Showing posts with label Haul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haul. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

What's On Your Workdesk - Week 476

Hello Deskers, Followers and All,

Wednesday again! It's been said before, and will no doubt be said many more times, but where did the last seven days go?! In fact, I almost forgot what day it is ... not entirely surprising at my great age ... so here for you, and our Head Desker, Julia, at the Stamping Ground, is what's on my desk today.
There's been a bit of stamping going on and a lot of scrapping. On an impulse, and perhaps a bit rash of me, I've signed up for the summer challenge on Mind The Scrap's Facebook group. I think I forget just how busy life is!!! The warm up began last evening so that's the first layout sitting on top of a stack of paper and the really useful box that's full of supplies beneath ... this last now seems to be a permanent fixture these days. On the left is new stamps I've been testing. They are part of a mini haul from Monday's trip to The Range.
As you can see, there are more than a few unicorns. My great niece, Arihanna, loves unicorns and mermaids and I suspect flamingos too. The snowman and butterfly punch were a happy find in a charity shop. Seems that someone had handed in boxes of crafty stash and I had a fine old time riffling through it. Sadly, much of it wasn't my taste but I did like the quirky snowman and you can never have two many butterfly punches.

Only one book to share this week. I'm still listening to Grisham's 'The Litigators' - actually it's re-listening to it while I craft away - but my bedtime listening is Secrets of A Family Album by Isla Dewar.

I can't say I'm really enjoying this novel. It's not her best. The main characters, Lily and her mother Mattie, are not very likable and I find myself not caring what happens to them. Also, there's far too much emphasis on what the characters are wearing, what cosmetics they use, etc. Not to mention several paragraphs wasted listing ALL the gifts each character, that gathered at Lily's parents home for Christmas, received! Paragraphs that I'd skip if I was actually reading the book.

That's me done for this week. I'm off to check a few desks before lunch.

Take care everyone and have a great week ahead.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Craft Exhibitions at SECC Glasgow on Thursday

Afternoon Everyone,

I hope this finds you well and having a super Sunday.

The weather here is appalling ... much rain and the wind is revving up more and more as the day progresses. I hope those of you who are down in the south of England have battened down the hatches ... I hear you are in for a big one ... gale, that is ... the forecast is for 80mph! Hope you all get through it without too much damage.

I'm happy to report that the weather was kind to my daughter, Juli, and I when we tootled off to Glasgow, to the craft exhibitions ... there was two going on at the same time, Crafts for Christmas and Hobby Crafts ... at the SECC.
Check out that blue sky :) And what about this building? It's the recently built SSE Hydro which just opened on September 30th this year ... in plenty time for the 2014 Commonwealth Games. It's a sporting and entertainment facility ... see a photo of it lit up at night here.
Our first port of call was the Crafts for Christmas exhibition which had a display of items from the various stands in the hall. I liked the Christmas tree and Julia loved the 3d picture of The Waverley Steamer - the last seagoing passenger-carrying paddle steamer in the world ... she's been going since 1946 and hopefully will keep on going for many more years.
We were both agreed that this dragon is spectacular ... it's made entirely of recycled metal components ... so we went off to find stand E21 - Roosters Creations - and were totally wowed by what we saw ... here's just a montage of some of the many photos I took.
I think you can click on the photos to enlarge them ... the hand in the second montage is amazing. And if you want a much better look at Scott's (that's Rooster) creations made from discarded cutlery, teapots, spark plugs, tools, scrap metal, etc., check out this YouTube video

We spent a very enjoyable hour or so checking out the various stands and loved everything we saw ... we could have spent a fortune but we exercised great self-control, saving ourselves for the Hobby Craft hall :)

Almost our first port of call was the ClarityStamp stand where Barbara Gray, seen here chatting to a couple of fans, very kindly showed Juli just what can be done on a Gelli plate. And I learned a new trick or two too :)
This chap is the Decopatch Penguin ... he looks very smart in his floral waistcoat. Juli was fascinated to discover some of the crafty things her mother gets up to in her craft room. Some, like this form of decoupage, she had never seen before. I think we may have a crafting convert now after watching demos on everything from air brushing to Zentangle!
Here she is, almost at the end of the day, having a rest and a cuppa ... it seemed that we had walked miles around all the stands. And what did we buy? Juli found some fat quarters of fabric for the patchwork she is working on and, though she didn't buy it there and then, she also found the sewing machine of her dreams ... one specifically designed for quilting and patchwork. And here's a pic of my haul.
As you can see I was remarkable restrained - a Clarity stamp I'd had my eye on since watching Barbara demonstrate it, two pots Pinflair Buff-it, gorgeous stuff, and the sponges for applying it, an Imagination Crafts stencil with thistles I couldn't resist, some fat quarters - love the red one with the wee Westies on it - a patchwork strip, a quilters quarter inch measure, a reel of very nice Christmas ribbon from Designs on Pine and a Pigma Micron pen ... to try my hand at Zentangle some time.

