Showing posts with label elizabeth allan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elizabeth allan. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Penny Black Treat

We are very lucky to have Elizabeth Allan from Penny Black, in-store tomorrow (thursday) at Sir Stampalot, Peterborough.
Elizabeth will be running a 2 hour class from 3pm - 5pm using the brand new Penny Black designs.

Projects may vary in class tomorrow.

If you fancy coming along, please phone for details and reserve your place. Places are very limited and on a first come first served basis. Rare opportunity to have Elizabeth in the UK and not to be missed if you can make it.

If you want to keep upto date with Elizabeth's artwork, she contributes heavily to the Penny Black Blog.

Additionally all the new designs have arrived instore and we will be filling our shelves with them tomororw along with displaying the sample boards. Card samples will go online on our gallery but probably not for a couple of weeks. View our gallery.

Ring me on 01733 324 007 for booking class spaces
- janicex