Showing posts with label Political-Correctness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political-Correctness. Show all posts

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Judge who ordered prosecution of Wilders steps down

Who is Tom Schalken?

Chief Justice Tom Schalken is one of the judges for the Court of Amsterdam who ordered the OM (Public Prosecution) to prosecute Geert Wilders for hate crimes. The trial ended a short time ago in a victory for Geert Wilders. The Judges repealed the charges against Mr. Wilders, saying that Mr. Wilders distinguished between Islamic doctrine and Muslims. In his statements Mr. Wilders critizised Islam and not Muslims and that is permissable under the law.

Geert Wilders' defense

During the trial Mr. Wilders defense laywer Mr. Moszkowicz attacked the judges head-on asking for the substitition of the first and the second set of three judges for partisanship. He was successfull the first time. Moreover the laywer attacked Tom Schalken for attempting to influence one of the tree witnesses for the defense: Hans Jansen. During a dinner party before the trial judge Tom Schalken tried to convince the witness that the charges of hate speech against Geert Wilders were well-founded. This led to the dismissal of the first trial.

Trials and tribulations

During the second trial Chief Justice Tom Schalken was called as a witness for the defense. It was an harrowing experience for the judge as he stated last week in daily newspaper NRC Handelsblad.
During the trial I was assaulted with so much hatred and derision, that I am unable to continue my duties as a judge

Schalken also bemoaned the fact that the police questioned him for five hours, investigating charges that he would have tried to influence a key witness.

The end of a Chief Justice

Tom Schalken asked Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands to relieve him of his duties as a judge.

The President of the Court of Amsterdam

In a response the President of the Court of Amsterdam, Mr. Leendert Verheij, criticized Chief Justice Schalken's (NL) remarks:
Individual judges are heavily taxed when they are faced with an avalanche of criticism, which they may regard as unfair. However it is my opinion they have to act responsably. Which means they cannot reply personally. What is certainly deplorable is that judges critisize the work of their fellow judges.
Snouck's Commentary

Tom Schalken's verbiose self-dismissal as a Chief Justice is another victory for those who are opposed to the Islamization of The Netherlands and Political-Correctness that aids the former. Ambitious judges will have taken note of the damage which Mr. Schalken incurred as a result of his defense of PC and Islam. They will be avoid attacking opponents of Islamization unless especially when they appear well-connected an powerful, e.g. if they are connected to Geert Wilders'Freedom Party (PVV).

And the President of the Court of Amsterdam is right to implicitly state that Tom Schalken damaged the esteem in which judges are held.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The Wilders hate speech trial is resumed

Geert Wilders Hate Speech trial
Today on Monday the Fourth of October 2010 the trial against Geert Wilders was resumed. There is an excellent write-up by Ferdy at KleinVerzet on this trial.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Whites need not apply

Dicrimination in hiring by the state

Unbelievable. There is another story of racial discrimination by the Dutch police in their appoinments policy. Before I blogged about the efforts by the Minister of Justice to increase the number of minorities working for the police, by hiring and promoting quota. These quota blocked all male applicants. There was some anger in the Dutch press at this blatant policy of discrimination. In addition several minority appointees turned out to be incompetents. And it seemed the policy had gone out of the window.

Job reservation for women and minorities

Well, it is back again. Last weekend the police placed an recruitment ad (Dutch) to hire an administrative division head for the police organisations of Frisia, Groningen and Drenthe. The ad bluntly states that
this position is reserved exclusive for women and non-dutch candidates.
Article 1 and Article 3

Discrimination does not get any more blatant than this. This goes directly against article 1 and article 3 of the Dutch constitution. According to the commission who has written the text of the ad, the text has been approved even by the Minister of Justice, Mr. Ernst Ballin. For the record, the Christian Democrat Hirsh Ballin replace Labour Minister of Justice Guusje ter Horst, after Labour left the government coalition a few months ago. Article 1 of the constitution says that all cases will be treated equally in The Netherlands. Article 3 states that all appoinments for public office must give all applicants equal consideration.

