,
Wolfframb tried to catch him, but he instantly shot back up to his original
height and breathed out hissing jets of flame in all directions. “Hey, hey,” Nasias then cried in a
horrifyingly hollow voice, “Hey, hey, don’t trifle with me, mate! You may well be a fine theologian and fully
conversant with all the sophistries and erudition contained in your fat book,
but that doesn’t prove you are a singer who can try conclusions with my master
and me. Let us sing a fair song of love,
in doing which you may have to be a little more mindful of your skills.” Now Nasias began a song about fair Helen of
Troy and about the boundlessly rapturous joys of the Mountain of Venus. In point of fact the song had a downright
seductive sound, and the flames that Nasias sprayed all over the room as he was
singing it seemed to metamorphose into perfumes redolent of wanton
concupiscence and the delights of love, perfumes in which the mellifluous notes
of the melody undulated up and down like fluttering cupids. Wolfframb was listening to this song just he
had listened to the earlier ones—calmly and with his eyes closed. But by and by he began to feel as though he were wandering in
the shady lanes of a lovely garden and the beauteous notes of a noble melody
were slipping over the flowerbeds and breaking in through the dark foliage like
glimmers of dawn sunlight, and as though the evil demon’s song were sinking
into the night before them and the timorous nocturnal bird were cawing and
plunging into the depths of the abyss in its flight from the victorious
day. And as the notes effulged more and
more resonantly, his breast trembled with sweet foreboding and inexpressible
longing. Then she, the sole sustenance and constituent of his life, emerged from
the thick underbrush in all the resplendence of her beauty and adorableness,
and the leaves rustled and the radiantly pristine fountains bubbled as they
saluted this supremely majestic woman in a thousand amorous sighs. As if borne along by the wings of a beauteous
swan, she soared towards him on the pinions of song, and no sooner did his gaze
alight on her celestial form than all the blissfulness of love of the purest
and most pious kind was enkindled within his heart of hearts. In vain he struggled for words—and for
notes. The instant she had vanished, he
flung himself in superabundantly blissful rapture onto the parti-colored
grass. He called her name into the air;
in the ardency of his yearning he embraced the tall lilies; he kissed the roses
with his burning lips, and all the flowers partook of his happiness; and the
morning breeze, the springs, and the bushes spoke with him of the unutterable
delight of pious love! And so as Nasias
continued reeling off his vacuous love songs, Wolfframb recalled that moment
when he first beheld Lady Mathilde in the garden at the Wartburg; just as at
that moment, she was standing bodily before him in all her comeliness and
adorableness; just as at that moment, she was lavishing on him a gaze instinct
with piety and love. Wolfframb had not
hearkened to a single measure of the evil demon’s vocal music, but when this
music fell silent, Wolfframb began a song that extolled the celestial bliss of
the pious singer’s pure love in notes of unsurpassable potency and splendor.
The demon grew more and more restless, until
finally he began moaning in a loathsome manner and leaping about and causing
all sorts of mischief all over the room.
At this point Wolfframb rose from his armchair and in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost commanded the demon to pack up his things
and be gone. Spraying mighty jets of flame in all directions all the while,
Nasias snatched up his books and through a burst of scornful laughter cried,
“Piety, schmeity: you’re basically nothing but a lumbering layman, so yield the
palm of victory to Klingsohr with all speed!” He roared out of the room like a
tempest, and thick clouds of asphyxiating sulfur vapor filled the room.
Wolfframb opened the windows, and the
fresh morning air poured in and chased away the demon’s foul scent. Jonas woke with a start from the deep slumber
he had fallen into and was then more than slightly surprised to learn that the
whole contest was already over. He
called his master into the room.
Wolfframb recounted all the particulars of what had happened, and much
as Gottschalk had revered the noble Wolfframb even before the contest, he now
regarded him as a kind of saint whose pious benison was capable of routing the
pernicious powers of Hell. As Gottschalk
was rounding out his tribute to his lodger he happened to glance upward,
whereupon he noticed the following words written above the doorway in fiery
characters: Piety, schmeity: you’re
basically nothing but a lumbering layman, so yield the palm of victory to
Klingsohr with all speed!
