Showing posts with label Tyler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyler. Show all posts

Monday, January 09, 2023

Happy Holidays 2022

Dear Family and Friends,

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  We rejoice in the birth of our Savior and know that He loves every single one of us.  We hope that this letter finds you happy and well. Our 2022 was filled to the brim with many blessings and new adventures.  We are excited to see what 2023 will bring.  Here is an update on each member of our family and some of our highlights of the year:

SAM continues his career as a Engineering Technician at Juniper Systems.  He has the best work ethic and we truly appreciate the fine example he sets for our family.  Sam serves as the Ward Librarian at church.  During Memorial Day weekend, we all squeezed into our minivan for our family vacation.  We ate dinner at our favorite Rexburg sandwich shop, Millhollow.  Our first night was spent in a giant suite at the Hampton Inn.  Sam drove us all to Yellowstone National Park.  We braved two days in the torrential rain and explored as much of the park as we could.  Sam, Brian and Tyler enjoyed hiking the Red Pine Lake Trail with Sam's dad, brothers, and some older cousins.  Thanks to endless patience, YouTube, and several trips to the auto parts store, Sam has successfully repaired a couple car issues.

LISA turned the big 4-0 in April.  She found the perfect house (a couple blocks away) for her newly retired parents to move to.  After living across the country for almost 20 years, our family is thrilled to play games, go on adventures, attend church with Lisa's parents.  At church, Lisa actually really enjoys serving as a Nursery leader.  There has been 15+ toddlers in Nursery several times and luckily there are two other women that serve with her.  Lisa and her friend, Polly Arey, took on the huge task of planning, purchasing, and preparing a week's worth of meals for 30 people at Girls Camp.  It was quite the undertaking but they did it (and were highly praised for the tasty food).  However, her biggest feat was creating the Lisa Kay Studios Shop.  She set up her vendor booth 8 times this year! She also took over a huge kitchen classroom and taught women handlettering and chalk art.  Her dream came true of sharing her artwork with her community and becoming a paid artist!  

BRIAN (17) high school senior, accepted and has a scholarship to attend Utah Tech University in St. George, Utah in Fall of 2023, worked and lived at LaBeau's in Bear Lake (his first summer job just 1 hour from home), bought himself a custom Framework laptop that he's proud to bring to school.

TYLER (15) high school freshman, made the Varsity Cross Country Team, helped lead his team to win the Cache-Box Championship (1st place since 2003), participated in the Bob Firman meet in western Idaho and NXR (Nike Cross Regionals) in Mesa, Arizona.  Tyler had a big growth spurt and is now taller than Brian.   

KATIE (12) 7th grader at a new to her public charter school, collects mood octopus toys, attended a baking class, went to her first Girls Camp (where she discovered her love of hiking).  Katie is thrilled to be taller than Lisa now.  Katie has been growing out her beautiful brown hair hair out and it's now practically down to her waist!

JULIA (9) 4th grader, loves to make crafts, discovered the show Master Chef Junior (which inspired her to attend a baking class), and volunteers to help cook dinner and bake at home, enjoys attending our church's activity days.  Julia loves her friends and has enjoyed supporting her friends by attending their events.

Thank you to those of you who sent us Christmas cards.  We really enjoy hearing updates from our family and friends.  Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and abundant new year.                          - Love, The Wards 

Friday, June 03, 2022

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Tyler's Sacrament Meeting Talk given in Dec. 2021

 Good Morning Brothers and Sisters,

     My name is Tyler and I have been asked to talk about why Christmas is so important.  Christmastime is a time where you gather with family and even friends to celebrate Jesus Christ's birth.  Christmas is a very busy season covered with Christmas lights, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, decorations, and lots more.  

A wise man once said, "The most amazing thing about Christmas is its relevance."  It is a holiday where you celebrate at home with people of all ages and lifts amazing moods in life.  Christmas is teaching about the Savior and "it is more of a blessing to us to give than to receive gifts." During Christmas morning in the holiday season try focusing your heart on Jesus Christ, Our Savior.  Christmas is just around the corner and it is easy to lose sight of the stable, the star and that sacred, silent night."  