Discrimination in the private sector

Another case, a large grocery chain, "AH-to-Go", hires a lot of non-dutch staff to work in filling the shop racks. Many of these are Moroccans and this population gropu is notorious for their violence. At some point e-mails surfaced of AH-to-Go Managers asking job agencies supplying them with workers to put a cap on the number of ethnic Moroccans. A few days ago the Public Prosecutor announced that the three managers who wrote the offending e-mails will be prosecuted for discrimination and trespassing against article 1. of the Constitution.

In previous cases entrepreneurs and managers of private firms have been fined for similar policies.

Do as I say, not as I do

Obviously politicians and the servants of the Dutch state think that they set the laws for the citizenry but that the laws do not apply to them. So they are allowed to do what citizens are explicitly forbidden. The state is far more powerful than individual citizens and private firms. This tyrannical application of power causes distrust and resentment amongst the population at large.

Some animals are more equal than others

Still cases like thise attrackt an increasing amount of attention. There is a connection which is overlooked. Freedom Party (PVV) Geert Wilders is prosecuted for hate speech and discrimination under the same laws as those which are being used against the AH-to-Go managers for making statements which are critical against Islam. It would be a major injustice if he would be convicted for thought crime, while the states pursues a policy of discrimination. It could well happen. Judges are formalistic. Their definition of discrimination is that which the laws and statues define as illegal discrimination. But even if Mr. Wilders is convicted it will not stop him or the PVV, but the injustice will rather be more wind in their sails.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Employers hostile to Wilders

The Freedom Party shockwave

The populist Freedom Party (PVV) had 9 seats in parliament between 2006 and now. The 24 seat victory of Geert Wilders' Freedom Party in the June 9 elections sent a shockwave through The Netherlands. And one of the ships hit by the PVV shockwave is the Dutch business world and they are truly unsettled. Their mouthpieces, the employers' federation has warned in March against the rise of the PVV:

The head of the Dutch employers' federation has accused far-right politician Geert Wilders of "seriously" damaging Dutch interests abroad.

Bernard Wientjes, who chairs the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW), said it was outrageous that Mr Wilders recently presented himself in London as the next Dutch prime minister and then derided Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as "a complete fool". Mr Wilders' statement, which was broadcast around the world, caused shock in the British press.

Mr Wientjes, who heads the largest employers' organisation VNO-NCW in the Netherlands, says Mr Wilders poses a serious threat to the Netherlands and the Dutch economy. He underlined that three quarters of Dutch GDP comes from revenue earned abroad.

Mr Wientjes stressed that his federation will do business with any Dutch cabinet, including one joined by Mr Wilders' PVV party. But he emphasised that he hoped Mr Wilders party would not be included in the next government following parliamentary elections on 9 June.
And on Friday bussiness daily FD (Financieele Dagblad) published the responses of the chairmen of the employers federations FME-CWM, MKB-Nederland,Holland Financial Centre and VNO-NCW what kind of a government they want on their frontpage. All of the federation are rooting for a coalition which exludes the PVV. In an half page interview inside Mr. Wientjes of VNO-NCW again insisted that he hopes that a centre righwing or a centre leftwing government without PVV is formed. Mr. Wientjes was shocked by the good showing of the PVV and the Socialist SP despite their weakness in the polls. He mourned the weakening of the political centre. He regretted the evident splintering of Dutch politics and could not give a reason for the strength of the PVV apart from his strength in the television debates.

Islamisation is okay

This shows that the business world is hostile to the rightwing surge in The Netherlands. Business is opposed to a brake on mass immigration and the islamisation of The Netherlands. For them a good business climate and good relation with international trading partners take precedence over the continuity and security of the the nation.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wilders: showing up in force

Geert Wilders summoned for Insulting Islam

Geert Wilders is summoned by the Court of Amsterdam on December 4. The charge is insulting Islam.

Calling for a demonstration for FOS

The case is due on January 2010. Yesterday Mr. Wilders (Dutch) called for a demonstration supporting Freedom of Speech (FOS) at the the concrete Court of Amsterdam on the Parnassusweg. His hope is a show of force to persuade the judges to let him walk on account of "societal unrest" if anti-islamic views are surpressed by judges.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dutch Politicians seek PC input from universities

Facing immigration waves

Nations faced with a wave of immigration from a different civilization have to gain understanding of the invading civilization. European nations have been flooded with Muslims for the past 40 years. As a result there is a great need to inform policy makers, administrators and the public at large.

