Showing posts with label doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doll. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Witchy Poo

Witchy Poo has her black cat tucked under her arm and stick broom ready for All Hallows Eve. Isn't she scary with her green face. I love this time of year with the fall colours, black crows, scary witches, harvest moons and pumpkins start to come out.
She's got her best black hat for the occasion.

Every witch needs her black cat.

And the pattern I used to create my little witch. She is also a class I'm teaching at the shop I work at. I hope everyone likes her as much as I do.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Flat Annie

Annie is not so flat anymore, she got some much needed stuffing and is feeling much better. She was missing her eye's for a couple of days too...poor Annie, I looked high and low for my paints to make the little black and white dot, without any success. I was heading to Micheal's to pick up some paint but first I had to drop my daughter off at home. She showed me the cutest sign she painted for her "kitty X-ing" out in the back lane. Light bulb moment....I asked her for a little paint to finish Annie...duh. So Annie is now happy. The funny thing is I found my paints this morning, right under my to the computer.....duh again
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Here is the magazine I found Annie waiting for me to bring her home. In case you can't see, it's Vol 8, No 9.

Have fun making your own Annie.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On My Cutting Table

Yikes....another week just few by....I don't know what the heck I did all week but I know....I did stuff. A little sewing, cutting and puttering here and there. This is what I have on my cutting table "body parts". A friend was kind enough to point out the cutest Annie doll pattern in a magazine...well look what happened (what are friends for?). Soon Annie will have all her parts together and she will be a wonderful addition to my little quilt collection.

I hope you are having a great week and have a little time for sewing.