
Showing posts with label haiku in triptych style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haiku in triptych style. Show all posts

6 Mar 2012


A post for;  ABC Wednesday - H for Haiku, and Sensational Haiku Wednesday - nature.

at the water's edge
watching undulating waves
holding me spellbound

the gentle rhythm
lulling my senses softly
my gaze holds steady

looking out beyond
a memory for keeping
nourishes my soul
Text and photo © by Karen @ Something Written/Pixel Posts

Linking to -
Sensational Haiku Wednesday
prompt - nature

Linking to -
ABC Wednesday
prompt - the letter H
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26 Feb 2012

The Mag - 106

Image by © Bob Adelman/Corbis.
Andy Warhol looking at Campbell’s soup cans in Gristede’s supermarket.

once fresh wholesome food
processed parcels for purchase
wear pretty wrappers
choices abundant
manufactured sustenance
quality devoid
higher standards sought
detour past pop art pantries
in search of real fare

Text ©Karen @Something Written

Linking to The Mag 106
A weekly challenge at Magpie Tales, The Mag
Write a poem or short vignette using the picture featured as your inspiration.

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8 Feb 2012


this place of soothing
my body waits patiently
for it's time to rest

i will gather strength
cradled in organic balm
all pain put aside

at one with nature
alternative therapy

relief comes easy

Text and photo © by Karen @ Something Written/Pixel Posts

Sensational Haiku Wednesday
prompt - relief

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