
Friday, December 21, 2012

Maitland Art Center

The Maitland Art Center was founded by architect and artist J.Andre Smith in 1937. A beautiful site only minutes from downtown Orlando. It offers a variety of classes for both adults and children. An interesting place to take your camera and capture a few images. The Mayan Courtyard on the grounds is one of the  highlights of the center. The center is also listed on U.S. Register of Historic Places. Check it out!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Greenwood Cemetery

Cemeteries are solemn areas in every city that offer photographic opportunities unlike no other places. Usually so quiet you can hear yourself think. The wind is evident as it blows ever so slightly. Walking the grounds and visiting grave sites, you can feel a void and  the absence of the spark of life, an absolute silence we are unaccustomed to. Cemeteries have a way of heightening your senses and photographic eye.  Greenwood Cemetery in Orlando a beautiful place to capture images. Death is a part of everyday Life.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Thornton Park District

The city of Orlando is filled with smaller communities that are cool, hip and trendy all by themselves. One of the most stylish is the Thornton Park District. Literally full of great homes, architecture, parks, eating establishments and watering holes. We get millions of visitors each year that head right for " the Mouse". (residents like to refer to the Disney theme parks in that way). Why not take a break from the Magical World of Disney one day and investigate the inner city of Orlando and especially the Thornton Park neighborhood? You will be glad you did!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Birds of Central Florida

Location is an advantage for a photographer. The current economic state of the world dictates that for most of us,we can't get up and travel to distant area to take photographs on a whim. In other words we have to make due with our spot in the world. Some of us are fortunate enough to live in exciting cities or close to nature reserves or places where animals or birds are. Central Florida is one of those areas. Plenty of wildlife is available to photograph if you have the time and patience. Birds of a feather flock together here and I take my camera to places within 10 -15 mile of where I live. I am happy to share some of them with you. Great White Heron, Great Blue Heron are plentiful here. Not to mention Parrots, Flamingos and other colorful birds. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The House Of Blues

Do you like photographs full of color that are so vivid they seem to pop off the page? I suggest going to the closest House of Blues and spend some time capturing the ambiance, artwork and the Louisiana essence that bring the blues front and center to the eyes! A few examples follow.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Late Afternoon Shower

If you are like me, you don't mind a rainy day once in a while. "Variety is the spice of life" I have always been told, so I really look forward to taking my camera out of the bag after a late afternoon shower hits. You will be surprised at what you are able to capture. In my locale,The swamp lands of Florida become vibrant with colors and the raindrops become the focal point of your images. I have posted a few examples. Stay dry.