So in the course of his flight the
demon had inscribed his parting words on the wall like an eternally standing
challenge to a duel. “Not a single waking hour,” cried Gottschalk, “I’ll never be
able to enjoy a single waking hour here in my own house while that abominable
Devil’s script is blazing forth from that wall in derision of my dear Master
Wolfframb von Eschinbach.” So saying, he ran straight to the masons’ to ask
them to come over and whitewash the writing.
But their efforts proved futile.
They slathered on a layer of lime as thick as a finger, and yet the
letters quickly burned through to its surface; indeed, even after they had hewn
away not only all the lime but also all the plaster beneath it, Nasias’s
message came blazing back through the red bricks at the heart of the wall. Gottschalk volubly lamented the
ineffaceability of the writing and implored Wolfframb to sing a song eloquent
and expressive enough to compel Nasias to wipe away the abominable words
himself. Wolfframb said with a smile
that such a feat might very well exceed his, Wolfframb’s, powers, and that it
would be best for Gottschalk’s piece of mind for Wolfframb to leave Eisenach
altogether because once he was gone, the writing might very well vanish on its
It was broad midday when Wofframb von
Eschinbach left Eisenach with a gaily courageous heart and brimful of
ebulliently high spirits, like a man with only the most dazzlingly resplendent
prospects in sight. Not far from the
town he crossed paths with Count Meinhard of Mühlberg and Walther von Vargel
the cupbearer; each of them was clad in lustrous garments, riding a beauteously
bedizened horse, and accompanied by a large retinue of servants. Wolfframb von Eschinbach greeted them and
learned from them that Landgrave Hermann had dispatched them to Eisenach to
collect the famous Master Klingsohr with all due ceremony and then conduct him
to the Wartburg. Klingsohr had been
spending his nights patiently and attentively observing the stars from a
balcony on the topmost floor of Helfgrefes’s house. When at length he committed to parchment the
lines of his first horoscope, two students of astrology who happened to be
present at that moment concluded from his curious gaze, from his entire
bearing, that his soul was harboring some important secret that he had read in
the stars. They did not shrink from
asking him what it was. In response
Klingsohr rose from his chair and solemnly said, “Know that tonight the wife of
the King Andrew II of Hungary
has borne him a daughter. But she will
be christened Elizabeth ,
and after her death Pope Gregory IX will canonize her for her piety and
virtue. And in the meantime this future
St. Elizabeth will be chosen as the wife of Ludwig, your Landgrave Hermann’s
This prophecy was immediately
communicated to the landgrave, who was delighted by it to the very core of his
heart. What was more, his opinion of
Klingsohr underwent a radical change now that the famous master’s mysterious
science had caused such a fair and auspicious star to shine on his house, and
he resolved to have him conducted to the Wartburg with all the pomp and
ceremony befitting a prince and a nobleman.
Wolffbramb now voiced the conjecture that owing to these
developments the Klingsohr-arbitrated singing contest to the death would not
take place, especially given that Heinrich von Ofterdingen was nowhere to be
seen and had yet to send word of his whereabouts. The knights assured him to the contrary that
the landgrave had already received news of Heinrich von Ofterdingen’s arrival,
that the inner courtyard of the Wartburg was being fitted out as a site for the
contest, and that Stempel the executioner had been summoned to the Wartburg
from Eisenach.
Klingsohr Leaves the Wartburg. Arbitration of the Poetry Contest
In a handsome chamber at the uppermost storey of the Wartburg,
Landgrave Hermann and Master Klingsohr had a tête-à-tête conference; Klingsohr
asseverated that the previous night he had indeed beheld a constellation in
which Elisabeth’s birth had figured, and then he advised the Landgrave to
dispatch a legation to the king of Hungary immediately and have the newborn princess
wooed as a bride for his eleven-year-old son.