So that's it. I hope you enjoyed our trip to the SECC. We chatted to a lot of lovely folk, watched some brilliant demonstrations and all-in-all had a lovely day. We came away tired but happy and planning return in March for the next Hobby Craft exhibition.

Take care and happy crafting,

Monday, 5 August 2013

Weekend Trip to the Craft Fair and Craft Centre

Afternoon All

Hope the day goes well for you. It's turning out to be not a bad day here, the sun has has got it's hat on again and I've been doing a bit of tidying up in the craft room too ... well, I've cleared my desk ... baby steps, peeps :)  Especially when I've been MIA over the weekend and hardly stepped into the craft room at all.

And why was this so? Saturday we took off up the coast to my favourite craft centre where a craft fair and demonstrations were going on. Here's a few of the pics I remembered to take.
Starting with the car park ... not many craft centres can boast a stunning view over the Firth of Clyde to the Argyll peninsula.
The craft stalls selling a multitude of handmade goods - candles, soaps, knitted dolls, jewellery, etc., - oh, and cards, of course.
This deer was there to be decopatched for a small donation to charity ... and I had a go! Decopatch is easier than I expected so it's now on my got to try (GTT) list.
The door to ultimate crafting temptation. That's the Stix demo table you can see centre stage. And such a shame that I forgot to ask the demonstrator her name because she was brilliant, showing new ways to use double-sided sticky sheets and the hot glue gun ... plenty more to go on the GTT list. Out of shot was the Crafters Companion and Spellbinders demo areas where, I'm sure you've already guessed it, I spotted a few more great ideas for the GTT list.
And, I confess, I didn't come away empty handed ... a large cutting board, for cutting fabric, a couple of pieces of felt, white and green I have plans for, Glossy Accents, printable lightweight card, a new blade for the trimmer and a pack of pretty buttons I couldn't resist. I thought I was quite restrained :))
My feet were killing me after a all that standing so I found a handy seat to rest awhile and this blingy little fellow was sitting just beside me.
And spotted on our way out of the garden centre, thought they would be just be perfect for the pet's corner in Pixie's playground?

Hours of fun and sore feet to prove it :))

On the way home we popped in to see my daughter ... it was her birthday, 21 again!!!

Sunday afternoon was spent in the garden. A tidy up, tying up of straggling climbers, potting up of plants that have outgrown their current pots, deadheading and weeding was called for. Quite a to-do list and only got half of what I intended done because, by then, I'd seriously overdone things and needed to get my very swollen feet up. The mind is willing, such a shame my pins are weak :))

So that was my weekend, and the reason I didn't post anything, or, for that matter, do any crafting - apart, that is, from that little bit of decopatching on the deer. And I won't be doing any this coming weekend either. I'm off to see my son up in Aberdeenshire. It's his birthday too. I only had two children and yet somehow they both came to be born, not quite 2 years apart, in the first week of August!

Now, I'm off to do a bit of blog hopping before settling down to watch a bit of TV later ... the second part of Southcliffe is on this evening. It's a grim drama but Sean Harris is so good at playing dysfunctional he has made it compulsive viewing.

Hope you all have a great evening, whatever you are doing.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

WOYWW 191 - What's On Your Desk Wednesday

Hello Everyone,

Joining in the fun again this week and I have a photo of both my workdesks for you this morning.

Not the brightest photo ever but that's because it was still dark when I got the camera out this morning ... it's not that much brighter now. It's 9.10am here and we still have to have the lights on! Anyway, I'm in the process of making a card suitable for a male recipient which explains the supplies that are lying out in the forefront ... Chronology stamps, distress inks and ink duster, etc. At the back are the essentials - my essentials :) In the blue dish all manner of adhesives; in the plaid tray, wet wipes and a few boxes containing stamps, cocktail sticks, oh, and an emergency inhaler - just in cases :) To the side of that is my catch-all tray, that's where I dump all sorts of bits and bobs until I can find time to put it all away. Behind that the tool bag - full of vital equipment - a basket of stamping blocks, a pot full of pens and pencils and a basket of stamping blocks. Even the chook box can be spotted this morning. Everything that could be needed close to hand but doesn't it look a right old mess ... note self: tidy the desk and clean that craft sheet!!!