Lucis: a Dutch light on Islam

In response to this need a new institute for the study of Islam (Dutch) was opened in the University of Leiden, The Netherlands on October the 14th. One of the speakers invited was the Mayor of Amsterdam: Job Cohen (Labour Party). Mayor Cohen's city has a large Muslim population, you see.

Mayor Cohen's New Insights

At the opening of the institute Mayor Cohen charged that university experts (Dutch) do not manage to get the correct opinions accross to key audiences. In Mayor Cohen's view this is the cause of "politically incorrect" debating by Dutch politics and media. Mayor Cohen calls these views of Islam "views lacking in nuance". Job the Mayor called upon the fellows of the new institute to make sure that
their scientific knowledge and insights will not remain enclosed by the wall around the academic world. Universities have a societal responsability. Islam is more than a religion. It is a political factor and a social, cultural and historical phenomenon. There is so much to say about this Islam that scientific reflections may be of help. Reflections on Islam encompass the Muslim world and the everyday world which Muslims inhabit. Questions that ought to be answered are: is Islam a religion of violence? Is the Netherlands Islamizing? Is Islam be unreformable and therefore backward? Can Islam live together with Western democracy and the rule of law?
Mayor Cohen's Shtick
all attention in debating Islam in The Netherlands goes to "radical" Islam, although radical Islam is only a minor part of the totality of that religion. Moreover the debate is polluted with matters such as crime and anti-social behaviour. Because Dutchmen are not ridding themselves of this one-sided view the average Muslim is left in the cold.
What is the significance of Cohen's presence at LUCIS?

The fact that Mayor Cohen was invited to the opening of the new Leiden University institute indicates that he was involved in securing its funding. The other speakers at the opening are all connected to the academe and there is the Dutch Secretary General of NATO Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. Mr. De Hoop Scheffer and Mr. Cohen are not noted for their knowledge of Islam. But they are known for their expertise at managing purse strings. And he who pays, calls the tune. In his speech Mayor Cohen made clear which two messages he wants to hear from the LUCIS institute. One: he wants LUCIS to tell HIM what ISLAM is really about. He wants the institute to answer questions such as:
"is Islam a religion of violence?"
This is a remarkable question for someone of Job Cohen's convictions. It may be an indication that Mr. Cohen is starting to doubt the multi-cultural creed. But to the general public Mr. Job Cohen wants another tune played. He is clearly instructing LUCIS to influence the media and the debate in such a way that the tendency of
... Dutchmen ... not ridding themselves of this one-sided view ...
is countered. Thus LUCIS is the latest effort to fool the Dutch public while handing the class of political experts and managers real insights.

What is the significance of Job the Mayor?

Well, Mr. Job Cohen is the mayor of the biggest city of The Netherlands. A city with nearly a hundred thousand Muslims. Right now his party, Labour, is doing exceedingly bad in the polls and at an all time low. In fact Labour is down to about a third of their usual votes and may occupy not even ten percent of the seats in Parliament if the polls are anything to go by.

Mr. Cohen's next step up

Mr. Job Cohen is an unusually gifted administrator and there are many people in the Labour party who want him to join the leadership of Labour at the national level. He could even be the new leader of Labour in the next round of elections. No matter what the exact distribution of seats is going to be, all mayor political parties will be culled and Labour will be a necessary part of any broad, multi-party coalition which will be formed. This three- or four-party coalition will NOT include Geert Wilder's Freedom Party (PVV) and will try to implement the usual Multi-Cultural policies that the political class has managed to foist on the Dutch public for the past 40 years.

How does LUCIS fit in all this?

And then LUCIS, the new Ministry of Truth, will come mighty handy to Mr. Cohen and his political cronies in The Netherlands and in NATO.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Culture Clash: Nigeria, Russia and the West

Warning: this is an unserious post

American culture is world culture

Supposedly we are living in One World with One World Civilization. And when this World Culture must be specified its American Pop Culture.

How universal is American English really?

Everybody knows American English. Apart from the French.