The account of the first Christmas in the Book of Mormon helps us to learn and more fully understand that Jesus Christ is the "light with shineth in darkness" (D&C 10: 57-61).  In every season of our lives: in all of the circumstances we may encounter, and each challenge we may face, Jesus Christ is the light that dispels fear, provides assurance and direction, and endangers enduring peace and joy.  "Many of our most memorable and enduring Christmas traditions may include different kinds of lights, Christmas trees in our homes, candles on our tables, or our favorite treats.  The lights of every holiday season may remind us of Him who is our source of light," says Elder David A. Bednar.  There is no better time than now in this Christmas season to teach or to be taught of Jesus Christ.  It's time to give thanks to our Heavenly Father, our neighbors, ourselves, family, and friends.  

I know the church is true and that Joseph Smith  was a true prophet for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I am glad that we have a living prophet and apostles that leads and guides us today.  I am grateful for our bishopric and look forward to serving a mission.  Merry Christmas everyone!  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Youth Fireside Talk by Tyler given on 1/24/21

I have been asked to talk about a physical goal of mine.  Running has always been enjoyable for me ever since I was really little.  

Over the last couple of years, I have found that running races makes my daily training worth it.  Sometimes I train so hard that I get injured.  My running coach helps me know what to do specifically to get better.  

Even though I am not able to train in a group like I'd prefer, I am still training alone.  Fortunately, Covid has not prevented me from running races.  As a gift for my 12th birthday, my mom surprised me with a large runners medal display board.  I really like that it is a visual representation of my progress over the years.  Another tool that motivates me is my Garmin watch.  My watch tracks my mileage and many other things.  

I have had the opportunity to attend several local high school cross country meets this fall.  It is fun for me to cheer on my older friends in their races.  I can't wait to join them once I am in high school.  I am planning on training with a high school team this summer, since I'll finally be old enough.  

Having a physical goal makes me grateful for the health and strength that I have been blessed with.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.  

Monday, December 07, 2020


First of all I have to thank CodyPaige Photography for the great family picture! I just love the fall colors. Anyway, this year has certainly brought forth many challenges. We have increased our faith, our diligence, and our trust in our Savior. His plan is the best plan.

Tender mercies have brought us closer as a family this year. We're grateful for the opportunity we had to take a family trip to Southern Utah at the end of the summer. We had a blast and went on lots of adventures at Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park. Good times!
Brian (15) is a sophomore and can't wait until his 16th birthday
to get his official driver's license. Just a 2.5 month wait!

Tyler will turn 13 at the end of December. He has had quite the growth spurt
this year and is now taller than me! This 7th grader's passion is
training and running local 5k races.

Katie (10) is in her last year of elementary school.
This 5th grader is still obsessed with elephants
and is working on growing her elephant collection.

Julia loved ringing in her 7th birthday with a parade just
for her outside of our front door. She loves to create art and
play an online math game called Prodigy.

Sam turned the big 4-0 in May. To celebrate, two of Sam's sisters came to visit.
We all went to Bear Lake and enjoyed the water and the yummy raspberry milkshakes.
Sam has been very fortunate to be able to go into work as usual
and continues to take good care of us. And as for me,
I worked as a preschool teacher's aide for a few months.
I no longer work outside my home, which is fine with me.
I have freedom to do whatever I'd like while the kids are at school. Life is good.

We wish all of you the best holiday season. We are so glad to have people like you that bless our lives. We'd love to hear back from as many of you as possible. Take care!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tyler Playing

Tyler 1st Grade Soccer

Friday, December 22, 2017

Happy Holidays 2017

December 2017

Dear Family & Friends -

We hope this holiday greeting finds you well.  The joy and magic of this season is very much alive
in our household.  It’s so fun to decorate the house, make treats for neighbors,
watch Christmas shows, and just enjoy each other’s company.  
We are well aware that the Lord has blessed us immensely this year.  
We are grateful for this wonderful life.

SAM - Husband, Father, 9th year with Juniper Systems as a Repair Technician, #1 Mr. Fix It Guy,
Loves to Netflix & Chill, has a Sweet Tooth, enjoys being Uncle Sam

LISA - Wife, Mother, 1st Counselor in Primary, Professional Photographer, Indecisive Home Decorator,
Early Afternoon Napper, Kettlebell Queen, Modern Calligrapher in Training   

BRIAN (12): Straight A 7th grader, Percussion Master, Mom’s Wednesday Morning Baker,
Resourceful Researcher, Engineer in Training, Ordained a Deacon at church

TYLER (9): Super Social 4th grader, Multiplication Facts Master, Creative Drawer,
Competitive Soccer Star, 1st Place 1 Mile Wildcat Runner for his grade (every year since kindergarten)  

