
Showing posts with label versatile blogger award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label versatile blogger award. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Today I had a bit of a surprise. As you may have guessed, I am a relatively new kid on the block, so was honored to receive my first blog award! The Versatile Blogger Award was passed to me by Mitzi, who writes at Daily Reflections I am indeed honored to receive it from a blogger whose work I admire very much. Mitzi has a wonderful way of presenting her blog material. Mitzi is also on twitter as DailyReflect.

Now, I know it is tradition to tell seven things about myself.
1. I am the oldest of four children
2. Married to Barbara "Notes From The Second Half" Lambert
3. We have two sons and one grandson
4. Born in Cleveland Ohio (Armpit of the world). Just kidding
5. Browns Fan for life
6. In the Printing / Graphic Arts business for over 30 years
7. My Great Uncle James ("Shimbo") was a Merchant Marine and when he retired " rode the rails " for years after the war. He once left home for a loaf of bread and returned seven years later.

I would like to pass on this award to two bloggers I enjoy reading regularly.

1. Lee who posts at Ordinary Dad and is also on twitter as OrdinaryDad.
2. Bth who posts at Little Light in London and is also on twitter as lighinldn.