The other workdesk - always a much tidier space. Yesterday, I nipped down to our local craft shop. It was an emergency! I desperately needed some cut-n-dry and the rest just jumped into my hands - I can't even pretend I had a basket :) The bargain of the week is the sequin waste. At 20p a metre, I just couldn't resist and I'm absolutely certain I needed those dies - they are going to be soooooo useful :)

So, there you are, my desks this morning. Now I'm off over to clock in with the head desk keeper, Julia Dunnit, over at the Stamping Ground. If you don't already join in with this weekly snoopathon but would like to, go on, do it, you'll enjoy yourself :)

It's a wet and miserable day here so I'm not planning to go out anywhere, in fact, I can't think of any better than to spend a much of the day visiting as many of you as I can.

I hope you are all well, and enjoying rather better weather wherever you are :)

Happy WOYWW,

Saturday, 1 December 2012

It's been a busy few days ...

... and it's only the first of December!

Hi Everyone,

I've just had a whirlwind of a few days and I thought I might do a wee review - as much for my benefit as for your entertainment :)

It all started with my 65th birthday ... yes, 65 ... I can't believe I'm that old either but it's true! The day began with a very early morning text wishing me a happy birthday, the first of many throughout the day, then I switched on the computer, clicked online and this is what greeted me ...

My own personal birthday greeting from Google!!! I'm assuming they do this for everyone but I didn't know this so was completely overwhelmed ... that is, once I confirmed that it really was for me and not some other more famous Elizabeth  :))

And then there's these ...

Handmade cards from crafty friends, BJ, Julia, Jenny & Cassidy, at the front - just fabulous. Apologies to Cassidy - the EM has placed your card the wrong way up and I didn't notice until now!?!? The 1947 card is from the oldest of my younger brothers ... it came with a CD of events that happened the year I was born ... it was a heck of a year beginning with a really freezing winter which was then followed by terrible floods in spring, and then, in summer, a heatwave. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, there was rationing, strikes, power shortages, no NHS and the threat of nuclear war ... what a world to be born into! Fortunately, being born almost at the end of the year, I missed the worst of it but pity my poor mother.

On Friday, we drove up to my granddaughter's so that I could cuddle my baby great-grandson, Brodie John Cameron Higgins.

He has a bit of jaundice - hopefully, that will clear in a week or so. As there is a strong history of deafness in the family, granddad, grandmother, paternal uncle, etc., he has had his first hearing test already and it seems he may be deaf in one ear. As it could just be an aberration he will have another test next week just to be certain one way or another. Otherwise he is doing well and is an absolute sweetheart.

And here's me proving that I still know how to give a baby a bottle ... there are some things you just never forget :)

One of my birthday presents was some very welcome vouchers for my favourite craft centre and, as they were burning a hole in my pocket, we took a trip up today. I had a lovely splurge on some nesting dies, patterned paper, stickles, liquid pearls and a quickie glue pen ... I restrained myself :))

The papers have been chosen mainly for the more subtle B sides - much more useful than big and bright patterns. Not shown in the photo is a couple of rolls of washi tape - I forgot to put them out.

Almost done, but on the way back the EM stopped off for me take a few photos of the beautiful views near Inverkip ... I thought you might like to see them.

Inverkip is a picturesque little town on the Clyde Estuary famous for its yachting marina ... here you can see just a tiny smidgen of the vessels there through the trees. It was a cold and frosty day but there was a low sun and the sky really was this incredible blue.

Same area, just looking the other way, down the estuary towards the Isle of Arran - absolutely gorgeous.

And for anyone who may have doubts, here's my last photo ...

... yes, Santa is coming to Scotland :))

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend too.

Take care and happy crafting,

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Cardmaking Demonstration at Cardwell's Craft Centre

Evening Folks,

And welcome to my newest followers, Catherine, Trisha, Briony, Victoria, Lynn ... if I have missed anyone, I  do apologise, but I am so pleased you are there and hope you enjoy reading about my exploits and viewing the projects I create - thanks for being there :)

Hope you have all had a great day wherever you are. I went along to Cardwell's Craft Centre to watch Sheila of Docraft's demonstrations and it was both fun and instructive.

Sheila is a lovely lady, who not only has lots of crafting know-how, but also a lively sense of humour. It was her first visit to Scotland but judging by her happy smile, I think she won't need too much persuading to return.

