
Showing posts with label Pixel Posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pixel Posts. Show all posts

19 Jul 2013


hung like sunset’s clouds
souls scattered above the earth
seeking direction
photo and text © by Karen
sharing with...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

23 May 2013

Joyful Memories

suspended in time
bubbles that will never burst
joyful memories
photo and text © by Karen

sharing with...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

9 May 2013

Sun's Last Light

bathed in sun’s last light
the restless soul breathes deeply
lakeside ripples soothe
photo and text © by Karen
sharing with...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2 May 2013



sweet squeals of delight
resonate in waves of blue 
riding on the wind

photo and text © by Karen
sharing with...

25 Apr 2013

Migraine With Aura

no stars out tonight
colours echo in dark skies
above the abyss
photo and text © by Karen
sharing with...
no...that's not a spelling error, I write Canadian ;)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

19 Apr 2013

Far Beyond

whisk me into blue
far beyond all boundaries
set my spirit free
photo and text © by Karen
sharing with...


31 Aug 2012


for one single day
scintillating vibrancy
revels in glory
photo and text by Karen
Written for -
Tropical hibiscus blooms generally last for only 24 hours,
but for that one day, they make a grand statement!
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26 Apr 2012


mesmerized by light
my soul is sunset dreaming
immersed in beauty

Text and photo © by Karen @ Something Written/Pixel Posts

Written for-
Think Tank Thursday #94 @ Poets United
Prompt - wonder

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8 Apr 2012


this place remembered
soft sea echoes haunting call
i gaze wistfully

Text and photo © by Karen @ Something Written/Pixel Posts

written for -

the Heights of Haiku Challenge - Day 9
prompt - seashore

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17 Mar 2012

In The Blue

splendour takes flight
winged majesty soars free
brazen in the blue

photo and text © by Karen @ Pixel Posts/Something Written

Linking with-
prompt - blue

Sharing with-
Imaginary Garden with Real Toads
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

6 Mar 2012


A post for;  ABC Wednesday - H for Haiku, and Sensational Haiku Wednesday - nature.

at the water's edge
watching undulating waves
holding me spellbound

the gentle rhythm
lulling my senses softly
my gaze holds steady

looking out beyond
a memory for keeping
nourishes my soul
Text and photo © by Karen @ Something Written/Pixel Posts

Linking to -
Sensational Haiku Wednesday
prompt - nature

Linking to -
ABC Wednesday
prompt - the letter H
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10 Feb 2012

8 Feb 2012


this place of soothing
my body waits patiently
for it's time to rest

i will gather strength
cradled in organic balm
all pain put aside

at one with nature
alternative therapy

relief comes easy

Text and photo © by Karen @ Something Written/Pixel Posts

Sensational Haiku Wednesday
prompt - relief

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