Showing posts with label Kunde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kunde. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2009


We went out of town for the weekend. We drove by the Oquirrh Mountain Temple and then went to Carl's Jr. for lunch. Brian was more interested in the play area than in eating his lunch. Brian got so excited that he even had a "little accident." (Rrrrg! I hate getting wet clothes off of kids). But Brian didn't let that stop him from having fun. After lunch, we went to Target, (a special treat for us since our town doesn't have Target). Anyway, Sam bought a snazzy striped tie and a new polo shirt. It was raining cats and dogs as we left Target. The Temple Open House was great. The boys were pretty good. We met up with most of Sam's family for the tour. At the end of the tour, we got to chow down on cookies and water...Mmm :P Afterward, we went to Cold Stone for ice cream and then down to Rosanne and Laura's new home. Kyle and Staci made us yummy homemade pizza. The next morning, we all went to church. Then it was up to Salt Lake to visit Great Aunt Barbara, Temple Square, and more relatives at Aunt Deanne's place. It was nice to get out of town and to enjoy the company of family. I got to finally meet my first niece, Eleanore. She's such a good baby. She even let me hold her!(Simon)
My nephews, Kimball (4) and Simon (2 1/2), are fun. Since I never get to see them, I made them give me hugs. Oh, and right before I left, Kimball told me, "I love Brian. He's my cousin. We get into alot of mischief." Smart kid. (Brian & Kimball)

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sam's 29th Birthday Recap

Sam's birthday was a week ago. To celebrate (a day early), we went to the Aquatic Center. CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE

On his actual birthday, Sam requested that I make pot roast for dinner. Mmm, Mmmm Good! Then we had this calculator cake that correctly calculated Sam's age:

Sam's youngest sister, Staci and her husband, Kyle surprised Sam with a visit. They had been in Utah for a mission reunion and were on their way back up to Rexburg. We're so glad they stopped by.