But it seems that Russians have a problem with American English too. Read this:
Russia's energy giant Gazprom has signed a $2.5bn (£1.53bn) deal with Nigeria's state operated NNPC, to invest in a new joint venture.
So far so good.
The new firm, to be called Nigaz, is set to build refineries......
Boardroom prank?

This made my imagination run wild. What happened in the boardroom? Do those Russian Tycoons really not understand which connotation "Nigaz" has? Or do they know and do they think they would get away with playing a prank on their Nigerian counterparts? A 2.5 billion prank?

And what about the Nigerian board room? The Nigerian upper class is supposed to be English speaking. The must know that "Nigaz" or "Niggaz" has an off-colour connotation. Why do they put up with this?

Nigaz. Let's just file this under weird stuff.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Affirmative Action in the Dutch Police

Increasing the number of women and minority policemen

The highest principle of Liberalism is the law of non-discrimination. This makes Liberalism a reality denying creed. People are unequal.

This blog previously featured articles "affirmative" hiring of women and minorities by Interior Minister Guusje ter Horst in the "White men rule" and "White men rule 2" miniseries. The goal of the Department of the Interior is to employ 15 percent women and minority candidates by 2010. The Minister of the Interior can not find suitable candidates and as a result she is losing the support of Parliament.

The Amsterdam Police Department (APD)

The scandal is now moving from the ministerial level to the level of high ranking functionaries. The Department of the Interior today made public that the Police Chief of Amsterdam, Bernard Welten (Dutch), had budgetted a sum of 3.2 million Euros to find ten candidates for top positions in the Amsterdam police. That is 320.000 euros per functionary.

And this is at a time when the Department of the Interior is slashing the budget for entry level policemen. Large numbers of people have to enter the police as a significant part of the force is retiring in two years! This economy is meant to cut the budget by 190 million Euros. If all 25 Police Departments would spend 3.2 million Euros to recruit Affirmative Action candidates it would cost 80 million euros. That is forty percent of the entry level policemen cut!

The news was picked up by "De Telegraaf" newspaper. The spokeswoman of Bernard Welten (Dutch) quickly came with something of a retraction. The actual amount that will be spend on recruiting the ten candidates will be less than 3.2 million Euros. Which is a liberally vague statement.

What does a 320,000 Euro premium tell us about equality?

Nevertheless the fact that it costs such an amount of money to find these candidates is evidence of how rare these candidates are. PC savvy functionaries are using the funding entrusted to them to buy away candidates before other Police Departments put their hands on them. Rather than using the money to increase the sustainable security of the citizenry.

The Affirmative Action target is unrealistic and crime fighting ought to be far higher on the list of priorities in crime ridden Amsterdam.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Minister and the Merchant

Dutch media: less restrained on the downside of immigration

This blog previously featured a story on the Dutch media increasingly catering to the need for news reflecting the public's suspicions about immigrants, particularly Muslims.

The Minister and the Merchant

When Dutch commentators and pundits reflect on the soul of the Dutch nation, they will often use the parabel of the Minister and the Merchant. This is the "Koopman and the Dominee" parabel. On the one hand the Dutchman has always tried to project an image of stern Protestant rectitude. The Minister. On the other hand he REALLY wants to make money. The Merchant.

The Media as the Minister

In the pervailing climate of Political Correctness or Neo-Marxism it was the Minister who usually won out in the way the media reported from the multicultural frontlines. With the advent of the internet and readership of the dead tree media falling like a felled fir tree, the Merchant is in ascendance.

The Merchant strikes back

Today leftist newspaper "De Volkskrant" hawked a "More Morroccan Criminals in Rotterdam" story, which I used as one of the sources for my previous article. What is remarkable is the prominent place the article received in the paper version of the "De Volkskrant" today: frontpage in the upper left hand corner.

(The painting is a portrait of the 17th Century Dutch Merchant Jan Six by Rembrandt)

PC losing its grip as glasnost

As far as I know it is a first for "De Volkskrant". It is exemplary of where the media in The Netherlands are heading. The Soviet Union embarked on a policy of openess "glasnost" in 1985. This was meant to assist in reforming the Communist system. But the relaxing of censorship caused so many absurdities of the system to come to the fore, that the elite lost its faith in the ideology altogether and this spelled its doom withing less than a decade.

