Showing posts with label Serbia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbia. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Edward Kennedy, the nation buster, dies

The passing away of the Kennedy Clan

Yesterday an evil U.S. politician died. He was an effective enemy of his own nation and therefore of the whole Western world. His name is of course Edward Kennedy, scion of the Kennedy clan. With his passing the power of the Kennedy dynasty is effectively over. It´s a good thing.

Edward Kennedy, was a Democratic Senator for Massachusets.

Kennedy as the enabler of the Other

The worst evil Senator Edward Kennedy helped to visit on the U.S. was the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act. Until then there had been a quota system for immigration, which ensured that the overwhelming majority of all immigrants was of European stock. This ensured that the ethnic balance of the U.S. was not upset. With the passing of the 1965 Immigration Act this was changed and now immigrants from Asia, Africa, the Muslim World and South-America could enter the U.S.A. and become ´citizens`.

Other treasonous legislation by Senator Kennedy

This was no incident in Senator Kennedy´s political life. The Senator also supported amnesty for illegals in 1986. And the Civil Rights act of 1991, which vastly expanded the possibilities for minorities to sue their employers for `discrimination´.

The biggest act of betrayal was the 1965 Immigration Act. It paved the way for the multi-cultural ideology, because once a nation does not have a culturally homogenous population anymore, the dominance of its culture becomes in question and Multi-culturalism is the expression of that questioning and undermining.

The foundation of treason was deception

With millions of non-westerners in the cities of the U.S., the U.S. stopped being a Nation and became in effect an empire. Senator Kennedy enabled this transformation by deceiving his countrymen. He deceived them by declaring that the Immigration Act would not change anything:
First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same ... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset ... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia ... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.
Multi-culturalism and Foreign policy

Generally a nation´s foreign policy is a continuation of it´s home policy by other means. As the U.S. created a new image of a Multi-Cultural empire at home, its foreign policy changed. This was most notably illustrated with the dissolution of Multi-ethnic Yugoslavia. Here the U.S. declared the Serbs to be the bad guys, the originators of the dissolution of the Yugoslav multin-ethnic empire and twice formed military and political coalitions that severly damaged the Serb position in their ancestral homelands in the Krajina and Kosovo. And so Multi-culturalism got a new lease on life.

For the time being. Because eventually U.S.-led multi-culturalism it will go the same way as Senator Kennedy went.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Milosevic dies in The Hague

Slobodan Milosevic, the former President of Yugoslavia and later of Serbia died in The Hague today at the age of 64. He had been handed over to the international Court of Justice in The Hague as part of a deal to allow Yugoslavia to re-enter the international order after NATO attacked Serbia's Kosovo province in 1999.

NATO under the leadership of President Clinton and Tony Blair attacked Serbia over the long standing oppression of its Muslim (Bosnian and Albanian) and Catholic Yugoslavs.

After the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, multi-ethnic Yugoslavia exploded, with the Croats, Bosnians and Albanians clamoring for independence. Slobodan Milosevic was scapegoated for the violence by the media and international political organisations such as the UN. Because of the oppression of the Albanians in Kosovo a province of
Serbia NATO attacked the Serb forces in Kosovo. The removal of the Serb Army however has led to an almost complete ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo by Albanians who were not stopped by NATO.

After the withdrawal of the Serbian Army from Kosovo, Milosevic was removed from power and handed over to the International Tribunal in The Hague to try Milosevic for his crimes against Albanians.

Milsosevic put up a spirited defense against the allegations. The Serbs have always maintained that atrocities were committed by maverick militias and not by troops under control of the Serb leadership.

Whatever the truth it has turned out that the multi-ethnic model has failed in Yugoslavia. NATO has invaded the territory of a souvereign state to meddle in its internal affairs and it has nothing to show for it. The invasion of Kosovo resembled the invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein in 1990. The "humanitarian" invasion was a precedent that was used to justify the US-UK coalition invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Secretary of State Rice is now calling for an invasion of Iran, on the grounds of Iran's disagreeing with US policy on nuclear arms.

However, the example of Kosovo shows that the use of military force does not translate into political gain or cultural change. Because the international press generally agreed with the attack on Serbia, they failed to point out the lack of success in having the Serbs and Albanians live together in a Multi-ethnic state.

The US is now having similar problems in Iraq and Afghanistan were US forces are under constant attack from an elusive enemy and where religious and ethnic groups are increasingly attacking each other. This is creating a peaceful and orderly society a difficult an impossibility. Iraq can become a terrorist haven in the future and an exporter of unrest, crime and throughout the Middle East in the same way that former Yugoslavia is a exporter of crime and disorder in Europe. This is a dream come true for Al-Qa'ida.

Whenever Westerners are debating and deciding on the use of military force, the question must be: will the action increase order and stability or decrease it? If the military action will likely damage a local source of order and social organisation the correct choice is to avoid military action, especially if it implies occupation.

The Milosevic and Saddam Hussains of this world can be more useful and agreeable than the real alternatives that will present themselves.