Showing posts with label Dinner at Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dinner at Home. Show all posts

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Yam Meal

I didn't cook all these food.
So, I would spend less time in the kitchen and still could taste good food !

Dinner Menu :
1. Yam Rice (芋头饭) - with Chinese mushroom, dried shrimp, fried onion and yam - This was given by my sister.
2. Old Cucumber Soup ( 老黄瓜汤)- with pork rib which was  given by neighbour , Yu-J.
3. Dessert    :    Purple Sweet Potato Bubur Cha-cha (紫薯摩摩喳喳糖水)- sago, black eye beans, yam , purple sweet potatoes and coconut milk + sugar.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Cassava Sweet Soup ( Tongshui) and Soup Beehoon

A friend of mine gave me this cassava tongshui ( 木薯糖水, ubi kayu )after my dinner.
I seldom cook cassava by myself because I need to buy one whole big piece of cassava and I think it is quite difficult for me to handle it.

The colour of the dusk outside my house - Ipoh.

My lunch the next day.
1. Soup beehoon with tofu and chives omelette.
2. Still the same cassava tongshui. 

Friday, 30 March 2012

Chinese Cabbage and Lemongrass Pork Rib Soup

All these food was given by friends and neighbour. 
My neigbour Yu-J gave me some pork rib soup but I " modified" the soup by adding some Chinese cabbage and lemongrass .

Dinner Menu:
1. Chinese Cabbage and Lemongrass Pork Ribs Soup
2. Fruit : Loquat 
3. Dessert : Sweet Soup (  Tong shui ) - with Barley, Dried Longan,  Gingko , Lotus Seeds and White Fungus.

Loquat  枇杷

Tongshui  莲子龙眼糖水

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

White Radish Soup And Winged Beans

These are red, green and white radish that we can get from the supermarket here.
But white radish is more common than the other two so  I usually buy the white one.

The easiest way for me to make soup is to use "abalone sauce" or anchovies stock granules. Sometime the combination of both. 
The radish  soup was made at 7.30pm.
But the dinner was 45 minutes later in order to make the radish soft.

Dinner Menu :
1. Saute Winged Beans 四棱豆
2. Radish Soup with " Abalone Sauce"
3. Condiments - fried salted bean paste豆瓣酱, salted black beans豆豉,chilli padi, chopped onion and garlic + sugar

Some leftover radish soup would be a bowl of soup beehoon for my breakfast next day.
But somebody was looking for me and I was chatting with her for a while.
The soup had dried up and that's what you see now:)

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Of Acar ( Pickled Vegetable) and Carrot Potato Soup

It's dinner time again.
It's another meal again.
Can you imagine that I didn't even need to cook any of these dishes here !

Dinner Menu :
1. Acar - Pickled Vegetables gave by my sister. It's a bit sweet but I added in some vinegar.
2. Fried Prawns - also from my sister. It tasted good ! 
3. Carrot and Potato Soup - from my neighbour , Yu-J.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Chicken Curry and Vegetables

IMG_2134 Dinner : Chicken curry and vegetables

I have been cooking too much green capsicums.
You can almost see them in every of my meal recently.
Don't I get bored of eating it ?
Yes , almost.

Dinner Menu :
1. Chicken Curry 
2. Stir fried Chinese Cabbage and Green Capsicum with Fermented Salted Beans ( 豆瓣酱)

IMG_2133  Chinese cabbage , green capsicum with fermented salted bean , 黄白,灯笼椒炒豆瓣酱

IMG_2130 Chicken Curry

Monday, 9 January 2012

Tofu and Tomato

IMG_0924 Tofu and tomato ,番茄和豆腐

It was almost 8pm when I started to prepare dinner. I was starving !
So, it had got to be a quick one.
The frying pan is big enough ( 10 inches diametre base ) to cook 2 things in. 
All right , I would just fried them together in order to save time and gas.

Dinner Menu:
1. Saute Tomato wedges without salt.
2. Saute Tofu without salt, garnished with green chilli.
3. Halve of  Homemade Salted Egg ( Leftover from yesterday).
3. Fruits -  Rambutan ( Direct translate as "Hairy fruit ") and Langsat from a Malay friend who plucked from their "dusun" ( orchard in Malay Language) , Kuala Kangsar. Of course , I only ate some of these , not all .

IMG_0927 番茄和豆腐,tofu and tomato

IMG_0937  Tofu , tomato and homemade salted egg


IMG_0939 Rambutan and langsat in seasons ,红毛丹和冷撒季节

Red : Rambutan
Beige : Langsat

IMG_0941 Rambutan and langsat in seasons红毛丹和冷撒季节

Share a photo of rambutan with you which I shot at my friend's house ( she bought these rambutans )in the evening ,15 Dec 2011.

IMG_0268 Rambutan
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