Friday, May 29, 2009


White men rule, Minister of the Interior does not

In early March this blog featured a story about quotas for women and minority candidates in the Dutch police. Dutch Parliament had asked for quotas to increase the number of women and minorities at the expense of white males. So the Minister of the Interior, Guusje ter Horst, insisted that a police district would not hire a male candidate. Instead a woman or a minority ought to be selected. The Minister had to back down after heavy pressure on the Minister from populist media.

Zeeland fights and emerges*

Something similar happened this week. The security apparatus of the province of Zeeland refused to accept a woman as their police chief (Korpschef). The proposed police woman (Dutch), Mrs. Rutte-Teuben was judged a lightweight by the commissions that had to appraise her.

The Zeeland securocrats insist on quality. The ratio of cases solved to crimes reported is slipping and they cannot afford to acquiesce in the appointment of a substandard candidate. So the need for quality has trumped the demand for equality.

The ardour of Parliament for quotas was doused

But there is better news. Dutch Parliament is so discouraged by the difficulties of finding good female and minority candidates, that they are giving up diversity management altogether. Parliament fears power struggles between the minister and the police hierarchy (Dutch). They are now calling for an end to the quota system and for merit based promotions.

* The Coat of Arms of the province of Zeeland is "Fight and emerge" and a half submerged lion.

Wilders vows to remain true to his message

Geert Wilders refers to the political trial against him

During his speech yesterday on Accounting Day Geert Wilders, who will be prosecuted for "Hate Speech" against Islam vowed to stick to his guns:

Chairman, I repeat: Islam is a totalitarian ideology, the number one threat to our Freedom. This government looks at the ceiling and wishes the problems will just leave of their own account. But I, I will not remain silent, nor falter. Not for a hundred thousand death threats, not for Al-Qaida, not for the Minister of Justice and certainly not for the political show trial which is awaiting me.

Mr. Geert Wilders is on a collision course with the Political, Bureaucratic and Judiciary elite. He has the power of his convictions and this makes it very difficult for his opponents to touch him.

Most observers are aware that the assault on Mr. Wilders only enhances his popularity and delegitimize those who try to damage him.

Even so, not everybody who opposes Islam in The Netherlands has the strength of conviction Mr. Wilders has. It will set a precedent if Mr. Wilders is convicted and goes to jail. It will become easier to punish others who critisize Islam. There is a long drive through the night ahead for those who love The Netherlands and Western Civilization.

The Dutch State accounts for some of its policies

Accounting Day: policies and financial reports

Yesterday 28 May was "accounting day" in the parliament of The Netherlands. This is the day that all departments publish their financial reports and relate them to their goals. The 2009 accounts relate each department's financial reports for 2008 related to their set goals in September 2007 on "Prinsjesdag".

The Elephant in the room

One report was conspicuous by its absence. The number one issue in the mind of the public is the state of the society as a result of post 1960ies mass-immigration. Since 2001 this issue has mesmerized the public.

The leader of the Freedom Party (PVV), Geert Wilders, remarked on this inexplicable state of affairs:

Chairman: this government does absolutely not account for the effects of mass immigration on the economy. The Dutch Central Statistics Office (CBS) calculates a 100 Billion Euro damages

The reports of the costs and damages of mass-immigration by the CBS which Mr. Wilders quoted were not part of any report by any department.

What has Wilders achieved here?

Mr. Wilders made an excellent point here. Dutch politicians and bureaucrats avoid real accountability like a plague. Political-Correctness was invented in an Orwellian attempt to obfuscate matters concerning Multiculturalism and mass-immigration. If Mr. Wilders presses this matter there will be considerable pressure from Dutch society on the political establishment to report truthfully on the extra costs and revenues generated by third world immigrants. And whether their balance is positive or negative.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wilders will definitely be prosecuted for Islam-criticism

Geert Wilders, leader of the anti-Islam party PVV, will definitely be prosecuted for inciting hatred against Muslims and Islam news agency ANP writes on Wednesday,

according to Dutch News.

Read more on the political process against Dutch MP Geert Wilders.

This will mean more votes to Geert Wilders' Freedom Party (PVV). But also Financial trouble.