The landgrave was highly gratified by
this counsel, and when he went on to praise the master’s command of his
science, Klingsohr began to descant on the mysteries of nature, on the
microcosm and the macrocosm, so learnedly and eloquently that the landgrave,
himself not entirely unschooled on such matters, was overcome with profound
admiration. “Ah,” said the landgrave,
“Ah, Master Klingsohr, I wish I could enjoy the pleasure of your instructive
conversation at all times. Quit the
inhospitable plains of Transylvania and take up residence at my court, at
which, as you will acknowledge, art and science are more highly regarded than
they are anywhere else. The masters of
song will embrace you as their teacher, for you must surely be as richly gifted
in that art as in astrology and other weighty sciences. So stay here for evermore, and think no
longer of returning to Transylvania.” “Your
highness,” rejoined Master Klingsohr, “your highness, I implore you to allow me
to return to Eisenach within the hour and to continue thence to
Transylvania. That country is by no
means as inhospitable as you may suppose, and it also happens to be highly
salutary to my intellectual labors. You
must also bear in mind that I may not on any account risk offending my liege
King Andreas II, thanks to whom, on account of my knowledge of mining, which
has already afforded him access to many a shaft abounding in the most precious
stones, I now enjoy an annual salary of three thousand silver marks and
consequently a life imbued with that carefree tranquility in whose absence art
and science can never thrive.” And even if perchance I could forgo this
salary, here at the Wartburg I would be obliged to spend all my time wrangling
and quarrelling with your masters. My
art is based on different principles than theirs, and it is bound to be
realized in performances that will differ from theirs both in manner and in
matter. It may indeed be the case that
what they term their piety and magnanimity is all they need in order to compose
their own songs, and that like timorous children they are disinclined to
venture into an unfamiliar place; far be it from me to disparage them on that
account, but I shall never find it possible to join their ranks. “But surely,” said the landgrave, “you will
still be staying long enough to serve as arbitrator of the lately irrupted
quarrel between your pupil Heinrich von Ofterdingen and the other masters?” “I most certainly shall not be,” replied
Klingsohr, “for how ever could I serve in such a capacity? And even if I could, I would not wish
to. You, your highness, should arbitrate
the quarrel yourself and in doing so simply make certain that your judgment
reaffirms the voice of the people, which will assuredly be loud and clear
enough. But please do not call Heinrich
von Ofterdingen my pupil. I used to
think he had courage and strength, but he only ever gnawed at the bitter shell
of the nut and never tasted the sweetness of its kernel! But never mind that! Go ahead and select the date of the contest;
I shall see to it that Heinrich von Ofterdingen shows up for it punctually.”
The landgrave’s most pressing
entreaties left the intractably stubborn master completely unmoved. He stuck to his resolution, and, richly laden
with presents from the landgrave, he left the Wartburg.
The fatal day on which the contest
between the singers was appointed to begin and end had arrived. In the central courtyard of the fortress
lists had been set up, almost as if a proper tournament were going to take
place there. In the middle of the circle
there were two black-draped chairs for the competing singers, and behind them a
high scaffold had been erected. The
landgrave had chosen two gentlemen of the court who were well-schooled in the
art of vocal music—the very same two who had conducted Master Klingsohr to the
Wartburg, Count Meinhard of Mühlberg and Walther von Vargel the cupbearer—as
arbitrators. Opposite the contestants’
chairs a richly festooned dais had been erected for the arbitrators and the
landgrave, and the dais was adjoined by rows of seats for the ladies of the
court and the remaining spectators. But
a separate black-draped bench next to the contestants and the scaffold had been
allocated to the masters.
Thousands of spectators had shown up,
and every place available for viewing the contest was occupied; from every
window of the Wartburg, nay, from its very rooftops, some portion of the
eagerly curious crowd was peering down.