The route through the garden centre to the craft centre - how pretty is that :)

The craft centre entrance - inside it's massive. It's well stocked and caters for all sorts of crafts ... papercrafting, stamping, quilting, knitting, jewellery-making, children's crafting etc., etc.

Just a little haul but you didn't think I'd leave empty-handed, did you? The Happy Days collection is lovely, the theme is a period I remember well, the 50s, and so tempting ... what could I do, the 12x12 paper stack, journaling cards and die-cuts just had to come home with me. The stamps come free with the magazine and there was a £2 voucher off the stack in the magazine, so I just had to take advantage of that too :))

The eagle-eyed among you might have spotted my new crafting companion, Bogdan, the schoolboy meerkat. He arrived here a few weeks ago ... all the way from Russia, via Holland and Paris ... I know this because I received email postcards keeping me up-to-date on his progress! Of course, after making such a long and tiring journey just to be with me, he now has a special place on my desk and in my heart ... Bogdan is here to stay :)

Finally, I thought you might like to see these gorgeous giraffes - too tall for the average conservatory, methinks, but still fabulous nonetheless.

It's raining again ... my roses are getting a battering and are beginning to look a bit bedraggled ... oh, for a few fair days!

I'm off to have a quick play with my new goodies.

Happy crafting to you all,

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

WOYWW 160 - Holiday Crafting ... a few cards I made

Hello Everyone,

As I write this post it's late Tuesday evening and whilst the day started of lovely ... sun shining, temperature good ... it changed completely by mid afternoon, the rain came down and it's decidedly dull and miserable now ... boohoo :(

Happily, tomorrow is Wednesday and that means it's WOYWW day, that's the acronym for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday ... the day a goodly number of us reveal all, well, all that's on our desk ... anything else might frighten the horses :)  Don't already participate but would like to join in? Just click the WOYWW icon (in the left sidebar) and you'll be transported to The Stamping Ground, the admirable Julia Dunnit's blog, she's the genius who dreamt up this massive weekly snoopathon.

Now I know that Julia likes us to keep our posts brief but I hope she will forgive me if I go on a bit this week - I've such a lot to show and tell :)

Having been on my travels around England for the last two weeks, I've had to forego the pleasure of peering and peeking around your desks. However, I didn't miss out on all the fun, not entirely, because Jan (Lunch Lady Jan) kindly arranged that we meet up for lunch last Wednesday and to my delight Julia, herself, and Di of Pixie's Crafty Workshop and Sunday Snippet fame were there too.

Me, Jan, Julia and Di
Everyone came bearing gifts, a desk tidy for each of us from Jan, essential goodies for any crafter from Julia and,  Di brought along her delicious Raspberry Tiramisu for dessert- click here for the recipe - I know I shouldn't have but it was truly mouthwatering and raspberries are my favourite fruit :) 

After lunch, Jan's husband, Gordon, took the EM off to look at steam engines - his idea of bliss! While we went off to Shopkeeper Gal's emporium ... needless to say I did not leave empty-handed.  She's moving to bigger and better premises soon - see Julia's post here for the full info -  so I'm sending good wishes for a smooth and trouble-free move. Here's a couple of photos of what just had to come home with me :)

The other side of those 12x12 papers
Quite a pile! I'll be scrapping and crafting for months with this lot!!!

All-in-all it was a fantastic day and I had the best of times getting to know these lovely ladies even better ... I wouldn't have missed meeting them for the world. 

I did take a stocked tote away with me thinking that if the weather was too bad I could maybe find a wee bit of time to craft. However, the weather was kinder to us than anticipated and we were out and about a lot so crafting time was minimal but I did manage to make a few cards.

It was difficult deciding what crafting supplies to take ... there are so many items I think I can't live without!!!

I generally resist collections but thinking it would make things easier I bought a designer collection ... Dawn Bibby's Classical Bloom. I quite liked the look of it when I saw it on TV and visualised myself dashing off a huge number of cards ... they'd be great to donate to charities, etc. So what did I do? I made FOUR ...  here they are.

Finally, I returned to a pile of mail and in it was this super ATC made by France to celebrate WOYWW's third anniversary - lovely :)

A mammoth post this week - I promise I will keep it brief next week :)

I hope you are all well and perhaps even enjoying better weather than we are experiencing currently ... it would be nice to get out into the garden now and then ... never mind, there's always the tennis to watch :)

I will, as usual, do my level best to visit you all ... however, I have a lot of visiting to do this week - taking souvenirs to the family ... and it's my beloved granddaughter's ninth birthday tomorrow too ... nine, I can hardly believe it!

Happy Crafting to you all and have a lovely WOYWW,