Earlier posts on 10 March 2009 Wilders' prosecution for alleged Hate Crimes:
10 March 2009 Wilders' protest
6 February 2009 Wilders prosecuted

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Nekschot's Muslim Discrimination Office may be shut down

The dedicated Muslim Discrimination Office

An Amsterdam - West local council closes down its dedicated Muslim Discrimination Office. An official at this office was involved in compiling the case against Dutch Cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot. Nekschot is infamous for rudely caricaturing Muslims pursuing Sharia Law and Multiculturalist Dutchmen.

Not enough demand

Local Council "De Baarsjes" reasons that too few people use the oppurtunity to complain which the Muslim Discrimination Centre (Dutch) offers.

It is ironic that there is a dedicated Office for the Discrimination of a designated and protected minority.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

White people are racist, Minorities are not

At Gates of Vienna Baron Bodissey has a story about the fact that "the rules are different for white people."

White people are racist by definition

Accross the Western world the public is being indoctrinated with the message that:
1. all White people are Racist;
2. Non-Whites are not Racist;
3. Racism is Evil

And therefore it follows that only Non-White people are Good and have legitimacy.

However the statement: "Only white people are racist" is a racist statement itself. It is paradoxal. To the extend that Epimenides could not have improved upon it.

The chief benefactors of the "Whites are Evil" brainwashing

The real intend of the statement is to impose political norms on social relations of the general populations of Western Nations. It is a power grab by the elite. In 1984 George Orwell described the elite as a class: " "bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade-union organisers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists and professional politicians", with their origins in "the salaried middle class and the upper grades of the working class"."

This is the New Class. The goals of the New Class are similar to the goals of the Left. Having said that almost all political parties support whatever the New Class comes up with, from Cultural Relativism, to MultiCulturalism, to Political Correctness.

The New Class engages in a power grab similar to what has been seen from totalitarian regimes, particularly the Communist ones. The policies that the New Class initiate follow from their ideology. The highest tenet of their ideology is the principle of non-discrimination. And their policies are a danger to Western Nations. The New Class elevates its class interest, New Class power, over the common interest. As there is hardly any meaningful opposition to the New Class that Western societies are severely endangered.

Finding a balance

For a healthy society it is necessary to limit the power of the New Class. In some European countries the power grab of the New Class is increasingly hampered by the original population rallying around their old Freedoms. Especially a Freedom of Speech. Populist movements like the Freedom Party in The Netherlands and the Danish People's Party have managed to grab the moral high ground from their indigenous New Classes by supporting Freedom of Speech. Under the protection of Freedom of Speech it can be pointed out that minorities generally behave in a racist way and moreover that the New Class itself is racist against the core of the Nation.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

U.S. Fed prints money - economy will not revive

The U.S. Fed is expanding the money supply

The U.S. are trying to drown their nation in debt. The GDP of the U.S. is 14 Trillion U.S. Dollars. The Fed is creating a Trillion dollars which will be made available to private and business which they can borrow. This means an expansion of the money supply of 7 percent against GDP.

It remains to be seen whether the public will actually be foolish enough to borrow more money. The experience of Japan in the 90ies showed that the public preferred saving over spending in a similar situation.

But that will mean that the U.S. economy will continue to stagnate.

Thrifty Continental Europe

The situation in Europe is not too different. Kindly read an earlier post on UK money printing and interest rate slashing here.

The Anglo-Saxons have built up huge debts to finance their decade lasting spending spree. But European nations, which were thrifty saving up money and lending it to the Anglo-Saxons are in stagnation. The Anglo-Saxons at least had a party before the hang-over....


The causes of the economic stagnation are for a considerable part demographic. As European and American societies are reproducing below replacement rate, the population is aging rapidly. The economic base of the welfare state is shrinking. High immigration is seen as a solution by the political classes, but in reality the third world colonists are an enormous drain on said shrinking public purse. Many of the immigrants are not working and if they are working they earn on average far less than indigenous population. They use up more public means than the indigenous. Think of high consumption of medical care, police, benefits, higher per capita educational outlays. The average net earnings of the total population (indigenous plus immigrants) are decreasing at the same time as the public expenses increase.