To the subdued sound of muted trumpets and kettledrums the landgrave,
accompanied by the arbitrators, emerged from the gateway giving on to the
courtyard and mounted the dais. Next the
masters entered in a solemn procession led by Walther von der Vogelweid and
took their places on the bench allocated to them. On
the scaffold alongside his two assistants the executioner from Eisenach,
Stempel, a colossal fellow of a savage, defiant aspect, stood swathed in a
broad crimson cloak out of whose folds protruded the coruscating hilt of an
enormous sword. A priest seated himself
in front of the scaffold; he was Father Leonhard, whom the landgrave had
appointed to give spiritual succor to the loser in the hour of his death.
An ominous silence, one in which every
sigh was audible, hung over the crowd.
Everybody was transfixed with dread in
anticipation of the unprecedented event that was about to take place. Then the landgrave’s marshal, Franz von
Waldstromer, attired in the raiment of his office, stepped into the circle and
once again read out both the official description of the quarrel that had
occasioned the contest and Landgrave Hermann’s irrevocable decree mandating the
loser’s execution by the sword. Father
Leonhard raised his crucifix, and all the masters bared their heads, knelt
before their bench, and swore to abide by the landgrave’s decree both willingly
and cheerfully. Then Stempel swung his
broad, lightning-flashing sword three times through the air and menacingly
thundered that he would execute his charge with the greatest of skill and the
clearest of consciences. The trumpets
sounded. Marshal von Waldstromer stepped
into the center of the circle and loudly and emphatically cried out, “Heinrich
von Ofterdingen!” three times in succession.
And just as though Heinrich had been waiting unobserved
at the very edge of the lists when the last cry of “Heinrich von Ofterdingen!”
was subsiding into silence, he suddenly appeared next to the marshal in the
middle of the circle. He bowed to the landgrave and said in a resolute voice
that he had come at the landgrave’s behest to engage in combat with whichever
master should be pitted against him, and that he would accept whatever
judgment should be delivered by the chosen arbitrators. Whereupon the marshal presented the masters
with a silver container from which each of them was required to draw a lottery
tile. Upon unwrapping his tile,
Wolfframb von Eschinbach beheld on it the sign betokening its holder’s
appointment as Heinrich von Ofterdingen’s opponent. At first he was nearly overwhelmed with
mortal terror at the thought that he would now have to engage in a combat to
the death with his dearest friend, but by and by he came to feel instead that
he should actually be grateful to the merciful powers of heaven for having
chosen him as their champion.
While he was certainly willing to die if he lost, he had also resolved
that if he should prove the winner he would likewise submit to the fatal blow
rather than allow Heinrich von Ofterdingen to die at the executioner’s
hands. And so with good cheer and a
gladsome countenance he seated himself in one of the black-draped chairs. But no sooner did he take in the sight of the
countenance of his friend sitting across from him in the other chair than he
was seized by a peculiar feeling of dread, for while in this deathly pallid
face he undoubtedly beheld the features of Heinrich von Ofterdingen, its
uncannily incandescent, coruscating eyes could not but put him in mind of
Heinrich von Ofterdingen began his sequence of songs, and Wolfframb
was almost beside himself with horror upon recognizing it as the exact same
sequence that Nasias had sung on that ominous night down in Eisenach. But he pulled himself together with main
force and countered his opponent’s effort with a song of such supreme nobility
that its melody soared ever-farther skyward as it was taken up one by one by a
thousand jubilant tongues, and by its conclusion the people were already
prepared to declare him the victor.
