Showing posts with label Arthur Bell climbing roses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arthur Bell climbing roses. Show all posts

Monday, 24 June 2019

In A Vase On Monday - The Mellow Yellows

Hello Everyone

Somebody opened the floodgates here today and we've had torrential rain, with thunder and lightening thrown in for good measure. So you might just spot a raindrop or two on the foliage in my vase.
I asked my husband to cut a few of his climbing roses, 'Arthur Bell', happily before the heavens opened, and he very kindly obliged. It is claimed that this climber grows to fifteen feet (5m) but I think that's a miscalculation - ours is now way past that height despite hubby cutting it down, by a lot, every year.
It's a stunning golden yellow rose with a powerful scent which, if it wasn't for the height, makes it the perfect cut flower.
Tucked away and almost hidden from sight is a couple of tiny roses, rosa xanthina 'Canary Bird'. I first spotted this rose whilst on holiday on the Isle of Wight where it was being grown as a standard. I thought the single, bright yellow flowers, were delightful but it was the fern-like foliage that really caught my - very different from every other rose in my garden. Of course, I had to have one but ours is not grown as a standard, instead it is rambling along our fence and through a honeysuckle which also has yellow flowers.

For foliage, I've added lady's mantle, alchemilla mollis, and myrtle, Myrtus apiculata 'Glanleam Gold'.
As you might guess from the name, this should be a variegated shrub - gold and green variegated - but parts have reverted to just dark green. I will cut out the reverted stems eventually but, for now, I'm happy to pick it as it is to use in my arrangements.

Linking this post to Cathy's meme In A Vase On Monday on Rambling in the Garden and joining with many others who share whatever they have found to put in a vase this week. If you have filled a vase today I'm sure you would be very welcome to join in too.

Monday, 2 July 2018

In A Vase On Monday - Simply Yellow

Hello Everyone

This week's offering for Cathy's In A Vase On Monday is a very simple one.
A jug full of yellow roses! Confession time. I can't take any credit for this week's vase, that has to go to my husband.
Not only did he plant, prune and care for this stunning climber, Arthur Bell, but he cut and 'arranged' the blooms too. Though he'd happily admit there was no arrangement involved - he just plonked them into the biggest jug he could find, but don't they just look beautiful! And the perfume is fabulous too.
And this is the reason why I had nothing to do with this week's vase. Those blooms are far too high for me to reach - I am, at just over five feet tall, very definitely vertically challenged. So I asked my hubby to cut me a few. He's six feet tall so I'd estimate the climber has reached something like twice that height. According to the label the maximum height possible is fifteen feet (five metres).

I hope you enjoyed my husband's roses and that you will pop over to Cathy's blog, Rambling In The Garden, where you will find links to many more beautiful arrangements to admire.