KATIE (7): Best Writer in 2nd grade class, Thoughtful GIft Giver, Super Swimmer,
Biggest Fan of TMNT, Batman, & Wonder Woman, Quality Time and Snuggling are her favorite

JULIA (4): Youngest Student in Preschool Class, Starting to Read, Collects PEZ dispensers,
Colorful Artist, Cosmic Kid Yoga Girl, Aaron Richards is her best buddy

Thank you for all the love and support you show our family.  Take care!        Love, The Wards

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Olson Cousins

Last summer in July, our little family drove across Wyoming and down to Colorado to visit Jenny & Seth and their family as well as Aaron & Sarah and their family.  
I took several pictures with my phone, but the only time I whipped out my nice camera was right before we drove back home early one morning.  
 Sarah (6), Katie (6), Emma (4)
 Brian (11), Ben (8), Tyler (8)

Summer 2016

Monday, January 23, 2017

2016 Portraits of Our Children

 Brian - 11 years old

Tyler - 8 years old 

Katie - 6 years old 

Julia - 3 years old

Friday, December 30, 2016

Happy 9th Birthday to Tyler!!!

Tyler is so fun to have in our family! He is friendly, adventurous, smart, determined, athletic, artistic, and fun to be around! Tyler has an excitement for life that is contagious! I hope you're having fun watching the new Star Wars movie with Brian and your dad. We sure love you, Tyler!

We decorated his bedroom door, Brian made him waffles for breakfast, and now the boys are at the new Star Wars movie! I'd say that's a super fun morning for the birthday boy!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tyler - A Very Important Wildcat

Tyler's survey he filled out at the start of 3rd grade:

Favorite food: pizza
Favorite restaurant: Pizza Pie Café
Favorite T.V. show: SlugTerra
Favorite movie: Pan
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite color: orange
Favorite thing to do: running races
Favorite sport: track
Favorite place to be: Lagoon

Friday, July 29, 2016

Happy 36th Birthday, Sam!!!

Happy Birthday to our Superman, Sam! Thank you for always making us feel loved, protected, and provided for! Sam is very dedicated to the well being of his family and spoils us with lots of quality time. The kids and I are spoiled by having such an attentive and service oriented husband and father by our side. Sam has to work today so we celebrated his birthday yesterday. We took the kids on a new hiking trail that just opened up, made fruit kabobs, had a backyard BBQ at home, and opened presents. We love you, Sam! And of course, even though we celebrated yesterday, we still have a few surprises for you today.

Monday, January 04, 2016

Tyler's Baptism

 I had a lot of fun taking pictures for Tyler's baptism announcement.  
Our family had just spent the afternoon at Bounce N' Slide and it was getting closer to sunset. 
I told Tyler to hurry inside and get on your church suit so we could head over to the church for pictures.  Tyler was in such a good mood and we got some fun shots.  Here are a few of my favorites:
We were in a hurry and I think those red shoes just scream personality with his suit!
Tyler's Baptism Day
Tyler was baptized and confirmed as a 
member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by his Dad.
The Stake Center's water heater wasn't working, so poor Tyler's baptismal font water was extra cold.
He was so brave to get in that cold water and make such a special covenant with Heavenly Father.
We are so blessed to have Tyler in our forever family.
Tyler is growing into a great young man.
Tyler didn't want to have a picture with me.
Grandpa and Grandma Ward (and Aunt Laura) woke up really early to make the drive up from Orem.
They gave Tyler a nice journal and a CTR tie tack.
My Grandma Hallstrom and Uncle Calvin came to the baptism as well.
Two of Tyler's best friends, Beck Susman and Jack Griffiths, came to support Tyler on his special day.
Others that were in attendance at the baptism: Tyler's Primary Teachers, Alan and Wendy McBride, the Primary President, Christi Nazer, Primary Counselor, Jenny Klinger,
Bishop Zeke Susman and his wife, Lacy Susman.
Dennis Livingston wasn't able to make it to the baptism, 
but he was sweet and brought over a nice handwritten card for Tyler.
These boys are hardly ever serious:
We had family come over to our house afterwards for a celebratory lunch.  
We had pizza, breadsticks, pop, carrots, oranges, brownies, and chocolate chip cookies.
We sang, "Happy Baptism Day To You" (to the tune of "Happy Birthday") 
and had Tyler blow out his candle.
Sam and I gave Tyler a very special gift: his own set of scriptures with his name engraved on it 
and a very nice scripture case.
Banner Artwork by Tyler