Nevertheless, at the command of the landgrave, Heinrich von Ofterdingnen
was obliged to continue. He now began
singing songs whose superlatively wondrous melodies exuded such exhilaration,
such delight in living, that everyone sank into a sweet stupor, as if under the
tranquilizing influence of the ardent, efflorescent breath of the foliage of
distant India. Even Wolfframb von
Eschinbach felt as though he had been transported to a foreign realm; he could
no longer recollect his own songs, nor even recollect who he himself was. At that moment there came a murmur from the
entrance to the circle, on both sides of which the crowd was falling back to
make room for some new arrival. An
electric shock pulsed through Wolfframb’s frame; he awoke from his reverie; he
looked towards the source of the murmur, and—O Heaven Above!—beheld Lady
Mathilde stepping into the circle, resplendent in all her comeliness and grace,
just as on the very first occasion he had seen her, in the garden of the
Wartburg. She cast at him a supremely
soulful glance instinct with love of the utmost tenderness. Whereupon celestial delight, a veritable
superlatively incandescent rapture, soared jubilantly skyward to the strains of
the same song by means of which he had defeated the demon on that night. The people tempestuously and uproariously
proclaimed him the victor. The landgrave
and the arbitrators rose. Trumpets
sounded; the marshal took the wreath from the landgrave’s hands in preparation
for bringing it to the singer. Stempel
readied himself to execute his office, but just as his henchmen were taking
hold of the loser, they suddenly found themselves clutching at a cloud of black
smoke that shot up into the air with a roar and a hiss and then
evaporated. Heinrich von Ofterdingen had
vanished in some inconceivable manner.
All the spectators were running about in bewildered confusion, their
faces pale with horror; there was talk of infernal apparitions, of the
Archfiend himself. But the landgrave
gathered all the masters around him and said to them, “I understand now what
Master Klingsohr was actually insinuating in speaking about the singing contest
in such peculiar and mysterious terms, and why he so adamantly refused to
arbitrate the contest himself; and he is doubtless highly gratified that
everything has turned out as it has done.
Whether our victor’s opponent was Heinrich von Ofterdingen himself or
some other person whom Kingsohr sent in lieu of his pupil is now
immaterial. The outcome of the contest
has redounded to your credit, my brave masters, and we are now free to give due
reverence to the noble art of vocal music in peace and unity and to do
everything in our power to further that art!”
A few of the landgrave’s servants who
had been guarding the entrance to the fortress reported that at half-past six,
when Wolfframb von Eschinbach had just defeated the supposed Heinrich von
Ofterdingen, a figure who looked almost exactly like Master Klingsohr had
dashed through the gates and out into the night on a snorting black horse.
Meanwhile Countess Mathilde had betaken
herself to the Wartburg garden and Wolfframb von Eschinbach had followed her
When he found her sitting on a flower-covered
grassy bank, her hands folded in her lap, her beautiful head hanging almost to
the ground in dejection, he threw himself speechlessly at the lovely woman’s
feet. Mathilde bestowed on her beloved
an embrace instinct with ardently yearning desire. The pair shed copious fervid tears of sweet
melancholy, of lovesickness. “Ah Wolfframb,” Mathilde said at length, “Ah
Wolfframb, what a terrible dream has had me in its spell! How did I, a blind and guileless child, ever
come to surrender myself to the demon that was hounding me? Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive
Wolfframb clasped Mathilde in his arms, and
for the very first time he pressed a succession of ardent kisses to the lovely
woman’s sweet and roseate lips. He
assured her that all along his heart had belonged to her alone; that in
defiance of the infernal powers he had remained true to her; that she alone had
been the lady of his thoughts, the lady who had inspired him to compose the
song that had put the evildoer to flight.
“O,” said Mathilde, “O my beloved, let me just explain to you the
wondrous manner in which you rescued me from the baleful snare in which the
fiend had caught me. One night not at
all long ago, I found myself surrounded by outlandish and ghastly images. I myself did not know whether it was delight
or anguish that was constricting my breast so violently that I was scarcely
able to breathe. At the behest of some
irresistible force, I began writing down a song, a song very much in the style
of my uncannily inscrutable master and teacher, but then my senses were
overwhelmed by a sound that was half euphonious and half cacophonous, and it
suddenly seemed to me that what I had just written was not my song but rather
the terrible spell that would infallibly summon the powers of darkness. A figure of savage and horrific appearance
materialized, embraced me with arms as bright and hot as fire, and tried to
drag me down into the black abyss. But
suddenly the darkness was pierced through by the light of a song whose notes
shimmered gently like twinkling stars in the firmament. The dark figure had fallen into a swoon and
been forced to let go of me; now it furiously stretched its glowing arms out
anew towards me, but it only managed to get hold of the song I had just
composed, whereupon it threw itself into the abyss with a shriek. It was your
song, the song you sang today, the song the evildoer was forced to flee, that
came to my rescue. Now I am entirely
yours; my songs have been replaced by my loyal love for you, a love whose
superabundant bliss cannot be expressed in mere words!” Once again the lovers sank into each other’s
arms, whereupon they found it impossible to leave off discussing the torments
they had withstood and the sweet moment of their mutual rediscovery.
