
Showing posts with label Lighting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lighting. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Concert Photography

The new high-end digital cameras are so versatile.They allow you to be so creative in different light levels. I come from the film generation and in low light situations such as concerts, many photographers would use 400 speed film and push process it to 800 Asa to increase the range to get the desired results. Nowadays that is not a issue because of the digital camera's ability to change the iso settings midstream and go from say 400 ISO to 1200 or even 2000 with great results. So at concerts I utilize a number of methods of photography. If permitted, I will bounce flash and utilize natural stage lights for different effects, constantly changing the ISO settings. I usually shoot in Aperture mode to focus solely on the entertainer not on the stage. The following photographs of Blues Musicians are examples of that technique.