The blindness of the political class

The political class can not see the predicament their nation is in because they have outlawed reporting unfavourable facts and analysis and if it were reported to them they would refuse to grasp it as their liberal worldview makes it EVIL to form thoughts that are illiberal.


George Orwell showed in his book 1984 how the the ruling party or Inner Party creates Newspeak. Newspeak is political correctness. The objective of Newspeak is to make political thought that disagrees with the ruling party's ideology impossible, because the language has been so degraded that nobody can form an alternative point of view anymore.

The memory hole. The memory hole!

George Orwell was a Trotzkyite Socialist. He thought the attempt by the Inner Party could be succesfull. It never occurred to him that when the Inner Party had impaired its ability to orient itself on reality by creating a false ideology reality would intrude on society in a vicious way. He believed that the Inner Party was powerful enough to use the media to such an effect that any changes to reality would be cast down the "memory hole".

The ability to react by an ossified social system

But how do you hide double digit unemployment and a decade of economic stagnation from the public and the party faithfull? What if the Inner Party, ossified by decades of unchallenged rule and exclusive reliance on bureaucratic process loses its faith and self-confidence?

Western Governments, bankers are frantically pushing their controls in order to revive the economy, which is the only prop of the present social system. But nothing is happening......the system does not respond. It will be a long time before it does.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


At least for now they do.

This blog yesterday featured a story about Interior Minister Guusje ter Horst blocking the appointment of Mr. Teun Visscher as a police manager. This on account of him being a white male.

The news just came out that Mr. Visser is going to be confirmed as Police District Chief of the South Holland South (Ridderkerk) district after all.

This on account of heavy pressure on the Interior Minister whipped up by populist Dutch media such as newspaper "De Telegraaf" and weblog geenstijl.

For reasons which are probably entirely opportunistic these media managed to get the decision reversed.

The headline on geenstijl was: White Man - Guusje ter Horst: 1-0.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Freedom Party: another one bites the dust?

Well, is supposed to bite the dust. The Left wants to take out another prominent Freedom Party leader.

The Reds are really on a roll.

This time it is Hero Brinkman. Hero Brinkman is a Freedom Party (PVV) MP with a high public profile. He is a former Amsterdam cop with a lot of scores to settle against our leftist local government concerning the way Amsterdam is run.

But lately he has mostly been making waves with regards to crime and cooruption from the Dutch Antilles. The Dutch Antilles are a corruption-ridden bunch of Islands in the Carribbean which sends a lot of their society's lowest, least employable and most criminal stratum to The Netherlands. The Islands also receive large grants of subsidies annually, which dissappear without much effect on the social-economic situation of the Islands.

Hero Brinkman is a part of a parliamentary commission which oversees the spending of the money grants on the Antilles. He has - recently again - loudly and publicly pointed out the corruption on the Islands and their habit of dumping their underclass on The Netherlands.

René Damen, a member of the Dutch Greens, has now issued a similar complaint against Hero Brinkman (Dutch) as the one that has lead to Geert Wilders being prosecuted for hate crimes.

It seems that the Left is much encouraged by recent developments. On the other hand internet forums show rage building up with thousands of hostile comments against Muslims and the Left. Muslim leaders, such as Yusuf Altuntas of Milli Görüs, are publicly worrying about a backlash.

The more starry-eyed believers in a harmonious multi-cultural society are proven wrong, the more they will try to surpress nativist stirring.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Geert Wilders has broad support amongst Dutch population

On Thursday 22 January opinion poller Maurice de Hondt of published a poll that shows that 51 percent of those polled were of the opinion that: "the Court made an unacceptable breach of the position of a MP representing more than half a million Dutch voters".

The link is HERE in Dutch. The relevant item is called "Vervolging Wilders"

Similar levels of support for Wilders' position are registered on other questions.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Liberalism kills

Fascinating story coming to us from the Middle East (HT Mr. Lawrence Auster): a dippy Italian bint named Pippa Bacca takes it upon herself to hitchhike to Israel from Italy through Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and the territory of the Palestinian Authority dressed in a bridal dress. To prove that peace between the West and Islam is possible by Westerners giving up steretypes of Muslims as rapists and becoming more tolerant.

Mrs. tragically is raped and murdered in the first Muslim country she visits: Turkey.

What does that prove?