But in a dream she had had on the same
night as the one on which Wolfframb completely defeated Nasias, Mathilde had
distinctly heard and understood the song that Wolfframb was then singing at the
utmost pitch of exaltation and with the most heartfelt, pious love, the same
song that he subsequently performed to the same victorious effect during the
contest at the Wartburg.
Late that evening Wolfframb von
Eschinbach was sitting alone and thinking through some new songs in his room,
when Gottschalk his landlord came in and joyously exclaimed, “O my noble,
worthy sir, you have really soundly trounced the fiend with your great
artistry. His loathsome words have
spontaneously vanished from your room. A
thousand thanks are your due. But I have
here something that was delivered to my house with instructions to forward it
to you.” With these words Gottschalk handed him a folded letter tightly sealed
with wax.
Wolfframb von Escinbach tore open the
letter. It was from Heinrich von
Ofterdingen and read as follows:
“My dear Wolfframb! I salute you like a man who has recovered
from a grave illness that bade fair to end in his unspeakably painful
death. I have confronted many strange
perils—but let me pass over in silence the hardships of a period that lies
behind me like a dark, impenetrable mystery. You will still remember the words you spoke when
in a surfeit of foolish high spirits I boasted of my inner strength, and of how
it was destined to exalt me above you, and indeed above all masters. At the time you said that I might someday
find myself at the edge of a bottomless abyss, reeling with vertigo and on the
verge of falling in; and that at that moment you would be standing behind me
with a steadfast heart and would take hold of me and keep me firmly in place
with your strong arms. Wolfframb! What
your prescient soul foretold actually came to pass. I was standing at the edge of the abyss, and
you held me in place when I was completely dazed by a baleful access of
vertigo. It was your glorious victory
that in annihilating your opponent restored the gladsome gift of life to
me. Yes, my dear Wolfframb! Your song caused the heavy veil of fog that
surrounded me to vanish, and I found myself once again gazing up at the
cloudless firmament. Must I not then
love you doubly? You have singled out
Klingsohr as a great master of the art of vocal music, which he undoubtedly is,
but woe betide anyone who though not endowed with Klingsohr’s peculiar strength
dares strive for relations with that dark realm whose power he exploits at
will. I have forsworn my master; I am no
longer inconsolably ranging along the bank of the infernal river; I have been
restored to my native land.
Mathilde! No, it was surely not
that noble lady but rather some tenebrous apparition that filled my mind with
illusory images of vain terrestrial pleasure!
Forget all I did in a temporary phase of lunacy. Give my salutations to the masters, and tell
them how I am faring. Adieu, my dearest
Wolfframb; perhaps you will hear of me soon.”
Not long afterwards, news reached
the Wartburg that Heinrich von Ofterdingen was residing at the court of Leopold
VII, the Duke of Austria, and singing many splendid songs. Shortly later still, Landgrave Hermann
received a fair copy of these songs including both their words and their
melodies. All the masters rejoiced from
the bottoms of their hearts, for they were convinced that Heinrich von
Ofterdingen had forsworn all commerce with falsehood and that despite all the
fiend’s temptations he had preserved his pure, pious singer’s soul intact.
Thus Wolfframb von Eschinbach’s unimpeachable
command of the art of vocal music, in imbuing a soul of the utmost purity,
secured him a glorious victory over the archfiend and in so doing delivered
both his mistress from captivity and his friend from eternal perdition.
Translation Copyright © 2018 by Douglas Robertson